InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret Mate ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 9
My mate and I later met up with Lord Kouga and Ayame and explained all that was going on. “Sesshomaru has been mated to me for 3 years and has kept me in a secret wing in the manor so as to keep me safe and from prying eyes. We just recently found out that I am pregnant. We were going to announce the pregnancy when I started to show. I'm sorry that our secrecy has caused all this.” “It's okay Inuyasha we understand but I'm sure you know that now Kouga and I are going to be a lot more protective of you now.” “Oh great more people to smother me with too much care.” Everyone started to laugh at what I said as they knew I wasn't someone that liked to be coddled.
Everything went back to normal after that other than the more over protectiveness that I was being showed. Today was the day that Lord Kouga and Ayame would leave and return to their own lands. I was sad to have to let them go and I know that Ayame didn't want to leave me now that she knows I am with child but they must take care of their own response abilities. My mate and I waved as they left in their royal carriage and I yelled at them to visit soon.
I miss then now it's really quiet with out them and I stuck with just roaming the halls of the manor like I was before they arrived. I haven't found anything as cool as the tetsusaiga but I have bumped into my mate's advisers most of them are polite to me and even start interesting conversations with me all except for Yamata. He's always rude and insults me behind my mate's back ,and when someone is not looking he'll give me this look that makes me want to run and hide. I try to stay away from his as much as possible. I don't want anything to happen like what happened at the presenting.
I'm starting to eat a lot more than I normally do and everyone keeps telling me that it's normal for most pregnant people but the weird cravings I get are just that weird. I love the look on my mate's face though when he sees me eat the weird concoctions. I am also starting to show a little not much if you aren't looking at me naked but me and my mate can definitely tell. From what my mate told me about the swords, we are going to have twins maybe a boy and a girl that would be nice. One for my mate to pass his warrior skills to and one for me to baby and protect but both will need to be trained if they are to use the swords correctly.
I have been thinking of names but I cannot come up with something that sounds like something a demon that is supposed to bring peace to the world would be called. Maybe I will come up with something by the time they are born. I cannot wait until I can hold my two bundles of joy in my arms and I know my mate feels the same way I can tell by the way he holds me in his arms whispering how much he loves me and the pups. At night when he holds me he always places his hand over my stomach protectively. I know he will be a wonderful father but also a strict father.
As the days went by uneventful in the manor the days soon turned into the weeks and weeks soon turned into months. I am now in my 7th month and looking more like a rollie pollie than ever. I have had more mood swings than you can shake a stick at I don't know if I'm coming or going anymore. I know my mate is tired of my complaining and grouchiness too but I cannot help it. I am constantly controlled by my emotions. Acts of kindness have me crying my eyes out and any sort of unsettlement I am yelling my head off. I can't wait until this all ends I want my life back the way it used to be. The good part about this part of the pregnancy is we can feel the babies move now. We have had many nights were we stay up late just feeling the baby move around in my tummy.
An unborn pup needs to form a connection with both the mother and father to grow healthy so my mate spends lots of time with me touching on my belly I think I even heard him talking to them while I was asleep but don't tell him I told you that. It's very sweet when he does those things it makes me glad that he is here for me during this time and not out fighting in a war or something. When we announced that, I was with pup to the other lords that was a very interesting night as my mate had to raise his voice on more than one occasion. Some lords didn't believe us then others simply thought it was blasphemy for us to even procreate which I thought was very mean to say let alone think.
The young demoness' that hate me because I am mated to lord Sesshomaru screamed out in denial and hatred. That I was expecting though. Some people congratulated us on our new addictions like most of the advisers and even most of the villagers in our region. After everyone was gone, I was glad I had some peace and quiet again. Sometime later though many humans and demons alike have been starting to give presents to congratulate us on our pups and I am sure that even more shall come when they are born. There are some presents that I do not like very much like dead carcasses but they are given with nice intentions so we cannot refuse them.
Lady Kaede has been watching me very closely and has asked Kagome to do the same and soon when Lady Ayame comes back closer to my delivery date I am sure she will join them in the looking after me. I have no clue as to why they have to look after me so closely since I am sure that if there is a prophecy about my pups they would have to be born so it's not like I am going to have a miscarriage or something. Maybe I am looking at this in the wrong way maybe it is not my pups they are afraid for maybe it is me. Maybe there is something wrong about me that they think that I might not survive. There are many women who die in childbirth and I am sure there is no difference that when I go into labor that there with be a chance that I won't survive. I hope that if that does happen that my mate won't let that stop him from living on and not wallowing in his depression he would need to stay strong for our pups.
A.N: please review and tell me what you think and also could you please help me by giving me some suggestions on names I cannot think of any good ones and to be on the safe side give me ones for boys and girls since I haven't decided what gender they children are going to be. ^_^