InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Sex is a Killer ❯ A Burn ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

So I'm thinking I'm not going to update if people don't review? Kidding, although reviews are always appreciated. Enjoy the chapter. Xx
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Of course she came, obviously she could not bare to stay away from me. Sesshomaru though smugly. He stood at the left side of Inuyasha at an appropriate distance as was demanded at a wedding. Her scent was the first thing he noticed, it was the fresh smell of sakura blossoms, which seemed disturbingly familiar but was not his major concern. His major concern however was the growing mass in his pants, soon people would notice. She looked stunning, very sexy in that tight pink dress, her tanned legs seemed to go on forever.
Shit she came, god why am I so upset? I love Kikyo, I married Kikyo. Inuyasha was distraught with confusion that was barley hidden by his plastered smile. He would also agree that she looked unbearably gorgeous and smelled like a summer morning. It was torture. However, his infatuation led him to worry as he noticed the tired anxious look on her eyes, her forced smile was hurting her face. Of course he would have noticed more but he could only spare a few quick glances.
“You may now kiss the bride.”
Oh, its over? That went by quickly Inuyasha pondered as he kissed Kikyo conservatively on the mouth. Roars of applause echoed in his ears as Kikyo jumped into his arms as a demand to carry her out. She was determined to suck every bit of attention from anyone and place it onto herself. He was certain of that. The party was well on its way, Kikyo was too eagerly dancing with Naraku… again, but he was too preoccupied by the fascinating woman that had made her way inside. He was chatting absent-mindedly with Miroku, when he noticed the strangest thing through the glass windows of his house.
This is entirely too much for me. That stupid bitch is obviously just fucking Inuyasha for his money. Dense bastard. He is a hideous blemish on the name of this family. Sesshomaru sat in the study pondering on the consequences of the marriage that had just taken place watching Mr. Wind and his assistant speak about some matter that clearly infuriated him when the most shocking thing happened.
Kagome was furious! She felt her eyes seep red as she lunged towards Mr. Wind.
“You bastard! You fucking killed him!”
The wedding went silent and all eyes turned to the glass window in shock. Kagome's charm faded quickly as her anger increased. Her hair returned to its midnight black and her skin became its normal light tan in contrast to her dark south american skin color.
“I'm going to fucking kill you.”
She seethed, her fangs grew longer and her claws became sharper. Her punches became more violent, each resulting in more blood loss. The man Kagome had earlier recognized as one of Naraku's pawns leaped towards her in an attempt to save his master. He didn't get very far, she grabbed him by his neck, the venom slowly entering his blood stream burning his body. Sesshomaru sprinted towards them and pulled Kagome away only to be thrown against a wall by her brute strength.
“Do. Not. Touch. Me.”
She growled deeply flexing her claws and then returning to finish off Mr. Wind. Much to her disappointment she turned around to find him missing, in his place was a large pool of his blood which she had removed from his body. Her body shook, seething in anger. Sesshomaru lay against a wall in violent pain, shocked at what he had just seen.
“What the fuck?! This is my day you whore?! Why do you keep showing up everywhere!?”
Kikyo screamed ferociously, her beautiful, and more importantly expensive day was being ruined by this violent outrage. Kagome turned, and walked maliciously towards her. She had not forgotten that slap so easily.
“Kagome don't!”
Inuyasha rushed in front of her in an attempt to try and save his wife only to be forcefully shoved into a table by a bolt of purification shot by Kagome. She reached the blushing bride, how she despised her. Her confidence, how dare she think she's stronger than her. Kikyo pressed her hands onto Kagome in an attempt to purify her only to have it absorbed into Kagome's body. Kagome lifted a clawed hand and backhanded her so hard she flew 5 feet and hit the stage. Oh but she wasn't finished, everyone was stunned by this fearless Kagome as she walked towards Kikyo again.
“Kagome, why are you being so mean. Stop it.”
A small voice cried out to her piercing her heart, she stopped abruptly and turned around to see Rin with tears in her eyes.
“Rin no!”
Sesshomaru screamed and shot up painfully in an attempt to save her. Kagome looked at the sad girl and her eyes flickered from red to blue as she stared at the petrified child. The innocence of her, the big brown eyes, the pastel pink dress, it was too peaceful to experience something like this. Her heart hurt tremendously, she could feel the miko inside her trying to purify the demon to create peace and it burned. It was fire pumped quickly through her veins.
“Don't cry Rin, please, I'm sorry.”
This only encouraged the tears, seeing a woman she loved so angry upset her, seeing her injure her father tore her apart. The man she loved so deeply had finally made it to her and was standing fiercely in front as to protect her. His gold eyes were marble ice, hard and cold.
She grasped for her heart, the fire was moving faster. God the burning would never end, she fell onto her knees gasping for air but none would go in. One part of her body was killing another and it was so painful. The heat was unbearable. Sesshomaru watched in awe at the perplexing sight in front of him. Inuyasha on the contrary ran to her side screaming her name in vain. She could hear nothing, only the flames coursing through her veins, she could feel nothing but the burn and the chaos that surrounded her. She felt Rin's trust breaking, and it burned her heart. It wasn't long before she was briskly carried away by Inutaisho who later hand to tend to the wounds of his burnt arms from the heat emitting from her body.
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What a wedding, most thought, unsure on whether to make a specific comment on it by the extreme contrast in the series of events. The bride was swiftly carried off by her secret lover Naraku who placed her unconscious body in her husbands bed, it was not a proud moment for him. Kagome was transported to a certain wing of the Taisho household which contained a hospital room for such emergencies where she was swiftly placed into a bath of ice which melted quickly and needed constant refilling. Inuyasha, the poor confused soul sat idly by the bath which held Kagome's limp unconscious body his mind swimming with too many thoughts at once. Sesshomaru the stoic demon, lied irritably in his bed trying to heal the broken bones caused by Kagome's push with an upset Rin lying next to him. While Inutaisho and Izayoi sat in the kitchen discussing the days events and how to proceed. Yes, what a wedding.
Kagome slept for 3 days and 2 nights, she managed to melt 62 tubs of ice during that time but woke up with a bitter cold. She could tell it was night from the darkness that escaped the window in the bathroom that adjoined the room. Shivering she moved from the bath only to collapse on the floor. Inuyasha was next to her a second later, he had left his room only to take Kikyo to their safe country side home, it was a violent argument.
“Ssstop, I don'ttt neeeeed your heelllp.”
Her body convulsed from the cold, she was wearing only a swim suit to minimize heat, but now another problem arose she was frozen.
“Kagome let me help you.”
It was more of a silent plea than a demand.
“No, I caaannn dddo this.”
She pushed herself up with extreme effort, damp midnight tresses plastered to her face. The weakness infuriated her, it would take days to heal after all the energy she had exerted in the past week. God how she despised being weak. One foot forward, then another, then she began to crash toward the ground but was caught by a set of strong arms.
“Relleasse me Sesshommaruu.”
Her teeth clattered incessantly as she tried feebly to twist from his grasp.
“Sesshomaru leave her.”
Inuyasha was quiet, a strange experience for the rowdy hanyou.
“You must truly have a mental disability, she is clearly incapable of making it to the bed by herself yet you continue to let her suffer.”
The truth hurt, it actually stung, pierced your skin.
“Whatever Sesshomaru, I was just trying to make her happy so just shut the fuck up and give her to me.”
He held his arms out only to find them empty and watched sadly as Sesshomaru carried a shaking Kagome to the bed and laid her down gently. He never believed he would say gentle and Sesshomaru in the same sentence, what a weird week it has been. Anger boiled over him as he watched Sesshomaru, CLIMB INTO BED WITH HER. That son of a bitch.
“What the fuck! Get away from her immediately you bastard!”
“Inuyasha, please control your barbaric attitude, I often feel I am conversing with a retarded sea creature.”
“Excuse me! I'll show you retarded sea creature!”
He stormed over to the bed, fist raised proudly in the air about to pulverize Sesshomaru's face in when he noticed Kagome stopped shaking, and she had actually… moved closer to him! It took a moment for him to realize she was asleep again.
“What do you want shit face?”
“I thought you were going to 'show me retarded sea creature'”
Sesshomaru smirked in success, it was a popular look of his. Both brothers looked down at the magnificent creature in awe, pure curiosity overwhelmed them at what happened to make her beast react so ferociously. All they could do is wait patiently, a trait neither brother possessed.
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How he truly despised their family dinners, all they ever consisted of was Kaugra complaining about something and all he could do was sit and listen.
“I can't believe she would do that to you daddy! I told you she's crazy. She slapped Kikyo. Slapped her! Everyone was disgusted.”
Bankotsu just rolled his eyes, yes he did despise these dinners. He looked over at Mr. Wind he was shocked anyone would have been able to inflict such pain on him. Both eyes were swollen and black, his lips had several cuts and his nose was clearly broken. Not to mention the broken cheek bones. Something truly furious must have caused this, he was not an easy demon to defeat.
“Don't worry my child, now that we know who she really is we can teach her a lesson. What's her name again?”
“Kagome, Kagome Higurashi.”
Suddenly Bankotsu was very interested. This small beautiful demon caused so much damage, clearly she was more worthy for him daily.
“What exactly did she do?”
“Bank! Have you not been listening!? She attacked my daddy, then Sessy thank god he's ok, then Inuyasha, and then Kikyo! On her wedding! I can't believe she had the nerve to slap her. If that little girl didn't stop her then I wouldn't be sitting here right now. It was so strange.”
“I didn't realize Ms. Higurashi was so… violent.”
“Nothing to worry about Bankotsu, she will be taken care of in a manner I believe to be quite fitting. Now Kaugra, you said something about a child?”
“What manner would that be Mr. Wind?”
“Oh you shall see soon enough, Kaugra?”
“Yeah, Sesshomaru's annoying little daughter. Ugh she's so hideous, but I guess it makes his beauty stand out more. He's really beautiful you know daddy.”
Bankotsu's green eyes shimmered with worry, this didn't go unnoticed by Mr. Wind who quickly dismissed the both of them and formulated his brilliant plan, even he found himself marvelously disgusting.