InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Sister the Porn Star ❯ Sensational Breakfast ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha or any of its Characters

Souta jump in his sleep and opened his eyes ‘It was just a dream’. His body was covered in sweat. He rolled over a saw Kagome sleeping peacefully. He must have fallen asleep talking to her. “ It felt so real.” He whispered.

‘Get out of here dude before you’re tempted to make your dream come true’ Souta new that his that his mind was giving him some sound advice. If he didn’t leave now desire would get the best of him.
But still he didn’t want to leave empty handed. He leaned forward a bit and placed a light kiss on Kagomes lips. He got up and left the room.

Kagome sighed in her sleep and smiled.

Souta went downstairs and made him self at home on the sofa bed once more. He went to sleep confused and aroused. This time when he slept it was without dreams or fantasy.


Beep beep beep beep. Kagome woke up startled, her had reached out and shut of the alarm. She look at the clock it read nine fifty two.

‘Oh my god I’m late for work’ her mind screamed. ‘Oh wait it’s Saturday’ she quickly settled down and tried to recall what had happened last night. She then remembered falling asleep stoned of her ass and talking to her brother. Then she recalled why she got stoned in the first place.

“That asshole is blackmailing me, that son of a bitch” She was seething with anger. “How am I going to get out of this?” She quickly changed back into the cloths she had on the previous day and went down stairs. She had no clue on how to act in this situation. She saw Souta sleeping on the sofa bed. ‘Why is he being so cruel?’ She wondered.

Kagome had an idea just then ‘Maybe if I do what he ask me to do for the next couple of days. He will calm down and drop the whole thing.’ She went into the kitchen and started working.

“Hmmm” Souta started stirring in his sleep. Something was smelling good and it smelled like...bacon! Souta was awake instantly. He shot up out of bed and walked into the kitchen. He spotted Kagome in her apron making what looked like scrambled eggs with cheese and bell peppers. Then he saw a plate on the counter that had a whole mess of hash browns on it. Kagome was going all out with breakfast this morning.

Souta then stopped dead in his tracks, the image of the previous nights dream hit him hard. He couldn’t breath for a moment, and all he could see was Kagome naked beneath him. “Shit” he whispered to himself softly.

Kagome heard him and looked over her shoulder at him. “Well good morning Master” she said mockingly. “I hope breakfast meets your approval.”

Souta was in no mood for her fake sweet attitude but he played along anyways. “Why yes it does, thank you very much Carla.” That shut her up...for a second.

“You know what Souta you don’t have to be such an ass about this”

“Well you didn’t have to be a such a slut in front of a camera for the whole world to see.” Souta yelled. It got real quiet then. Neither of them wanting to speak first.

Souta gave in “Serve me some breakfast”

“It’s not done yet” she sighed “I still have more eggs to make” she turned around and started preparing more eggs.

Souta was feeling numb, all he wanted was to grab her during that little spat. Grab her then pin her to the floor. He watched for a second. Her pretty pink flower apron was tied over yesterdays wrinkled clothes. Her hair was still slightly messy. Her feet were bare. She looked like she did when they were younger like time had stood still for her. She still looked fresh and pure. He knew she wasn’t, he knew the dirty truth.

‘Have to touch her’ was all he could think. He had to make it look innocent. He walked up to her and put his arms around her waist and put his chin on her shoulder.

“I’m sorry for calling you a slut” he said gently into her ear. He didn’t let her go.

“It’s fine, I’m sorry I called you an ass” She turned her head to the side and placed a small kiss on his cheek.

“Do you remember when we would do this.’ Souta asked hoping she hadn’t forgotten

She sighed and remembered about ten or so years ago how he would put his arms around her waist and poke his head under her arm and would watch her cook all the time asking questions about this and that. She missed those days. Then she realized Souta was not letting her go. Then she felt his arms let go of her waist and started traveling up her side.

Kagome started to get confused. All she could think to say was “Souta your breakfast is ready”

He snapped out of it then and stepped back, grateful that he didn’t do anything too horrible. “Thanks.” He said as she turn and handed him a plate.

Kagome felt an odd tingling feeling spread through her body. She didn’t know how to react to it so she just stuffed it down deep within herself.

Souta on the other hand was letting the sensation of holding her run through him. When it reached his brain it feed the images of last nights dream making them seem more vibran, it seemed almost real. This wonderful erotic feeling was however snuffed out like a flame when the annoying sound of the phone rang in his ear. Kagome was quick to answer it.

“Hello” She said quickly “Yes...I think we need to talk....Okay see you later Inuyasha”

Souta felt a new sensation just then, it was not wonderful at all. It was a mixture of pity and jealousy. Jealousy because she would rush off and go see Inuyasha. Pity because he knew what they were going to talk about. He had always like Inuyasha. He was like an older brother to him. He taught Souta how to drive a car and how to pick up chicks. Then something occurred to him.

‘Kagome will come home depressed after this and I can try and sooth the pain away’ After that thought Souta felt a bit of shame. How could he think that now, and why couldn’t he stop thinking it. Then he heard his sister sigh.

Kagome grab her plate off the counter and sat down at the table. “Souta is it okay if I go and see Inuyasha today.” She asked trying to mask her sadness with sarcasm.

“Kagome I know you’re hurting right now” Souta said trying to be nice. “Why don’t you call this deal of ours off for right now” Souta knew that it was the right thing to do.

Kagome was shocked then suspicious “What do you mean right now” She asked.

Souta couldn’t help but smile. “I mean that right now I won’t blackmail you and won’t ask for any favors. I wait until I want something from you before Iplay the porn card.

“Wow Souta you mean it”


Kagome was pleased with her brother and his change of heart. She got out of her chair and went over to hug him and kiss him on the cheek. As she bent her head to kiss him, he shifted his head so that her lips met his. He even opened his mouth a bit so that his tongue had just enough room to dart out and glide across her lips.

Kagome gasped and pulled away quickly and stood back “Souta what did you just do?” Souta just looked up at her his eyes dark and full of lust. Kagome felt that same tingle and she looked away fast. She couldn’t move.

Souta however could. He stood up from his seat, plate in hand. As he walked toward the sink his shoulder softly brushed hers and he whispered to her “You shouldn’t keep him waiting” Then he continued for the sink. After placing his dish down he look behind him and she was gone.

He was now addicted to this new sensation

Hey people I'm so sorry this took so long to update . I have terrible writers block. It was hard to get this chapter out of me. So if this chapter is not as long or as good as the others you now know why. So what do you think so far? Have any ideas or complaints? I do know that the spelling and grammar are not the best. Sorry for that.