InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Sister the Porn Star ❯ Brotherly Blackmail ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha or any of its characters

“Well are you gonna answer me Carla?” asked a very smug Souta.

Kagome was still as white as a sheet. “I..” She tried to say the rest but she had lost all coherent thought. She just stood there shaking her head.

“You what Kagome? You don’t know what to say” said Souta who was starting to be come pissed off. “How about sorry Souta, for lying to you. Or how about sorry for bringing shame to our family name. Or maybe saying sorry for being a whore. Yes I think any of those would do.”

Kagome was about to cry, but she held her tears back. “Souta how did you find out?” She managed to squeak out.

“I’m a guy Kagome I look at this stuff, or are you so ignorant to think that I don’t? Did you ever consider that somebody you know might look at this and see you? Did you ever stop and think that you might be recognized?” Souta was now standing in front of his sister, he grab her shoulders. “Answer me”

“I never thought anybody would find out” Kagome said. Now she was crying. ‘What have I done’ her mind was going in every direction.

“Well guess what sis, I did” Souta almost wanted to cry himself, but he kept on talking. “You know what, after I found out I started putting two and two together. All the late hours at the office, all the weird phone calls” Souta started rambling. “I always kinda wondered how you were affording this house on what they pay you at the bank. Now I know you have another job on the side.” He said with a sneer.

“Souta please stop.” Kagome was really starting to sob at this point. She had no idea what to say. Today had to be the worst day of her life. She just wanted to go to bed and dream this all away. “I’m going to bed” she said.

Souta grab her arm quickly, spun her around and pinned her to the wall. “Oh no your not” There was a time when Kagome could just throw her younger brother off of her and walk away. Now that he was full grown those days were over. He was now a good ten inches taller than her and he most likely out weighed by close to fifty pounds and he was all muscle. When it came to strength Souta had the upper hand.

“Your not going anywhere until we have a nice little chat” Souta let her free from his grasp. “Now go have a seat”

Kagome did as she was told. “Souta you aren’t going to tell anybody are you”

Souta thought about telling her that he told Shippo but he felt that it was unnecessary. “No I won’t but you have to do whatever I tell you to. You see Kagome there are going to be a few changes made around here.”

“Changes?” Kagome asked.

“Step one will be to move your things out of your bedroom and to move my things in.

“But Souta!”

“Hey I’m not done yet” said Souta with an obnoxious grin on his face “Step two will be to allow pot smoking in this house. And Step three is for you to do whatever I ask you to. Got it”

Kagome didn’t know if she could handle these terms. “And what if I say no”

“Souta cold only sit there and smile and say “do it or I’m telling mom”

Kagome was floored she couldn’t believe that her baby brother could be so cruel to her. But if she didn’t agree to what he was asking she would risk having her mother find out that her baby girl was a porn star. “Okay fine”

“That’s a good girl. Now how about we move me into my new room” Souta stood up and gave Kagome a hand off the couch.”

Kagome gritted her teeth and answered “lets get started shall we?”

About an hour later Kagome’s things were in neat little piles in the living room. Souta’s things were now in his new bedroom.

“Time for step two and three” Souta couldn’t wait. “Kagome get up here” he yelled.

A few seconds later Kagome had climbed the stairs up to her old bedroom. “What is it master” she said sarcastically.

“Don’t get cute with me” he warned. Then he grinned. “It’s time to have some fun” he pulled out his pipe and a bag of weed he had purchased after work.

“If you’re going to smoke then I’m going to bed” Kagome stated with a rather annoyed look on her face.

“Come sit next to me Kagome” He told her in a low voice. “ I want you to partake in the festivities”

“What? No I’m not gonna get high” yelled Kagome. ‘Why is he doing this to me? My own flesh and blood.’

“Come on Carla.” Kagome only stood there and shook her head. “Maybe I should just go down stairs and get on the phone with mom?” He threaten.

She didn’t argue after that she went and sat on the bed next to him. He then took his pipe and lit it he took a puff, he coughed and passed it to her. It had been almost six years since she had smoked weed. Last time she did it was her and Sango back in college, right before Sango got married to Miroku. She remember that they both fell asleep laughing. She smiled at the memory. Then she took the pipe in her mouth, and inhaled. Her brown eyes started to water. She couldn’t hold on any longer, she started choking.

“Just breath” Souta instructed.

After Kagome was done hacking up a lung she got “Well this was fun Goodnight”

Souta’s arm shot out.”Your not done until I say your done.” He had a hold of her belt loop he yanked it really hard. She fell and landed flat on her back on the bed. As soon as she was down Souta shoved the pipe in her face. “Smoke.”

“Fine” She sat up then took a small puff so she wouldn’t choke this time. It was still harsh but she managed to hold it for awhile. She could already feel it starting to take affect. She passed the pipe back to her brother.

“No thanks” he said “I’m done for right now, but don’t think that you are. You're gonna smoke what’s left in there. Don’t waste it either that's some good shit right there.” he pointed at the pipe.
Kagome rolled her eyes “Whatever” She took a long puff. It was going down a lot easier with every hit. Then she exhaled. She was starting to enjoy the way it felt. “You know” she said a little buzzed “I have forgotten how good it feels.”

Souta laid down on the bed enjoying the small buzz he had going on. “I’m glad your liking it. Just keep smoking until I say stop.” Kagome took another puff and another until she had finished the rest of the bowl. She almost far gone by the time she was finished. After she was done Souta took the pipe from her and placed it on the bed stand. Then he guided her to lay down next to him.“So Kagome now that you are good and relaxed lets talk”

“Okay” and then she giggled.

“So how long have you been Carla Fox” Sout asked her.

“Oh I don’t know about a year and three months. Kouga told me I would be a hit” she added.

“Who’s Kouga.” Souta was starting to feel a little ball of jealously rise in his chest.

“He is the one who found me. we met at a party”

“What kinda of party” Souta wanted to know all he could.

“At a party some girl from work threw for whatever reason. He was invited by somebody..." She paused trying to remember "hell I guess it’s not important.” Kagome shifted on her side and proped her self up on her elbow and looked at her brother. “We started talking. He confided to me what he did for a living I was shocked and interested at the same time. He told me that I was gorgeous and that he wanted me to pose for him.” Kagome smiled “life was starting to become so monotonous I jumped at the chance to do something different. It gets kinda boring always being the good girl”

Souta didn’t know what to say after that then a question came to him. “Does Inuyasha know?”

Kagome giggled again “Fuck no, he would fucking kill me.” Kagome sighed “I think I’m gonna leave him.”

“Who? Inuyasha? ” Souta was surprised. Kagome and Inuyasha had been together ever since he was eight years old. They have been together for the past decade. “Why”

“We have changed but the situation hasn’t” Kagome was almost on the verge of crying. Hearing the sadness in his sisters voice Souta draped his arm around her waist and pulled her against his chest. Kagome started to cry softly and spoke through her tears. “We used to talk about getting married, now its like we never talk about anything. We have grown apart.” Kagome still crying put her face in her brothers chest and let the tears flow.

“Shh” Souta whispered. He sat there holding Kagome. He was reminded of the time they received the news that their father had died. Kagome had held him just like he was doing now and let him cry. After a minute Kagome was finished but she didn’t break away. Her high had started to fade. She didn’t want it to, she like how it made her feel more relaxed and loose.


“What” he said he had his eyes closed.

“Can I smoke some more”

Souta cracked open one eye to see if she has serious. When he looked at her, her face looked hopeful. He grabbed the pot and a small book of papers. He sat up, (which almost annoyed Kagome seeing as how she was very comfortable in his arms) then he started rolling her a joint. Kagome decided to get up from the bed.

“I’ll be right back” she said

“Where are you going” Souta demanded

“I’m just gonna get comfortable” Kagome then got up and to Souta’s surprise she didn’t leave the room. She went over to the dresser, which was now filled with Souta’s clothes instead of her own, and grabbed a sheer button up jersey shirt and started to undress. Souta did his best not to watch her but he couldn’t help but stare for a few seconds. He soon felt his face becoming hot. After Kagome was in Souta shirt we went and laid down on the bed.
“That’s better” she said with a laugh.

“Here” Souta handed her the joint and an ashtray. They sat in silence while Kagome took a few hits of the joint. When she was finished she held what was left of it between her thumb and fingers and brought it to Souta’s lips. He took a long drag off of it, his mouth was barely touching her skin. When she was done she snuffed it out and laid down with her head resting on his chest. She was feeling so good. She was about to close her eyes and drift asleep when a question pop into her head.

“Souta how did you know it was me.”

He was silent for a minute.“I would recognize you anywhere Kagome” He sighed when he relized that she was falling asleep. He decide to keep on talking. “Your so beautiful how could I not recognize you. Plus you know that you have a freckle on your arm that is shaped kinda like a crescent moon.” He touched the freckle lightly so he didn’t disturb her. “I used to think it was so cool. When it was little I would drawn one on me in brown marker.” He laughed. Kagome had fallen asleep for sure now, yet he kept on. “I wanted to be like you.” He bent down and kissed the spot on her arm.

“You wanna know something else.” He waited for a response but all he heard was the sound of her breathing. He continued. “I thought you looked good in your picture, you made me want to touch you” He looked down at her he could see her nipples through his shirt. He shifted so she was no longer laying on him. He brought his hand to the hem of the shirt and slipped it under. He trailed his fingers slowly up her thigh, up her stomach and stopped at her breast. He traced a finger around her nipple. He felt it and himself get hard. It took all of his might not to have his way with her right then and there. All of a sudden Kagome moaned in her sleep.

‘What are you doing’ his mind screamed. ‘This is your sister’

“But she’s so sexy and so soft” he told his mind as he started to grope on of her breasts. He thought about undoing the buttons so his mouth could gain access to her silk mounds of flesh.

‘No do not take this any further. Come on man. Step one stop groping you sister. Step two leave the room. Step three...’ It was too late Souta had already undone the top button. Then the second and then soon the shirt was all the way open. He raked his eyes up and down her body. He wanted to take pleasure in it so badly. He brought his mouth down to her stomach kissing her gently. He knew that if she were to wake up right now he could never explain what was going on. He still continued on. He kissed his way up to her boobs and started sucking on the nipple he had neglected earlier. His pants were becoming confining. He stood up from the bed and undressed himself. He then sat back down and started to explore a different area. He pushed a finger inside of her. Her body must have been responding to the attention because she was so wet. He moved his finger in and out her. He knew it had to be now when she was in such deep sleep. Kagome had always been a heavy sleeper, but the pot must have helped aided in this. He got up on his knees and spread her legs slightly open, he positioned himself between them. He brought her legs over his hips slowly. He pushed himself in side of her.

“Oh god” he moaned. She felt so good. He pulled out to thrust inside of her again. This time when he did he couldn’t control himself. He rammed into her so hard that her eyes opened up wide. Then she spoke
