InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Sister the Porn Star ❯ Photo Shoot, Dinner, Ben and Jerrys and a surprise at home ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha or any of it’s characters.

“Okay Carla that’s a wrap” yelled the photographer.

Carla fox smiled and nodded she knew that she had done well. She had been posing for the last two hours. She liked it most of the time, it gave a sense of freedom. She really loved it when she had somebody she liked to work with. She had been posing with one of her favorite male stars. Kouga Wolfe. He had been the person to discover her. He had been the one to name her. He had been the one to get her image out there on the scene. Some days Carla felt she owed Kouga everything.

“Hey Miss Fox” said a very naked Kouga “How would you like to come to my place for a session of our own”

“Kouga” Carla said pleadingly

“Oh yeah right, you have to go be Kagome Higurashi now don’t you” then Kouga sighed “one day my love”

“Kouga you know it’s not just that, I also have a boyfriend”

“Let me ask you something, ‘Kagome’ does your boyfriend know what you do” Kouga said as he walked towards her. When he reached her he brought his hand to her wet spot and started rubbing her pink nub. “Does he know I touch you here”

She was trapped. Trapped between two different sides of her.The side of her that was Kagome whispered that she was too good for this, that she had responsibilities at home, and she had Inuyasha to think about. The side of her that was Carla screamed at her how she worked hard pleasing everyone and that she deserved pleasure of her own.

“Kouga stop please” Kagome had won.

“Well I guess this time I will’ Kouga said feeling defeated. “But Carla or...should I say Kagome, remember that you're gonna have to choose one life over the other one day. I just hope you’ll pick the right one”

Kagome walked over to Kouga and kissed him on the cheek. Then she got dressed and left without saying another word.

She got into her car and drove off, thanks to her little conversation with Kouga she was going to be late for he dinner with Inuyasha. As she pulled up to the restaurant, she gave her self a quick look in the mirror making sure she had left no signs on her that would say ‘hey I work in porn’. After she was satisfied she got out of her car and started into the restaurant. She was greeted by the sight of an angry Inuyasha sitting at the far end of the room.

“Hey Inuyasha sorry I was late” cried Kagome. She sat down her chair and gave her best ‘I’m sorry’ look

“Let me guess, you were working late at the office again” Inuyasha stated. He seemed very annoyed. “You know what Kagome I’m tired of all this working late and how I hardly ever get to see you so lets just eat our dinner and go back to my place okay” Then he smiled. “That is if you want to make it up to me?”

Kagome blushed. “Are you sure that you wanna even stay for dinner” she asked in her most innocent voice. She really wasn’t that hungry, she was still was a bit horny from Kouga playing with her clit.

“Lets go” Inuyasha then grab her hand and pulled her out of her seat. He couldn’t wait to get her home it had been over a week since they had made love. She got into her car and he into his and they drove off, each of them eagerly awaiting what was soon to happen.

They pulled up into Inuyasha’s drive way they walked inside and started to get busy. Inuyasha grab at Kagome’s shirt and ripped it off.

“Hey I just bought that” huffed Kagome.

“Don’t worry I’ll buy you a new one” he pulled her close for an almost bruising kiss. The proceeded to take her bra off. When her breast were released from there confinement Inuyasha stared in awe at the round full orbs. He bought his lips to her hardened nipple and started to suck on it.

“Oh god” she whimpered. She pulled away so she could get fully undressed. After she pulled of her pants and her thong she touched herself to see just how wet she was. She pulled out one slick finger and rub it againts her thumb. Oh yeah she was ready.

Inuyasha watched as she touched herself. Then he brought the finger she used and licked it. She tasted so sweet. He had to have her now. He laid her on the couch and took his cloths off. He presses into her with all his might. She screamed and then...and then...he was done. He came after less than a second of being inside her. They were both still for about a minute.

He spoke first. “Kagome, I’m sorry, I...”

“Hey don’t worry about it okay it happens” ‘It happens a lot’ She thought.

“I’m so sorry” he said once again “I’m gonna go take a shower”


He left to go wash up and Kagome decided to get dressed and go to the kitchen and pour herself a drink. When she got to the refrigerator she look at a picture, o f her and him that had been taped there. They were looking at each other. His gold eyes staring into her brown ones. His silver hair had been tied up into a high ponytail. She was wearing her highschool uniform. That was seven years ago. She started to remember all the fun they used to have.

“Things have changed” she whispered to herself. In her heart she knew that she still loved Inuyasha. But there was something missing anymore. She couldn’t put her finger on it. Maybe it was the fact that she had a double life that was so much more exciting. Or maybe it was the constant lying she had to do. Maybe it was the bad sex. She didn’t know but something had to change. All of a sudden she felt that she was on the brink of tears. She had to get out of there. She went into Inuyasha's bedroom and put on one of his t-shirts. She found a piece of a paper and a pen and wrote Inuyasha a note.

The note read, My mother wants to talk to me gotta go, love kags

She had to go somewhere where she could relieve all her stress, a place where she felt safe. She reached inside her purse and pulled out her phone dial a number and waited for the person on the other line to pick up.

“Can I come over”

“Sure” said the voice at the end of the line.

Kagome drove for the next fifteen minutes until she arrived at a yellow house with a white roof and a garden in the front. She parked beside the curb and got out of her car. She went to the front door. She didn’t even have to ring the door bell. It open as soon as she was on the porch.

“Kagome is everything alright?” Asked a worried Sango.

She couldn’t keep it in any more. She started crying, her best friend rushed to her side.

“Don’t worry whatever it is it will be okay”

“No it won’t” Kagome sobbed.

“Come in sweetie” Sango lead her into the her dinning room sat her down and went to fetch her a cup of tea.

“Are you sure I am not disturbing you” Kagome asked while she hiccuped.

“No you’re not, Miroku took the kids out for a movie. So we have to whole place to ourselves. Sango came and handed her friend a cup of tea and sat by her friends side. “Spill”

“Um I don’t know where to begin” She forced a laugh, then her face became serious. “ I don’t think I can stay with Inuyasha."

“I knew it”

“What...what do you mean you knew it” Kagome sat there with an inquisitive stare on her face.

“Come on Kags, I have seen this coming for the longest time” Sango stated calmly “In fact me and Miroku were just discussing it the other day. We have both notice that you guys are beginning drift”

“So why didn’t you guys say anything”

“It wasn’t our place to”

“I guess your right” said Kagome. “So what should I do”

Sango was thoughtful for a moment “Just tell him how you feel the next time you see him. You guys still love each other. He will understand”

“Maybe” now it was Kagome’s turn to be thoughtful “Well it’s the best advice that I could think of”

“So” Sango asked “is there somebody else?”

Kagome thought about Kouga but he really didn’t count. “No”

“Well that’s okay there will be” Then Sango eyes lit up. “Hey I know what will make you feel better” Sango got up to go in the kitchen and came out with a pint of Cherry Garcia and two spoons. “Come on let get fat and watch a good ole slasher flick.

Kagome smiled, she was lucky to have a friend like Sango.

After watching a bunch of teenagers get killed and pigging out on ben and jerry’s. She felt much better.
The party was over when a tired Miroku walked in with two hyper active four year olds.

“Oh god shoot me” Miroku said as he walked in the door.

“Daddy gave us candy and soda and popcorn” Said Kita

“Yeah, lots of candy” agreed Suki

Sango gave her husband an evil look then turned to Kagome “I’m sorry but I have to have a word with my idiot husband”

“I was just leaving” Kagome gave Sango and kissed the top of the childrens heads. As she was walking out the mouthed the words ‘good luck’ to Miroku.

As soon as she walked out of the house she could hear Sango screaming. Miroku apologizing and the girls giggling.

She hopped back into her car and turned on the radio she sang along the whole way home. When she arrived at her house. The lights were all still on.

‘Souta must still be up’

She opened the door slowly and was greeted by an odd smell. She knew that scent, it was the second time that day she smelled it.

“Dammit Souta didn’t we have this discussion this morning” She said to Souta who was sitting in the computer chair with his back to the monitor, pipe in hand.

“Yes we did” Then he moved out of the way of the computer screen so she could see what he was veiwing.

Kagome went white.

Souta smiled and asked “So how was your day Carla?”

Authors Note: So um hi what do you think so far? Oh thank you to Resilience for my first review. I'm sorry about all the spelling errors and what not. Hope you like it anyways!