InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Someone ❯ Unexcpected ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 14: Unexpected
“Kagome, wake up,” I opened my eyes and sat up. I found myself in our room. My mother was sitting next to me. I realized I was on the couch.
“What happened,” I asked holding my head in my hands.
“You fainted,” I turned around and say Inuyasha and beside him was Naraku.
“Inuyasha told us why you were here. I should have known you and Sango would have won something like that,” my mother said. “Do you think we can talk alone?”
“We’ll leave,” Inuyasha and Naraku left and went into the hallway.
“Why are you staying in a hotel room with that young man,” I rolled my eyes.
“Mom, there are two beds.”
“You still shouldn’t share a room. Why not with Sango? Does your father know about this?” I got off the couch.
“It’s missed you too mom,” I said back.
“Kagome, I’m sorry. I’m just worried about you. I haven’t seen you in a very long time.”
“Six years to be exact.” Since the incident with Naraku, my dad thought it would be best to not visit my mom anymore. He thought it was mom’s fault that I drowned because she was not watching me. Even though I could not visit herm could visit me, but she never did. Obviously I was not important enough.
“Kagome, don’t be like that,” she said sighing. I decided to drop the subject.
“What are you two doing here?”
“Brandon owns this hotel,” I felt like screaming.
‘Hope I don’t run into them again,’ I thought to myself.
“Well, we should get together tomorrow,” she said smiling.
“I have plans.”
“Ok,” her smile fell. I could not help but feel bad.
“Maybe after we could get together.”
“That would be great,” her smile was back. I still do not understand why I am so nice. I have to stop.
“Yep,” there was silence between us.
“Kagome, you and that young man-”
“Inuyasha, are you two dating?”
“Yea,” I smiled to myself.
“Well, make sure you use protection.”
“What,” she said innocently. “You love him don’t you?”
“Then it’s only natural that you two show how much you love each other by making love.” I could not believe my mother was talking to me about sex. “But only when you two know that you really love each other. Don’t rush things, but I think you should wait until you’re married.”
“I got it mom,” I said sighing.
“It’s getting late. I’ll see you tomorrow,” she gave me her room number. I hugged her and she left. I sat on the couch as Inuyasha walked in.
“You okay,” he asked sitting next to me. I leaned against his chest and he wrapped his arms around.
“I’m fine,” I sighed closing my eyes.
“You don’t like him do you.” It was not a question, but Inuyasha was stating the fact. It was surprised when he asked me.
“W-what are you talking about,” I tried to play dumb.
“I saw you look at him before you fainted,” he said raising an eye brow. “Is that the same boyfriend you told me about in the hospital? Is he the one that tried to rape you?”
“Yes,” I whispered. Inuyasha pulled away from me.
“Why is your mother still with that bastard?”
“I never told her,” I said looking down.
“Why,” he demanded. I closed my eyes, fighting back the tears that were about to fall.
“Because I just couldn’t tell her! You don’t understand how happy she was with him,” he pulled me into an embrace.
“I’m sorry.”
“Let’s not talk about it anymore.”
“Okay,” I knew Inuyasha want to know, in detail, what happened to me, but I was not ready. I was glad he did not pressure further into the matter.
We brushed our teeth and changed our clothes. I was nervous about sleeping in the same room as Inuyasha. I know that were slept on the couch together before and that we were in the hospital bed together, but this was different. Well…to me it was different.
“I’m turning the lights off,” I turned my attention to Inuyasha. He was wearing a pair of sweat pants and nothing else. Yep, you guessed it, No shirt, basically he was standing in front of me half naked. I was practically drooling. “Kagome, are you okay?”
“ ;I’m fine,” I shook my head to get rid of the naughty thoughts that I had of him, and climbed into my bed. “Good-night,” I threw the covers over me.
“Good-night,” he said chuckling softly and turned the lights off. I sit did not understand why I was so nervous. I tried to sleep, but every time I closed my eyes Naraku’s face would pop into my head. I turned over to face Inuyasha, but his back was towards me. I got out of the bed and walked over to Inuyasha.
“Inuyasha,” I whispered.
“Yes,” he said rolling on his back.
“Can I…sleep with you,” he sat up. “I don’t mean…well…I just mean sleeping.” I blushed.
“I know what you mean,” Inuyasha said yawning. He held up the covers and I climbed in.
“Thanks,” he wrapped his arms around my waist. I sighed and fell asleep instantly. I had no dreams of Naraku.
“Stop Inuyasha,” I pulled the covers over my head.
“Come on Kagome, get up,” Inuyasha began tickling me.
“Stop! Ha ha ha ha!”
“Do you surrender,” we fell off the bed.
“Okay! I’m up!” he stopped and laid his head on my stomach. We laid on the floor for a while.
“Maybe we should get up,” suggested Inuyasha.
“Yea,” we got up, showered (not together), changed and headed to the lobby.
“What took you guys so long,” Sango asked waling up to us. “We’ve been waiting for an hour.”
“Sorry, it won’t happen again,” Inuyasha said grinning. Sango grabbed my hand.
“We’re eating at Ocean’s twelve again.”
“Okay,” after we eat, we went back to hotel to get our beach gear and headed off to the beach. Since we wore our bathing suits under our clothes, we changed there.
“Let’s hurry,” Ayame said placing her things on the sand.
“I want to make a sand castle.”
“Me too,” I out my things next to Ayame’s and Sango followed suit. We run off not caring if the boys followed.
“What about us!” Miroku yelled.
“Watch our stuff,” Sango called back. We found a nice little area and began to build our sand castle. It really was not much of a castle, but more of a mountain.
“What’s that,” I looked up and found Inuyasha.
“It’s a sand castle,” stated Ayame.
“Looks more like a pile of sh-“
“Inuyasha, no one asked for you input,” Sango said sourly.
“Let’s go in the water,” I suggested. They were still upset about my decision, so I decided not to go far. Inuyasha held my hand the whole time and I was thankful. Truth be told, I was scared, but I was glad my friends were with me. Everything was going well until…
“Kagome,” I looked to see who called me. It was my mother and she was alone (thank goodness).
“You didn’t tell me your mother was here,” Sango said walking to me.
“I forgot.”
“Is HE here,” I nodded.
“Is who here,” asked Miroku confused.
“No on,” I said quickly. Inuyasha squeezed my hand gently.
“Anyway, I promised my mother I would spend time with her.”
“So, we’ll see you back at the hotel,” said Ayame.
“Yea, see you later,” I walked over to my mother. “Hi mom.”
“Hi Kagome, are you still busy?”
“No, let’s go grab a bite to eat.” We headed to a small diner. We ordered our food and talked. I told her about all the important things she missed in my life.
“So, how’s your father? Is he still with that woman,” she said with distaste.
“He’s fine and yes he is still with Kim. They are both on vacation together.”
“He never went on vacation with on vacation with me.” I rolled my eyes, wondering why I even opened my mouth.
“It doesn’t matter mom.”
“You’re right,” she said smiling. “I’m over you father. Which reminds me, I have something very important to tell you.” My heart was racing. For some reason I had a feeling that what she wanted to tell me was bad. When I say bad, I mean very bad, terrible.
“Mom, you don’t have to-“
“But I do have to tell you,” she said seriously. “This is very important to me.”
“Then why are you telling me.”
“It’s something that will affect you.”
“Mom-” she held up her hand to silence me.
“Please Kagome, I need your help.” I sighed knowing there was no way for me to get out of it.
“Okay, tell me.”
“I’m pregnant,” at that very moment, I felt my world crumble.