InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Someone ❯ Bahamas (part 1) ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha characters.

Chapter 13: Bahamas (part 1)

I hummed softly as I packed for our trip to the Bahamas.

“Kagome, why do I have to stay,” asked Shippo. I stopped packing and looked at him.

“You just have to; I promise I will bring you back something.”

“That is what you said the last time,” I sat on my bed and placed him on my lap.

“Something happened that night, but I really do promise to bring you something. To make sure that I do, I will get it as soon as we land.”

“If you say so. When are you guys coming back?”

“In a week,” Shippo was quiet for awhile before he spoke.

“Is Inuyasha going with you?”


“Good, I like him,” I smiled.

“Really, why?”

“Because he protects you.”

“You are absolutely right.”

“He is better than the other guy,” I laughed and went back to packing. “Kagome.”


“Do you think if I ask Inuyasha to say with you forever, will he?” Before I could answer, the door bell rung.

“I will be right back,” I left to get the door, it was Inuyasha. “Hi In-” he kissed my lips and pulled away.

“Hi,” he said. I was a little stunned, but shook it off.

“What are you doing here,” I said letting him in and closing the door.

“I came to pick you up and drop off Shippo at my mom’s.” Inuyasha had insisted that Shippo should stay with his mother. I tried to protest, but he had informed his mother already.

“Oh, let me go get our bags.”

“Let me help.”

“Okay,” we got the bags and placed them in his truck. When we reached his truck, there was a man sitting in the drivers seat.

“Kagome, this is my older brother Sesshomaru,” Sesshomaru nodded towards me.

“Are you guys ready,” he asked.

“Just need to go get Shippo and lock the door.”

“Okay,” I went back inside the house, got Shippo, turned the alarm system on, locked the door, and headed back to the truck. Inuyasha placed Shippo in the truck and helped him put his seat belt on as I got in myself.

“Sango has the tickets and everyone will meet us at the airport,” said Inuyasha.

“Okay,” we dropped Shippo off and headed to the airport. Just like Inuyasha said, everyone was waiting for us. As we got out of the truck with our bags, Sesshomaru whispered something to Inuyasha and left. “What was that all about?”

“Nothing,” he wrapped his arm around my waist and together we walked over to our friends. Our bags were taken and placed on the plane.

“Are you guys ready,” asked Sango jumping up and down.

“Yea, Bahamas here we come,” I said grabbing Sango and Ayame’s hand; we walked off.

“Wait for us,” said Miroku, but we continued as if we did not hear him. Since our tickets were first class, we were nice and comfy. Miroku and Sango sat together, Ayame and Koga sat together, and Inuyasha and I sat together; we talked quietly.

“This is going to be so much fun,” I said smiling.

“Yep, while we are there I can teach you how to swim.”

“Yea,” he gave me a worried expression.

“We will do it when you are ready. Don’t push yourself.”

“I won’t,” he held my hand.

“We’ll also be able to spend time with each other. Just you and me,” I smiled and kissed him. A flash went off and we pulled away.

“This picture is going in my album,” Sango said grinning.

“Make sure you give me a copy,” said Ayame.

“You guys have nothing better to do than bother us,” Inuyasha asked.

“Nope,” they said in unison, we laughed. I leaned my head against his shoulder and fell asleep. I don’t remember how long I was asleep, but Inuyasha woke me up when we landed.

“Kagome, we’re here,” he said softly. I yawned and opened my eyes.

“Okay, I’m up,” he took my hand and we got off the plane. There was a limo waiting to take up to our hotel. During our ride, we talked about what we planned to do. As we did, a thought hit me. “How many rooms do we get,” I asked.

“I don’t know,” said Sango.

“We’ll find out once we get there,” said Koga. I looked out the window. Everything was so beautiful. Everyone I saw were in their bathing suits. I pictured Inuyasha and I walking along the shore holding hands.

“I cant wait,” I said softly to myself. In no time, we pulled up to the hotel. It was a blue green color. The building stood to be five stories high with a balcony on each floor. The name was so original. It was called Holiday Inn.

“Wow” said Ayame.

“Yea,” I said agreeing. We walked inside to the front des. “Hi, we’re the contest winners,” I said to the lady at the desk.

“Okay, one moment please,” we waited patiently until she was done. “You have three rooms, here are the keys with the room number on them. The rooms are next to each other,” I took the keys.

“Thank you.”

“Would you like a tour guild?”

“No thank you.”

“If there are any problems, let me know,” she said smiling.

“We will,” I turned to everyone and we moved over. “So…”

“I’m with Koga,” said Ayame.

“I’m with Miroku,” said Sango.

“Okay.” Inuyasha took my hand, took the keys out and gave one to Ayame and Sango.

“Let’s find our rooms,” he said. I was a little worried about staying in the same room with Inuyasha.

‘This is going to be fun,’ I thought. We got our bags and headed for our room. Miroku, Koga, Sango and Ayame went their rooms and Inuyasha and I went to ours.

“Cool,” Inuyasha said and he was right. The room was a aqua color with sea shells hanging on the walls. There was a cream colored couch against the left wall and a plasma screen TV on the right. In the bed room, there were two beds. The kitchen was the same as your average kitchen, except smaller. We placed our bags in the bed room and checked out the other’s rooms. They were the similar to Inuyasha and mine.

“So what do you guys want to do now,” asked Sango.

“Let’s look around. We should split up,” suggested Koga. I looked at my watch, it read quarter to four.

“Well, lets meet back at the lobby around seven then,” I said. We agreed and went our separate ways. Inuyasha and I didn’t go anywhere, but to the front of the hotel. We walked around holding hands. “Oh,” I said stopping.

“What is it,” Inuyasha asked.

“I have to buy a gift for Shippo, I promised.”

“You want to do it now?”


“Okay,” we looked around and found a small gift shop. It was across from the hotel.

“Help me look for something for him,” we looked around.

“What about this,” Inuyasha held up a shirt that said ‘Cutest brother ever,’ in blue letters.

“Yea, he’ll love it,” I said laughing. Inuyasha paid for the shirt, he insisted, and we went back to the hotel. As we entered the lobby, we saw everyone waiting. “Hey,” I said once we were near. “Let’s grab a bite to eat.”

“Okay, Miroku and I found a good place,” said Sango.

“Lets go than,” the place was not far. It was called Ocean Twelve, I don’t know why. We waited for a table. After awhile, we were seated and ordered. We discussed our planes for the next day as we waited for our food.

“This is what I think we should do,” Ayame began. “For the next to days, we should do group activities. Than after that we can do what ever we want with who ever.”

“What sounds fair,” said Miroku.

“So what are we doing tomorrow,” asked Inuyasha.

“How about the beach,” I suggested. Everyone was quiet as they looked at me. “What,” I sighed. “Look guys, I’m fine so stop it already.”


“No, you all make it seem like I’m a little girl who needs to be watched and told what to do. News flash, I’m not so stop treating like one.” I knew that I shouldn’t have blown up at them like that. I knew that they were just trying to protect me, but sometimes I’d wish that they would leave me alone.

“Kagome,” Inuyasha began, “we are not trying to make you feel like that and you know it.”

“So in other words, you think I’m over reacting?”

“That’s not what I’m saying!”

“Of course not!”

“There’s no reason to argue,” said Sango jumping in before we could say something that we would regret. “We are here to have fun not get into fights with each other. We’re going to the beach tomorrow.” The waiter came over. “Let’s just enjoy the rest of the night.” No one talked as we eat. It had felt weird when Inuyasha and I argued. I didn’t like the feeling.

‘This vacation is not turning out well,’ I thought to myself. I knew I had to apologize to everyone.

“Everyone, I want to say I’m sorry. I know you are only looking out for me and I thank you. I want to move on. Inuyasha you said you would help me. Why are you trying to hold me back?”

“I just want you to make sure you’re reading for this step,” he said.

“Don’t worry, I am. With you guys with me, I know I can do it.” In no time, we were laughing and playing around. We packed the bill and headed for the door.

“I brought a new swimsuit,” Ayame said as we headed to the hotel.

“Really, I did too,” said Sango.

“Me too,” I said.

“Great, just what we need. Are girlfriends in sexy swimsuits walking around on the beach,” said Miroku.

“So,” we laughed. We reached the hotel and said our good nights to each other. As Inuyasha and I reached our room, I heard someone call me name. I turned around an found my mother standing in the hall, but as you might guess, she was not alone.

“Naraku,” was the only thing I could say before I was enclosed in darkness.

It seems that Kagome can never get a break. Please review!