InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Someone ❯ Know your friend ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: I hope you like it. I was having a little difficulty writing it. It’s hard to do school and update my stories, but I’m trying. Well, hope you enjoy it. I like to thank all the people that gave me questions. They were all really good. Thanks a bunch!

Chapter 12: Know you friend

I fixed breakfast for Sango, Shippo and I. Everyone else left early so they could change and meet us at the shop. It was about eight o’clock and the game show started at twelve o’clock. We ate breakfast and headed for the shop. When we arrived, everyone was sitting around and talking.

“Hey, everyone,” I said as we entered.

“Hey,” they said back. Inuyasha pulled out three chairs for us. I sat in the chair next to him. Sango sat in the chair next to Miroku and Shippo sat next to me.

“Are you guys ready for the game,” asked Ayame.

“Yep,” said Sango.

“You guys are going down,” said Inuyasha.

“In your dreams,” I said smirking.

“Don’t be mad when you two lose,” said Miroku jumping in.

“That’s what you think,” said Sango. Before he could answer back, Koga interrupted.

“Do you guys know who is hosting?” we shook our heads.

“I heard it was someone famous,” said Sango. I looked at Shippo.

“Shippo, I need you to be on your best behavior today.”

“I promise I will.” to pass the time, we talked about ways to improve the shop. Sango said we should repaint it to get the old shine back. Miroku suggested that there should be a story teller. Inuyasha said we should sell new stuff. When it was eleven o’clock, we decided to grab a bite to eat before the game. Mr. Takaya accompanied us since her was going to watch the game.

After we were done eating, we headed for the game show. There were a bunch of people trying to advance for the three spots. The three spots were for the three teams that were going to be on the game show. First you had to pass the try outs. Mr. Takaya, Koga, Ayame and Shippo left to grab a seat. Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango and I got out numbers and waited. To pass, you partner and you were asked a series of questions. If one of you got a question wrong, than you both were eliminated. The person asking the questions will ask you something about your partner. You would answer the question on a small erase board. Your partner would write the correct answer down on theirs own board. You than would hold up both boards to see if your answers are the same.

It’s real simple if you know your partner like the back of your hand. Many people were eliminated because they couldn’t get the first question right. Inuyasha and Miroku’s number was called.

“Good luck,” I said as they got up. Inuyasha turned to me and gently kissed my lips.

“Thanks,” he said walking away. I looked at Sango as she looked at me.

“Well, don’t you look happy,” she said smirking, I blushed.

“You’re so mean.” I stuck my tongue out. Just than, Kikyo walked up to Sango and I.

“You think you got Inuyasha wrapped around you fingers.” I rolled my eyes. She never knew when to give up.

“Look Kikyo, you can say whatever you want. I don’t care one way or the other,” Sango laughed. Kikyo marched off fuming.

“Nice job Kagome,” said Sango

“Thanks,” I said smiling.

“Number 404.” said the intercom. I glanced at out number.

“That’s us,” I said. “Ready Sango?”

“Yep, let’s kick butt.” We walked through the double doors. The questions were really easy. They were all basic questions like: what is your friends favorite color, what is your friends favorite movie and so on and so forth. Sango and I answered all the questions without breaking a sweat. We were one of the three teams to advance. When we left the room, Inuyasha and Miroku were waiting for us.

“Did you guys pass,” asked Miroku.

“We sure did,” said Sango. “Did you guys.

“You know it,” said Inuyasha.

“I wonder who the third team is,” I said. A woman walked to the center of the room. Everyone was quiet so they could hear what she had to say.

“I like to thank all of you for participation. But as you know, we have selected our three teams. I would like to see numbers 200, 398, and 404.” we all walked to the center. I looked to see the third team and found that it was Kikyo and Kagura. “Once again thank you all for participating,” she turned to us. “ I need you six to follow me.” we followed her to the room we had came from.

“Don’t worry Kagome,” said Inuyasha said.

“I’m not,” I said as I took a seat.

“Okay, you six have been chosen to be on the game show live,” she began. “The host is Shuichi Shindou.”

“I love his band. I wish I knew before, I could have gotten him to sign my CD for me,” said Sango, Kikyo rolled her eyes.

“You’ll be on in thirty minutes, so get ready and good luck.” that said, she left and we were ready to go with in twenty minutes. The crew members directed us to the set and we took our places.

“You’re going down,” stated Sango.

“You wish,” said Kikyo rolling her eyes. Sango stuck out to me.

“We can do this,” she said, I nodded in agreement. Inuyasha looked at me with a concerned expression. I smiled at him that I’m okay. The host, Shuichi, walked up to us.

“I hope you guys are ready,” he said full of energy.

“We are,” we said in unison.

“Good, well good luck!” he walked away humming.

“In three, two, one,” said the cameraman and so it began.

“Hello ladies and gentleman. I’m Shuichi Shindou, your host for Know your partner.” a bunch of girls screamed. “Before we begin, I liked to give a shout out. I hope your watching YUKI!!!!!!!!” he laughed. “Anyway, today we have three teams. One team one have Inuyasha Takahashi and Miroku Coles,” they waved at the camera. “On our second team we have Kikyo Oliver and Kagura Williams.” Kagura waved and Kikyo smiled. “Last but not least on our third team we have Kagome Higurashi and Sango Takaya,” we waved. “Okay, you know the rules so let’s begin.” As the game began, Inuyasha and Miroku were struggling and so was Kikyo and Kagura. For Sango and I, we answered the questions easily. The game was coming to a close and it was the elimination round.

“This is getting hard,” said Sango.

“I know,” I said back.

“Now for the question that will tell us the two teams that will stay. Kikyo and Kagura, you two have to get this question right out or you two will be eliminated. The suspense is killing me.” Shuichi said jumping up and down. “The question is for Kagura to answer. What is Kikyo’s fear.” Kagura and Kikyo wrote and answer down. “Okay Kagura, show us your answer.” Kagura’s answer read ‘spiders.’ “Now let’s see if it matches Kikyo’s.” Kikyo held hers up, but it read ‘heights.’ “To bad the answers don’t match. Looks like you two are eliminated.” Kikyo glared at Kagura as they left the set.

“Okay, let’s get back to the game. This question is for Inuyasha and Kagome. Who is your friend currently dating.” that question was easy. Sango was not good at hiding things from me. Inuyasha and I knew that Miroku and Sango were now dating. That was what was on our cards. “Now for the next question. This is for Miroku and Sango. What is your friends current dream about.” Miroku and Sango both had the same thing(you all know what the dream is so I won’t explain it again). Everyone and I mean EVERYONE was quiet. Inuyasha wore an confused expression, but was changed with a grin. He smiled at me and I blushed and looked down.

“Well isn’t this cute. I wish that Yuki and I had the same dream about each other. Well, this is the last question that decides the winners. This question is still for Miroku and Sango. What is your friends favorite candy.” Sango and I had the same answer, it was ‘sugar daddy.’ Inuyasha and Miroku’s were different. Inuyasha’s read ‘pop rocks,’ while Miroku’s read ‘laffy taffy.’

“It looks like we have our winners, Kagome and Sango!”

“We won!” Sango jumping with joy. “We won!” Everyone in the audience clapped. Shuichi waved us all over to the center of the set. Sango jumped in Miroku’s arms and Inuyasha picked me up and spun me around.

“Young love, it’s so beautiful. Well, that’s all for the show. See you all next time.” when we were off the set, the director presented Sango and I with the check and gave us the six tickets for the Bahamas. Mr. Takaya, Inuyasha, Miroku, Koga, Ayame, and Shippo walked up to us.

“Good job you guys,” said Ayame.

“You were great Kagome,” said Shippo. I picked him up. Sango hugged her dad.

“Now you don’t have to sell the shop,” Sango said with teary eyes.

“I know,” he pulled away from her. “Thank you all for everything. To celebrate, I’m taking you all out to dinner.”

“FOOD!” shouted Inuyasha. We laughed and left to eat. Mr. Takaya took us to the Old Country Buffet. Everyone was laughing and having a good time. I wondered why Inuyasha wasn’t talking to me. When I was about to give up, Inuyasha stood up from his seat. “Kagome, can I speak to you for a minute.” I nodded and followed him, we walked outside. For awhile, neither one of us said anything. Inuyasha shocked me when he pulled me into a kiss, a very passionate kiss. We broke apart, both trying gain our breaths. He rested his forehead against mine.

“Wow,” I said.

“I’m glad,” he said.

“About what?”

“That I’m not crazy. I thought I was when I started to have dreams about you. To top everything, we met in person,” he wrapped his arms around me. I leaned against his chest and sighed.

“I felt that way too. I wonder why we are having dreams about each other.”

“Me too, do you ever finish your dream?”

“No, I wonder what happens when I grab your hand.” We stood there in silence. I love having moments like that with Inuyasha. Slowly, he pulled away from me.

“We should get back to everyone,” I nodded.

‘Maybe on our trip, we could spend time together. Just the two of us.’ I thought as he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

“Don’t worry, we’ll have more moments like this.” I smiled and we walked back in. I thought of things Inuyasha and I would do on the trip. It was going to be one that I would remember for the rest of my life.