InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Soul Flows in You ❯ Captor ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome looked at Sesshoumaru with wide eyes, "Wha-what are you going to do to me?" she asked in a quiet voice.

His face was devoid of all emotion as he quietly walked toward the raven haired girl who was chained to the wall.

"I am not in any way required to tell you anything, human. But since you will.... Since you will be changing soon, I suppose I will tell you. This body of mine is dying, courtesy of Naraku," his voice was low and dripping with venom as he spoke of the evil hanyou. "But I am obligated to fulfill the natural balance of life, and seeing as I have no heirs, or a full demon brother, my blood must find a new body..." He frowned, trying to put what his instincts had told him into words, "to 'live' as you might say. From what I have seen, you are worthy, and that is why you are here." He looked away from her, his cold eyes searching the surrounding stone walls for nothing in particular.

After his golden eyes shot back to Kagome, his hand lifted her face to his and he spoke in such a low voice Kagome could barely hear it. "This will hurt, I can promise you that. But in the end you will be grateful for my gift."

In movements too fast for the human to see, the demon lord cut two narrow gashes on the sides of Kagome's face. They ran from her eyes down to her mouth, at first they appeared to be normal skin-deep wounds but after a few moments, an eerie green light started to spill from the miko's blood. The youkai frowned at this, but in a blink of an eye the cut's glowing qualities where gone and the demon lord dismissed the thought. Once again cutting Kagome, this time on the middle of her forehead, Sesshoumaru pierced his palm and placed it on the miko's fresh wound.

At first the cold sensation of pure adrenaline poured through her veins as the thick red liquid pulsed into her body, causing her to shiver in delight. But after her magical blood started to mix with his, the feeling ceased only to be replaced by pain. It felt as all of her bones where painfully shifting as the lord's blood pounded into her frail, human body. When Sesshoumaru decided that enough blood had been placed into the girl, he drew back his hand and stood up. Icy cold words flowed from his mouth causing a tremble to flow down Kagome's back.

"At the end of this moon cycle, you will no longer be as you appear now. That is all this I ask of you, and now I will set you free to that idiot hanyou brother of mine." Kagome, having passed out from the intensity of the recent events, slouched onto the stone floor near the youkai lord's feet. With out another thought, Sesshoumaru sliced through the metal chains, that only moments ago where fastening Kagome to the stone wall. He scooped her up and carried her out side, leaving her in a protected area where no unwanted travelers would find her. Before leaving he vanished his sent from the area and the girl, for he did not want Inuyasha to know about his near death condition. One more glance at the now sleeping girl, he left the second human ever to survive his youkai manner.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~

"Kagome!" Sango yelled, riding on Kirara's back. The young miko had been missing for a week, and each passing moment seemed to last an eternity. Inuyasha's stern facial mask melted instantly when he heard Kagome had been kidnapped. Even though everyone in the group knew he had feelings for the girl, he would never speak it to anyone in fear of rejection.

At dawn they found Kagome sleeping peacefully under a tree. She had gashes on her face and forehead from some unknown source, but the only hanyou in the group could not smell anything on her.

Inuyasha sat down next to her and roughly shook her shoulder with a clawed hand; however, Kagome did not wake.

The group had begun to worry about the young miko when she did not stir from her unnaturally deep sleep; but Kaede was positive she could save the girl. The old woman ground herbs and spices into potions and spells, trying in vain to get the girl to wake, but nothing was working. Many nights had past and Kagome had yet to come out of her state. Shippou would whine about Kagome to everyone who was willing to listen to the small kit. At night he would look with sad emerald eyes at his surrogate mother before slipping into a light sleep by her side.

To everyone who thought Shippou was an irritation, Inuyasha must have been their most horrendous nightmare, making Naraku look like little Boo Peep (A/N hehe, I couldn't resist...). Sitting in his tree, he would lash out at anyone who came to talk to him, or even those just passing by. The villagers where afraid of him, and were telling their children to stay indoors, otherwise the evil hanyou would get them. Sango, Miroku, and Shippou all knew that deep down inside of course he was just worried about Kagome, but alas he was too stubborn to admit it. The dog boy they had all come to know was very protective of his friendships; he cherished the thought of belonging for he did not want to return to the outcast he had grown up as.

Finally, after seven days and seven nights, Kaede stepped out of the hut shaking her head. The look of confusion, frustration, and amazement was all over the old woman's face as she looked at the small group of mismatches. Oh this was going to be hard.

Inuyasha's golden eyes shot to Kaede the second she stepped out from the hut. "Oi old woman, did you fix Kagome?" The hanyou snapped. Although Inuyasha didn't really have to ask, Kagome's sent was innocently rolling out of the hut; filling his nose with everything he wanted to know about the young miko's health. Kaede shook her head towards the dog demon as she continued out from the thatched hut.

"Well, then what the hell is wrong?!" Inuyasha spat in her face, apparently he was in a very edgy mood.

Kaede sighed, and turned to face the platinum haired demon. "Inuyasha, there is something I need to tell all of you, but I don't really know how to explain it. Come to the old dry well when the sun is near the mountains" The blank gaze Inuyasha was giving her told her the obvious- he had no idea what she meant.

"Come to Kagome's well at dusk." The old miko stated plainly, hoping he would get the idea.

Luckily for Kaede, Inuyasha bounded off into the forest, most likely to go and think. After pausing to admire how the village shown in the afternoon sun's glow, she made her way to go find Sango and her fiancé. (A/N I'm not good at Sango/Miroku, so ya... they're going to get married... blah blah...)

Just as the aging miko had instructed, Inuyasha arrived at the well when the sun's rays started to disappear behind the looming mountains. The tajiya and monk appeared in the clearing soon after, Kaede following immediately behind. The four of them sat in a circle near the old well, and the explaining began.

"When I went to check on Kagome-sama the sun was just peaking out from the mountain crests, I noticed something... odd. Now normally, she has an aurora matching that of my late sister Kikyou's, golden and pure. But when I was checking on her, the aurora surrounding her was mostly golden, but it had a blue shadow that would every so often sweep through. I am afraid to say the blue power that is surrounding her is like no other, and I don't know what it means."

"What do you mean, 'like no other'? There has to be one like it! You and I know very well that everyone's aurora is that of its kind!" Inuyasha sputtered, thinking hard. He added quietly, "What is so different about it?"

"I'm not sure how to answer your question." Kaede said calmly. "Kagome-sama is one of a very rare type, and the more I think about it, the more mystifying it becomes. That is all I can say." 'And all I know,' She added to herself.

The disgruntled dog demon huffed and jumped up to a high branch in the God Tree to think. (A/N if anyone knows the spelling of the actual name, please tell me... I know how to say it, but the spelling is beyond me...)

Back at Kaede's hut, Kagome was lying on a futon, dead to the world. Every so often, her face would scrunch up in pain, but if someone looked at her for just a minute they would think she was dead. While the untrained miko was in the coma like sleep, she was having a very confusing dream...

~*~*~*~*~KAGOME'S DREAM~*~*~*~*~

A dark sea of grass, stained red from fresh blood fall rolled beneath Kagome's feet as she looked around. She new she was asleep, but there was no sign of anything like that in her normal dreams. She could smell the blood on her hands and she looked down. Yelping in surprise when she saw rough, yet sharp claws on her delicate fingers, she turned her hands around as if they were the most interesting thing in the world. She had claws. Claws! Of all things to have! Reaching up to scratch her head in confusion, she felt the presents of two furry triangles. She froze. Sitting there like an idiot with her right hand at the base of a furry, twitching ear. She had ears too! (A/N I know she had ears before! I mean ears like Inuyasha!!! People are so slow these days...) Deciding not to explore her new features anymore, she felt a sweep of magic tumble down through her body. But as quickly as it arrived, it was gone. 'That was weird... I wonder what it was.' Kagome looked at the sky in her dream, only to see an image of herself lying on the bed, stone dead with Inuyasha sleeping on the wall near her body.

~*~*~*~*~END OF DREAM~*~*~*~*~

A full day later, Kagome started to improve. Her cheeks were no devoid of all color, and the fever that had developed had gone away. As Kaede continued to check on her, the blue shadow in her normally golden aurora grew.

Her vision was spinning when she finally opened her eyes, and her head felt heavy. Groaning as she finally rubbed the sleep from her deep brown eyes, she heard a certain hanyou sitting behind her.

Inuyasha's ear twitched when Kagome sat up. He let out a quiet sigh of relief, but as if he was bored he cracked opened one eye and looked at Kagome. "Good, you're finally awake. You slept so long it will be a wonder if you ever have to sleep again!"

Kagome, knowing he really didn't mean it, sighed and rolled out from underneath all of the warm blankets she had been burrowed under. The cold, crisp autumn air only made the pile of warm covers more and more appealing. But she finally waved off the beckoning sheets and steeped outside, in search for Sango.

'She better have some answers for me. The last thing I remember was walking in the forest.'

Kagome found Sango near the hot springs, whom had also just arrived near the soothing waters. When the demon exterminator looked up and saw Kagome, she squealed with delight and ran over to her.

"Kagome, you're ok! We thought you would never wake up!" She was smiling so wide Kagome wondered if her mouth hurt. When the two looked into each others eyes, Kagome somehow told Sango she wanted answers without saying anything. Living with only one female for two years can do that to you.

As the girls eased into the hot spring, Kagome closed her eyes. Every time she wanted to remember what happened, a hot searing pain developed at the back of her head.

"We found you in the grass..."

Kagome opened her eyes and focused on the tajiya, "What?" Here brows were furrowing in confusion. They found her in the grass? There wasn't any grass in the forest... it was too shady in there.

"Almost a week ago... You were lying in the grass with cuts on your face. We didn't know who did it, because Inuyasha couldn't smell them. Either you did it yourself, or we are dealing with someone who is very powerful." The brunette looked at Kagome and sighed. "I don't know how Inuyasha was treating you this morning, and quite frankly, I think I can guess how, but I want you to know something. While you were asleep, he didn't move from your side. He wouldn't let us stay in the same room as you! Kaede was the only one he let in, and only long enough for her to give you medicine and treat your wounds."

Kagome's eyes held two emotions, excitement and confusion. She was confused because she thought Inuyasha only considered of her as a shard detector, but she was excited because that meant he cared. Being one who always looked on the bright side of things, she choose that he cared instead of him just protecting his property.

"Do you remember anything Kagome?" Sango asked while thinking. Obviously Sango cared, but as for Inuyasha... She just might have to do some investigating.

As her raven locks began to dry, she twirled them in her hand, trying to remember anything that might happen. Realization hit Kagome like a wall of bricks as she started to piece together what happened.

The demon exterminator looked at her friend as emotions played across her features, first confusion, then realization, and lastly amazement. "What did you think of?" Sango asked attentively.

Deep brown eyes looked at her, and Kagome said nothing as she got out of the spring. "I'll tell you after I talk to Kaede. She might know what this means." And with that Sango was left alone in the spring. Just as she was about to get out, a rustle in the near by bushes caused her to narrow her eyes. "Houshi, if that is you, you better run. Once I am clothed I will beat you so hard for looking at Kagome after such a hard time." The only reply was another rustle, and then loud footsteps as the monk fled. 'When will he ever learn...?'

A/N Ok, so this is exactly the same as my story on, but as the story progresses, it may vary a tad bit… So just hang in there with me. (And don't forget, authors like to be reviewed even with flames- it means people are reading! *cough* hint hint *ahem*)
