InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Soul Flows in You ❯ I understand ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thanks everyone for reviewing!!! That makes me feel so much better about this whole writing thing. So as promised, here is that chapter (I know it is short, but I need to fix pretty much everything in the other part…T.T):

(Just to fill you in, Kagome had been talking to Sango in the hot spring when she realized something and went to go talk to Kaede about it…)

"Kaede!" Kagome yelled while jogging to the village. "Kaede, I must speak with you now! It's really important!"

Her warm brown eyes scanned the yard, straining to see if the elderly woman was in her garden behind her hut or just inside. When she finally arrived at the home, she stepped to the backyard and found Kaede peacefully sitting under a sakura tree.

At a quick glance, the calm atmosphere of pastel pink pedals would seem like a normal, everyday picture. But under more tender observation the dew sprinkled blossoms took a gentle turn when they neared Kaede, creating the shape of a miko shield. Kagome chuckled to herself; even in older days, the aged miko wouldn't stop training.

Clearing her throat, Kagome made her entrance. Taking a mental note when Kaede's miko shield was absorbed into her old body spontaneously as her eyes (eye?) opened, making it look like the energy had disappeared.

"What is it, child?"

"I think I know what happened." Kagome stated her eyes hard with the same tone of seriousness that filled her voice.

The older woman looked at her with a curious glimmer in her eye as she waited for the explanation to come. "What conclusion have ye been led to?"

"While I was at the hot spring, Sango told me about how the group had found me: In a patch of grass unconscious. But you see, I don't remember anything about a patch of grass. In fact, the last think I remember was being chained to a wall, as absurd as that may sound.

There was someone talking to me, telling me that it would hurt. It was a male, and they mentioned something about Naraku… Naraku had done something that was killing them. Then I felt them make these," motioning to the gashes on her face before continuing. "After that it started to become blurry. But what made me realize something was this; the last thing my captor said to me was `I will set you free to that idiot hanyou brother of mine.'"

Kaede gasped in realization as Kagome finished her explanation. It had been Sesshoumaru. "Does thee know what this means?"

"It means this, Sesshoumaru is dying, and I will be taking his place."

Ta-dah! I should have the next chapter up by the weekend… hopefully. If not I'll get it up by Monday, got it? Ok. Good. Oh yes, I'm still looking for the spelling of the God tree… Goshinkbu? Bah. There you have my made Japanese spelling skills! heh

Review!! Danke!
