InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Soul Flows in You ❯ Explain, please! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mwaha!! Thank you for the spellings of the Goshinboku. I wasn't terribly far away from the right spelling, if I do say so myself. Anyways, thank you to all the other people as well! I'll tell you know, once and only once; If Sesshy dies in this story I am sorry. But don't always jump to conclusions. Don't pester me after this note (I don't mind question or the people who already mentioned this) about wanting him to come back. IF HE DIES, HE DIES; IF HE DOESN'T, HE DOESN'T…

^-^ Any other questions?

*Sees readers delete story from favorites. After that, backing away from the computer* NO! Come back!! I was… Just kidding!! IT IS NARAKU'S FAULT!!!!


Sorry I was bad, told you it would be updated almost a month ago (shame on me), and left you all hanging; but hey, you don't know where I live, so I feel safe! Nah nah!! Though I will try to keep my word next time…

(Just to fill you in- Kagome had just told Kaede what she knows about her kidnapper)

Inuyasha was just steeping into the village when his acute demon hearing picked up Kagome's voice floating on the wind. After a few moments of standing there like an idiot, his eyes widened as he finally comprehended what she had said.

`Replace the old ice prince, eh? Now why the hell didn't she tell me this?' The disgruntled hanyou thought to himself. He looked up towards where the sound had come from and narrowed his eyes. "That wench," he mumbled before taking off.

He had quickened his pace from a comfortable stride to swift bounds until he made a loud entrance into Kaede's hut. Immediately his stern amber eyes darted to Kagome, whom was sitting comfortably in front of the older woman. The raven haired girl from the future had apparently stunned her miko friend with her surprising words.

"H-hey Inuyasha..." Kagome said nervously. "What brings you here?" `Oh, real nice Kagome,' she scolded herself inside her head. `That was brilliant.'

"What did you just say?" Inuyasha barked.

"What brings y-"

"Before that, bitch," he interrupted her. "I heard you talking to the old hag about Sesshoumaru, and I think I heard you wrong. So I ask you again, what did you just say?"

"Uh..." Kagome's eyes looked towards Kaede for help. All she did in response was nod her head and mouth the words, `tell him'.

The gray eyed miko sighed and gathered her composure before telling the half demon about her newly assigned duty. "Sesshoumaru is dying." Before continuing she paused and looked up at Inuyasha's face, looking for his reaction. She was surprised to see his eyes held two emotions, curiosity and… sadness?

Before she got to question why he felt that way, Sango and Miroku walked into the hut with Shippou on Sango's shoulder, Kirara was padding alongside the two.

"Hey Kagome!" Shippou squealed from his perch. "Why is Inuyasha looking at you so weird? You didn't do something weird like accept Kouga's invitation to be his mate did you? You better not have! Inuyasha told me that he-" The kit was cut short by a certain hanyou's fist.

It was Kagome's turn to ask questions, this time towards Inuyasha. "You told Shippou what, Inuyasha?" Her cheesy smile made him nervous, even more so then the question. `Does she know? Does she know and she hates me for it? No. She can't know. I won't tell her. What could be a good lie? Hmm...'

"Hello-o! Inuyasha? Are you in there?" Shippou asked while knocking on the older demon's skull.

"Cut it off, twerp," he grunted, not even bothering to pound him for the rude interruption from his thoughts. Turning back to Kagome, with a more gentle voice he asked, "Kagome, tell me what you said. I still want to know."

`Man! I thought that he had forgotten! Dang. Well, here goes nothing' She mentally gave herself a pep talk before sharing the information with the group.

"Well, I was just telling Kaede, while you where out, that I got back some of the memories from when I was kidnapped." She went on, telling the group almost exactly what Sesshoumaru had said.

When she was done, everyone was staring at her. It was just… creepy. "Inuyasha? Everyone? You can stop looking at me now…"

Her eyes drifted over to Inuyasha, but when they settled on his face she almost regretted telling him about her memory. His face was twisted with anger. No, not anger; more like untamable rage. But before she could say anything to calm him down, he dashed out of the hut into his forest to think in the branches of the Goshinboku.

Seeing everyone's eyes follow the hanyou and then turn to her, Kagome sighed and walked out to the forest. She silently prayed that when she found Inuyasha he wouldn't kill her.

After randomly walking around the forest longer then she wanted to, Kagome went to plan b.

Taking in a deep breath, she prepared herself for what could come next, "HELLO KOUGA! HOW ARE YOU DOING?" She yelled at the top of her lungs, hoping her missing hanyou would hear.

Just on time, Inuyasha came bursting out into the clearing, with the Tetsusaiga unsheathed, ready to fight for Kagome.

Before looking he yelled, "Wolf-face get the fuck away from Kagome!" As he said this, however, he realized his mistake a moment too late. There was no Kouga, only Kagome.

"You BITCH! What the HELL made you go and do something stupid like that?!"

Kagome gave off one of her false, cheesy smiles before walking up to Inuyasha, "I couldn't find you. And you weren't answering me. So I did the one thing that I knew wouldn't fail." Her face melted into a glare before she added dangerously, "Now you are going to sit down and listen to me."

As she said the accursed word, Inuyasha promptly was flattened onto the dirt. Not before letting out a string of colorful words of course.

Kagome looked down at him and sighed, "If you just would have let me explain, none of this would have happened." His golden eyes looked up at her. Sighing again she held out her hand for him to take, and helped him up. Once he was up she didn't do what he expected, which was to let go and start walking. She kept her hold on his hand and sat down to the ground, taking him with her.

"Why the hell did you just help me up if you where going to make me sit down again?" Inuyasha said, quite irritated to say the least.

"Because I did," Kagome said very simply. "But anyways, I don't want to start fighting now, we really need to talk."

When Inuyasha only nodded, she continued, "Why did you storm out of the hut like that? Was it something I said?"

"Something you said?" he asked disbelievingly. "My brother is dying, and you asking if something is wrong?!" he shouted the last part to add emphasis to his anger.

Cocking her head at him before replying timidly, "But you've tried to kill him so many times..?"

"Yeah, I know. It may seem like we hate each other on the outside, but really we are pretty close. Inu-youkai brothers rarely get all mushy and crap towards one another like humans do. As far as we go, we have yet to kill each other don't we?"

Kagome nodded dumbly. "But back to what I was saying, what's wrong? Is it just your brother or something else?" she asked, afraid to add fuel to the already bitter hanyou.

`Damn it! Of course there is something else! Why is she acting so stupid? My brother is dying and she is taking his place!! AHH!! I just want to rip my hair out sometimes with her.' His mind was screaming in frustration, but he kept his cool when answering her question, "There is something else, though I don't know how to word this.

"Kagome, is it true that you are going to be taking his place?" `What am I talking about? What doesn't that even mean?! Why am I being so god damn PATIENT with her???'

Kagome tilted her head down, shading her eyes with her bangs, and nodded. "I'm sorry Inuyasha. If you don't want me around anymore I'll understand"

He gawked at her to say the least, `She would leave me, just so I would be happy? Not even Kikyou would do something like that.'

When Kagome didn't hear him reply, she took it as a way to take up on her offer. Refusing to cry, she held back the stinging tears in her eyes as she stood up to leave. "If you want me back, I will be home."

"Oh no you don't," Inuyasha said while standing up. "You're not going home. This conversation has just started. Sit back down, NOW" When she didn't respond to his order, he growled and scooped her up in his arms. He looked at her face before jumping into the nearby tree. Once he was high enough so she couldn't get down without his help, he sat down and got comfortable.

"Inuyasha…" Kagome said dangerously. "What on earth do you think you are doing?!" Her once tear stained eyes where now burning with fire as she started a stare down with the hanyou.

Before he could snap back to her, however, her eyes widened suddenly and she let off a silent scream of pain. After he brought her back down to the ground, just so she couldn't fall, all Inuyasha could do was watch as Kagome shook in his arms with pain…


Thanks for the corrections, they are greatly appreciated!! I'm glad you see my story… enjoyable to say the least! Mwahah!! Cea, Ai em a dun goed spellar (I am a good speller)! Haha… (Not). Anyways, I'm glad you are reading!


Oh god! Thanks sooo much for the spelling of the tree. Honestly, I can barely spell a word right in English, let alone Japanese!! The world is really annoying!! Arg. Thanks again!!


I cry with you too… Sesshy is just to die for, isn't he… *drools* Ah! But I'll try to say this in the most positive way I can: Just cause he dies doesn't mean he's gone, ok? That goes for everyone else as well! I don't want to get more questions about that!! But I guess I asked for it since I put the story up in the first place, ne? *sigh* Life is so unfair.

Saphir kitsune youkai girl:

I am… glad my story is intriguing? Anyways… Before I RIP MY HAIR OUT I'll say it again, Sesshy is too cool to leave out in this story. So when he dies (yes, he is actually going to DIE T-T) he AIN'T GONE! Mwaha! Feel the wrath of author power! ^^


Heh.. Sorry to say this, but it ain't going to be happening. Thanks for reading though!!


Ah! No! Not the right pairing!!! *jumps off cliff………on to personal jet plane* mwaha *flies away to a place where people don't ask so many questions* I'm safe!! Bwahahahaha!!!! No to write that story…. (no offence, just the truth)


I just love your name. It is so original. And don't worry; this story is I/K. And it is staying that way until Naraku GETS OUT OF MY HEAD. ::Ahem:: sorry about that… But since he is in my head for good, he won't be leaving anytime soon.

Shichinintai no Jakotsu:

Thanks for reviewing! It sure is a confidence booster! Don't worry, chapter four is actually going to be long… so have no fear!


I don't know how to interpret that. Do you mean `I hope you don't listen to everyone else and leave it a Kagome/Inuyasha fic' or `I hope you don't listen to everyone else. Leave it a Kagome/Inuyasha fic.' Whatever, I think you get my drift, so yeah. Thanks for the review!


Well, look forward no longer! Oh wait… I put these at the end of the chapter… so then you will be waiting for the chapter after this… and then the chapter after that… and so on and so forth! AHH, confusion! I hate that. Anyways, if you read the stuff above this, you should be satisfied (meaning the story) and like I said before, the next chapter after this should be long! Not just four pages!! Yayness…


Thank you, again a nice confidence builder. You will just have to find out if he comes, won't you?

(Naraku) *laughs from inside my head*

(Cola) hey! Stop that!

(Naraku) oh… sorry

(Cola) can't you see I am trying to show my thanks to TwinTiger?!?!

(Naraku) but I am the villain… I am supposed to make your life miserable

(Cola) This is true… however, you are inside MY head. And unless you want to face the wrath of what MY IMAGINATION can do, SHUT UP! *various torture objects for in mind*

(Naraku) …eep… *shuts up right away*


It is people like you that keep me writing. Oh how nice to get reviews like yours *sigh :: wipes away tears* HAPPY DANCE!!! ^_^


And I'm writing!!

The Spiked Dragon:

EEEEEE!!! I love it when people like my story. It makes me feel all tingly inside. Or maybe that is something else…. Hmmm…. *looks at empty bowl of candy* guess it was… OH WELL! I feel happy either way!!!

(Naraku) You should be more careful for your health

(Cola) I thought you where the villain?

(Naraku) Yes, but at you pointed out earlier, I am in YOUR head

(Cola) hehe… I forgot….

(Naraku) How do I live with you?

(Cola) Miserably because I won't let you out! XD


OOOHH! More tingly feelings! This time it ain't the sugar intake!!! (Or caffeine for that matter) I heart you! Muah! Thanks for reading'!


THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU TOO! Will you… marry me?

(Naraku) She doesn't really mean that… *whispers* she's a bit messed up in the head. And believe me, I would know

(Cola) What was that, monkey boy? I hate to break it to you, but this MESSED UP HEAD of mine is gonna be your home for the REST OF YOUR LIFE!!! *grins like a mad man… err… woman*

(Naraku) I think I preferred your sugar problem….


May your wait be ended! POOF! There, it ended. Mwahah. Now about waiting for the next chapter… hmmm… that is another story. I'm so glad you are reading!!! ^_^!!!


I think I am continuing, don't you? Yes… It would seem so.

(Cola) *starts singing toddler song*Please and thank-you! Lalala

(Naraku) I'm not even going to bother…

(Cola) Come on, party pooper! Sing along!

(Naraku) I much rather prefer to sing something like… oh I don't now… maybe something like Plankton's song from Sponge Bob? It is more evil.

(Cola) -Fine-

(Together) F is for fire, burning the whole town

U is for uranium… bomb!

N is for no survivors!

Here in the deep blue sea!!!

I love you all!!! Big heart for everyone!!! Mwahaha!!! Oh yes, and if you don't mind, I'm just going to get this over with here:

-You flame me, I have rights to snap back

-You correct me, I will thank you if you say it nicely. Like all writers I am looking for ways to improve.

-You read, I hope you will review. But If you don't, I will manage to live… talking only to Naraku for my whole life. Hmph.

-You review, I will love you (Not like Miroku… don't worry).

And if any of you ever want to talk to me online here:

AOL Instant Messenger: animebug4125 (although sometimes InuYasha4125)

Email/MSN messenger: (by the way, it is C zero L A…. just to clear anything up)

Yahoo (I don't use this much, so don't be surprised):

Ok, That's it! Peace out!!!
