InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Succubus Wife ❯ Prolouge ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated for a mature audience.
Citrus Warning (For entire story)
Now that I have a fair amount written, I will start uploading it. This story is a fairly radical change from the first one. I am hoping it offers more drama than its predecessor. While this can stand on its own, I strongly recommend you read “My Succubus Girlfriend” first if you have not already.
Anxiety, terror, anticipation; these were just some of the many emotions running through Inuyasha as he sat at the small, two-seat table. It was an upscale restaurant, even for New York. It was the sort of restaurant where Inuyasha could have saved for years to only afford a single appetizer; that is if they even let him past the plush welcome mat. Sitting around him were not simple folk, they were the rich of the rich; the crème of the crop. Powerful people including governors, senators, and celebrities—even foreign royal families frequented this place. In the years of traveling with Kagome, Inuyasha was no stranger to being among powerful people, but those were different. They held a different sort of power. It was the physical kind—or magical depending on the type of demon. No matter the number of ways that they could kill him with a simple wave of their hand, he was never paralyzed by fear; not like this. This atmosphere was of a completely different level to anything he had felt before. It was almost as if he could feel the massive egos crushing him-- and his companion did not help matters. While he was used to her presence drawing attention, Inuyasha thought that being around rich, powerful and beautiful people would allow them some respite to the stares. He was wrong. Even among the beautiful elites, heads still turned to follow her. Men walking by still snuck second, third, and even forth glances. It was frustrating. Tonight was a night he wanted to blend in—to be anonymous. The more his thoughts focused on the people in the restaurant, the more he realized his paralyzing fear probably had little to do with their stares.
“You need to relax,” Kagome said, gracefully lifting her wine glass, twirling it, before seductively tipping the red liquid into her waiting mouth. “People are watching.” She pressed her red lips together as her eyes secretly scanned from side to side, examining the others around them as she set the glass back in its place. She was wearing lipstick and makeup, a rare occurrence for her. She was not the type of woman who needed it. Kagome radiated the natural beauty models dreamed of. Inuyasha would have a hard time finding a normal human woman who could compete in looks. It was to be expected though. Kagome was, and always would continue to be, a succubus.
“Sorry. I'm just—not used to this kind of atmosphere.” He was sweating, eyes darting from side to side as he ran his sweaty hands along the pants of his tux. The tux was another item he would never have owned only a few years ago. The price tag had been enough to take his breath away. He felt odd that he wasn't the one paying. Kagome was. The current arrangement made him feel more than a little guilty, like he was some sort of leech feeding off her. Unfortunately, there was no possible way for him to change things. Kagome's family had built their wealth over centuries—an easy task when one did not age. It was hard to picture Kagome as being over one hundred and thirty years old when she looked no older than twenty.
“You were the one who wanted to come here.” She leaned towards the table as she spoke. Instantly, his eyes gravitated towards her chest. The strapless crimson dress she wore pressed tightly against her breasts and hugged the curves of her body. His throat tightened as he forced himself to meet her eyes.
“Ah—yes well, I wasn't expecting something quite so—upscale.”
She smiled, knowing full well where his attention had just been. “It's nice to come to these types of places every once in awhile.”
Grabbing his glass, he took a large swig of his wine. To the others in the restaurant, his behavior was no less than obscene. It was an insult to drink wine this expensive as if it was poured from a twelve dollar bottle from the local convenience store. To him, he could care less. The wine was only a means to an end—the end of being tipsy enough to loosen up. Kagome noticed it however, shooting him a glare as he finished off his glass.
“You could at least try to act a little cultured.”
“Sorry,” he muttered, feeling his cheeks burn.
She took a deep breath, releasing it slowly. She continued in a low whisper. “Besides, it will affect your performance tonight.” He knew what she meant. Her real meal was not the luxurious lobster she had ordered, but him—or rather his life energy.
“I'll be fine,” he protested as he glanced over in surprise as a waiter magically appeared beside him, refilling his glass. As quickly as he came, the waiter vanished after a small nod. Inuyasha glanced over his shoulder, trying to figure out just where the waiter had been watching from.
“Yes, you will be fine. Remember the last time I fed off you when you were drunk?” Inuyasha was silent as he dug through his memories of the past two years. Slowly, he shook his head.
“I don't really remember—”
I had a hangover for a week,” she growled, her eyes like daggers. The memory slowly came back to him, a smile creeping across his face. He instantly knew that was the wrong reaction and quickly killed the smile before he angered her farther. “I don't want a repeat experience.”
The food arrived seconds later. For Inuyasha, the fattest and juiciest steak he had ever seen in his life. Of course it was served rare - the way real men eat it. Kagome had an equally massive lobster that was glistening with butter and lemon juice. A trio of women two tables over longingly eyed the lobster, did a quick appraisal of Kagome's figure, glanced mournfully at their own salads, and glared daggers at the side of Kagome's head. The waiter quickly disappeared, leaving them alone once more. The two ate mostly in silence. The few conversations that did break the comfortable silence were nothing more than casual observations and simple topics.
After Inuyasha and Kagome finished the last of their meals, the waiter returned to collect the plates. Inuyasha frowned as he once more tried to discover how the staff magically knew when to appear to replenish the wine and collect plates. “Are you ready?” Inuyasha turned back to look at Kagome. She looked anxious.
“For the trip back to Japan. It's been over a year.”
“A year?” Inuyasha took a deep breath, releasing it slowly as he leaned back in his chair. “It seems like it's been longer.”
She smiled as she placed her restless hands on the table. “Are you going to finish your classes?”
He nodded. “Might as well. I only have a few left thanks to your mom. I would have never thought that I could get class credits for traveling the world.”
“We owe you for all you've done—more than we can ever hope to repay.”
Grinning, he felt his cheeks heat up. “You've done more than enough for me already. Not many people can say they traveled the world. Even fewer have seen what I've seen.”
“I'm glad you enjoyed the travels.”
“I had a great traveling companion.” This time, it was Kagome's turn to redden. She unconsciously pressed on the large bun that was her hair as she looked away. He watched her for several seconds, enjoying the sight. Reaching for his glass, he took a healthy swig. It's now or never. Knowing him, he would never work up the courage to ask again. The question was eating away at him and there would never be a better opportunity. “We've been through a lot these past two years.”
“Good and bad,” she said with a smile.
“More good I hope.” While she did not say anything, the expression she wore told him what he wanted to know. With a smile, he continued. “But our adventure seems to be ending.”
“Maybe this one, but I'm sure there is a new one waiting for us back home.”
“I was thinking the same thing,” he said as he casually reached into his pocket. Tilting her head slightly, she gave him a bewildered look. He took a deep breath as he wrapped his hand around the felt box. “Two years ago, we had a long talk. I remember two things we promised each other. One, there would be no secrets. Everything, good or bad, we share with each other.”
“I remember,” Kagome whispered, shifting uncomfortably in her seat.
“The second—a subject was named taboo. You told me that if I wanted a second chance, I would have to purge all thoughts of it.” She nodded slowly, unsure of where this was going. He took a shaky breath. He knew his hands were shaking below the table, out of sight. “I'm afraid I can't keep both promises.”
“I'm not sure I understand.”
“Kagome, I love you. Every day for these past two years, I have only grown to love you more. Spending day after day with you—I don't want these days to end.”
She smiled. “I don't either.”
“But I've been keeping a secret from you.” She looked shocked, but before she could say anything, he rushed on. “The more time I spend with you, the stronger my thoughts become. I can't stop them, I've tried again and again to no avail. Kagome—” Gathering his remaining courage, he pulled his arms up to the table, extending the small box towards her as he opened it. “Will you please marry me?”
She froze, her eyes never leaving the ring. Five seconds passed. Ten. Fifteen. Twenty. Inuyasha's heart thundered in his ears as he sat, staring at her frozen expression. After thirty seconds, she finally moved, her eyes locking to his. Oh God… For a brief second, his mind changed its mind a hundred times as to whether he wanted to hear the coming answer.
“Inuyasha—” That single word seemed to answer everything. Shoulders sagging, he felt as if an enormous weight had been removed from his shoulders only to be replaced in his gut. This was a stupid idea. Even so, he needed to try, even if he knew it was doomed to fail. As his head lowered, he caught her nod as she covered her mouth with her hands. This time, it was his turn to be confused.
“You mean—” She nodded some more, looking away. “Really?” Disbelief was audible in his voice.
“Yeah,” she nodded, smiling brilliantly as she wiped a tear away.
“But I thought—” He stopped. Marriage had always been a taboo subject. Two years ago, she had made it quite clear that if he chose to be with her, he would have to throw out any hope or plans for marriage. He had proposed for himself, fully expecting to get shot down. He was overjoyed she accepted, but at the same time, it left him perplexed.
She took the ring, sliding it into place. His arms turned to jelly, sinking slowly to rest against the table. She eyed the ring happily before turning her attention back to him. “I had always thought the best way to protect you was to keep my distance, no matter how painful it was. I feared that if we got too close, I would inevitably hurt you.”
“So what changed?”
“These past two years we spent together, I've realized you are a lot stronger than I originally thought. I can't promise it will be easy, but if it's you—” Her voice caught in her throat.
“If it's me?”
She smiled. “I think I can be your wife.”
This is just the introduction. The second chapter will be much longer. Many thanks to Jay for his time editing.