InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Succubus Wife ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated for a mature audience.
Citrus Warning (For entire story)
Two Years Later
­On the day of their wedding, Kagome had restated the fact that things wouldn't be easy. Inuyasha had been around Kagome long enough to know that nothing was easy around her. Unfortunately, all the experience he had acquired while traveling with her was useless now that he faced his greatest challenge: parenthood.
The sound of rapid thuds against the wood floor alerted him to something zooming towards him. He looked up just in time to brace himself against the impact of a small body as it slammed against him. A pair of eerily familiar brown eyes looked up at him as the girl made small jumps, barely able to contain her excitement.
“Daddy! Mommy is taking me to the park!” Yumi said, continuously tugging against his pants. Smiling, he casually swept the excited girl off her feet; mostly to prevent her from pulling his pants down. Laughing, she squirmed in his arms as he struggled to keep a hold of her. She was growing at an alarming rate. It would only be a matter of time before she was too big for him to pick up. The realization of just how quickly she was growing pained him. Yumi had been `conceived' the night of the wedding; the ritual binding her life essence held by the Shikon Jewel to her body. After a quick three month pregnancy, Yumi was born.
Inuyasha quickly discovered that raising a succubus child would be far more challenging than a human one. For an exhaustive year, Kagome breastfed an insatiable Yumi using energy collected from him. It was a year filled with sleepless nights and tired days. When Yumi reached a year old, Kagome stopped breastfeeding. Since then, Yumi has done nothing but grow. Had he not seen the amazing transformation over the past several months, he would have never believed it was possible, even with all the things he had seen in his life. One moment, Yumi was nothing more than a newborn baby, barely able to lift her own head. Today, she looked like she was four and she was growing faster each passing day.
“Is that so?” he asked, finally getting a good grip on the squirming girl.
“Yep! Are you going to come too?” She stopped, her eyes meeting his.
Sadly, he shook his head. “I have to work today.” Her lower lip jutted out in a pout. It was painful seeing her sad face. He wanted to call it off and go with her but it couldn't be done--not today. “Sorry.” He gently lowered her back to the ground, setting her on her feet. Looking up, he found Kagome leaning in the doorway, arms crossed with a small smile on her face. Though her appearance had not changed over the years, there was something about her that made her infinitely more attractive. She seemed to radiate an aura of maturity, something she never had before Yumi was born. She wore low jeans and a tight blue shirt. The days of mini-skirts and skimpy clothing were over; something Inuyasha was both relieved and saddened by.
“What's with that look?” he asked, playfully giving her a suspicious look.
“Oh nothing,” she said. Crouching, she gestured for Yumi to come over to her. Lifting her up, she gave Yumi a wide smile as she tapped her nose playfully with an index finger. “You're going to drive all the boys wild.” Inuyasha frowned. He knew it was inevitable, but that didn't mean he enjoyed being reminded of Yumi's future as a succubus. Kagome detected his discomfort, her smile widening. “Is something wrong?”
“I really wish you wouldn't say things like that.”
“What? It's true.” Looking at Yumi, she pressed her nose against hers, causing Yumi to giggle. “Isn't that right?”
“I know, but I just don't want to be reminded of it.” Currently, Yumi was in a tomboy phase. She refused to wear any of the dresses Kagome had bought for her. Her black hair was cut as short as her mother would allow it, which ended up just above the shoulders. Yumi was aggressive and refused to do `girly' things, preferring to play with the boys at the playground rather than with the girls. Unlike Kagome, Inuyasha had no problems with her boyish behavior.
“Daddy's so sweet,” Kagome said, continuing to brush her nose against Yumi's. Her expression grew serious as she looked over at Inuyasha. “So today's the big day.”
“Today's the big day,” he repeated, taking a deep breath as he ran a mental checklist to see if he had everything. In all honesty, Inuyasha didn't need to work. The house, bills, everything was paid for by Kagome's mother who had collected a massive fortune over the past several centuries. There were also the investments his parents had left him after they died. The choice to work was due to other factors. He never felt comfortable freeloading off his mother-in-law, even if she could care less about money. The biggest reason was because of Miroku. Unlike him, Miroku didn't have the luxury of marrying into a rich family. So, to help him out, he helped create a small software company. It had been a tough year, but it would all be worth it if they managed to get today's contract.
Setting Yumi down, Kagome crouched down to be eye level with the girl. “Why don't you go pick out what to wear to the park today?”
“Okay!” Yumi said before turning to look at Inuyasha. “Bye Daddy!”
“Bye sweetie,” he answered. Yumi made a disgusted face, cutely scrunching her nose, before she took off down the hall. Taking a deep breath, Kagome rose to her feet, watching as their daughter disappeared around a corner. Smiling, she turned her attention back to Inuyasha. Running her hands across his chest, she slowly moved them to the red tie at his neck.
“Is it going to be a late night?” she asked softly, delicately fixing his tie.
“I hope so.” She froze, giving him a glare. “Err, I don't mean it like that. It's just a late night would mean celebrating a signed deal and—”
“I know what you meant,” she said, interrupting him. She pulled him closer, their lips almost touching. “I was just giving you a hard time.” Lips finally meeting, she opened her mouth to allow his tongue access. They broke for a brief breath before resuming their passionate kissing.
“I—I really have to go,” Inuyasha said, struggling to break away from his affectionate wife. At the moment, it was the last thing he wanted, but if he didn't apply the brakes, he wouldn't be leaving for awhile. As they separated, Kagome gave him a knowing smile.
“Looks like I'll have to wait for my meal tonight after all.”
“Sorry.” He said, slowly moving past her. He glanced down at his watch. It's going to be a long day… “Tonight, I promise.”
Smiling, she nodded as she followed him down the hall. At the door, he quickly put on his shoes. Standing, he took a deep breath, facing her again. They kissed briefly before he opened the door. “Tonight,” he repeated.
“Tonight,” she said, smiling. “Good luck today,” she said as he stepped out the door. Nodding, he closed the door behind him.
Kagome watched from the sidelines as Yumi ran and scaled the side of one of the playgrounds structures. She was in a match with several of the boys, seeing who could run the fastest, climb the fastest and swing the highest. She was stubborn when it came to competitions like that. She refused to admit defeat, not that she had trouble putting the boys in their place. Kagome knew Yumi was strong. Her demon powers had yet to manifest and she was already far ahead of her male peers.
“Just a few more weeks,” a familiar voice said behind her. Turning, she found Kikyo moving towards her. “Hello Mother.”
Kagome shook her head. “I really wish you wouldn't call me that.” She opened her arms, hugging her sister tightly. “Welcome back,” she whispered before releasing her. “How was England?”
“I think I liked the selection in America better. Anyways, Mother,” Kikyo added quickly, eyeing Yumi with obvious envy. “She's gotten big since I last saw her.”
Kagome smiled, ignoring Kikyo's jab and turning back to watch Yumi as she jumped victoriously from on top of the climbing structure. “Every day she gets bigger.” She shook her head as she continued. “I don't remember growing up that fast when I was her age.”
“That's probably because we didn't. Mom had to be much more subtle when collecting energy when we were young. She didn't have the luxury of being married to a human battery, and a very powerful and delicious one at that.” Kagome glared at her. “What? Am I wrong?”
“No,” she finally conceited, “But that still doesn't mean I like hearing you talk about him like that.”
“Relax, it's not like I'm asking to sleep with him or anything.”
“Yet,” Kagome added quickly.
There was a moment of hesitation before a sly smile crossed Kikyo's face. “Yet.” A long silence fell over the two as they watched Yumi wrestle with some of the boys, easily pinning them to the ground before moving to the next challenger. “Are you ready for the ritual?” Kikyo asked suddenly, breaking the silence.
“Physically? Yes. Emotionally? No. I just don't like how quickly she's grown up.”
“What about Inuyasha?”
Kagome took a deep breath before releasing it slowly. “I haven't talked to him about it much. He always seems to shy away from the subject when I try to bring it up. That and with his work—I really think he wants her to stay like this longer.”
“He doesn't have to work. You two do know that right?”
“I know, but he isn't working for us.”
“Right, Miroku.”
“Sango as well. They are living together now.”
Kikyo rested her hand on Kagome's shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. “Really, I don't know how you do it.”
“Do what?”
“Put up with Inuyasha. I would think that being married to a succubus would loosen him up about the whole sex thing, especially since he was a total man-whore in college.”
She glared at her. “He's a shy guy. I think it's cute. And he wasn't a man-whore,” she added as an afterthought.
Kikyo gave a nonchalant shrug. “Speaking of sex… how is the married life going? It's been awhile since we talked.”
Kagome smiled. “You caught that huh?” There had been a slight hesitation before she had answered. Leave it to her to pick something like that up. She's like Mom. Still, she remained silent.
Placing her hands on her hips, Kikyo frowned. “Come on, spill it.”
Sighing, Kagome looked over at her sister. “Okay, but this is between just us.” Kikyo nodded excitedly. “Well, I feel a little…unsatisfied.”
Kikyo floundered for words, her mouth working silently before she finally closed it. After a moment, she finally managed to find her words. “Unsatisfied? You? From what Anna and Eiko have told me about him—” She stopped at Kagome's glare. “Sorry. Please, continue.”
“It's not the sex. The sex is fantastic…when we have it.”
Kagome continued her rant; the gates that had been suppressing her concerns and frustrations for so long finally open. “I mean, he acts like it's a chore! I can't help that I need it to live! Why do we even have this problem anyways?! Isn't he a man? Shouldn't it be me who wants a break? Just because Yumi's in the house—And what is his problem with talking about Yumi anyways? Why does he always get so damn skittish when we start to talk about her future? She can't stay a little girl forever! She may be able to survive on regular food now, but in the future, she's going to need to collect energy if she is going to survive.”
Kikyo stood in surprised silence as Kagome continued her rant for another ten minutes. Finally, Kagome took a deep breath before exhaling, closing her eyes briefly. “Feel better?” she finally asked, feeling it was safe to speak again.
“Much. Thank you,” Kagome said with a sheepish smile, suddenly feeling embarrassed about going off like that. However embarrassing it was, she needed it. Sango was her usual release partner, but Sango had been busy helping Miroku for the past several weeks.
“So basically, you want more sex,” Kikyo said suddenly, breaking the silence. Looking over at her sister, Kagome was silent for several seconds.
“I really hate how you just compressed my ten minute rant into sexual frustration, but more or less, yes, that's exactly what I need.”
“Well it's an easy problem to fix, especially for us,” Kikyo said with a wide smile.
Kagome narrowed her eyes. “With my husband.”
“Oh, well, that I can't help you with.” Kikyo studied Kagome's face, seeing the concern in her younger sister's features. Sighing she bumped Kagome, causing her to stumble off-balance.
“What was that for?” Kagome spat angrily.
“Making sure you are paying attention. I don't give advice often, so the least you could do is listen to it.” Taking a deep breath, she continued. “Tell him exactly what you told me. I've lived with many men over the past centuries. They are quite clueless when they come to picking up on things. If something is bothering you, tell him. It's the only way he is ever going to know something is up.” She smiled. “Besides, Inuyasha is an understanding guy. He's been with you all these years hasn't he?”
Thinking it over, Kagome slowly started to nod. “I'm going to have to eventually, if only about Yumi…”
“Oh, another thing…”
“Make sure you talk to him after you have sex. Something tells me the conversation isn't going to be the best of mood setters.”
Kagome chuckled nervously. If only that wasn't true…
“So how's the sex life?”
“Excuse me?” Inuyasha asked, looking away from the screen to glance at Miroku. Despite his question, Miroku continued diligently plucking away at the keyboard. After several seconds, he finally peeled his eyes away from the screen to look at Inuyasha.
“You—the wife? I figure you two are still having sex considering she's still alive.” He paused. “Or did your marriage finally graduate to an open one?”
“This is hardly the place for a conversation like this and frankly, it's none of your damn business.”
“Still that bad huh?” Miroku nodded slowly before continuing his work.
“Still? Bad? Wait, what?”
Sighing, Miroku looked back at Inuyasha. “In case you haven't forgotten, Kagome and Sango are wonderful friends--friends that share all sorts of things that I couldn't possibly begin to imagine. I just so happen to live with Sango. So, unfortunately, I get to hear all sorts of things.” There was a pause. “Or fortunately, in a disturbing, voyeuristic sort of way.” He frowned, thinking to himself. “I guess its okay since Kagome's in it and I forget it's my best friend that's bang—”
“Okay, seriously, enough.” Inuyasha shook his head, trying to push the terrible thoughts from his head about his friend. Turning back to his work, he had only begun typing when he faced Miroku again. “Wait, you mentioned bad?”
“Well not for you apparently if you're asking.” Inuyasha sat back against his chair, stunned. She thinks it's bad? He had to admit, they didn't get to do it as much ever since Yumi had joined the family, but he never thought it was bad.
“I had no idea. I've been so busy here--”
Seeing the uneasy look on Inuyasha's face, Miroku looked around before scooting closer. “I wouldn't read too much into it. To be honest I wasn't really paying attention to Sango. Maybe it was just a one-time thing?” Considering all their lovemaking sessions were pretty consistent, his friend's attempts to cheer him up did little to help his mood.
“Wasn't paying attention? Is that so…” Both turned quickly to find Sango standing there, a folder tucked under her arm as she stared at Miroku.
“Ah, but by that, I meant—”
“Later,” she said, cutting him off. “Right now, we have more important things.” She looked over at Inuyasha. “Is something wrong?”
“Huh? Oh, no,” he said, trying to force his mind to focus on the present. Still, Miroku's words haunted him. What am I doing wrong?
“If you say so…” She didn't sound convinced, but she didn't press. “Anyways, the people from VOX Corp are here.” She took a deep breath. “I hope you two are ready, because I'm not.”
Miroku chuckled nervously. “Wonderful, and here you're supposed to be the most prepared out of all of us.” Snapping his fingers, he got Inuyasha's attention. “Push everything aside. We need to focus here.”
“Right. Sorry,” Inuyasha said, running a hand through his hair. Looking around, he began gathering his needed materials. “Let me just get my stuff…” Once everything was collected, he went through a mental checklist, making sure he had everything he needed.
“Ready?” Sango asked anxiously as Inuyasha stood.
“As ready as I'll get.”
“Let's do this!” Miroku finished, leading the way. Taking a deep breath, Inuyasha followed.
The lead representative for VOX Corp wasn't what Inuyasha had expected. Considering he had spent many hours on the phone with a man when he was trying to get this meeting, he had expected a man to represent the company. Instead, it was a gorgeous blonde named Avery Hurst. That didn't mean there weren't men with her, but she was the one doing all the talking. There was also something about her that was different, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what it was.
Inuyasha knew immediately that it would be a tough sell. Despite her looks, Avery had an all-business expression. The fact that Miroku was more interested in her ample chest than the material didn't help. With Miroku's attention elsewhere and Sango's attention on him, the responsibility for getting the contract signed rested solely on him.
“Your promising a lot from software that isn't even built yet,” Avery said, looking up from the several sheets of paper resting before her. It had been nearly three hours since the meeting started.
“I wouldn't say it hasn't been built yet. We are currently running a Beta version here on several machines. All of the major bugs have been fixed. In another week or so, it should be ready to ship.”
She looked down at the papers again. “You're asking for a lot.”
“The program does a lot.”
Her eyes met his. “And you're an untested company.”
“We've provided your company with the software and have continued to provide patches as we've developed them. I hear your technical people were more than satisfied with the program.”
One of her eyebrows rose. “So I've heard… which is why I've been told to accept your offer.”
Suddenly, it felt as if a massive weight had been lifted from his shoulders. To his right, both Sango and Miroku breathed a sigh of relief. “T-that's great!”
Avery smiled for the first time since they had met as she extended her hand towards Inuyasha. He took it; her hand was surprisingly delicate in his. “We at VOX Corporation appreciate the effort and time you've put into this program. You're going to save us a lot of money in the coming years.” She leaned over, taking her briefcase and setting it on the table atop the papers. Her smile widened as the briefcase snapped open. “Now comes the fun part—our specifications.”
Inuyasha resisted the urge to groan. Here I thought it was over. Keeping a smile on his face, he began reading his copy.
While Inuyasha had no desire to prolong the work day, protocol dictated that he had to accept the offer to join the VOX representatives for a drink after the specifics had been worked out. When they left the office, it had been close to eight in the evening. He had no idea how long they had been at the bar, but judging by how loud things were getting, it had been some time.
Miroku and Sango sat across from him, each drinking merrily. At this point, Inuyasha was convinced they were drinking more because the fact it was free rather than what they had originally been celebrating. Two of the men that had come with Avery were chatting happily to some girls while the last yelled loudly into the karaoke microphone. Still mostly sober, it was painful to listen to. Those that were drunk didn't seem to mind and cheered the man on. Beside him sat Avery, watching the festivities with her cool blue eyes. Like Inuyasha, she wasn't drinking much.
“I take it you're not enjoying yourself?” Inuyasha said, leaning closer to Avery so she could hear him over the noise.
“I could say the same about you,” she responded with a smile, lifting her glass to her lips.
He shrugged. “There are a few places I would rather be. Not that I don't appreciate being here,” he added quickly. Have to be careful. They are still customers.
She laughed. “I'm with you on that. This is merely for them,” she said, gesturing with her glass to the men with her and to Sango and Miroku. “Happy employees are hard-working employees—or that's the theory anyways.”
“Well my employees are always happy,” Inuyasha said, looking at Miroku and Sango. They were more business partners than actual employees, but that was just a minor technicality.
“Hmm, that's what you think.” She tipped her glass against her lips, taking a sip of the liquid inside.
“Oh, nothing.”
He narrowed his eyes, intrigued by what she meant. “Tell me.”
She took a deep breath, looking over at him. “You may find this strange, but I sometimes get—vibes from people. Usually it's nothing specific, just a feeling.” Smiling, she looked away, shaking her head slowly. “This is really strange, sorry, forget I said anything.”
“No, no,” he said, urging her to continue. If anyone here was going to believe her, it would be him. This could be the reason why she feels different. “Please, continue.”
“Well, it's pretty accurate. It's one of the reasons why I'm where I am in my career today.”
“So you get the feeling that Sango and Miroku are unhappy?”
She hesitated, half-shaking her head. “No, I think it's a little more complicated than that. She is worried, while he is confused. Sorry, I can't really describe it that well.”
Inuyasha didn't know if the two were having problems. He had never noticed anything, but he couldn't be too sure if he could trust his judgment. Sango was an expert at keeping things secret and acting, so picking up anything from her would have taken a miracle. As for Miroku, he was his best friend. Being so close sometimes meant not noticing something big.
He smiled. “No, I think you did fine.”
She gave him a doubtful look. “You don't believe me.”
Laughing, he shook his head. “I believe you. This is a lot more believable than some of the things I've seen in my life.”
Avery tilted her head to the side, giving him a curious look. “Oh? Like what?”
“Ah, well—” He froze, looking at her. None of the stories he had were something he could tell just anyone. At the same time, he had to give her something. After all, she just shared something that was obviously very personal to her. “There was this one time, in South America—”
“You've been to South America?”
He nodded. “I've traveled to a lot of places.”
“I know how that feels. South America is one of the few places I haven't been to.” Her eyes widened as she suddenly realized she had interrupted his story. “I'm sorry.”
“Don't worry about it. So in South America, I was exploring some ancient ruins when I noticed a little girl at the far end of one of the hallways. I was in a tour group, so I thought it was one of their children who had wandered off. When I got close, she ran off.” He paused to study her expression. She was completely engrossed in the story. “I followed her, but when I looked down the hall she had gone, there was no one there.” There was a long silence.
“You're bullshitting me! That was way too predictable!” she said, playfully slapping his arm.
He smiled. “I kid you not. There was no one there. I checked and there was nowhere else to go.”
“So you're saying you saw a ghost?”
“I believe I did.” The truth behind the story was different. He and Kagome had gone to a temple in South America inhabited by a group of specters. While creepy, they were actually quite friendly and interesting to talk to; unlike a lot of things, because they really couldn't be classified as anything else, Kagome had introduced him to on their travels.
She smiled as she stared at him. “My intuition was right about you—you're an interesting guy.”
“Is that the `vibe' you're getting off me?”
She shook her head. “I get something quite different.”
“Is that so?”
Nodding, she rested her hand on his leg. Even in his slightly buzzed state, the action sent up warning flares. “I'm sure we could slip out without anyone noticing at this point.”
He knew exactly what she was proposing. With a nervous chuckle, he brought attention to his left hand, or more importantly, the ring on it. “As tempting as that is…”
She removed her hand quickly, her face reddening. “Oh, God, I'm sorry—I didn't know—err—I knew you were married, I just thought—” She took a deep breath, looking down as she rested her head against her hand. “I feel like such an idiot.”
“It's fine.” From her reaction, he wondered if she had ever been rejected before. If she had, it wasn't often. With her looks, it was no wonder.
She shook her head. “It's just--I'm usually right about these things, I don't under—” It looked like she had a sudden epiphany. Her blush deepened. “Oh God, I'm so stupid. Of course I was getting that from you. You're thinking of your wife.”
For a brief second, he wondered what exactly she was picking up from him. Eventually, it sunk in. In the back of his mind, he was still thinking about what Miroku had told him earlier about Kagome. He knew that she was waiting for him to return so she could eat. Now that he was thinking about it, the urge to return home quickly faded slightly.
“It's fine, really,” he said, still caught up in the awkward flow of conversation.
Taking a deep breath, she paused before looking at him. “I think I'm going to go sing for a bit.”
He watched as she finished off her drink, standing quickly. “Uh, yeah, okay,” he said, eyes following her as she passed by him to walk towards the stage. Letting out a relieved breath, Inuyasha ran a hand through his head. That wasn't awkward or anything. Movement across the table caught his attention. Miroku and Sango were locked in a passionate kiss, Sango slowly crawling atop him. Frowning, Inuyasha reached forward to pull the half-empty liquor bottle towards him. “Yeah, I think that's enough for you two as well.”
Closing his eyes for a brief second, he leaned back in his seat. And the day's not even over
By the time Inuyasha returned home, Kagome was exhausted. Yumi was always so full of energy and it was tough for Kagome to keep up, especially when she hadn't had a proper meal in three days. The conversation she had been dreading would have to wait for another day. All that concerned her now was her upcoming meal. Luckily for her, Inuyasha was a more than willing partner when he returned. With Yumi asleep, Inuyasha was much more willing to revert back to his previous self before they were married; passionate, unrestrained and a little forceful.
Kagome's clothes were off before she was through their bedroom door. As hungry as she was, there was none of the usual foreplay. Pushing him back onto the bed, she quickly crawled over him, running her hands over his bare chest as she leaned over to kiss him. She let the kiss linger several seconds longer than usual, knowing that this would be the last kiss until they were finished. Knees on either side of him, she rose up. Taking hold of his erection, she positioned it at her entrance before slowly lowering herself onto him.
One of the things she missed in her life before Yumi was not worrying about the noise. While she had never been a screamer, there were moments when she became quite vocal during lovemaking, particularly in the years leading up to their marriage. Now, she had to spend effort to keep quiet. To keep quiet, not only did she have to move at a more moderate pace, something she never enjoyed, but she couldn't be as forceful as she was used to. It was true that it took them longer to finish, but what was the point of prolonging something that she wasn't enjoying to the fullest?
Hands pressed against his chest, she made small up-down movements. The room was near-silent, the only noise being the sounds of their heavy panting. She remembered the days when they made the bed squeak below them. It was a sound she had grown fond of, one of the reasons why she picked the mattress over others. Now, it barely moved under them.
She knew that this was a difference in culture. She had never quite understood why humans viewed sex the way they did. Being the only effective way to continue the species, sex was important. Yet humans always considered it almost as a taboo subject and kept it behind closed doors, very rarely discussing it in public. Those who embraced sex were seen in a negative light. It was true things were changing, but it was only until recently that the changes began.
For her, sex was never hidden and she was exposed to it at an early age. Her mother never made any efforts to hide the fact she was having sex. There were far worse things than witnessing your parents having sex, especially when you were raised with the mindset that sex wasn't an evil that had to be hidden. Witnessing an inquisition or two guaranteed her far more horrific sights. She wanted to prepare Yumi for the future like her mother had prepared her. Unfortunately, there were parts of her culture that Inuyasha would never accept. Though she may have wished otherwise, she understood the need to respect his desires. There were things he had to give up to be with her, it was only fair she made her own concessions.
After an antagonizing long time had passed she finally reached climax. Biting down on her index finger, she kept quiet as the refreshing heat of his energy poured into her. The urge to scream steadily left her as she continued to suck energy from her lover. Finally satisfied, she lifted herself from his exhausted form, settling down beside him. Knowing he was too tired to move, she helped pull the covers over them before snuggling against him. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth of his body and the satisfaction of a good meal.
“I have to ask you something,” he whispered softly, breaking the pleasant silence that had settled over them.
“Okay,” she said, not opening her eyes. Her voice sounded detached, like in a dream.
He shifted slightly beside her. It was probably the best he could manage so soon after she fed. “Are you—satisfied?”
Her eyes shot open, her head tilting slightly so that she could examine his face. Her heart pounded as she spoke. “O-of course I am! Why do you ask?”
There was a hesitation before he answered. “Miroku told me you weren't satisfied.”
“Miroku?” She frowned. “What would Miroku know?”
“Nothing—but apparently Sango does.”
Shit, I should have figured something like this would happen. It was true she had told Sango a version of what she had told Kikyo earlier. It didn't bother her that Sango had told Miroku, but the least she could have done was tell him to keep things to himself. What am I saying? Of course Miroku would tell Inuyasha these things. He's his best friend.
“Why didn't you say anything? Do you know how it feels to be told by your best friend how my wife isn't satisfied in bed?”
She didn't like his tone. He was angry and hurt. It was painful to listen to. “I told her not to say anything.”
“That's beside the point!” The volume of his voice was increasing. “This isn't Sango's fault.”
I have to calm him down before he wakes Yumi. Her waking up in the middle of this argument wouldn't be the best of things, especially with the two of them being naked. Inuyasha was just barely keeping his temper in check as it was.
“We can talk about this,” she started.
“Oh, so now you want to talk? After everyone but me knows about the quality of our sex life? That's a private matter!”
She sat up, the covers falling off her onto her lap. Inuyasha was still too weak to do much more than small movements. “Damn it Inuyasha, they already know we have sex! So what if we talk about it? We're all adults.”
“Oh, so you want to talk about sex?”
“A little openness wouldn't hurt.”
“Fine, let's start with you then! Why don't you tell me about your first time and we'll work our way up to the present? I'll take off work for the next couple months and we can have a nice—long—talk.
Her mouth dropped in shock. He did not just say that! She was horrified. He knew her past was a touchy subject. They had agreed to let the past remain the past. He wouldn't ask about her past and she wouldn't ask about his. At the time, she knew she was getting a better deal, but for him to bring it up now…
Tears ran down her face as she glared down at him. “Like you were any better; I did it to survive. What's your excuse?”
His fists clenched in anger. “At least they told me if it was good or not!”
“Do you know why I'm not satisfied?” She could barely keep her voice steady. “It's because you always treat it like a chore, like you have to do it!” He had a surprised look on his face. “When was the last time you initiated something? I remember when I couldn't keep you off me. Now—now I have to practically beg you to touch me.”
“T-things are different now with Yumi—”
“Don't make her your excuse!” she shouted, cutting him off. “In two weeks, we will perform her Ritual of Initiation. Her demon powers will awaken and the little girl you know will be a woman. A woman Inuyasha! And just like me, she will need energy to survive.” Before he got a chance to respond, she continued, not wanting to end the momentum she had gathered. “She may look like a child Inuyasha, but succubi grow far faster than you can ever imagine. When I was her age, I knew what my parents did at night. I knew why my mother left in the evening and didn't return until the morning. Maybe if you were around more often, you could see that.”
His features darkened. “That's not fair. I have to work.”
“No you don't! Sango told me they had a handle on the project weeks ago! My mother can—”
“I don't want her help!” he shouted.
“Why?!” Her voice was slightly louder than his.
“Because I don't want to be involved with that world any more than I have to!” he yelled.
There was silence as Kagome stared at him through teary eyes. Her voice was barely a whisper as she spoke. “Then why did you marry me?”
“Mommy?” Yumi's soft voice cut off any response. Quickly wiping the tears from her eyes, Kagome glanced over her shoulder to find Yumi standing at the door, rubbing her eyes. She mentally kicked herself for letting her emotions get the best of her. Instead of calming Inuyasha down, she had escalated things to the point where their yelling had disturbed Yumi's sleep. “What's going on?” she asked sleepily.
“I'm sorry honey; Mommy and Daddy were talking too loud, weren't we?” While she tried to keep her voice lighthearted, intense emotions kept her from keeping a level tone. Getting off the bed, she moved towards the door. “Come on, let's go back to bed.” Kagome knew Inuyasha was furious, but so was she. Let him sulk. Placing a hand on Yumi's back, Kagome guided her back down the hall towards her room.
“Mommy, why are you naked?” she asked, eyeing her curiously.
Smiling, Kagome crouched in front of her daughter. “Your Daddy and I were playing a little game.”
Her eyes brightened, the sleepiness vanishing. “Can I play too!?”
Giggling, Kagome pressed her nose against Yumi's. “No, it's a game only Mommy can play.”
Yumi pushed her bottom lip out in a pout. “But I want to play too!”
“You will get to play all sorts of games like it, but you need to grow up first.”
The young girl stomped her foot. “I want to grow up now!”
Kagome felt her smile falter at her daughter's words. “Come on, back to bed for you.” With obvious reluctance, Yumi marched over to her bed, letting Kagome pull the covers over her. “Goodnight,” Kagome said, kissing her forehead. “Love you.”
“I love you too,” Yumi answered automatically.
Kagome watched for several minutes as the girl gradually drifted back to sleep. Taking a deep breath, she pressed her hand against her forehead. Even though she had just eaten, she could feel a sense of exhaustion creeping over her. Looking down at Yumi's sleeping form, a thin smile formed on Kagome's face. If her mother had been in her position, she would have made it clear what she had been doing. Kagome passed on the opportunity, deciding to sugarcoat the truth. It was what Inuyasha wanted. For the moment, she would follow along. Once they worked things out…
She ran a hand gently through Yumi's short hair, worry etched on her face. Things will work out… right?
And that's it for the first chapter. Again, much thanks to Jay for editing things and to those who left a review.