InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Succubus Wife ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated for a mature audience.
Citrus Warning (For entire story)
Kagome was amazed how quickly Yumi fell asleep. Well, they were out most of the day. Getting the day off from being a mother hen had been relaxing, even though she hadn't had time to get out of the house.
Gradually inching the door closed, Kagome left it open just a crack before carefully backing away. Yumi had always been a light sleeper and the last thing she wanted right now was to wake her up. Satisfied that Yumi was tucked in and that she had successfully escaped without waking her, Kagome headed to her bedroom. Pushing open the door, she found Inuyasha reading on the bed. Frowning, she closed the door behind her.
“Yumi asleep?” he asked, lowering the book.
She nodded, moving towards the closet. “Did you talk to Miroku today?”
“Yeah, I met him at the playground. I'm guessing you heard about things from Sango?”
“She called about an hour or so after you left.”
Inuyasha let out a sigh. “Crazy isn't it? Here I thought they were finally settling down.”
“I find it funny,” she said from the closet, half-talking, half-deciding what to wear tomorrow.
“Funny?” From the sound of his voice, he didn't find things amusing.
“Not like that,” she said, poking her head out of the closet to find him staring unhappily at her. “I mean how both of our relationships are reversed.” His expression didn't change. “Well think about it. I'm a succubus whose not only married, but stays with one man. Both of them are human yet they can't seem to close their relationship. From a stereotypical view, both our relationships should be reversed.”
Inuyasha sighed, shaking his head. “No thanks. I'm perfectly happy with how things are now.”
She had the sudden urge to tease him a little. “Oh? You sure you're happy with just me? I know some people who would be more than willing to join.”
He perked up, the book falling into his lap. “Really?” he asked excitedly. “You really mean that!? I've always been afraid to ask but--”
Kagome felt her heart sink as he continued. Her ears heard everything that he said, but her mind failed to comprehend what was being said. She was still in shock over how animate he was over the idea. I know in the past he—but I thought now—Her thoughts were a mess as she struggled to follow a dozen different trains at the same time. Ever since she and Inuyasha had gotten back together after their separation, it had always felt right to be together. There were times when she was tempted, very tempted, but she always resisted the urge and never regretted her decision to stay with only Inuyasha. She had always assumed he felt the same way. But another woman? The idea was unsettling. She watched his animated expressions as he continued talking. He seemed overjoyed at the thought. Telling him she had only been teasing… She gently bit her lower lip, her conflicting feelings dueling inside her, gnawing at her.
His voice knocked her out of her reverie. “Hmm?” she asked, trying to make it sound like she had been paying attention.
“Have you decided who the first one will be?”
First? “Inuyasha I—” Her explanation was cut off by his gut-wrenching laughter. “What's so funny?” she demanded angrily, resting a hand on her hip. There is nothing funny about this conversation!
“I got you, didn't I?” he choked out through his laughter. As his laughing fit subsided, he took a deep breath. “Oh man,” he said, wiping tears from his eyes. “You should have seen the look on your face.”
She suddenly realized that she had been had. Pressing her lips together, she reached for the nearest weighted object she could grab, a shoe, and chucked it at him. He managed to swat it down with his hand as the rest of his body pressed against the bed. “I thought you were serious!” she cried in dismay, embarrassed that her teasing had been turned against her. Not only had she failed in her attempt, she had fallen completely for his.
He chuckled as he righted himself. “Come on, I thought you knew me better than that.” Still flustered, she moved over towards the bed to recover the shoe. He grabbed her by the arm, his smile fading. “Why are you mad?”
“I'm not,” she muttered, looking away.
“Yes you are.”
“I'm not!” He was silent but he didn't release her arm, patiently waiting for her to answer him. “Besides, you're supposed to sleep on the couch tonight.” She smiled victoriously as his expression changed to express his displeasure. Ha! You thought I forgot didn't you?
“That's true,” he agreed, nodding slowly. She wore a smug smile, happy that she had managed to still come out on top. She let out a surprised yelp as he forcefully pulled her onto the bed, quickly rolling over to pin her against the bed. His voice was just above a whisper. “Lucky for me, I don't plan on sleeping...”
She had no idea what had brought on the sudden change, but she wasn't going to complain. The passion that had disappeared after Yumi was born was back, and Kagome was going to enjoy every second of it.
It had been a long time since they had done anything with the lights on. Her hands moved across his smooth skin as she pushed his shirt off. It had been awhile since she had been on the bottom. It felt awkward wiggling against the bed as he struggled to free her of her clothes. He let out a frustrated groan between kisses, immediately followed by the sound of fabric ripping and the rush of air on her exposed chest. Her giggles were snuffed by the barrage of kisses that followed. Let's hope he has a little more patience with my pants.
Luckily, he did. Breaking the kiss he scooted down the bed to quickly pull them off, tossing them over the bed before running his hands slowly up her legs.
“What's with this?” she asked, smiling at him as he tenderly kissed her stomach, working his way up her body, his hands running along her sides.
“You don't like it?” he asked, continuing his journey up her body.
A tingle ran over her. “I never said that,” she whispered. Everything in her was lit up, ready to go. Things were creeping closer to the point of no return. Once they passed that, nothing, absolutely nothing would stop her from getting the release she desired. His lips attached to her left nipple, sucking it lightly as his index finger made circular motions around the other. It was the nudge she needed. “Inuyasha,” she breathed. “Please.”
He needed no other encouragement. Within seconds of her plea, he was sheathed inside her. Worries of how passionate the actual act would be were quickly stamped out as he began forcefully driving into her. She gasped noisily as he hammered into her with rapid succession. After over a year of painfully slow sex, the sudden switch was overwhelming. She cried out as she came, Inuyasha following immediately after her. Heat washed over her body as his energy swept through her. Having just fed the night before, their orgasm lasted a fraction of the previous nights.
Exhausted, Inuyasha fell to the side, gasping for breath. He chuckled between his gasps. “Wow. I was expecting that to last a lot longer.”
“This was—unexpected,” she said, looking away to hide her blush. It wasn't Inuyasha's fault they had finished in just over a minute. With the link that formed between a succubus and her partner, the only way the male could finish is if the succubus did first. She was baffled why it had ended so quickly. It wasn't that she was tired. Unlike Inuyasha, her breathing was only slightly heavier than it normally was. She quickly glanced towards the door. Her sudden movement didn't escape Inuyasha, who also looked towards the door.
“What is it?” he asked, his eyes moving between her and the door anxiously.
She shook her head. “Nothing, I just thought—”
“Thought what?” he pressed.
A smile crossed her lips as she rolled onto her side, snuggling against him. “We were a little loud so I thought Yumi would wake. You must have tired her out more than I thought.”
He sighed. “It wasn't me. It was all those kids at the playground.”
A mischievous smile formed as she slowly ran her hand across his chest, stopping just above the large scar. “We should take advantage of this.”
One of his eyebrows rose. “You think you can handle something a little longer this time?” he teased.
She pinched him, causing him to flinch against her. “Why don't we find out?”
Dante drummed his fingers impatiently against the armrest of the chair. He was in his hotel room. It was nice, and judging by the rest of the hotel, expensive. They sure like to show off their money. He frowned. And make people wait. As soon as the thought finished, the laptop chimed as a secure connection was established.
“About damn time,” he muttered, sitting up in the chair.
“Mr. Rizzo?” a male voice said from the computer.
“Yeah,” he answered. There still was no video transmission. He knew he had no right to complain, not with the amount they were paying, but it was unnerving to never actually see the people who were ordering him around.
“I hope your accommodations are acceptable?”
He glanced around. “I really don't know why you bothered with something so expensive. I doubt I'm going to be here after tonight. I told you I'm okay with something a little less…” He poked at the leather arm of the chair. “Pompous.”
“Cost is of no concern to us.”
“Yeah, right. Still, it just feels weird. I'm not used to this sort of treatment.”
“A true pity considering who you are.”
Dante snorted. “Please.” I'm getting sidetracked. “So when do you want me to start this weird little mission of yours?”
“Okay… but I still don't understand why I am here.” His laptop chirped. Leaning forward, Dante found a file had been uploaded. Opening it, a list of names and pictures began scrolling down the screen. “Wha-”
“These are your targets.”
“Damn… These are some nice looking chicks!”
“Of course. None are human.”
“You're shitting me. These are all those demons you were talking about?”
Dante frowned. “And you want me to sleep with them? All of them?” he asked as the names on the list continued to scroll. “I mean, good lord.”
“That won't be necessary.” The names suddenly stopped scrolling. Several names were selected and moved off onto a smaller list on the right. “These are your primary targets. All are currently close to your location. All others are considered targets of opportunity.”
He looked over them, nodding in satisfaction. Good, it looks like some of the better looking ones are mixed in here. Not that the others weren't drop dead gorgeous either. He took a deep breath, releasing it as he ran a hand over his chin. “I've got a lot of weird requests over the years… but this one trumps them all. Any particular reason why I can't just shoot them?”
“Under no circumstances are you to harm them!” the voice snapped, taking Dante by surprise.
“That's a weird request to make to a professional hit man.”
“We didn't hire you just for your assassination skills.”
“So it is because of `that.'” By `that,' Dante meant his seemingly invincible body. Ever since he was a kid, he had an extraordinary healing ability. Small wounds healed instantly, larger ones took several seconds. What he had found truly remarkable was his `death' at age sixteen. He had stolen his neighbors' car and took it for a joyride. It ended quickly with him slamming into a wall at speeds in excess of one ninety kilometers per hour. He awoke next to the totaled car, his clothes torn to shreds, but not a scratch on him. A few tests afterwards confirmed that he was seemingly immune to death, a handy skill for his current profession.
“…Yes.” The man sounded reluctant to answer more, so Dante didn't push. Still… Who are these people? He knew next to nothing about them, only they had hired him through his boss. His boss was even more reluctant to talk about them than they were about themselves. Not only were the people weird, ranting on and on about demons and stuff, but the mission itself was completely out there. Paying to kill someone is one thing, but paying someone to sleep with a bunch of people? He began looking over the photos and names that had been picked out of the list. Many even had a short biography. Not that I'm complaining…
“So, what kind of time frame we looking at? Do I need to do this quickly or can I take my time and enjoy it?”
“Two weeks.”
“All these in two weeks?”
“Is that a problem?”
He hesitated. “I'll try my best, but these are high-class looking women. I don't know if they would go for someone like me.”
“You'll soon discover these women will find you irresistible. Besides, we have faith in you and your abilities.”
Even though the guy mentioned `we,' Dante had only ever talked to him. Shifting uncomfortably, he leaned towards the laptop. “S-should I use protection?”
“I doubt they will let you.”
That's not odd or anything. Nope, perfectly normal. Strange man sleeping with lots of strange beautiful women, none of them will want to use protection. “So… how do I know I won't, you know, get something?”
“Oh, you won't have to worry about that.”
“And I'll be safe doing it with these girls right? I mean, they are demons.”
“You may experience a draining effect, but I assure you, it's perfectly safe.”
“I don't like the sound of that.”
“It is not you who should worry, but them.”
Dante didn't like how that sounded. “Hey now, I'll have you know I'm clean!”
The man chuckled softly. It was the first time Dante had ever heard him show emotion. “I apologize if I offended you in some way, but I promise I didn't mean it like that.” He was suddenly all business again. “Do you have any more questions?”
After thinking, he shook his head only to realize the man couldn't actually see him. “No.” In truth, he had a million but he doubted any of them would get an answer.
“Excellent. We look forward to seeing your results.” The connection was severed.
Dante relaxed back in his chair, folding his hands behind his head. “This is getting more fucked up by the minute.” He stared at his computer screen, the pictures of the girls still there. A grin spread across his face. “But I think I might enjoy this one.”
Normally, Sango enjoyed work, or enjoyed it as much as someone could. It was stressful at times, but she liked focusing on different things and the feeling of accomplishment on a job well done. Now, she knew what awaited her. Miroku never came home last night. In a way, she hadn't expected him to. In the time after she moved in, they had had several big arguments, each one ending with him leaving to cool down. Depending on the time of day, sometimes, he stayed out. Before, she was never too concerned with what he did while he was out, knowing he most likely decided to crash at a cheap hotel downtown. Things were different now. She knew he stayed at a hotel, but had doubts whether he was alone in the room. Is it always going to be this miserable? Sango knew she wasn't looking her best. Worry and a lack of sleep did that to people. For her, she had spent most of the time contemplating what to do next. Did she need to just wait things out and see what happened or put in effort to force something out of it? She had a taste of what a true relationship with Miroku had felt like and wanted it back. The problem lied with convincing him she wanted it. If it were to succeed, she needed to give it time.
But how long can I take things like this? Do I stay with him or move out? She sighed, hovering outside the office. “What do I do?” Even if she wanted to, she didn't think she could afford her own place, not with what she currently had.
Taking a deep breath, she focused herself before opening the door. She heard laughing inside as the door opened. Sitting at a computer was Miroku, Avery sitting on the desk beside it laughing. She immediately stopped upon her entrance, looking away. Miroku looked over his shoulder.
“Morning,” he said impassively.
“Morning,” she responded, with equal indifference as she closed the door behind her. If the thermostat ran on emotions, the entire room would have frozen over.
“Inuyasha's late,” Miroku said, eyeing the clock. “Usually he beats both of us,” he continued, this time to Avery.
“He's on vacation.”
“Vacation? Inuyasha doesn't take vacation.”
“Maybe that's why he took one,” she shot back, sitting down at her desk. “He wanted to spend time with those he loves.” She couldn't help but flash a look of anger towards Avery. Luckily, she wasn't looking at her at the time. Sango had mixed feelings about her. Avery was technically an involved third-party, but her role was somewhat minimal in the greater problem. She knew they were still a couple, but made no effort to reject Miroku's advances.
“M-maybe I should go,” Avery said uncomfortably as she stood.
“What? Why?” Miroku asked, focusing on her as she walked past him.
“You have the specifications for the software. I really don't need to be here... I think I'll just be in the way.”
“But what if I have questions?”
“You have my number,” she said with a tense smile. Her eyes flickered over to Sango who managed to keep her face expressionless. “Just give me a call if you have any questions.”
Miroku smiled. “Okay. I'll see you tonight then?”
Again, Avery looked towards Sango who pretended not to be paying attention. “Uh, I mean, well… call me when you finish today.”
“Alright,” he answered, smiling after her as she quickly retreated from the room. A long silence dominated the room. Both pretended to be engrossed in their work, but neither were actually doing anything.
Sango was the first to break the silence. “Sounds like things are going great.”
“Oh, they are,” he answered. “Last night, the things we did…” He made a face like he was hitting something hard as he made forward and back motions with his fists.
She knew he said it that way on purpose. He had every intention of hurting her with it. What made things worse was that he succeeded. “That's good to hear.” She was amazed she managed to keep her voice steady.
“I might not be home tonight again.”
“Okay.” She was having trouble focusing on her work.
He let out a weary sigh. “Too bad the changes won't take long. Once things are done, Avery is going back to Europe.”
“So sad,” she said sarcastically.
“Isn't it?” She knew he had detected the sarcasm, but he continued as if she had been sincere. “I'll have to find another girl then.”
Sango snapped, slamming her fists against the table as she stood. “Fuck you.”
“What's your problem?” he shot back indignantly.
“You know what my problem is: You! I've done nothing to deserve this sort of treatment from you!”
“`Done nothing?' Funny, that's not how I remember things.”
“Stop acting like a fucking child Miroku. That's right, a child,” she shouted, interrupting him before he could say anything. “I admit, I could have handled things a little differently, both of us could have. But you—What's the first thing you do when we hit a rough spot in our relationship? You run off to another woman!” Tears ran down her face. “What's more, you come in here bragging to me about the fun time you had with her. What the fuck Miroku!” Her voice grew soft. “You didn't even have the decency to break up with me first.”
He gave a dry laugh. “Here I was thinking you broke up with me with the whole `no' to marriage thing, but fine.” He stood up, facing her. Clearing his throat, he straightened his back. “Sango, we should see other people, and by see, I mean fuck.” His expression brightened, but he wore a fake smile. “But you know, I think we should still be friends.”
Sango could no longer control the tears that ran down her face. “I hate you!” was all she could manage as she ran towards the door, shoving past him. Slamming the door, she tried in vain to stem the flow of tears. I can't just sit here, crying in the hall. Sobbing, she headed towards the bathroom.
Inuyasha felt oddly happy when he awoke. For one, he was still on the bed, meaning he had escaped his exile to the couch. The second was finding Kagome beside him, a glowing smile on her face as he regained consciousness.
“Morning,” she whispered, snuggling closer to him.
He smiled back. “Good morning.” And what a good morning it is! I don't have to go into work today! Though he knew he should with the whole Sango-Miroku problem, his mind was made up. Besides, what's one or two days? It will give the two time to cool down and work things out naturally. He felt bouncy, a strange thing for him in the morning, especially when his numerous encounters with Kagome should have left him completely drained.
Even Kagome picked up on it. “You seem energetic this morning.”
“I feel energetic. I haven't felt this good in…” He frowned, thinking. “A long time.”
She hummed, running her hand slowly up his chest. “I might be able to drain the batteries a little,” she whispered as she sensuously slid under the covers.
Inuyasha, still a little groggy, blinked in confusion. “Oh wow,” he gasped, eyes widening as he felt something wet touch the tip of his semi-erect cock. Suffice to say that it wasn't at half-mast for much longer. Both his body and mind were fully awake in an instant, blood rushing down to where it was needed. He grabbed at the sheets as he watched the comforter rise and fall rapidly approximately where his crotch was. He knew Kagome was in a happy mood as well. It had been a long time since she had done this.
Groaning loudly, he involuntarily thrust up as he came, his body tensing as it emptied the little stores that remained into Kagome's waiting mouth. He relaxed back into the bed as the sensation faded. Even after his erection faded, Kagome remained below the covers, using her mouth and tongue to ensure every drop was accounted for.
Feeling her warmth leave him, he suddenly felt Kagome's body pressed to his side. She licked her lips hungrily. He knew that look. She wanted something more. Unfortunately, it wouldn't to be as the sound of footsteps thundered towards them. Kagome barely had enough time to cover herself before the door shot open, revealing an awake and energetic Yumi.
“Mommy!” she cried, rushing the bed and flinging herself at Kagome. The woman made a small `oof' as the child landed atop her. “Good morning!” she cried before burying her face into her mother's chest. Kagome quickly reached up to hold the blanket in place.
“You're up… early,” Kagome said, trying, and failing, to keep the disappointment from her voice and face.
Inuyasha knew how she felt. Just ten more minutes… Suddenly, it dawned on him just how lucky they had been. If Yumi had been just a few minutes earlier or later… Instead of feeling like he had just missed out on an amusement park ride, it felt like he had just narrowly avoided being shot.
“I'm hungry,” Yumi stated, suddenly perking up.
“I'll be out in a second.” A devious smile appeared on Kagome's lips. “You forgot Daddy.”
“Oh—” His voice was cut off as Yumi leapt from her mother onto Inuyasha, her knee driving down on something that, just previously, had been quite happy.
“Morning Daddy!” she squealed, hugging him tightly.
“Morning,” he gasped out, gently tapping her on her back. While it may have appeared to be a show of affection to others, it was actually him tapping out, her knee still digging itself into his lower area.
“Now go on out to the kitchen and pick something out to eat,” Kagome said, lifting the girl off him to stand her beside the bed. In the process, the covers fell from her chest. “Mommy will be out in a second.”
“Okay!” she said, rushing out of the room.
Letting out a deep groan, Inuyasha clutched himself in pain. Smiling, Kagome rolled onto her side, facing him. She scooted closer, her lips almost touching his ear. “That's what it feels like when I get excited and nothing happens.” Rolling out of bed, she quickly threw on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Moving to the door, she paused to glance over her shoulder at him. “You going to be okay?” she asked with a smirk.
“I'll be fine,” he grunted, waving her away. “Go ahead, I'll join you in a little bit.”
Her eyebrows rose. “You're actually going to eat breakfast with us?”
Nodding, slowly sat up, the pain gradually becoming bearable. “Miroku and Sango can handle things now so I took some vacation time.”
“Yumi will be happy to hear that.”
“Judging by your smile, she's not the only one.”
Kagome merely shrugged. “Perhaps. You'll have to wait until tonight to find that out.”
An exhausted sigh escaped his lips. “I'm already tired.”
She seductively leaned against the door. “Then I suggest you take a nap this afternoon because when I get a hold of you tonight you'll—”
“MOMMY!” a shrill voice called out, cutting Kagome off before she could finish. “I'm hungry!”
Kagome sighed deeply as she straightened, the mood ruined. She gave Inuyasha a weary smile. “Say, you think I could take off as well?” Another hungry wail followed almost immediately after. “Guess not.”
As Kagome closed the door behind her, Inuyasha rolled out of bed. Heading towards the bathroom, he paused as an uneasy feeling washed over him, his attention immediately drawn to the closed window. For some reason, the closed blinds held his gaze as if he expected something to suddenly be revealed. After nearly a full minute, the feeling left him and he began looking around his room once more, blinking rapidly in confusion. Frowning, he shook his head and continued towards the bathroom. Splashing cool water on his face, he took a deep breath as he relaxed. His mind was free of stress. No work, no pressing problems to deal with, nothing to look forward to other than a relaxing day with his family.
Smiling, he headed towards the closet, the uneasy feeling completely forgotten.
Kagome was still `high' on the energy rush she had received from Inuyasha, even though it had been several hours since the morning began. It had been quite awhile since she had this much energy at her disposal. She was tempted to use some magic just for the sake of burning off some excess energy before it faded naturally. After multiple sessions last night and the morning infusion, she was nearly drowning in energy. Not only was his energy giving her a boost, but just his general attitude. She didn't quite understand what had happened to him after the fight, but she was thankful for it. He was finally showing more interest in bed, something she hoped would continue. With things as they are, maybe I should talk to him about Yumi. She mulled the thought around for several seconds before setting it aside. This was the best time to talk to him about her considering how happy he was, but she didn't want to risk ending this atmosphere so quickly after it formed. I definitely want to take advantage of this for a couple more days.
She casually waved a finger over each appliance as she moved over the kitchen, any dirt that had managed to accumulate since the last cleaning vanishing. I wish I had this much energy more often. Using magic certainly made the chores a lot easier and with Inuyasha keeping Yumi company, she didn't have to expend so much energy trying to exhaust the young girl enough so that she would go to bed at a reasonable time.
Peeking into the living room, she found Inuyasha passed out on the couch, mouth open as he slept. Yumi was snuggled up against him, using his arm as a pillow as she silently watched the program. Kagome wondered briefly if Yumi knew her father was sleeping through her favorite TV show, but realized her daughter probably didn't care either way. The simple fact he was there with her was enough.
Smiling, Kagome leaned against the wall, content with watching the two when the doorbell interrupted her. Inuyasha stirred slightly when Yumi lifted her head to look at the door. With a frown, Kagome went to the door. She didn't bother checking who it was before opening the door slightly. She was surprised to find Sango standing there, eyes red. It was obvious she had just been crying.
“Sango?” she whispered in surprise. “What happened?”
Fresh tears ran down her friends face as her lip quivered. “M-Miroku. He broke up with me…”
Inuyasha sat in the living room, trying to listen to the conversation between Kagome and Sango over the volume of the TV and frustrated that he could only catch fragments of it. Unfortunately, his job was to keep Yumi occupied. From what he knew of the situation, it wasn't something she should hear about.
His pleasant mood was gone, replaced by frustration and anger. The one day I take off… He had told Miroku to take some time and cool off and not do anything stupid. It's just like Miroku. What's the first thing he does? He does something stupid. Inuyasha had expected things to simmer down enough after a couple days for him and Kagome to step in and help them work things out. Unfortunately, things had exploded instead. The worst part about it was that both Sango and Miroku were basically members of the family, meaning that their problems would undoubtedly boil over into his.
“Daddy, why is Aunt Sango crying?”
His attention was suddenly sucked back into the room as he looked down at Yumi, her dark brown eyes piercing him. Smiling, he tried to downplay the situation. “She just had a fight with Miroku.”
Her expression changed quickly at the mention of Miroku. Crossing her arms, her expression was almost one of a pout. “It's all her fault.”
“Now, you don't know that.” He resisted the urge to sigh. It was always like this when it came to Miroku. Inuyasha had an idea why Yumi was so attached to him. It's all that candy he sneaks her…
“No! Miroku doesn't fight with girls!” She nodded firmly, entrenched in her belief. “She definitely started it.”
“Well I think both of them started it.”
“No way! She did!” Yumi said, raising her voice slightly.
“Shh,” Inuyasha said quickly, resting a hand on her shoulder as he glanced anxiously towards the kitchen. Luckily, neither of them seemed to have heard her outburst. “Either way, let's let them talk okay?” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder before pulling her against him. “Besides, this show is a lot more interesting than some boring old people talk, right?”
She beamed happily at him, nodding excitedly. Inuyasha relaxed a little as Yumi turned her attention back to the TV. He was enjoying his small victory when his cell rang. Instantly, he felt the stares from the kitchen. Of all the times… he began as he glanced down at the caller-ID. Sure enough, Miroku's name was illuminated in the small screen.
“Hey,” he said, holding the phone to his ear, resisting the urge to look towards the kitchen. He could feel the atmosphere shift, even from here. Whatever Sango had been telling Kagome, it had turned her against Miroku. Which means I'm in a lose-lose situation… again. Picking Miroku's side would pit him against both Sango and Kagome. Not supporting Miroku would mean not supporting his best, and only, friend.
“I think I fucked up.” Miroku's voice seemed drained.
It was amazing how those five words summed up just about everything. “I would say so,” he answered softly. He knew both women were trying to listen in from the kitchen, even if they could only get half of the conversation. Even Yumi was looking up at him with curious eyes. “Hold on a second.” Pressing his hand against the receiver, he looked down at Yumi. “I'll be right back okay? Pay close attention,” he said nodding towards the TV. “I'll need you to fill me in on what I missed, okay?”
“Mm!” Yumi answered with a grin.
Fleeing to the safety of his room, he quickly closed the door behind him before holding the phone back to his ear. “I warned you Miroku! What did you think would happen?”
“I-I don't know. I wasn't thinking and—”
“Damn right you weren't!”
“I just—It's frustrating!”
“So you go sleep with another woman? That's a real mature way of dealing with it. I'm not even going to start with how bad you messed up this morning.”
He sounded miserable as he spoke. “She told you about that?”
“I caught pieces of it, enough to figure out what happened.”
There was a slight silence on the other line. “You think I can fix it?”
Inuyasha sighed, slowly sitting down on his bed as he watched his carefree day off fade away. “I don't know man, I don't know.”
There were few missions where Dante felt uneasy about, this was one of them. He never had problems picking up women, especially foreign ones who found his Mediterranean-complexion and deep green eyes appealing. Standing at 5'9, he wasn't outrageously tall, but he had a mysterious, even dangerous aura around him that women seemed to pick up on. But then again, picking up girls had never been a mission, so if he failed, he simply brushed the rejection off and moved on. This time, he couldn't be rejected.
His first target went by the name Nana Watanabe, a stunning orange-haired goddess who appeared to be a native to Japan despite her hair color. While she was relatively low on the target list his client had given him, after much deliberation, he decided she would be the first. If things went poorly, he would simply change tactics for the next and try her again before the time limit.
Even though he was a professional and had infiltrated high-class parties like this before, his anxiety got the best of him. Instead of his suave, professional look he normally pulled off at such occasions, his image broke into that of a nervous newcomer who was unaccustomed to such high-end parties. He was constantly wiping his sweaty palms against his tux as he downed more champagne than he really should have before making contact with the target.
Fortunately, Dante quickly found out he wouldn't need his usual suave personality to butt out the other suitors vying for her attention. A botched first impression brought snickers from the men around her, convinced he had shot himself in the foot, but to their surprise, she actually enjoyed it. Within five minutes, Dante had her complete attention, the other suitors disappointingly moving on to other targets. Even slightly buzzed from the alcohol, he discovered he could do no wrong. It seemed that every word he spoke further enchanted the woman.
It took him only ten minutes to hear the coveted, “Want to go somewhere else?”
It was at the hotel that Dante discovered that orange wasn't her natural hair color. He also discovered that sex with a demon was far better than anything he had experienced before.
A trail of clothes, mostly his, and passionate kisses led to the bed. She fell back on the bed, him atop her, breaking the kisses to examine her fabulous body. To his surprise, he found a giant black tattoo over her stomach. Having a few of his own on both his back and shoulders, he wasn't appalled by it, only shocked that a woman like her had one; especially one this weird. It had a spiral shape to it with an almost cross-like object in the background.
“That's a nice tattoo,” he said with a smirk. It quickly faded after seeing her expression. “Sorry.”
“It's fine. Enough talking…” She sounded impatient; irritated that he wasted a few seconds to speak.
He decided it was best not to keep her waiting. Slowly, he slid himself inside her. It was like he found himself in another world, frozen in awe by the new sensations that ran though him. He had been with women from all around the world in his travels, but this was something else. Something hidden deep inside him stirred and took over his mind.
Panting heavily, he pounded himself into his partner, her cries of pleasure filling the room. Her hands roamed his bare chest and shoulders as he kept pace with steady, powerful thrusts. It was when he felt the familiar pressure begin to build when things took an odd turn. A confused expression appeared on the woman's face as he began speeding up in preparation for the coming release, his last memory being her frightened expression as she fought to throw him off her before his mind went blank. When his consciousness returned, he was in the same position, his body shaking as if he had just completed an intense workout. Below him was Nana, her eyes wide, staring blankly towards the ceiling. There was a panicked look on her face. Blinking his eyes, his mind trying to grasp the situation, her familiar expression finally clicked with him. Leaping from the bed, he stumbled backward, landing heavily against the floor as he backpedaled away from the dead woman.
What the fuck happened? He looked down at his body, pain beginning to register across his body. He watched as the scratches from her nails gradually faded. The more he tried to think back, the foggier his memory became. The only thing he could remember was her frightened face before he blacked out.
Shakily, he rose to his feet and started back towards the bed. It was far from the first time he had seen a dead body before, but considering he had just been having sex with her not even a minute ago… Not to mention that he hadn't intended to kill her. He wasn't mentally prepared. And she was the best lay that I've ever had. That's some way to repay her. The evidence of their activity was obvious. During the period of his memory lapse, he had finished. Was that before or after she died? He prayed it was the former.
Running a hand through his hair, he looked over the body, his mind racing to figure out what to do next. He couldn't just leave her there. Someone would find the body and then the cops would get involved. The last thing he needed was that.
“Shit, shit, shit!” he muttered, pressing two fingers against his temples. He frowned upon discovering a deep red on the side of her neck, like a hickey only more sinister as it would undoubtedly bruise in the future.
Moving away from the body, he quickly threw his clothes on before fleeing the room. “Fuck. They are totally going to kill me for this,” he mumbled as he dialed his phone and held it against his ear. He told me not to harm any of them. The first one on the list and I've already fucked up!
The phone connected. “Erik here.”
“Erik, you're close right?”
“Sitting right outside.”
Thank God, Dante mouthed silently. “Stay in the car. I need to get out of here fast.”
“Right.” Erik didn't ask questions as Dante killed the connection, stuffing the phone back into his pocket. He quickly paid for a few more hours for the room at the front desk before hurrying out to the waiting limo. That will buy me a couple more hours to think. He had no idea what he had just done nor what to do. Fuck!
“Where too?” Erik asked, looking over his shoulder.
“I don't know. Anywhere other than here.” As the limo began moving, Dante poured himself a glass of scotch from the limo's small bar, downing the glass in one quick gulp.
“I take it things didn't go well?”
“Fuck no. Everything was going great—then I wake up and the bitch is dead.”
“You killed her?”
“No I—well I don't know.” The bruise and the claw marks on his chest flashed through his mind. “Fuck!” he shouted, throwing the glass.
“Relax!? Relax!? He told me not to harm them!” His cell rang. Fear crept down his body as he slowly removed it from his pocket. His breath caught in his throat as he brought the phone to his ear, the small case shaking in his hand. It's him… Of course it's him. The fact that his client was calling so soon after he left the hotel meant that he was being watched.
“Dante, I hear you've just completed your first on the list. Your report?”
“Uh, well, uh, sir…” He struggled, trying to find a way to break the news. “I uh… I did what you asked me to.”
“I blacked out uh, at the end. I-it was only for a moment but when I came to, she was dead.” The words escaped his mouth as soon as he could form them. A long silence followed. Oh shit, I'm so fucked…
“That's understandable. We have her marked as one of the weaker ones on the list.”
“Y-you're not mad?” His voice was a mixture of relief and confusion.
“You performed admirably. Why would we be mad?”
He nearly choked on his disbelief. “You were the one who told me not to harm them!”
“Ah yes, but I meant by conventional means.”
Dante felt anger begin to boil inside him. He had followed a rule for a long time, don't ask questions. There were reasons why a client wanted someone dead, and so long as he got paid, the reason didn't matter. This job was beginning to freak him out, and he needed to know what was going on. “You want me to kill these women without killing them?”
“Isn't that what you do Mr. Rizzo? Kill people?”
“Yeah, but—Christ, I can't even remember doing anything to her! One moment she was alive, the next, dead!”
“If it's clean-up you're worried about, I've already handled it. We expected something like this may happen with some of the weaker ones.”
“Were expecting what to happen? That she would die by having sex?”
“No, that she would die having sex with you.” Dante felt his jaw go slack as he tried to process what he was being told. His mouth moved up and down, but no sound escaped. “You are an extremely special man Mr. Rizzo with an amazing and wonderful gift.”
“I don't understand,” Dante said, regaining his voice. “I've had sex with tons of women. None have ever died doing it.”
“That's because they were all human.” The voice continued, cutting off Dante before he could speak. “And I don't expect you to understand. We are paying you for a job Mr. Rizzo, not to ask questions. Is that understood?”
Dante let the silence drag on for several seconds. “Understood.”
“Excellent! When will you proceed to your next target?”
He ground his teeth together. “Now sir.”
“That is wonderful to hear. We look forward to your continued successes.” The line went dead with a click.
Letting the phone fall to the leather seat, Dante let out a weary sigh as he rested his head back. “Did you know about any of this?” he directed towards Erik. He never closed the privacy window, so he knew his bodyguard could hear the conversation, or at least, his half of it.
“No sir. I'm just here to drive you and keep you safe.”
“And what?”
“Would you do it?”
“Do what sir?”
“This! Screw a woman knowing it could kill her.” From what he understood, not all of them would die, only the weak ones. But how many are considered weak? One? Two? Hell, it could be all of them!
There was a long silence as the burly man thought. For a moment, Dante thought he wasn't going to answer. Finally, the Russian spoke. “At this point, can you afford not to?”
Dante understood what he meant. I should have figured there would be a catch. Nothing normal could come out of a job paying this much money. It was far too late to back out now, not unless he wanted to be constantly looking over his shoulder the rest of his life. Even with his special healing ability, the mystery man seemed to know more about it than he did. If there was anyone who could kill him, it would be him and the `we' that was backing him.
Slumping down in the comfortable leather of the limo seat, Dante stared out the window at the passing buildings. “No, I suppose I can't…”
Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. Even though I currently have 11 chapters finished, this is the last edited one, so the next update might take awhile.
Please leave a review! I appreciate everyone who took the time to write one. I have a lot of different story ideas and I don't want to spend time working on a story no one likes.
Again, thanks to Jay for taking the time to edit the chapter.