InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Succubus Wife ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated for a mature audience.
Citrus Warning (For entire story)
Climbing the stairs, Sango glanced cautiously around the temple grounds. She wasn't too surprised when she discovered that she was the only one there. She had felt the barrier that Myoga had placed around the temple so they could talk in private, but even without the barrier, this particular temple was rarely visited. It was a pity considering it was one of the better-kept of the cities' ancient temples. She found Myoga sitting near the shrine, his eyes closed as he sat patiently with his legs crossed.
“You're early,” he said, not moving, his eyes still closed.
She stood awkwardly in front of the small man, towering above him. “I…I didn't know there was a specific time. Kagome told me—”
Holding up a hand, he silenced her. Twisting it, he gestured in front of him. Stepping carefully up to the shrine area, Sango moved in front of him, dropping to kneel a few feet from the stairs. Suddenly, his eyes opened, staring at her. “I have long since anticipated this day.”
She frowned. “You knew I would come here?”
“I had hoped you would. From the very moment I met you, I prayed that I would get this chance to help you.”
Sango perked up at the words. “So you can help me, right?”
“Yes and no.” Her smile disappeared. “I can only point you in the right direction. Your success or failure will be determined by you.”
She took a deep breath. “I was expecting something like this. So what do I have to do?”
“Breaking a contract with a demon is not something that can be easily done.”
“I know,” she said, getting annoyed. She already knew it wasn't going to be easy. All she needed to know was how she could break it. Once I'm free from the contract, Miroku and I… She stopped mid-thought. They had broken up, meaning even after she finished the contract, she still had to find a way to mend her relationship with Miroku. I need to focus on one thing at a time. First the contract, then Miroku. “But I will do it anyway.”
He nodded, as if she had given him the correct answer. “Very well, I shall tell you how to break the contract.” She unconsciously leaned forward, heart pounding in anticipation. “You must fulfill the demon's wish.”
There was a long silence as it sunk in. “Huh?”
“The demon that you have a contract with, if you fulfill its wish, it is contractually obligated to fulfill one of yours. Fulfill its wish and then wish to be free from the contract in return.”
“That's it?”
“While it may sound simple, realize that it is far from easy. Some demons require you to sacrifice the ones you love most or to perform some other heinous deed. Also, you must remember to make your wish clear at the beginning. If it agrees to your wish, be sure to have it tell you the exact task it requires of you. Demons are quite cunning and often trick people into doing more than they originally thought that they agreed to.”
Sango shifted uncomfortably. “And how do I contact my demon?”
“You've talked to it several times before, yes?”
A shiver ran through her body. Those were not pleasant experiences and she hoped to never relive them. “I have, but it always came to me. Besides, I haven't felt its presence in years.”
“Hmm… curious. I can sense it around and within you.” Myoga's brow furrowed in concentration as he squinted at Sango. “Though it is considerably weaker than it was when I first met you.”
“Weaker?” Sango felt a surge of hope run though her. If it's weak then—
“I would not be happy. Demons that have been weakened are far more dangerous than those who retain their power. You can appeal to the egos of the ones with power and use its arrogance to more readily trick it into giving a simple task. Those that have lost a considerable amount of power are desperate to regain it and are cautious when entering deals with their humans.”
“So what do I do?”
“You wait.”
“Wait? Wait?! I can't wait! I need to dissolve this contract as soon as possible!”
“You must have patience. In time, the demon will gather enough strength to manifest itself once more. It has to know that you are looking to break the contract now. I expect it will make its appearance soon.”
“So what do I do in the mean time?” she huffed.
“Prepare yourself. For what, I cannot say, but prepare yourself both physically and mentally.”
She clenched her fists in anger. “I'm ready now! Isn't there some way I can speed things up?” Myoga frowned unhappily. “If there is, I want to know!”
“There is a way that may enable you to contact the demon once more.”
“Tell me.”
“I must warn you that this way might—”
“Just tell me!” she growled in frustration. This is why I hate land gods so much!
He sighed, shaking his head slowly. “It may be possible if you temporarily sever your connection to the one closest to you and clear your mind for a fraction of a second.”
“Exactly how do I do that?” She wasn't too comfortable with the `sever your connection' part, but she needed to know her options. The sooner she got this done, the sooner she could start mending things with Miroku. The longer it dragged out, the harder it would be to apologize.
Opening his mouth, Myoga suddenly stopped before words left his mouth. Pressing his lips tightly together, he scratched his head as he thought. “For you, normal methods might be too difficult.”
“Thanks,” she muttered bitterly.
“Most humans would have trouble attaining this state through meditation, not just you.”
“But there is a way for me to do it, right?”
“And that way is?”
“Hmm… Sex would probably be the most effective, although crude, way of achieving this.”
“You can't be serious.”
“I am.”
“But I've had sex with Miroku more times than I can count and—”
“And that is why. Miroku is the one closest to you. I said you must temporarily sever that connection. It has become too strong for the weakened demon to overcome, meaning you have effectively blocked it out. Severing the connection and clearing your mind, even for a second, would allow the demon to reconnect itself to you and communicate.”
She took a deep breath. “So I need to have sex with someone other than Miroku? Once I do that, I'll be able to talk to the demon again?”
“Correct. The heightened feeling of orgasm should overwhelm the mind long enough for the connection to be repaired.”
It was awkward to hear the old man talk about sex so matter-of-factly. Sango sat in silence for a long time, her mind working furiously. Sleep with someone other than Miroku? I've done it before… She thought back to the last time she had been with another guy besides Miroku, only to realize it seemed like a lifetime ago. Besides, we've broken up. She mulled over that last thought. If we have broken up, why doesn't it feel like it? Yes, it hurt to think about Miroku, but at the same time, it just didn't feel like they had broken up. It felt like they were just having a prolonged argument and in a couple days, they would reaffirm their relationship with hours of passionate make-up sex.
“If you are uncomfortable, you can always just wait—”
“No, I'm fine. I can do this,” she said quickly. For some reason, she felt like she was telling it to herself rather than Myoga. Besides, he's the one who said we should see other people.
“I am glad you are pursuing this, but sometimes patience—”
“I've been living with this damn thing my entire life. I think I've been more than patient. The sooner I get this thing out…” She took a deep breath. “Thank you for everything,” she said with a deep bow before climbing to her feet.
“If that is all you require, I wish you the best of luck.”
Not wanting to stay any longer than she had too, Sango quickly shot down the stairs and headed towards the exit. Only when she was outside temple grounds did she slow her pace. Stopping, she closed her eyes. Her stomach growled, angry that she had decided to skip Kagome's offer of a meal. Sighing, she headed towards the inner-city. There was a lot to think about and the last thing she wanted was thinking on an empty stomach.
Inuyasha was fuming. It took every ounce of will to keep from tearing the bedroom apart. Yes, both he and Kagome were in an emotionally charged situation and the argument had gotten heated fast, but even still, it gave her no excuse to use magic on him. Had she used her magic to toss something at him, depending on what that thing was, he might have been more forgiving, but charm spells turned him into a puppet. He had no memories of being under the control of the spell, none. It was like that period of time never existed. What made matters worse was that she used it not once but twice, the second in fright because she knew she had messed up.
Maybe that's why I'm so mad, he thought as he sat on the edge of his bed, bent double with his hands on his head. She had broken a promise, but instead of dealing with the consequences, she chose to run. And things were going so well too… For a brief moment, his anger focused on Miroku and to some extent, Sango. Inuyasha and Kagome had some big problems, but they were starting to work through them when the whole Sango-Miroku mess destroyed all the progress they had made. Blasted it to pieces and then stomped on it is probably a more accurate description.
“Shit,” he muttered, pinching the tip of his nose as he closed his eyes. He already knew this wasn't the type of argument to fix itself in a day or two. Which means the sex is going to be incredibly awkward. Kagome was bound to need more energy soon too. He knew she had used quite a bit the day before, not to mention the physical and emotional drain of yesterday's events. There had been only one other time he and Kagome had fought when she needed feeding. Before they were married, Inuyasha had inadvertently angered her. He couldn't remember what exactly he had said to set her off, only that she had gotten extremely pissed. It was one of the few times that he feared that she would feed from someone else. He remembered the cold feeling in his stomach. Even though she hadn't, it was an experience he vowed to do all in his power to prevent from reoccurring.
Even though he wanted to know who was at the door, he remained inside. He heard Yumi talking to someone, but couldn't make out the voice. Ten minutes after the doorbell had rung, he was pacing impatiently from one side of his room to the other. His curiosity was driving him crazy. After fifteen minutes, he wanted nothing more than to bust down the door and figure out what was going on. Finally, he could bare it no longer. Reaching for the door, he was about to turn the handle when a soft knock sounded on the door, making him jump in surprise.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome's voice was soft, muffled by the wooded door.
He quickly shot away from the door and sat on the bed. For a second, he debated whether to keep silent or not. “What?” he asked, putting a little more hostility in his voice than intended.
“I… We really need to talk.” She was silent for a second, as if waiting for him to respond. “Can I come in?”
“It's your room too, do what you want.” The door opened slowly, Kagome sliding inside before gently closing it behind her. She looked like a school girl who had just been called into the principal's office. Her head was bowed and it appeared as though she was trying to make herself as small of a target as possible.
Cautiously, she looked up at him. “I know that this won't fix things, but I am sorry. I…I let my emotions get the best of me and I—”
“What's Yumi doing?” Inuyasha asked coldly, cutting off her apology.
“She's in the living room. I asked her to watch TV for awhile.”
Before she could continue with her apology, he interrupted. “Is that all?”
He knew immediately that he had just flipped a switch in Kagome. Her expression darkened. “I came in here to apologize. You could at least let me finish.”
“It'll probably be easier if you just order me to listen.”
“Maybe I will,” she snapped. They both glared at one another in silence. Kagome was the first to back down, lowering her head as she pressed a hand to her forehead. “I didn't come here to fight Inuyasha.”
He exhaled noisily. “Just give me a few hours to—”
“My sister and mother stopped by,” she cut in.
He was silent a moment, caught off guard by her sudden interruption. “I thought I heard some people moving around.”
“Nana and Aya are dead.” Inuyasha was lost, not recognizing the names. “They are two succubi who lived near here.”
“I-I'm sorry to hear that,” he said, not quite sure what else he could say. He knew that many succubi had migrated into the area since Kagome became their `leader', but never bothered to find out more. Since Kagome was more of a leader in name only, he never expected any of it would be relevant.
“They were killed Inuyasha, poisoned. You know what this means, right?”
His eyes widened. “Is it the Order?” Just the mention of the name bought haunting memories of the crazed priest Naraku who tried, and almost succeeded, to make him a human sacrifice. If they are back… He was stronger now than he was back then, but strong enough to protect his family? He didn't want to find out.
Kagome wearily shrugged her shoulders. “We don't know. Kikyo and mother are looking into it.” There was a second of hesitation. “I need to help them.”
“No! Absolutely not!” he shouted, taking an intimidating step closer to her. “There is no way I'm going to let you go running around a city crawling with Order members!”
“They need my help.” Even though his voice was raised, her voice was steady and calm. “Besides, we don't even know for sure if the Order is the one who is doing this. If they are, they have a fraction of the power they did in the past.”
“And how do you know? It's been years since we heard from them. They could've been using that time to rebuild.”
“If they really had that much power, they wouldn't have tried to use poison.” She held up her hand, stopping him from saying anything. “Inuyasha, I know why you are against this, but it's something I have to do.” When he tried to speak up, she cut him off. “Two weeks.”
“Two weeks?”
“Yumi's ritual is coming up and with it, our hopes of breaking the curse. Once the curse that affects my people is broken, I can officially pass the leadership role back to my mother. Until then, I need to do everything in my power to help them.” Inuyasha slowly sank onto the bed. Moving over to the bed, Kagome sat anxiously beside him, almost an arm-length gap between them. “Please,” she whispered softly, unable to look at him.
The silence seemed to stretch for eternity as Inuyasha tried to find something to say, only to realize there was nothing he could say. No matter how much he wished otherwise, Kagome had other responsibilities than mother and wife. There were a lot of people, heck an entire race, who relied on her and it was his job to support her as best he could. “And Yumi?” he finally asked, breaking the silence.
She met his gaze wide-eyed, no doubt surprised at how easily he had caved. “What about her?”
“Who's going to watch over her?”
Licking her lips, she shifted in place, folding her hands in her lap. “I was… hoping you could. I know you have to work,” she added quickly. “But you said Sango and Miroku could finish without you, right?”
“Yeah, before their relationship melted down.” His mind briefly wandered, wondering if Miroku was working. I know Sango isn't… He forced his thoughts to refocus on the conversation. Work could wait until later. “But I guess I could do most of the work here. For what I can't, I'll just have to take her with me.”
He scratched at the back of his neck. “So… a-are you going to be gone long?” He wanted to know, but at the same time, didn't. She couldn't go more than a few days without feeding, less if she actually had to use magic. Being gone for a long period of time meant she would need to feed from someone else. It made him queasy just thinking about it.
Smiling, she rested her hand against his leg. “I'm not going anywhere far. Whoever is doing this is in this city and I doubt they're going to leave anytime soon.” She tightened her grip. “We made a promise to only be with each other and I'm not going to break it.”
He nodded, feeling relieved. Kagome was strong, both emotionally and physically. Inuyasha felt slightly ashamed by his selfishness. She was carrying the hopes and dreams of hundreds of her people and still continued to be a mother and play wife and all he was doing was trying to keep her all to himself. One thought dominated his consciousness, repeating itself over and over again. I need to become stronger…
Dante felt sick. He had done more than his share of terrible deeds in his life, but this current one weighed on him like no other. In his job as a professional killer, he had killed women before, but he had never slept with any who he later killed.
Staring down at his latest target, he hurriedly finished buttoning his shirt. The pretty brunette peered blankly at the ceiling, her mouth slightly agape from her struggle with him. Near where her neck met her shoulder was another red mark he had made during his blackout. She's not human… She's not human… Repeating it over and over did little to help, not when she looked human. Hell, they all looked human. Not only that, they acted human. If he hadn't been told otherwise, he would never have known they were demons. If they even are. Since they looked and acted human, he really only had the word of his employers - who were shady individuals at best.
The worst part about this entire situation was the blackouts. At first, he had just thought it had been a fluke but this was his seventh target and every time he had blacked out only to awaken and find the wom—demon dead, his body scratched to hell and the red mark on their necks.
He tapped at his pockets, looking around the hotel room and making sure he had everything he came in with. Satisfied that he had everything, he quickly left the room. Erik was waiting with the limo outside, the big Russian leaning against the long vehicle. The man straightened as Dante exited the building, moving over to the door and opening it for him.
“We need to get a less conspicuous vehicle to move around in. This is drawing too much attention,” Dante said as he slid past the Russian and lowered himself into the car, the door shutting behind him. He waited until the man walked around the car and took his seat. “Can you get us something less noticeable?”
“I'll ask around.” The man smiled, eyeing Dante through the rearview mirror. “What? I can't believe you aren't enjoying this. What I wouldn't give to be in your position right now! You ride around in a limo, eat and dress like a king. And the women you pick up! Guys would kill to be you right now.”
“Even if they knew they would kill the women they picked up?”
The big man shrugged his massive shoulders. “Who cares? They aren't human right?”
So people say… He wasn't sure he was entirely convinced, not until he saw some sort of evidence. Maybe I'll find one with wings and a tail. Snickering to himself, he shook his head. Right before it kills me. At this point, he might welcome that.
“So where to next?”
Dante looked down at the list he had printed off before scratching out the name and face of the brunette. His stomach felt like it had just performed a barrel roll as it shook painfully in his gut, reminding him how long since it had last been fed. Resting his hand against his stomach, he took a deep breath. He hadn't eaten since he first began this mission, not feeling up to it while he was still coming to grips with his new M.O., and it was beginning to take its toll. Even though the last thing he wanted to do at the moment was eat, his body craved it.
“I need something to eat.”
“Anything in particular?”
“You pick.”
“You got it.”
Dante rested his head against the window, peering out at the city as it passed by. Gradually his eyes grew heavy and he descended into nightmarish dreams.
Miroku sat alone in the office, mindlessly tapping away at the keyboard. Pausing, he glanced over his shoulder at Sango's empty desk. Shaking his head, he turned back to the screen, continuing his typing once more. Several minutes passed before he threw the keyboard from his desk, sending it clattering against the floor before it snapped its cable and came to a stop against the wall.
“Shit,” he muttered as he ran his hands through his hair, resting his elbows against the desk. Sango hadn't shown up for work, not that he had expected her to. He knew that she had gone to Inuyasha's and undoubtedly spent the night there as well. There was no way to be sure however, since he hadn't returned home to check, spending the night with Avery instead.
Why can't our relationship be like it was in the past? He missed those days. It was because he wanted to avoid drama like this that he was always hesitant about entering a deep relationship with women. Sango was never an ordinary woman to him. She was special, and would forever remain special. To be honest, he had been against entering a closed relationship with her. Had it been anyone other than Sango, he would have immediately turned the idea down. While hesitant and anxious about ending a chapter in his life and beginning a new one, he knew that if he could do it with anyone, it would be Sango. At the time, he had no regrets. It was far less troublesome than he expected it to be. There were times when they were out that he felt disappointed knowing everyone was off-limits, but he could deal with it. Sango was beyond happy, and therefore, so was he. With each day that passed, his confidence that the relationship would work grew.
He had always known that Sango was a woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, but he needed six months to confidently say she could be the only woman he wanted to spend his life with. So he bought a ring. He knew how happy Kagome was when Inuyasha proposed, so he guessed that Sango would have a similar reaction. What pained him most was the proposal had been nearly flawless in its own cliché way. A romantic candlelit dinner at an expensive restaurant, a fantastic bottle of wine and soothing music, it really couldn't have been any more perfect. On one knee and everything… he opened the box, she gave him that surprised, shocked look from the ring to him, to the ring, to him again. And just when she would have completed the perfect night with her `yes,' the only thing she said was a pained, `I can't...' and left. So he just sat there, confused, angry, miserable… numb to the world around him.
She didn't return home that night. In fact, the next time he saw her was three days after. He had worried he would never see her again, that she had just disappeared from his life. Yet three days later, she returned and proceeded to live like nothing had ever happened between them. As if the night he had proposed had never happened. Not knowing what else to do, and not really wanting to bring it up in fear she would disappear again, he played along, pretending nothing was wrong but at the same time, his mind begged for an answer. It had been a long two weeks. And then Avery entered the picture and effectively destroyed the fragile play the two had put on.
For the most part, Miroku remembered most of what happened that night. After drinking far more than they should have, they began talking to the slightly buzzed Avery who joined them. In retrospect, he now guessed the reason they drank so much was to escape the weight of the failed proposal they had never really discussed. It had been harmless, meaningless talk at first before Avery mentioned her failed attempt at picking up Inuyasha. The conversation quickly moved from how living in Europe was to talking about Avery's escapades with married men before eventually ending with the threesomes Sango and Miroku participated in their younger years. Avery, who at that time had never been in one, had a million questions.
Miroku knew a lot of what happened that night was his fault. He was the one who proposed it. At first, it had been more of a joke-but-not-a-joke. It hadn't been for Avery, he knew she was interested just from talking to her. Instead, it had been intended for Sango as a sort of test. Had she laughed it off as a joke, effectively saying no to the idea, he wouldn't have pursued it any farther. But that wasn't what happened. Tossing the notion of a closed relationship aside, she readily agreed. Even if she was drunk, she would have said `no' if she didn't like the idea, right? Right?
So confusing! He thought, scratching his head in frustration before staring at the screen blankly. He knew Sango was bisexual. A very long time ago when they were dating, he had asked her if she would ever have sex with a woman. It had been a joke at first and he fully expected to get pounded on for asking something so disgusting. Her answer had surprised him. In fact, it was because of her answer their relationship evolved into the open relationship they shared until recent months.
Miroku wondered if he was abnormal. In talking with Inuyasha over the course of his marriage, Miroku had learned one thing about his friend, that he would never willingly share Kagome with anyone. Just the thought would deeply upset his friend. The mention of what her succubus past was like created a dangerous attitude in Inuyasha. A few times, Miroku thought his friend was going to deck him from bringing it up. In fact, most men probably thought that way about their loved one. But Miroku didn't think that way. He loved Sango, yet at the same time, if she were to suddenly announce she had sex with another man, it wouldn't bring about the same emotions Inuyasha would have if Kagome announced it to him. He would feel something, but nothing to the extreme Sango had shown. Even married, if Sango had come up to him and asked to sleep with another man, he probably he would've allowed it provided he met the guy first. He believed it was the openness what made their relationship work so well in the past. Yes, he would admit he probably abused their open relationship more than he should have, but she had never said anything until proposing they tried a closed relationship.
Sighing, he slumped against the desk, resting his head on his arms. I never should have proposed, he thought miserably. This entire situation wouldn't exist then. But if you didn't propose, then what would be the point of the relationship? a small voice questioned. He began steadily banging his head against the desk. “Stupid, stupid, stupid,” he repeated with each thump. “At the very least, I should have shut up yesterday.” If sleeping with Avery had split them up, then yesterday had bought Sango a one-way plane ticket across the ocean.
His cell phone rang, interrupting his self-punishment. For a second, he hoped the caller ID would be Sango. His heart sank in his chest slightly at Inuyasha's name. “Hello?” he asked. He knew he sounded miserable, but he didn't care at this point.
“You okay?” Miroku was silent. “Okay, right, I'm sorry.”
“Sango over there?”
“No, she left this morning. From what Kagome said, she isn't coming back today.”
“Where's she going?”
“You sure are asking a lot of questions about a woman you broke up with.”
“I was angry okay?” he grumbled.
“I told you to isolate yourself and let things calm down. I can't help it you wanted to throw explosives in the fire.”
“On a scale of one to ten with ten being easy success, what are my chances of fixing things with her?”
“Negative three.”
“You're kidding,” Miroku moaned sullenly, sinking back down onto the desk. “It's hopeless then?”
“I don't know… Where were you last night?”
“At home.”
“Okay, where were you really?
“… With Avery,” he admitted softly.
“Right. See why I say negative three? How can you talk about fixing it when you're still tearing things into ever finer pieces?” There was a long silence. Miroku closed his eyes, resting his forehead against the hard wood of the desk. He heard Inuyasha sigh heavily. “My advice is this: give it some time. Go home and stay there. Alone. Sango will have to show up to get her stuff... hopefully. Apologize profusely and pray for the best.”
“That's it? You seriously think that will work?”
“It's the only thing you can do. If it was a normal relationship, there would be zero chance to fix things, but you and Sango have never had a truly normal relationship. The fact that you've dated and been with other people at the same time means you might have a small chance of starting over.”
“But all this aside, how's the program coming?”
Sighing, Miroku sat up. Cradling the phone between his shoulder and head, he reached for the keyboard only to find it wasn't there. Confused, he looked around before remembering he had thrown it off the desk in a rage earlier. “Uh, good I guess.” He was happy to be talking about something else. “It's coming along great considering I'm the only one working on it.”
“Make that two.”
“Oh, you're finally going to do something eh?” Miroku asked, smiling as he returned to holding his phone against his head.
“Yeah, yeah. I'll be working from home.”
“Why home?”
“I have to watch Yumi.”
“Doesn't Kagome do that?”
“… There are some things she needs to do.”
Miroku knew there was a story behind it, one that Inuyasha obviously didn't want to talk about. “Oh, well that shouldn't be too big a problem. I'll take all the help I can get.” He wanted to ask about Kagome, but knew that it wasn't a good idea. There were enough problems that he needed to deal with. Taking on another wasn't something he needed right now.
“No problem. I'll probably call it a night soon and head home.”
“Okay.” Inuyasha sounded satisfied by Miroku's answer. “I'll talk to you later then.”
“Yeah,” he said before closing his phone, cutting the connection. Taking a deep breath, he continued to hold the phone in his hand. Opening it, he dialed Avery.
“Hello Miroku,” she said happily. “You getting off soon? I'd love it if you'd come over and discuss the program with me.”
The last thing they were going to do was discuss software. “Yeah, about that,” he said, slowly licking his lips. “I think I'm going to have to cancel…”
Sango wasn't drunk, but she was close. After a quick stop at the apartment to grab some clothes, she set up in her new temporary home in a high-end hotel a few blocks from Kagome's. She didn't like accepting the hotel room from her, but Kagome had insisted the last thing she needed was money and that Sango shouldn't sleep anywhere but the best. In the room, she spent the next several hours preparing. A bath, makeup and one of her fancier dresses and she was ready. Anxiety twisted her stomach as she made her way down to the bar. It had been a long time since she picked up someone. Even when she had been dating Miroku, the few guys she slept with had all approached her.
As she nursed her drink, her thoughts were gradually pulled to the past. Things had been a lot better then. Not to say the last several months were terrible, far from it. But thinking back, there had been a certain charm that was now missing. It was like Miroku had become more subdued over the months.

Her thoughts were interrupted by another customer. “You look depressed,” he said before flagging down the bartender. “Scotch please.”
Sango was instantly annoyed with the man's cocky attitude. She knew what the man was after. The small talk he made with her focused mostly on him. How wonderful his company was doing, how essential he was to closing a multi-million dollar deal just the other day, how expensive his car was… it all boiled down to a simple, `I don't care how much you cost, I want you.' To some brain-dead girls, on a yet undiscovered planet, it might have been attractive, even flattering. For Sango, it made her want to deck him and shove the gold watch, he was so proud of, straight up his ass.
But his interest in her saved her a lot of time and despite his attitude, she had to admit he was handsome. So she set a pretty smile on her face and nodded in feigned interest and laughed when he laughed, downing several drinks as he talked. He watched her empty drinks carefully, as if trying to judge her level of drunkenness. Hurry up and make a move already! Finally, she could stand it no longer.
“Say… you have a room here?” she asked seductively, her voice low. He looked surprised at the question. What a fucking prick, she thought, resisting the urge to kick the shit out of him. Obviously, he's never gotten a woman who wasn't plastered. With his pompous attitude, it wasn't hard to imagine why.
His charming, pompous façade collapsing, he quickly pulled out his credit card and flagged the bartender down, paying for both their tabs. The way he rushed about doing things made him look desperate, as if he was trying to get things going before she changed her mind.
The ride to the fourteenth floor wasn't as bad as she thought it would be, as he groped her from behind. His room was a few doors down from the elevator. Sango was half-naked before the impatient man pulled enough attention away from her to unlock his door. She quickly pushed him inside, not wanting to stand in the hall topless any longer than she had to. Inside, she was speedily stripped and tossed onto the bed. His naked body followed shortly after.
“Holy shit, these are a lot bigger than I thought they were,” he muttered, burying his head between her breasts and grabbing at them. She bit her lower lip, trying to keep from crying out as he painfully ground them into her chest.
There was no foreplay, no preparation. He simply spread her legs and slammed himself inside, pausing only long enough to open the nearby condom and roll it on. Making loud grunting sounds, he made rapid thrusts into her as he grabbed and pulled on her breasts. It took several minutes before things began to feel good. By that time, his grunts had become long, guttural growls as he slowed his rapid thrusts to slow, powerful ones. Just a few of these powerful thrusts and he slammed himself into her, the condom swelling as he came, loudly crying out.
Damn it! I'm never going to orgasm like this! Miroku wasn't the largest man in the world and was only slightly larger than this guy, but he more than made up for it with skill. This guy however… She was still working out how to make things work when he suddenly leaned down and kissed her. Blinking in surprise she set her hands against his bare chest to push him away, only to stop. His tongue running along her closed lips, she screwed her eyes closed, opening her mouth to allow him inside. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, but it was still terrible. Minutes passed as he continued to make out with her, his cock still buried inside her. It was awkward and uncomfortable and it wasn't soon enough when the man suddenly pulled away, smiling happily as he pulled out.
“That was amazing,” he said, removing the condom and tossing it in the nearby wastebasket.
She smiled uneasily. “Y-yes,” she responded, sitting up.
“I can't believe how amazing you are. I mean, you were pretty stunning in your dress but out of it…” He shook his head, blowing out nosily. “And those tits!” he said, grabbing them once more. “You have the largest breasts I've ever held! I love it!”
“A-ah,” she said, uncomfortable with the situation. She eyed the basket of condoms on the stand next to the bed. “S-shall we go again?”
A smile slowly formed on his face. “You little slut! Just can't get enough of me, can ya?”
“U-un,” she said, forcing a smile and resisting the urge to grit her teeth.
Pulling another condom from the basket, he slid it on. This time, she was positioned on the side of the bed as he happily humped her from behind, grabbing at her breasts like he was trying to rip them off. They went through several positions, even repeating some as she tried again and again to achieve an orgasm. If there was something noteworthy about the man, it was his ability to get it up, even if there was nothing left in the tank to give. As the night went on, Sango became more desperate. The last thing she wanted was to repeat this tomorrow with another man.
Finally, she took matters into her own hands. Climbing atop him, she pinned his hands to the bed as she ground herself down onto him. Closing her eyes, she moved her hips against him quickly; imaging the man inside her was another. Miroku's image was the only one she could see. Drowning out the man's groans and grunts, she moaned loudly. Finally, after countless attempts and countless letdowns, she felt herself getting close. Miroku, she thought as she opened her eyes, his image disappearing and was replaced by the sweating man from the bar.
“Guh… I'm close!” he grunted out, thrusting up against her. Just hold out a little more. Picking up speed, she stared down at him. Her body began to tingle as she grew close. With a loud cry, she tossed her head back as her body tensed, quivering as she came. The instant the sudden overload of pleasure faded, she collapsed atop him from exhaustion. By the clock, she guessed they had been going at it for nearly four hours. It disgusted her. Four hours to cum once? The only thing impressive was the time it took. It hadn't been horrible, but it was far from great. I should count my blessings. I was lucky for one.
Before she could move, the man wrapped his arms around her. “I can't go anymore,” he complained weakly. She tried to wiggle some to give the man a clue she didn't want to be held, but either he didn't figure that out or ignored them. Giving up, she lay there half against the man's chest as he held her tightly. Less than a minute later, his breathing was slow and heavy, his grip not loosening. Frowning, she stared at the wall, miserable.
Her thoughts drifted to Miroku. At this hour, he was probably with Avery, holding her in a similar fashion. It wasn't anger that accompanied the image, but exhaustion and loneliness. If tonight was an example of how a future without Miroku would be… What is your wish, she cried out in her mind, desperately trying to establish communication with the demon that haunted her. Tell me what you desire!
Silence answered her. She sank deeper into misery. She had done everything the land god had told her she should do. Despite her best efforts, her demon still eluded her.
Thanks again to Jay for his editing skills and for everyone who left a review. They are great motivators!
Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. Please leave a review!