InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Succubus Wife ❯ Chapter Eleven ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated for a mature audience.
*Not edited. Will update later.
Inuyasha snapped awake, any trace of grogginess gone as he slowly rose to a sitting position. Beside him, Kagome propped herself up on her elbow. “Is everything okay?” she asked concerned as she rested a hand against his chest.
Blinking, he looked around as he slowly recognized his room in the darkness. “Y-yeah, I'm fine,” he lied, focusing on her. He had the feeling that he woke up for a reason, but the details eluded him. Whatever it had been, it had an emotional impact. His heart was racing and his forehead was covered in sweat.
Not surprisingly, his lie didn't pass unnoticed. “It's not like you to wake so soon,” she paused for a moment. “At least, not after a night like that,” she finished with a coy smile.
Inuyasha glanced over towards the window to see it was still dark outside. To his surprise, Ryuu stood next to the window, leaning casually against the wall. “Morning,” he said with a nod as Inuyasha's gaze fell on him.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome whispered. He jerked in surprise as her hand tightened around his arm.
“Huh? Oh, sorry,” Inuyasha said, turning his attention back to her. “Yeah, I'm fine.” The dubious look she gave him showed she didn't believe him, but she made no further attempt to question him. Instead, she rose to a sitting position as well, turning slightly to face him. A chill ran up Inuyasha's back as he sensed another pair of eyes focusing on his wife. A quick glance over his shoulder confirmed Ryuu still leaned against the wall, smirking with his eyes clearly focused on Kagome's bare chest. Frowning, Inuyasha shifted on the bed to obstruct the others view.
“You know that does absolutely nothing right? I can see anything you see - and more,” Ryuu said in an amused tone behind him. Shut up and go away! Kagome tilted her head to the side in puzzlement from Inuyasha's constant glances behind him. Finally, she couldn't take anymore.
“What is it?”
“Nothing,” he answered quickly.
“It's obviously nothing. You keep looking towards the window.”
Forcing a smile, he focused his attention on Kagome. “Now I'm looking at you. Is there a problem with me looking around?”
“Just as long as you don't touch,” she responded lightly, giving him a radiant smile.
It took him a second to realize she was referring to other women. “Funny,” he grumbled unhappily as memories of Kikyo returned along with the unpleasant emotions associated with them. We've already talked about this. Bury it and move on.
“Ah, if only it were that easy.” Inuyasha watched from the corner of his eye and Ryuu circled around into view. “Things would be far simpler and a whole lot less entertaining, for me at least.”
Bastard. Inuyasha forgot Ryuu could read his thoughts. Just go away. He paused for a moment before continuing. And stop staring at my wife's chest!
Ryuu had a broad smile as he moved towards the end of the bed. “I can't help it. They're so small and perky and I'm having a hard time trying to figure out why you say you prefer them to something you can actually grab. Though I must admit, they are perfect even if small.” He made the statement all the worse by making squeezing gestures with his hands. When Inuyasha ignored him, he continued. “Don't deny it. I know how you truly feel about things. Admit it, Kikyo's are much better. Sango's too. Avery's even more-so.” He clicked his tongue. “You really should have gone for that. I know we both would have enjoyed that.”
Go to hell.
“There's no reason to fight! I'm only saying what you feel.”
Stop lying. I love Kagome and everything about her. Inuyasha gave a firm mental nod at the thought. Kagome was more than enough for him, the fact that he married her proved that. No matter what Ryuu said, nothing would change that.
“Ho?” Ryuu said with a widening smile, leaning down onto the bed. “Everything you say?”
Not everything, Inuyasha admitted. But I accept her shortcomings, just like she forgives mine.
“Huh, shortcomings eh? Is that what they call infidelity now?”
“Inuyasha?” Kagome's soft voice cut off any response from Inuyasha.
Blinking several times, Inuyasha refocused on her as he realized Kagome had no idea he was talking with someone else. “Hmm?”
She looked down, a sorrowful expression appearing on her face. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to remind you of painful memories.”
Confused, Inuyasha sat dumbfounded for a few seconds before realizing she had mistaken the silence for guilt. “No! It's nothing like that!”
With a mournful smile, she continued. “I'm just so comfortable around you that I forget you're human and humans look at things a little differently.”
“It's fine, really,” he pressed, wanting to move the end the current conversation as quickly as possible.
“You two are both idiots,” Ryuu said with a weary sigh. “This entire relationship you built with her is like an upside down pyramid. The longer this goes on, the more likely the whole thing will collapse under its own weight.”
How many times do I have to tell you to shut up? Inuyasha thought angrily, flashing a glare over towards Ryuu who now rested casually on the edge of the bed.
“I'm just giving you a little heads-up. You married a succubus with little knowledge of their culture and lifestyle, zero preparation and zero rules. Marriage on its own is hard enough. Marrying a woman who survives by sleeping with men is not something you rush into. The fact this situation hasn't come up until now is a complete miracle. If you think this is the last time something like this happens, you're up for some miserable times ahead of you.” A vindictive smile crossed Ryuu's lips. “The real reason why she's being so accepting of this is because she knows it too.”
I swear to God Ryuu, if you don't shut up—
“You'll what?” His smile widened as he waited in silence. When Inuyasha didn't continue, he pressed on. “I'm curious Inuyasha. If I don't shut up, what is it you plan to do?” Inuyasha continued to remain silent, fuming in anger. He knew it just as much as Ryuu. There wasn't anything he could do, at least, nothing that he knew of. “Don't look at me like that,” Ryuu said with a fake pout. “I wasn't the idiot who married a succubus without preparing for situations like these.”
“I expected her to cheat on me, not the other way around.” There were a few seconds of silence as a chill settled over him. A horrified expression formed on his face as he realized he had said it aloud rather than thought it.
“Smooth,” Ryuu managed to choke out before laughter overtook him.
“Kagome I—”
“You were expecting me to cheat?” she asked. The hurt in her voice was seconded only to the anger. “I thought you trusted me!”
“I do trust you!” he answered quickly, sweat beading against his forehead. He had been backed into a corner. As far as he could see, there would be no lying his way out.
“Just not enough to stay faithful,” Kagome muttered bitterly.
“Kagome I just… with what you are…”
“So because I'm a succubus, you automatically assumed I wouldn't be unable to stay faithful. I said monogamous relationships were rare, not impossible.” Before he could say anything to counter it, she continued. “Few succubi are as powerful as me and are more than able to survive off one human so long as they're careful. It's because of physical limitations those like me are unable to live off one human, not emotional ones.”
Inuyasha bit the inside of his lip. “I didn't mean it like that.”
“Oh? Then how did you mean it?”
Inuyasha felt his heart race inside his chest. It wasn't so much the argument itself, but rather what it did to Kagome. In her anger, her breathing was faster than normal, causing her breasts to sway before him. Her brow was furrowed and her eyes narrowed. She had a haunting beauty when she was enraged. Despite his better judgment in his current situation, he found himself becoming aroused by the sight. It was surprising he was still able to considering how much energy Kagome had taken a few hours ago. Luckily for him, Kagome's attention wasn't on the cover over his lap.
“I was just preparing for the possibility that there might be a situation where I was not around for you to feed from.”
“Not around?” Her anger diminished slightly as confusion mixed into her expression. It was obvious she had never considered the situation. Considering they had never been separated for more than a few days in the past four years, it was understandable.
“Yeah,” he continued, seeing a way out and diving at it with full force. “I could get into an accident or something that would make me unable to provide you with energy. What then?”
“I'd wait until you could,” Kagome answered indignantly, crossing her arms.
It took considerable willpower to keep his eyes on hers. “What if it was for a week? Two weeks?” This would be so much easier if she had clothes on. The arguments themselves were hard enough to deal with. It was difficult keeping focus on what was being discussed when there were such wonderful other things to pay attention to.
“But far less entertaining,” Ryuu added from the side. Inuyasha continued to ignore him, keeping all the attention he could muster on Kagome.
Kagome shifted uncomfortably, suddenly at a loss as the anger that fueled her dissipated. He knew as well as she did that a week was pushing it, even if she used as little energy as possible. Two was impossible for her. “I - I don't know,” she finally admitted, letting her arms fall to her lap as she looked down. “I never considered it.”
There's a lot we didn't consider, Inuyasha thought as he rubbed the back of his neck, looking down as well. As much as he hated to admit, Ryuu was right once again. For the entirety of their marriage - no - for the entirety of their relationship, they had always lived day to day with little thought to the future. They had been living on a bubble this entire time and now that it had popped, they were only starting to realize just how difficult their marriage would be and how much work it would take to keep it together.
Now you understand,” Ryuu said with a great sigh of relief. He sounded like a teacher had finally pounded knowledge into an obstinate student. “I've told you before I'm here to help. You may not like what I'm telling you, but you were the one to get into this situation.”
Both Inuyasha and Kagome looked like kids who had been scolded by their parents, neither one able to look at the other. To Inuyasha's surprise, Kagome suddenly burst into tears. Burying her face in her hands, she sobbed loudly as Inuyasha watched awkwardly, mind still in a state of shock at the sudden turn of events.
“Everything is my fault!” she sobbed, shoulders heaving as she gasped for breath. “I hate what I am!”
Unable to think of anything else, Inuyasha simply pulled her into a hug. At first, she put up light resistance, but slowly gave in, allowing herself to be pulled tightly against his chest. Tears fell against his bare chest as he rested a hand against the back of her head. “Don't say that,” he whispered softly.
“If I wasn't a succubus, none of this would be happening! I love you so much, yet all I do is cause you pain!” She took a few shaky breaths. “We would have a normal relationship with normal problems.”
“Kagome, stop,” Inuyasha said firmly, pushing her away and holding her shoulders tightly. Teary eyes looked up at his as he spoke. “I married you because you are you. Nothing is going to change my feelings.” She was still sniffling as he took a deep breath. “I've had enough terrible relationships to recognize one and this isn't one of them.”
She wiped at her eyes. “You say that now—”
“I'm positive there will be obstacles in the future. Things will happen that you don't like. Things will happen that I don't like. On our wedding day, I vowed that I would always put all my effort into working through whatever came our way with you.” Hand under her chin, he gently nudged it so that she was looking at him. “I remember what it was like without you, and nothing is worse than that.”
Her tears had stopped, but she still wore a worried expression. “I want to believe that, I really do.” Her voice turned to a whisper. “But I'm afraid I'll do something you can't forgive me for. That I'll do something I can't forgive myself for.”
Inuyasha felt as if needles had been jabbed into his chest. It wasn't because Kagome sounded convinced she was going to do something to make him hate her. It was because she didn't have faith in his ability to forgive her for it. Her lack of faith frustrated him. No words could change her mind. The only way she would understand his resolution to work things through would be to do something that warranted his forgiveness. The fact that he had to prove his commitment infuriated him. Inuyasha had been in countless relationships before finally finding anchor with Kagome. Some had been great, others made his flesh crawl. Yet no matter how great a relationship had been, none ever motivated Inuyasha enough to fight to keep them like the one he had with Kagome. He could think of several things Kagome could do that made his stomach turn in disgust, but regardless, as stupid as some may call him, he would continue to stay beside her. What do I have to do to prove I'm not the weak person she thinks I am?
“That is a good question,” Ryuu said beside him, nodding thoughtfully. “Too bad the answer is probably in something you aren't going to like.”
“You don't have to worry about me,” Inuyasha said in a firm voice. “I'm stronger than your average human.”
Kagome gave him a weak smile. “I know.”
“Then have a little faith in me, okay?”
Taking a deep breath, she wiped the last tears from her eyes before nodding. “Okay.”
Pulling her close again, he took comfort in her warmth as he wrapped his arms around her. Ryuu may have been right about the upside down pyramid, but all he needed to do was build a stronger foundation. Now he knew what he needed to do to start that. In the coming days, they were going to have some lengthy discussions of situations that they needed to be prepared for.
For the first time, Kagome noticed his growing erection. Pulling away, she gave him a false expression of outrage. “Don't tell me you had that the whole time.”
He shrugged sheepishly. “Having to look at such a beautiful sight, can you really blame me?” Rolling her eyes, she gently pushed him onto his back, brushing her lips against his.
We can talk about those things later, he thought as Kagome crawled over him, lips locked to his. At the moment, nothing could distract him from his beautiful wife and his desire to show her just how much he loved her.
Sango didn't remember falling asleep, only that she had opened her eyes to suddenly find sunlight entering through the gap in the hotel curtains. Beside her, Miroku slept peacefully, drooling slightly against his pillow. To her surprise, they were both still dressed. It was probably the first time they had ever slept together without having sex. She didn't know whether to see that as a blessing or curse. Sango refused to believe their old relationship revolved around sex, but it had certainly been a major part of it. Miroku loved it and she loved being with him. That Miroku didn't pressure her into doing anything last night either meant a new, and hopefully stronger, relationship was forming, or their relationship had crumbled so much that Miroku no longer wanted to be with her that way. After what I told him yesterday, I can understand why he wouldn't be… She banished the thoughts. I need to think positive! Miroku hasn't run away yet. That's a good sign, isn't it?
Careful not to disturb Miroku, Sango rolled out of bed and shuffled over to the bathroom. She was halfway there when something caught her attention. Turning, she found Naraku smiling broadly, hands folded before him.
“What do you want?” she whispered, glancing apprehensively over at Miroku. He wouldn't be able to see Naraku and it would be awkward if he awoke to find her seemingly talking to herself.
“Is that any way to greet the one who ultimately holds your freedom?”
“For a price,” Sango answered bitterly.
Naraku merely shrugged. “Freedom is earned.”
“Just tell me what it is already.”
“Rejoice, for I have found a suitable father for our child!”
Sango felt like an icy hand had grabbed her gut. “Is… that so?” she said, casting an anxious glance over at the sleeping Miroku. I wish I had more time to prepare… Pregnancy was a long ordeal. She wanted to have some time to rebuild her relationship with Miroku before starting it. Carrying someone else's child while trying to build a relationship with the man you loved wasn't something she was comfortable with doing.
Naraku seemed to know her thoughts. “Do not worry about the pregnancy,” he said, waving his hand casually in front of him. “This won't be a normal one. Infused with my demon energy, my mortal body will only take a few days to grow to maturity. You will have more trouble becoming pregnant than carrying it.”
“That fast?” Sango yelped. The image of her belly suddenly swelling to that of a woman about to give birth in only a few days made her pale. The entire image of her pregnant unsettled her stomach. She wasn't like Kagome. Kids were something for a future her.
“It will be painless to you, I assure you.”
“Why am I not comforted by that?” Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and steeled herself before opening her eyes once more. “Well? Tell me who it is and where I can find him. The faster I get this done, the better.”
A devious smile spread across the demons lips. “Lucky for you, you've already met the man.”
“I have?” The conceited man she had met a few days ago appeared in her mind. It couldn't be…
With a vindictive smile, Naraku began to speak. Each word sucked more color from Sango's face until she was a ghostly pale.
“You can't be serious!” she cried in dismay, her strength leaving her.
“My preparations will be done tomorrow.” He seemed to relish her misery. “Isn't it wonderful though? You can have your freedom in less than a week.” He grew serious. “And I don't need to remind you of the consequences of failure.”
Lip quivering, Sango sank onto the mattress. Laughing, Naraku's image faded until she was left to fight back tears alone.
Miroku's grogginess vanished the instant his eyes fell on Sango. Sitting on the edge of the bed, it appeared as though she had spent some time crying. Sitting up quickly, he rubbed the remaining sleep from his eyes. “Sango, what is it?” he whispered, throat dry. She shook her head, quickly trying to dry her eyes. “Sango…” Scooting over, he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her against him. Thankfully, she didn't try to resist. “I told you I'm here to support you. Whatever it is, I'm here for you.”
Taking a deep, trembling breath, Sango looked at him. “I found out who I'm supposed to…” Her voice drifted off. “Have a child wish,” she finished.
Miroku's grip on her shoulder weakened, allowing them to separate slightly. Instantly, he regretted the move and could see the effect it had on Sango. Fortunately, she seemed to have been expecting it. “So,” he said before clearing his throat. The atmosphere was suddenly stiff. “Who's the lucky guy? Anyone I know?” he joked, hoping his lighthearted tone would help. I told her I was going to be here for her. No matter how much it hurts… So far, things weren't as bad as he had expected them to be. Then again, it was entirely possible the situation hadn't fully sunken in yet. He knew it was odd. The woman he loved was going to willingly have another man's child and here he was playing cheerleader. Thinking about it caused tightness in his chest. It wasn't pain, but it certainly wasn't comforting. What sickened him was knowing the tightness was supposed to be pain. Why wasn't he enraged at the situation? Why wasn't he trying to stop her? I'm such a bastard… It made him wonder why she was even still with him.
Sango flinched at the statement, as if his words had physically affected her. “You do…”
“I do?” he repeated, dumbfounded. A dozen faces flashed through his mind. “Who?”
A fresh round of tears seemed to spring forth as Sango leaned forward, sobbing into her waiting hands. “Inuyasha,” she cried. “It's Inuyasha.”
To hear the only male he hadn't considered get chosen, Miroku had his puzzlement turn to horror - again for the strangest reason. It wasn't because his best friend had been chosen. Actually, it was a relief in a way. Somehow, his best friend's child was more appealing to him than one from a total stranger. It was messed up, but he was beginning to accept that he wasn't like normal guys. No, he was horrified because it was entirely possible Sango was given an impossible task. Inuyasha wasn't like he was in college. He was fiercely loyal to Kagome and would never betray her. While in a normal situation, his loyalty would be applauded. Now Miroku was put in position where he would either fail the woman he loved, or betray his best friend. Neither option was appealing.
“I see…” he said slowly, mind racing. The silence grew as he struggled to find a solution.
“That's it?” She sounded - and looked - surprised.
“Huh?” he asked, giving her a confused look.
“You're not… angry?” She looked frightened, like she was lighting the fuse that would eventually lead to something exploding in her face.
“Why would I be?” Sango gave him a glare, unwilling to say aloud what should be obvious. Sighing, Miroku casually rubbed the back of his neck. “The way I see it, you have no control of the situation. You said this demon picked him out, right? It's not like you did.” He paused to rub his chin. “The hard part is going to be convincing Inuyasha to go through with it.”
Sango blinked in surprise. “You're… actually okay with this.” It sounded more like a statement than a question. She looked down at her lap. “I don't know whether to be angry at you or relieved.”
“I said I would support you.”
She watched him from the corner of her eye. “I guess I'll be thankful. There's plenty of time to be angry at you later.”
Miroku gave her a supportive smile. It didn't last long however. “So uh… when do you need to do this?”
“Tomorrow,” she whispered miserably. “I feel terrible and I haven't even done anything yet!” She placed her face in her waiting hands. “After all Kagome's done for me… how could I possibly ask her for this?”
“Hey, it's not your fault! It sounds like this demon thing is doing its best to make you miserable.”
“Well, it's working,” she whimpered.
Miroku considered everything before taking a deep breath. “Maybe it would be better if we didn't do this...”
Sango only shook her head. “That was never an option, remember?”
“Well… what happens if you don't go through with it? You were never exactly clear on that.”
She bit her lower lip. “Well, the contract stated I needed to provide a body for the demon.”
“So in the case that I don't provide one, mine would be given in forfeit.”
“That is definitely out of the question.” Hearing that, Miroku made his decision. He would do everything in his power to protect Sango, even if it did cost him his friendship. Inuyasha was as close as a friend could be, but Sango was indispensible to him. Even if by some miracle he came to love another woman like Sango, no one would put up with him like she did. “I'll talk to Inuyasha and—”
“No!” Sango shouted quickly. Lowering her voice, she continued. “I'll do it. Just… being here for me is enough. I've already asked a lot of you. I couldn't stand it if you lost your friendship with Inuyasha because of me.”
She put on a strong front, smiling brightly. “Don't worry. I'll talk to Kagome first. She'll understand the situation.” Taking a deep breath, she folded her hands together. “If anyone can convince Inuyasha, it's her.”
Miroku looked down at his hands which rested in his lap. “This isn't going to be easy for them.”
“It's not going to be easy for any of us.”
Miroku squeezed his fists together. “But it's something we have to do.”
“Mom!” Kagome cried in surprise, nearly dropping the phone. “You're… calling me!”
Her mother didn't seem too thrilled at her daughter's surprise. “I do know how to use one if that's what you're implying.”
“Err, not at all,” Kagome said, reddening. “It's just that you rarely call…”
“Hmph. It's far too easy to listen in on phone conversations. You never know who else may be listening.”
“Right…” Then why are you using one now?
“Anyways, your sister and I have been preparing for the ritual. Anna and Eiko are both ready as well. How are preparations on your end?”
Holding her hand to the mouthpiece, Kagome glanced over her shoulder to see Yumi drawing in the living room, happily humming to herself as she carefully selected the next color to use. Attention back to the phone, Kagome pressed the receiver to her ear. “Yumi is ready.”
“And you? You're the most important part of the ritual… besides Yumi of course.”
Taking a deep breath, Kagome released it slowly. The stress was getting to her. The ritual was dangerous enough. One mistake could kill her, Yumi or everyone else involved. Add the problems with Inuyasha on top of the stress caused by the ritual preparations… She felt like a balloon ready to pop at the slightest increase in pressure. “I've spent most of my energy getting things ready. Tomorrow afternoon I'll refill my energy in time for the evening ritual.”
“Why not tonight?”
“Inuyasha needs a rest. Last night was exhausting for him.” That wasn't entirely true. It had been exhausting for him. However, it didn't seem to affect him like it used to. Instead of him lounging around the entire day, he was more energetic than ever, even taking time to wrestle with Yumi earlier. She knew something was different about him. That he managed to wear her out last night was proof enough. Never before had she been so bloated on energy, almost enough to make her sick. Yet despite that, he seemed perfectly capable of going again. It wasn't that she didn't like it, far from it. Still, it was out of the ordinary and that alone was cause of concern, especially after absorbing the poison from Kikyo.
“I see…” Her mother didn't sound too ecstatic at her answer. Though she never came out and said it, Kagome knew her mother disapproved of her keeping Inuyasha completely to herself. Had Kagome not been as powerful, or as important, as she was, things would probably be much different than they were now. Well I am powerful and important. I'm not going to share Inuyasha for trivial reasons. As for non-trivial reasons… well, she would deal with those as they came.
“Don't worry; I'll have more than enough when the time comes.”
“Remember, the more energy you give Yumi, the better off she'll be.”
“I know Mom.” This isn't the first time I've done this. Even if it was the first time taking the role of the mother, she had been the support role enough times to know what to do. Besides, from what she understood, everything came instinctually to the mother when the ritual began.
There was a brief silence before her mother spoke again. “It's going to leave you drained…”
Kagome knew what she was getting at. “I know.”
“It will be the closest you've ever come to starving to death.”
I know.
Her mother sighed. “I would be more comfortable if you—”
“I'm not taking part in that.” Kagome's tone had an air of finality to it. She knew exactly what her mother wanted her to do and nothing her mother said would convince her to do it. During the ritual, Yumi would go from her body of around six to her adult form ranging anywhere from seventeen to twenty-two. This magically enforced body would act as a container for her awakened powers. Unfortunately, the process of making a six year old body into an adult body took an insane amount of energy that no one succubus could ever hope to wield. That was why the ritual was created. Four succubi channeled their power into a fifth, usually the mother. The fifth acted as a buffer, slowly entwining the magical energy into her daughter's body. The amount of energy required was what made the ritual so dangerous. Three wouldn't be enough and the young succubi would die. Adding a sixth overwhelmed the mother and killed her. Considering Anna, Eiko and her mother were still cursed and therefore, had reduced energy capacities concerned her. Her mother was convinced that both Kagome and Kikyo's above average energy levels combined with Inuyasha's red energy would be enough to make up the loss. Still, it was obvious it would take the five to the brink. The post-ritual orgy was an old tradition. It acted as both a celebration and a means to replenish the lost energy. Now, it was needed to ensure Anna, Eiko and her mother didn't die as soon as the ritual completed. So far, Inuyasha hadn't asked about the ritual, something she hoped to avoid completely knowing he would go ballistic finding out what would transpire after.
“You don't have to join completely, a little…”
“No means no Mother.”
Kagome let out a weary sigh. “I'm not going to argue with you on this Mom.”
“I'm not going to let my daughter kill herself because of a—” She caught herself. After a few moments of silence, a heavy sigh sounded through the phone. It was obvious that she had conceded to the fact that Kagome wasn't going to budge on the subject. “Just promise me Inuyasha will be close.”
Kagome knew Inuyasha wasn't going to like it, but it was better than the alternative. “Okay. By the way, how's Kikyo?” she asked, quickly steering the conversation in a new direction.
This time, her mother's sigh was more lighthearted. “Having the time of her life,” her mother answered, voice dripping in envy.
Kagome laughed, happy not to be the focus of the conversation for once. “I bet.”
“I would let you talk to her, but I haven't seen her all day.”
A chill ran down her back as worry gripped her. “You haven't?”
Her mother picked up on her distress. “Ah, I didn't mean it like that,” she corrected quickly. “I only meant that she has more or less barricaded herself in a hotel room, enjoying her newfound freedom to the fullest.” There was a brief pause. “Speaking of which… how is Inuyasha?” Even if her mother didn't care for Kagome's monogamous relationship, she did care about her and recognized how important it was to her.
“He's… struggling.” To put things lightly. To make matters worse, she knew that she wasn't helping matters. Trying to explain that it didn't matter to her had only made things worse. She said things that, at the time, seemed like the right things to say, only to later regret them. It wasn't that she didn't care, only that there were more important things to focus on. There was a massive difference between being intimate with someone and being intimate with someone you loved. The sooner Inuyasha understood that, the better off he would be.
“I'm sorry. I had no idea how potent the poison would be for a human.”
“It's not your fault… It would have never happened had I done my job.”
“He's strong for a human. The next time something like that happens, he'll be better prepared.”
“There won't be a next time,” Kagome said firmly.
“Well, not that exact situation, no. But you need to acknowledge the possibilities that things like this can happen. It's because you had convinced him otherwise that this shook him so badly.”
Kagome chewed at her lower lip. Glancing over her shoulder, she made sure Yumi was still off in her own world. Seeing she was still coloring happily, Kagome covered the phone receiver with her free hand and spoke in a low voice. “It seems he was expecting me to be unfaithful, not him.”
“Unfaithful? In what way has he been unfaithful?”
Kagome frowned. “The incident with Kikyo,” she answered, voice flat.
“How is that considered unfaithful?”
“He's human…” Kagome reminded her mother softly.
Her mother clicked her tongue in disappointment. “So he is still clinging to that primitive idea of love? I would have thought that after being with you for so long, at least a little would change.”
“It's not easy for someone to change how they think.”
“Kagome, I'm going to say this for your own good. If he continues to cling onto his idea of love, your marriage will fail.”
“He needs to understand that love and sex are completely separate for succubi. For us, sex would equate to him enjoying a well prepared meal.”
Kagome puffed her cheeks out in anger. “It's not like that!”
Her mother sounded amused. “Oh it's not always like that. I know how you feel about Inuyasha. I felt the same way about your father. But regardless of feelings, my point remains the same.”
Crossing her free arm across her chest, Kagome resisted the urge to sigh. She understood all too well what her mother was saying. In the time she had separated from Inuyasha, men had been nothing more than a meal to her. It was an empty feeling she was all too happy to forget. “I understand what you are saying, but what am I supposed to do? Tell him that even if I sleep with other guys, I only love him? If that's the case, what's the point of our marriage?”
Her mother let out a wistful sigh. “I remember when I was your age, asking myself the same thing.”
“And what answer did you find?”
Though she couldn't see her mother, Kagome imagined her smiling. “Well, I've loved many men but I haven't married since you were sealed.”
Stomach knotting, Kagome leaned against the wall, phone pressed against her ear. Her mother had never remarried in over seven hundred years. That meant only one thing. She believed marriage was pointless. Kagome clenched the phone tightly, her free hand tightening into a fist. Her mother may believe that marriage was pointless, but not her. Inuyasha is special, not just as a man, but as a human as well. We can do this. Kagome was determined to show her mother she was wrong in her belief. Things will work out. I know they will…
Thanks for everyone who left reviews. Please continue!