InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Succubus Wife ❯ Chapter Twelve ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated for a mature audience.
*Not edited. Will update later.
Inuyasha had the creeping feeling that Ryuu was up to something. He was gone most of the day and the times when he did appear, he was eerily silent and kept his distance. Inuyasha didn't miss his ghostly companion. It made his day far more enjoyable. However, Inuyasha felt he was being studied, Ryuu's unwavering gaze locked on him.
Still, he didn't let Ryuu's creepiness stop him from enjoying the day. Inuyasha spent most of it playing with Yumi. Today would be the last time he would be able to and he wanted as many happy memories of his daughter's childhood as possible. It was easier without Ryuu's incessant comments and constant watchful presence. All things come to an end however. Night inevitably fell and Yumi grew tired. After tucking the half-awake Yumi into her bed, he kissed her forehead before slowly retreating from the room. Closing the door softly, Inuyasha took a deep breath as he stretched out his arms to either side. He knew full well how tired he should be. Little sleep combined with Kagome's feeding as well as the exertion of keeping up with Yumi, Inuyasha should have been passed out on the floor. Instead, he felt as energized as he had been in the morning. That wasn't to say he wasn't sleepy. While the body was more than willing to go burn off its excess energy, his mind felt drained. There was a lot for him to think about. The issues with Kagome were set aside for the moment. Inuyasha still had trouble wrapping his thoughts around what was planned tomorrow. Even with all the special and amazing things he had seen Kagome do during his time with her, he couldn't quite bring himself to believe that his daughter would suddenly grow up in a day. Even if she had grown remarkably fast over the past months, the sudden jump in years in a few hours the ritual was supposed to take seemed impossible.
“Thinking about tomorrow?” Kagome asked, slowly shutting the door to their room behind her. He looked up from the bed, surprised by her sudden appearance. His thoughts scattered as her voice brought him back into the present.
“Yeah,” he answered, his gaze returning to the spot on the floor it had originally rested.
Kagome took several steps closer to him. “If you have any questions…”
Inuyasha shook his head before looking back at her. “It's nothing like that. No matter how hard I try, I can't believe Yumi's going to be an adult. I mean, I knew she would eventually but—”
“It is a little quick,” Kagome said, nodding. “Even for a succubus, she has been growing fast. In part because of me, but most of it is because of your energy.” Her eyes widened slightly a few seconds after she spoke. “Not that this is your fault or anything.”
“No, it's fine,” Inuyasha said, waving it aside. “I mean, this is a good thing, right?”
Smiling, Kagome gently sat beside him, resting her hand against his leg. “Of course!”
He let out a deep breath, forcing himself to nod. “I just can't help but feel we've missed something...”
With an amused smile, Kagome tightened her grip on his leg. Pressing herself against him, she rested her head against his shoulder. “You're not the only one, but this is Yumi we're talking about. She's a smart girl. She'll be fine.”
“I know.” A small smile forming, Inuyasha wrapped his arm around her. “Speaking of rituals, you are going to need energy for tomorrow, right?”
Kagome wrinkled her nose, leaning her head back to look up at him. “If I didn't know better, I would think you're trying to suggest something.”
An innocent smile crept across his face. “I don't know what you're talking about.”
Tilting her head up, she pressed her lips against his. Inuyasha pulled her further into him. Things were just starting to heat up when he felt her hand against his chest, softly pushing him away. “I think that's far enough tonight,” she whispered softly, barely holding onto her breath.
Inuyasha blinked stupidly, caught off guard by her sudden resistance. “You're turning down sex? Things really are changing.”
She stuck her lower lip out in a pout. “I'm not doing this because I'm not in the mood.” Inuyasha resisted the urge to chuckle. She was always in the mood. “I'm doing it because you need rest.” She jammed her index finger into his chest to further make her point. “You may not feel it, but I can tell you've used a lot.” A coy smile formed. “I'll need you in peck condition tomorrow, both before and after the ritual, so get your rest.”
Inuyasha cocked his head slightly to the side. “After?”
“That's right… I didn't tell you…” Whatever it was, by her tone, it was something unpleasant.
“Tell me what?”
Sighing, Kagome pulled away from him just far enough to better face him. “I've mentioned how dangerous this ritual can be.”
He nodded. “I remember.” Kagome had explained the ritual to him earlier, or most of it as he was just now learning. He didn't like it, but it was something that had to be done, for Yumi's sake. The way Kagome was acting, this wasn't a part of the actual ritual. The last thing he wanted was an argument right now, so as she gathered her thoughts, he mentally prepared himself, repeating over and over that whatever it was, he wouldn't lose his temper.
“It's been a long standing tradition that after a successful ritual, the succubi involved replenish their energy.”
“Makes sense…” Inuyasha said, cautiously. From the way Kagome had explained it, they did expend a lot of energy to complete it.
He could tell Kagome was struggling to find a graceful way of putting whatever it was she was going to say. Finally, she gave up, sighing as her shoulders sagged. “There's a big orgy after.”
Inuyasha was silent, much to her apparent anguish. However, he was oddly calm about it. He figured it would have to be something like that. Succubi did enjoy sex, even if it wasn't necessary for their survival. What Inuyasha couldn't figure out was why she needed him in peak condition after the ritual. Obviously, she was planning to regain her strength by feeding off him, but was that it? Was she trying to tell him that he would be involved in it? The thought made his stomach turn. He couldn't handle that, not now. Not when he still hadn't fully recovered from the incident with Kikyo. The thought of Kikyo felt like another punch to the gut. As his train of thought continued, he remembered Kagome had told him this wasn't the first time she had done one of these rituals. It was a thought he wished he could forget having. How many times has she done… that?
Carefully, he picked his words. “Am I…?” He trailed off, unable to force the words out.
Kagome eyes widened as she began shaking her head violently side to side, waving her arms in front of her. “No, no, no! I already told my mother I - we - weren't going to do that.”
Inuyasha let out a deep sigh of relief. “Thank God! When you mentioned that…”
“No!” she repeated, laughing in relief. “I know how you feel about those sorts of things. I would never ask you to do something like that unless absolutely necessary.”
Inuyasha noticed the `unless,' but let it go. It wasn't worth risking an argument over. “Okay, so what exactly do I need to do?”
Brushing her bangs to the side, Kagome met his gaze. “After the ritual, I'm going to be extremely weak and hungry.” She hesitated a second. “I may not be myself. Since we are at a disadvantage, this will push all of us to the edge. I'm never going to be closer to starving to death then that moment, so I need you to be there.” Worry worked its way into her beautiful features. “I'm afraid if you don't move fast enough…” She let the sentence hang. Even though she didn't say it, he knew what she was saying.
“Don't worry,” he said, caressing the side of her face. “I'll be there. I always will be.”
Smiling, she pressed her hand against his. “I know…”
Crossing his arms, Miroku grunted unhappily. “Will you stop doing that?” In front of him, Sango paced impatiently. They had been standing in front of Kagome's apartment for the better part of an hour due to Sango's insistence that they needed to think.
Spinning on her heels, Sango faced Miroku. “Do you have any idea of the situation I'm in?” she snapped.
Miroku merely blinked at her heated voice. By now, he was used to it. “I told you we should have done this yesterday.” Before you had any more time to brood on it, he added silently.
Sango laughed humorlessly. “And say what? `Hey Kagome, mind if I fuck your husband tomorrow?'”
“Today, tomorrow, it doesn't matter in the end. At least it would have given them some time to discuss it.”
Her glare intensified. “You're not helping.”
“Sango, you need to do this. The sooner we start, the better everything will turn out in the end.”
Taking a shaky breath, she nodded. “I know… but still…” She began pacing again. She had barely completed a complete cycle when she turned to face him again. “How are you so calm about all this?”
“What do you mean?”
Her eyes narrowed. “You know what I mean.”
He sighed. “I think I've answered that enough times. I'm going to support you in what you need to do, no matter what it is. That's what you do for the people you love.” She was about to say something else when he interrupted. “Actually, I think your procrastination has provided us an opportunity.” He pointed off into the distance behind her. “Look, Inuyasha's leaving with Yumi.”
“Huh?” Sango said as she looked over her shoulder to watch Inuyasha lead Yumi away from their apartment.
“Now's our chance,” Miroku said, excitement in his voice as he started walking towards the building.
“Miroku, wait!” Sango hissed as she reached out to stop him. She just missed the back of his shirt as he moved at a brisk pace away from her. “Miroku!”
Ignoring her pleas to wait, he marched to his friend's apartment and stood at the door as Sango slowly caught up. “Here we are,” he announced, gesturing to the door.
Sango looked from him to the door. “I can't do this,” she cried suddenly, spinning around to retreat. She didn't get far however, as Miroku was quick to grab her arm.
“Sango…” he growled in a low voice.
Tears began to form in Sango's eyes as she kept looking from him to the door and then back. “But—”
“Would you rather explain your situation with Inuyasha there, or give Kagome some heads-up first?” Sango bit her lip. The answer was a no-brainer. Satisfied that she was as prepared as she could ever be, Miroku rang the doorbell. Kagome answered a few seconds later.
“Miroku!” she cried out in surprise. Her eyes widened even more when she saw Sango. “And Sango?!” Her eyes darted between the two. “Does this mean you two…”
“Yes and no,” Miroku answered, trying to gage Sango's reaction out of the corner of his eye. Unfortunately, she was far too distraught to read. “We actually have something we need to discuss from you, you mind?” he asked, gesturing to the door.
“What am I thinking?! Of course, come in!” Kagome said, opening the door for them to enter. Miroku thanked her as he stepped inside, Sango close behind. “Sorry, but Inuyasha just left.”
“We know. We just saw him leaving.”
“He'll be back in less than an hour.”
“That's okay, we've actually come to talk to you.”
Kagome frowned, her eyes glancing towards Sango who was looking at everything but Kagome. The fact that she hadn't said a word since she came in was undoubtedly setting off alarms for Kagome. “Okay…” she said slowly. Sure enough, there was a heavy amount of caution in her voice. “Come on inside, I'll make us some tea.”
Inside, Miroku took a seat at the table, Sango sliding into the seat beside him. A few minutes later, Kagome served them tea before setting across from them with her own cup. “Thank you,” Miroku said, taking a sip.
“It's nice to see you two back together,” Kagome said cheerfully, trying to clear the awkward silence that had fallen over the group.
“There are still some things we need to work out,” Miroku admitted, risking a glance over at Sango. She was clutching her cup so tightly, her knuckles were white. As far as she was concerned, he didn't exist; not with the terror that gripped her. It was understandable. Kagome was her only true friend and the last thing she wanted was to betray her. Damn that demon. They were every bit as evil and manipulative as the stories described them as.
Kagome nodded slowly. “I think I know why you're here.”
“You do?” Sango asked suddenly, voice cracking. It surprised both Miroku and Kagome. Until now, she hadn't said anything.
“Yeah… If you two are trying to work things out, it must mean you are trying to rid yourself of the demons contract. Am I right?” Both nodded. “I'm afraid I can't really help you though. I'm not nearly as powerful as Myoga, and nowhere near as wise about these things.”
“I've already spoken to Myoga… and to the demon,” Sango said, eyes fixated at the steam rising from her cup.
“Oh,” Kagome said, obviously not expecting that. “Well what did it want?”
There was a pause. “A child,” Sango finally answered. “Or at least, a shell it could inhabit.”
Kagome's eyes widened. “And you agreed?!” Sango shrank away from Kagome, lowering herself in her chair. “Do you have any idea how much trouble something like that could cause if it found a way into our realm?”
“I know...” Sango's voice cracked as tears ran down her face. “But I…” She cast a sideways glance over at Miroku. “I didn't think I had a choice.”
Sighing, Kagome took a moment to collect her thoughts. “I take it you already agreed?” Sango nodded. Leaning back in her chair, Kagome ran her fingers along her glass. “Then you should do it.”
“Huh?” Sango asked, looking at her friend through tear-stained eyes.
Kagome looked at Miroku as well as Sango as she spoke. “You may think of it as giving up your child, but it isn't. As it is conceived by way of a demon contract, it will never be more than an empty shell for the demon to inhabit.”
It took several seconds for Miroku to realize what Kagome was saying. “Oh, oh! No, it isn't going to be my kid.”
Kagome tilted her head in confusion. “It isn't?”
“The demon was very specific about who it wanted for the father,” Sango clarified.
“Ah, I see,” Kagome said, nodding. “You don't want to have a stranger's child.”
Fresh tears ran down Sango's cheeks. “Kagome… Inuyasha needs to be the father…”
Inuyasha knew immediately something was wrong when he opened the door. There was no physical indication that something was wrong, only a forbearing sense of gloom. His suspicions that something was wrong were confirmed the moment he saw Miroku, Sango and Kagome in the kitchen. Kagome had a grim look on her face as she leaned against the counter, arms crossed over her chest. Sango was in tears. Miroku… Miroku appeared indifferent, which only meant he was burying what he really felt.
“Yumi… go on and play in your room,” he said, patting his daughter on the back.
She clearly picked up on the tense atmosphere radiation from the adults and quickly scooted off towards her room. Inuyasha waited until he heard her door close before moving into the kitchen. “Hey,” he said awkwardly, trying to get a feel for the situation. He had no idea what he was about to walk into. “Are you two…” He made a simple gesture with one of his fingers, moving it back and forth between Sango and Miroku.
“Back together?” Miroku offered. “More or less.”
“That's… good news,” Inuyasha said, awkwardly looking towards Kagome. If they are back together… why is there such a gloomy atmosphere?
“Inuyasha, I need you to sit,” Kagome said, gesturing to the empty chair at the table. Before Inuyasha could voice a question, she continued. “Please.” Her tone suggested it wasn't wise for him to say anything. Silently, he did what he was told, slowly sinking into the chair. His eyes darted from Sango and Miroku back to his wife. After he was settled, Kagome pulled away from the counter. “I need you to listen quietly until I finish.”
“What's this all about?” Inuyasha asked, eyes wandering between the three. Something was wrong and he didn't like being left out.
“Promise me you're going to listen and not say anything until I finish,” Kagome repeated, ignoring Inuyasha's question.
He wanted to protest, but Kagome's expression told him his safest bet was to just obey her command. “Okay… I'll listen.” Whatever it is, I'm not going to like it. If the atmosphere was any indication, he was going to more than dislike it.
True to his word, Inuyasha kept silent as Kagome began explaining the situation. Her voice was eerily calm, as if she was commenting on the weather. She told him of Sango's plight, her contract with a demon and how she had agreed to help it in exchange for her freedom. Inuyasha was still trying to figure out what any of it had to do with him until Kagome spelled out exactly what the demon required of Sango - and who would be the one to help her complete it.
Inuyasha's first reaction was humor. He couldn't stop the massive grin on his face as he looked around. “You're kidding right?” The grim silence was answer enough, the grin quickly disappearing. “You can't possibly be serious.”
“No, absolutely not!” he interrupted as Kagome tried to placate his heating temper. “I'm not doing it!” he said firmly, defiantly crossing his arms.
“This isn't an easy decision to make, but we don't have any other choice!”
“`We?' There is no `we' in this!” He turned his head to glance over at Sango and Miroku. “I don't mean to belittle the situation or anything, but it sounds like you've been living with this demon a long time. I don't see why you have to get rid of it now.” He turned back to Kagome. “And even if you convinced me to do this - not that you could - isn't the last thing we want is to give a powerful demon a mortal body for this realm?”
“He's right,” Sango said suddenly. “It was a stupid thing to ask—”
Miroku gripped her shoulder tightly, forcing her back into her chair. “We're not leaving. Not until you've finished what you came here to do.”
Inuyasha gave his friend a look of disbelief. “You of all people—”
Miroku had a hardened expression as he spoke. “No Inuyasha, it's you that should understand how far someone would go to protect the ones they love.” His eyes flashed over towards Kagome. “She told us everything about her sister.”
Inuyasha gave Kagome a betrayed look. She didn't see it however. Her eyes were firmly focused on the floor away from him. Inuyasha picked his words carefully. He could sense he was traversing dangerous waters. “Then you know why I can't do it.” He had a pained expression on his face as he continued. “Kikyo was a special case. She was dying. Even though I had to do it, I still can't forgive myself for it.” He took a deep breath. “And I don't even see Kikyo that much. But you…” His eyes fell on Sango. “I see you multiple times a week. We're friends damn it! If I went along with this, that would be over. Every time I would see you, I would be reminded of what we did.” Inuyasha shook his head. “I can't deal with that. I can't even deal with Kikyo. I'm sorry, but I just can't.”
Miroku's fists clenched tightly, his knuckles whitening. “I don't care if this destroys out friendship,” he said through clenched teeth. “I just want you to save the woman I love.”
“Save? She's doing just fine!” Inuyasha shouted, outraged.
“Inuyasha…” Kagome cautioned softly. Miroku cut her off before she could say anything more.
“If she doesn't complete her side of the contract, the demon takes her body in forfeit.” His expression darkened. “I'm not going to let that happen. Would you sit idly by if Kagome was in this situation?”
“Of course not!” Inuyasha answered defensively.
Miroku's expression softened. “You say you're a friend, so please…” He bowed his head so it was touching the table, his hands flat against the table on either side of his head. “Please save Sango. If it will make things easier, I promise you'll never see us again. I just… I can't live without her,” he manage to choke out. Both Kagome and Sango wore had horrified looks on their faces at the prospect of never seeing one another again.
Standing, Inuyasha drew the gaze of the three. Silently, he walked towards the door. “Where are you going?” Kagome cried in dismay, unfolding her arms as she started to give chase.
He stopped her with an outstretched hand. “Stop. Don't follow me. I need to think for a moment.”
A pained expression on her face, she bit her lower lip and nodded, taking a few steps back. Quickly, Inuyasha left the kitchen and didn't say a word until he was in the bathroom, the door shut tightly behind him. Letting out a muffled cry of frustration, it took all his willpower to prevent him from breaking everything he could lay his hands on. Why me? Why is it always me?! He slammed his fist against the marble counter. He ignored the cries of pain radiating from the abused appendage. First it had been Kikyo, but now he had to deal with Sango on his conscience as well? It was already overburdened with Kikyo. Adding Sango now… But like Kikyo, Sango was family to Kagome. She didn't seem too upset with the situation. Maybe that was what pissed him off the most. Besides the unfortunate luck of his name being pulled out of the hat, Kagome seemed to have this aura of detachment about the whole thing. Perhaps things would have been different if they hadn't had Yumi, but how was he supposed to impose values on her if he didn't follow them himself?
“Quite a predicament you've found yourself in.” Inuyasha nearly leapt from his skin at the sound of Ryuu's voice. The man smiled. “Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.”
“This is a bad time. Go away.” Of all the times for you to show up… His demon companion had been oddly absent the past day or two. It was frightening how quickly Inuyasha had forgotten about him.
Ryuu continued his pleasant smile. “And here I had good news for you.” Inuyasha let out a quick snort. Ryuu raised an eyebrow. “Oh? You doubt me?”
“Was I that obvious?” Inuyasha asked with a roll of his eyes.
Ignoring the sarcasm, Ryuu continued. “I believe I've found away to separate from you.”
That got Inuyasha's attention. “You have?” It wasn't number one on the priority list, not anymore. But it wasn't too far behind. The sooner I get rid of him, the sooner I can focus on other things. Besides, it will be nice to get rid of a problem instead of adding one. “I'm listening.”
“Let me have control of your body. In your place, Sango and I will fulfill her end of the contract. Since it is a demon contract, the child will be nothing more than an empty shell. That's when I move into the body instead of the other demon.”
“That's ridiculous! I'd never let you have control of my body. Besides, doing that will cause Sango to breach the contract.”
Ryuu smiled. “Technically yes, but in the eyes of the contract, Sango fulfills her part as soon as the child is created. It says nothing about her having responsibility if another demon takes control before hers.” He shrugged, smile fading. “But I never said you were going to like it. Only that it's an option, and really, it's probably the best on you have.” A sly smile replaced his other smile. “Besides, you can keep a clean conscious about it. After all, it wasn't you who really did it.”
Inuyasha gave the apparition a suspicious look. “How can I trust you? What prevents you from keeping control of my body indefinitely?”
“Time,” Ryuu answered calmly. “Even if I am powerful, I would only be able to keep control for a limited amount of time before I would lose control.” Inuyasha still wasn't convinced. “Besides, when have I ever steered you wrong?”
“You're wrong all the time when it comes to me.”
“Fine,” Ryuu said, crossing his arms. “Do whatever you want. I don't care anymore. You'll lose your best friends and your wife will hate you because you sacrificed her one and only friend, but hey, look at the bright side; I'll still be here to remind you every day just how bad you fucked up.”
Gripping the edge of the marble countertop, Inuyasha leaned heavily against the sink, his mind racing. What Ryuu was saying did make a lot of sense. If he's telling the truth. He doubted he was. There was obviously something more in it for the demon. There was no way he would ever do something unless it helped him tremendously. Still… Inuyasha couldn't deny the offer wasn't attractive…
Fuck it. Taking a deep breath, Inuyasha nodded. “Just be quick about it. I hope I don't regret this,” he muttered as he continued shaking his head.
Ryuu wore a wide smile. “I knew you would see reason. Now just be still…”
Taking her place against the counter once more, Kagome wondered how long Inuyasha would be. She had heard a door slam, undoubtedly either the one to their room or the bathroom. He had taken the news better than she figured he would. He had gotten angry, yes, but he didn't explode. Maybe it was because Sango and Miroku were here, or maybe the incident with Kikyo had changed him more than she thought it did. If it had, she had a tough time figuring out if the change was a positive or negative thing.
Placing a hand on her forehead, Kagome bowed her head. Of all the days for something like this to happen… Her mother would be coming to pick them up in a few hours to take them to where they had prepared the ritual. Kagome still needed to refill her energy supply before she came. Sango was running out of time as well. The demon had only given her a window of a day. Despite her best efforts, Kagome feared Sango still thought she was furious with her. Kagome knew better than to blame her for the current state of things. Demons from the other realm were notorious for making deals that negatively affected the other party and stacked the rewards heavily in their favor. Why this particular demon wanted Inuyasha could have been any number of reasons. In fact, Kagome would have been surprised if the demon didn't want Inuyasha. He was a source of rare energy as well as housing a sealed away demon inside him. It's the price to pay for marrying someone so valuable in my world. But after the incident with her sister, Kagome had done her best to let go of the anger at not being able to live like a true married couple. The sacrifices they had to make were rather small compared to the rewards. She could live with it, Inuyasha on the other hand… At least he's the one who has to do it. Kagome couldn't imagine how Inuyasha would react if Kagome had to sleep with another person. Worse still, she wondered how she would react. It was something she preferred not to think about it. Luckily, a situation like that had never presented itself and hopefully, never would.
I need to focus right now, she thought as she reined in her thoughts. Both Sango and her needed Inuyasha, and there wasn't much time left for either of them. Kagome needed to find some way to convince him. She took a deep breath, releasing it slowly as she let her shoulders relax. It was surprising how much tension had built up in them. Kagome figured Inuyasha would only need to be - she couldn't bring herself to think of it any other way - with Sango once. In cases like this, the demon in the contract could manipulate enough in this realm to ensure a child was created in the first go. The pregnancy itself usually went quite quickly too depending on how much power the demon could transfer into its new body. The problem was where it always was, convincing Inuyasha to go through with it. She was overjoyed at his dedication to their marriage, but at the same time, she was frustrated by his stubborn refusal to do what had to be done. It wasn't Sango's fault his name was picked and it wasn't Miroku's fault for inadvertently causing Sango to make the deal. Everyone was a victim here, they just had to make best of what they could.
Kagome was about to break the silence when Inuyasha appeared in the doorway to the kitchen. She knew she had a shocked expression on her face. She never expected him to be back so quickly. Standing up, her arms fell back to her side. “Well?” she questioned softly. At the table, both Sango and Miroku turned to face Inuyasha.
“I'll do it,” he answered in a weary voice, pain in his expression.
There were no sighs of relief, only a solemn realization that no one was better off for his agreement. Sango placed her face in her open hands as she lowered her head. Miroku was the first to break the silence that followed. “I know we're asking a lot from you… but thanks. I really mean it.”
“I don't want to be thanked. Not for this.”
Miroku nodded. “But I am thankful. You're saving Sango's life from that… thing.”
“Yeah well…” At what cost? Kagome was positive it was the same thought process he had when he was in the similar situation with Kikyo. She was surprised when Inuyasha suddenly turned to her. “How are we on time?”
“Oh, uh…” Looking at the clock, Kagome quickly counted the time they had left. “About two hours.”
“Something happening today?” Miroku asked, looking between the two.
“Yumi's becoming an adult,” Kagome answered.
“An adult?” Sango asked, looking up, her eyes red from tears.
Kagome nodded as she explained. “Since her powers are awakening, we have to perform a ritual to give her an adult body to house them. All succubi have to go through it, though Yumi is younger than most.”
“I'm sorry… on such a day,” Sango choked out.
Kagome moved over to her sniffling friend. “Don't be. This is all out of your control,” she said as she rested a hand on her shoulder in reassurance. At the same time, she looked over at Inuyasha. “You understand that too right? They had nothing to do with it.”
He sighed as he nodded. “As much as I wish none of this was happening, I understand.”
She nodded. “So… I guess you two…” Her voice drifted off, face reddening. Sango's face flushed an even deeper red.
“What about you?” Inuyasha asked. “You need to gather as much energy as possible for the ritual.”
“I can do that after. The ritual isn't as time-sensitive as Sango's situation. It can be pushed back and hour or two if needed.”
“There's no reason for that. We can just do both at once.” The three looked at him in shock. “If that's okay with everyone,” he added quickly.
Sango's face was beat red and Kagome figured her own probably wasn't too far behind. Never did she think something like this would come up. Glancing over at Sango, she found her friend giving her an anxious look. Neither one wanted to be the first to speak, mostly in fear of putting unwanted pressure on the other. If I say `okay,' I know Sango would agree as well, but does she really want too? Kagome figured Sango was thinking something similar to that as well. A glance at Miroku revealed his interest in the situation. He had an eyebrow raised as he looked between the three. What really got to Kagome though was Inuyasha. The nonchalant way he suggested it was very… peculiar of him. His past aside, nothing in his actions or words ever expressed an interest in this sort of activity yet here he was suggesting it. It made her question the depth of their relationship. She knew they both had their secrets, but they both had made their sexual wants and desires known early in their marriage. Or so she had thought.
Kagome knew that she would have to be the one to answer first. “I'm fine with it,” she lied as calmly as she could, refusing to let her reluctance show. The idea didn't sit well with her, but she could think of worse things. To her surprise, Sango looked relieved as she quickly agreed to Inuyasha's proposal. It was as if the idea of being alone with Inuyasha terrified her. It made Kagome feel a little better about her decision - but only a little.
After a brief discussion with Miroku, he agreed to take Yumi to the nearby park to play. It took far more convincing than Kagome expected it would, but Inuyasha made it clear nothing would happen as long as Yumi remained in the apartment. Kagome was more than a little relieved at Inuyasha's ultimatum. Despite his out-of-character suggestion earlier, he was acting like his normal self again. So Miroku left a few minutes later with the ecstatic Yumi in tow, leaving the three to stand in an awkward silence. Kagome seemed to be the only one able to look at the others. Both Inuyasha and Sango were fascinated in everything but the other two standing before them.
Sighing, Kagome gestured to the bedroom. “Well, no sense in just standing around. Shall we get started?” It was an ungraceful way of putting things and would have completely killed the mood provided there was a mood to kill. There was nothing romantic about this.
Once in the bedroom, they methodically began removing their clothes. Kagome was the first to finish, surprised to find the other two were still fiddling with their pants. She fought the impatience building inside her. Considering that everyone here had done this before, their modesty seemed out of place. Still she waited in silence as they finished undressing. Kagome had been expecting things to naturally progress once they were all undressed. Instead, Sango and Inuyasha stood frozen, eyes looking away as they did their best to cover themselves. Kagome flashed Inuyasha an enraged glare. And this was your idea! Glancing over at Sango, her eyes ran over her exposed skin. Old memories began to surface. This wasn't the first time she had seen her friend naked. Back in South America…
She shook the memories of the past away. By Sango's quick glances in her direction and flushed face, she hadn't been the only one to remember. “Let's get on the bed.” Sango jumped at the sound of her voice. Wordlessly, the three climbed onto the bed. With the three of them atop it, Kagome was astonished at how she never noticed how big it was. They were cramped, yes, but they could all fit.
“So…” Inuyasha said softly, his eyes moving from one to the other. Kagome couldn't stand the awkward bumbling of inaction any longer. Taking the initiative, she crawled over to him and began to gently stroke his limp cock. Hardening in her grip, she bent down to run her tongue along the tip. Using a combination of her mouth, tongue and hand, she had him fully erect in less than a minute, a feat considering the atmosphere. Satisfied, she pulled away, her attention turning to Sango. The nervous woman blinked several times as both Kagome and Inuyasha looked at her.
“M-me first?” she squeaked out, pulling away. Her eyes traveled down to Inuyasha's erection, eyes widening slightly. Kagome knew from their numerous conversations on the subject that Inuyasha was huge in Sango's eyes. While Kagome was glad her friend was able to experience a man with a larger than average size, she wished the man wasn't her husband. Life had a funny way of tossing an uppercut when you weren't expecting it.
But there wasn't anything Kagome could do about the situation but make the best of it. So that's exactly what she did. Kagome knew some succubi who were attracted to women as much as men. She wasn't one of them. That didn't mean she had no experience with women, just very little. Luckily, her skills didn't seem to dull from lack of use. Using her fingers and mouth, Kagome did her best to relax and prepare Sango. From the soft moans and small shifts of her body, Kagome figured she was doing a decent enough job. Once she figured Sango was wet enough, Kagome pulled away from the gasping woman to find Inuyasha staring at her with a surprised expression. Suddenly self-conscious, Kagome flushed a deep red. “What?” she asked, finding it hard to meet his gaze.
Inuyasha shook his head slowly. “Err… nothing. I just… wasn't expecting… uh… that.”
“Well were you just going to shove it in her without any foreplay? She's different than me.”
She cut him off with a wave of her hand. “This isn't important. Just—” The words caught in her throat. Inuyasha didn't waste any more time. Crawling between Sango's legs, he positioned himself at her entrance and—Kagome looked away at the last moment. Though she could avert her eyes, it was hard to ignore what was happening. It didn't take long before Sango was making it clear how much she was enjoying herself. The swaying of the bed below Kagome didn't help matters. Kagome didn't know how much time had passed before she forced herself to look over. Inuyasha had his mouth slightly agape, breathing heavily as he stared down at Sango, making small, forceful thrusts into her. Sango had her legs wrapped around him, pulling him closer to her. Discomfort washed over Kagome. It was the first time she had ever truly been uncomfortable being so close to sex. The situation made her realize that, for the first time, she wasn't the center of attention. One man and two women was something new to her and she had no idea what to do, not with Sango and Inuyasha looking like they did. The awkward atmosphere between them had evaporated. Now, they were going at it without a care in the world, disturbing Kagome's feelings even more.
Inuyasha pulled his attention away from Sango long enough to notice she wasn't doing anything. “Kagome,” he gasped out, not breaking his rhythm. Shoulders stiffening, she looked over at him to find him pointing. She knew immediately what he was asking. A quick glance over to Sango told her she was expecting it. That's right. She did this with Miroku a lot in the past. Still, just because she was comfortable with it didn't mean Kagome was. Even so, Kagome cautiously crawled over to them. She couldn't help but notice the grin on Inuyasha's face before turning her back to him. Gripping the bed frame tightly, she lowered herself towards Sango's waiting mouth. Kagome had never liked oral sex unless she was the one giving it. Yes, it felt fantastic, but it served no purpose. She couldn't feed from it, so why waste the time? Inuyasha had offered several times at the beginning of their relationship, but eventually stopped asking after her constant refusals. Sango's skilled tongue quickly showed her how much she had been missing. She had to bite her lip to prevent from calling out as the foreign tongue probed her slit before teasingly running along the inside.
She's gotten better, Kagome thought as she fought to keep her breathing relatively steady. Her knuckles were white as she squeezed the wood frame tightly. The last thing she wanted to do was show she was enjoying herself; especially if she was. This was a special situation. She refused to let her relationship with Inuyasha turn into one like Miroku and Sango.
“I'm going to cum!” Inuyasha warned in a strained voice. It came as a shock to Kagome. Only a few minutes had passed, and that was a generous estimate. Kagome always had an orgasm during sex. She couldn't image having sex without one. It almost made her pity Sango. It's because of the link. If I was a regular woman, would he only last that long with me as well? Maybe at first, but she doubted he would be like this all the time. This was the first time he had sex without a link to a succubus in years. Kagome's thoughts returned to the present as Sango gasped below her. Seconds later, she felt something hot hit the small of her back. Looking over her shoulder, she gave Inuyasha a puzzled look. One look told her all she needed to know. Giving his cock several more pumps, a few more weak spurts of cum dribbled out onto Sango's belly.
Quickly rolling off Sango, both women glared at him, outraged. Kagome was the first to speak. “What are you doing!?”
“Why did you pull out?!” Sango cried a half second after Kagome.
“I missed?” he replied with a grin. The grin quickly faded at Kagome's furious look. “Look, I was only having a little fun, okay? I won't do it again.”
Fun? We aren't here to have fun Inuyasha. We're here so Sango isn't possessed by a malicious demon and so that our daughter can safely complete her ritual.”
“Okay, okay, I got it,” he said, leaning away slightly. Once more, Kagome got the strange feeling that something wasn't right. Inuyasha was acting funny. He sounded and acted the same, but his general attitude seemed… off. Once more, before she could think more into it, he turned her attention onto something else. This time, it was because he was limp once more. Repressing a sigh, Kagome moved towards him again. “Maybe you two… together,” he suggested lightly, a small smile forming as she looked up in annoyance.
He's purposefully trying to piss me off! She had no idea why he was trying so hard. All she knew was that it was working. Maybe because it always seemed like she was pushing him into what he considered to be infidelity. By pretending to enjoy it, he got back at her. She could understand why that would make him angry with her, but it wasn't her fault these situations happened. If there was another way, she would definitely take it, no matter how challenging. To be angry at her for something that was out of her control was unfair. Besides, their definition of infidelity differed. While Inuyasha considered doing anything sexual with another woman besides a wife as infidelity, Kagome considered infidelity to be when the husband performed sexual actions with another woman for his own selfish pleasure. Inuyasha didn't sleep with Kikyo for his own reasons, so it shouldn't have been an issue. Something is definitely wrong. Is it because he's in control? Inuyasha was definitely the one holding the power. While she didn't believe he would refuse them if they fought back, he was abusing the power he held. Both women needed him and he knew it. The Inuyasha I know wouldn't do this… A frightening thought crept into her thoughts. What if this was Inuyasha? Had the incident with Kikyo affected him more than she figured it had? She thought back to the night where they had discussed threesomes before, how excited he was. He later laughed it off as s joke, but maybe it wasn't. Had he seen her expression and quickly changed it to a joke? Inuyasha certainly wasn't a stranger to them. After all, he lived with both Anna and Eiko for most of his college years and they made no effort to hide that they rarely slept in separate beds, nor that they were the only ones Inuyasha was with. The more she followed down this train of thought, the more her stomach knotted itself. Did Inuyasha lock away a part of himself to be with her? The thought made her queasy. Kagome gave up a large part of who she was, but she did it by choice. It would make her feel terrible if she found out Inuyasha forced himself to change in order to satisfy her desire. He never had to change who he was to make her love him. There would be some major differences. For one thing, they would never have married. Instead, they would have probably continued to have a relationship like Sango and Miroku shared. After having experienced the joy and challenge a married life could bring, Kagome couldn't possibly see herself being happy in that sort of relationship with Inuyasha, but then again, she wouldn't have known how great it could be. But we are married! What if he starts thinking I'm okay with this? Or worse, what if he wants our relationship to be like this? Today was a special circumstance. Emotions were already high before Sango came into the picture, so what they were doing now was easy for her to set aside. If Inuyasha wanted to start adding people to their lovemaking on a regular basis… That's not going to happen, she thought firmly. The situation with Sango was one thing. Adding people solely for the sake of his own pleasure was something else entirely, and it wasn't going to happen.
She didn't have time to think on other things too much. It took some awkward maneuvering on both her and Sango's part in order to bring Inuyasha back to life once more. It became easier as it grew, Sango focusing on the tip while Kagome had her attention on the shaft and balls. Even though he had just finished, he was ready to go faster than it had taken Kagome alone the first time.
Once more Sango was the focus of Inuyasha's attention. She was still on her back, but this time, her legs rested atop his shoulders. Her feet bounced gently in the air behind him as he gave quick, short thrusts. If Sango had any reservations about having sex with her best friend's husband, she wasn't showing it. No, she was enjoying herself fully now, her moans and cries of pleasure louder than ever. Her eyes were locked with his as she passionately urged him on. Propped up on one arm, Kagome lay on her side, watching intently. The longer she watched, the more confused about her feelings she became. The sights and sounds of sex were causing her succubus blood to boil. Each passing moment, her irritation towards Sango increased. When was it going to be her turn? Kagome's desire to experience the pleasure Sango was feeling was starting to consume her. In his aroused state, Kagome could sense the red energy bubbling to the surface. It was maddening to realize how close she was, but unable to taste it. Even worse, that precious energy would be wasted on Sango who could never appreciate its effects. Ideas she had long suppressed or rejected began to surface once more. Her thoughts of `Inuyasha is my husband, he should only be with me!' were quickly morphing into, `Inuyasha is my husband, he should be with me first!' The fact that this was Sango's second time infuriated her!
Excitement flooded Kagome as Inuyasha grew close, his pace increasing as he gasped for breath. She could tell Sango was close too, but judging by how Inuyasha looked, she would fall short of an orgasm. Kagome felt a twinge of pity. Not just for her friend, but human women in general. Sex was just so short with them. With a loud grunt, Inuyasha gave his final thrust into the moaning woman. Sango couldn't stop the disappointed expression from appearing as Inuyasha emptied his hot seed into her. She had been so close to her own orgasm that stopping now seemed criminal. Inuyasha lowered her legs back against the bed but kept himself inside her for awhile longer. After a few minutes, he pulled out. White liquid followed him out.
“Thank you,” Sango whispered, finally managing to catch her breath as she propped herself up on an elbow. Her eyes flickered to both Inuyasha and Kagome, thanking each in turn. At the same time, her free hand rested against her stomach. “We should know in an hour or so if the contact is completed or not.”
Kagome forced a smile. “It's no problem.” Yes, finally! It's my turn! She hated how quickly she slid back into the person she tried so hard to change from, but the atmosphere was too overwhelming, even for her. She could keep control over herself, even with the sounds and sights mere inches from her. But now there was the sharp smell of sex that permeated the room. The latest onslaught against her senses simply overwhelmed the remaining defenses.
“Are you sure one time will be enough?” Inuyasha asked, eyeing Sango as he backed away. The first thing Kagome noticed was the fact he was still hard. That excited Kagome even more. It happened every once in awhile, his half-demon stamina was coming out. It also meant the next time was going to be amazing. Some of the best sex they had was when he was in this state. And I'm up next!
“Uh… well…” Sango shot Kagome a questioning look. Kagome knew what Sango was asking. She didn't want to know if one time would be enough. She already knew the answer to that. What she wanted was another go.
“Once is enough. The demon's magic will take affect soon,” Kagome answered, annoyance in her voice. More importantly… me! It took a great deal of effort to keep from staring at Inuyasha's erection. That didn't stop her from constantly sneaking peeks. Her heart raced in anticipation.
“Still, I wonder if we should make sure…” His voice drifted off. Kagome couldn't believe what she was hearing. It was one thing for Sango to want another go. Inuyasha was great in bed, so it was to be expected. However, hearing Inuyasha say it was the last thing she expected. It took her a few seconds to realize they were both staring at her, obviously waiting for her to answer. No, no, and a thousand times no! It was her turn! Sango had already gone twice! Her eyes gravitated towards Inuyasha's erection once more, understanding the sacrifice she would make saying `yes.' Then, she glanced up at Sango. She was trying her best not to appear eager at the prospect of another go with Inuyasha, but her eyes kept finding themselves staring at the same place. But Kagome already had her answer…
With Inuyasha resting comfortably on his back, Sango happily bounced atop him. This time, Kagome refused to be left out. Inuyasha's inexperience was painfully obvious compared to Sango. Still, he was trying his best, his tongue probing along her slit as she hovered over his face. While wonderful, it wasn't here her attention was currently focused. She was having a hell of a time trying to kiss Sango who refused to slow her up and down motion enough to allow a good connection. It irked Kagome considering Sango was the one who initiated it. Wrapping her arms around Sango's neck, Kagome held her energetic friend down long enough to firmly press her mouth against hers. Their tongues entwined, moving from one mouth to the other. They broke every few seconds to gasp for air. Despite Kagome's pressure against her shoulders, Sango refused to hold still, her hips grinding in forward and back motions against Inuyasha. Sensing her friend's impatience, Kagome released her. Immediately, Sango began pounding herself down against Inuyasha once more. Instead, Kagome focused on Sango's bouncing breasts, running her hands over them, pressing against them as she leaned forward to flick her tongue over the nipple. Sango's joy over the attention was immediate. She was almost screaming in pleasure. A few minutes later, she was screaming as her body quivered in orgasm. Kagome realized immediately that Inuyasha was nowhere near finished, not in his state. She counted three more from her friend before Inuyasha warned of his own impending orgasm. Impaling herself fully on his cock, Sango let out a loud gasp as Inuyasha came once more.
While the two relished in the bliss of their orgasms, Kagome pressed her lips tightly together. It was wonderful that they were enjoying themselves, but she couldn't help but wonder when it was going to be her turn.
Inuyasha was gone. Not permanently of course, that was beyond his capabilities. Ryuu knew this as soon as he took control of his body. It was pathetic to think that it took him this long to gain control of a single human, but the seal that separated his power from Inuyasha's mind could only be broken if Inuyasha allowed it. At the beginning, Ryuu had a feeling that something was going to happen. His chance to take control was coming, he had to be ready. So he spent the past few days observing, memorizing how his unwilling host acted. It wouldn't be perfect, but it didn't have to be. The act only needed to fool the others around him for a few hours.
The moment Inuyasha broke the seal protecting his mind; the demons power squelched his consciousness into near nothingness. Inuyasha was completely unaware of the world around him, cut off from the senses of his body. Oh, he would eventually learn to project his consciousness like Ryuu was able to, but not for some time. By then, the `Ryuu' as he was now would be gone. The moment his powers flowed freely throughout the body, Ryuu knew that the situation that allowed his freedom was no accident. No, his True Self had arranged it with help of his allies. He also knew why his True Self had done this. For the first time in his short existence, Ryuu had a purpose.
Bedding both women at the same time wasn't necessary, in fact, only the human woman was truly necessary for him to complete his purpose. But Ryuu found the idea amusing. Not the pleasure aspect of it, but rather the anguish it would cause both Inuyasha and his parasitic succubus lover later. Oh how he wished he could be around to see it! Ryuu's sudden desire to inflict pain and suffering on Inuyasha wasn't one of his own will, but rather the will of his True Self that immediately began to seep into him the moment he became aware of its presence. Inuyasha wasn't even the real target, the succubus bitch was. She was the one to tear the True Self into the fragments of power he was today. To hurt her, the True Self simply needed to hurt him. The mental anguish of seeing her lover tortured emotionally and mentally was far more agonizing than any physical pain. And now she had a daughter as well…
Though Ryuu had no personal qualms with the succubus, he felt a certain pleasure seeing her in discomfort. So he did his best to tease her, to take her feelings and twist them around his finger, tightening them until they were about to break. It was laughably easy being in her lover's body. To the succubus, her lover had no reason to screw the human woman more than once. In her mind, the contract was complete and technically, it was. However, his True Self wanted as much power transferred into the new body as possible. The woman who now carried this new body wasn't a succubus, meaning the only way to transfer the energy between the two was short, numerous bursts. Ryuu had been a little worried at first. It would have been difficult to transfer the required energy had the human woman refused numerous pairings. Luckily, she seemed to have no reservations with going more than once. He didn't have to use magic to encourage her, meaning he could transfer more to the body. The confusion, anger and jealousy on the succubus' face were far more pleasurable than the physical act of sex. Ryuu could barely hold in the laughter as he made it seem like her lover preferred the human woman over her. He didn't have to try too hard. To Ryuu, the human woman was the better choice between the two. Of course, the succubus had a radiant, otherworldly beauty due to her magic, but that had no effect on him. No, he was judging by physical means only and the human woman was superior. Their faces were equal in looks, but there was a big difference in body. Unlike the succubus, the human's body was firm, toned by carefully planned exercise. She was a warrior, no doubt about it. The human also had larger breasts, something he could never quite understand. The succubus had the ability to change her appearance to some extent. His True Self had enough memories of succubi to know that it was a rare sight to have a succubus with such a… petite figure. Then again, it was rare for a succubus to play marriage, which this one seemed perfectly content with trying.
Ryuu once more had to hold back laughter. Yes, this is some marriage, he thought sarcastically as he continued his mindless thrusting into the human woman. He never bothered to understand human rituals. Many were merely superficial and held no real power. However, Ryuu knew that it was supposed to bind a male and female human together sexually. He wondered if the uselessness came from the fact there were no penalties of breaking the ritual. Humans truly were ignorant if they believed something like marriage held power.
The human was a noisy one during sex. While Ryuu knew her moans of pleasure were undoubtedly attractive to a male, her whimpers and groans wore at his patience. Luckily, Ryuu quickly discovered the best way to silence the woman was to give her mouth something else to do. As it were, he just so happened to have another body to help him. Though the succubus never openly complained, Ryuu could see the impatience and dissatisfaction in her eyes as her human friend lowered her head between the others legs once more. No, she wanted to be in the human's position. While Ryuu enjoyed playing with the demons emotions, he knew that he needed to be wrapping things up soon. He had managed to put only a fraction of his available power into the human. His True Self would have wanted more, but Ryuu needed it to keep Inuyasha's consciousness suppressed. The more he put into the woman, the harder it was. Besides, he had other things he needed to accomplish.
So that was why his fourth time with the human was the last. Fortunately, she seemed more than content to pass the torch. For a human, her stamina was to be commended. Over an hour had passed since they began. Hovering over her, he gasped for breath as he pushed as much of his demonic energy into her as he could. Like her, he was covered in sweat. Not from the strain of physical activity, but the mental strain of keeping Inuyasha down. The human made a weak whimper as he slid from her wet opening before relaxing against the bed. She closed her eyes, still breathing hard. He knew she wasn't going to fall asleep that fast, but she soon would be. A stealthy sleep spell would ensure it. He didn't want her getting involved with what happened next. Ryuu forced himself to take a deep breath, concentrating and optimizing what energy he had left to work with. Opening his eyes again, he was thankful to see he had managed to keep himself hard. It would speed things up with the succubus. Turning his attention to the succubus, he found her sitting near the edge of the bed farthest from him, an unhappy expression on her face.
“Having fun?” she asked, deadpan, arms crossed. For whatever reason, she hadn't participated in his last go with the human.
Ryuu smiled sweetly. “Yes, actually.” The answer caught her off guard. Speechless, she just gaped dumbly at him. He held his smile. The look on her face gave him more pleasure than the human had in the past hour. He didn't want to stop there. “I'd forgotten how much fun adding a second person could be.”
“Well I'm glad you're having fun,” she said sourly, finally finding her voice. Oh, she wasn't happy. He could tell the lust that she had been struggling to control for the past hour had subsided slightly. She was able to think a little more clearly now.
Which means the things I do and say here will have an even greater affect. His excitement made his borrowed heart race. Widening his smile, he continued. “Perhaps we should do this more often.”
Now she looked angry. “I'm not in the mood for jokes Inuyasha.”
Ryuu forced himself to frown. It was difficult considering how much he was enjoying himself. “I'm not joking.”
“You're not?” The succubus pulled a one-eighty, the anger dissipating into a hurt look as she continued to stare at him. “You're really serious, aren't you?” Her voice nearly broke as she spoke.
He continued to hold his frown. “You were the one who asked if I was having fun.”
“Yeah but I -“
“It doesn't have to be all the time,” he interrupted. “Once a week, or even every other week would be fine.”
“Once a week?” she repeated numbly. She was several shades paler than she normally was.
Ryuu felt unbelievably giddy. Even with his True Self's memories, this was quickly becoming his favorite memory of them all. It helped that this particular succubus conjured a deep, endless hatred seeded in the very essence of his True Self. Right now, he had sunk a blade deep into the woman's emotions. All he had to do now was twist…
He followed her eyes over to Sango and easily followed her train of thought. She was a mess mentally. Her carefully constructed barriers had all collapsed, allowing him a clear view into her thoughts. Even more, she was in such a state of emotional chaos that she didn't even notice his presence. He had to take a deep breath, lip quivering from the untold bliss he was feeling. And I can push this so much more!
“Of course it doesn't have to be with just Sango.” She turned her attention back to him. “There's also Anna and Eiko. Not to mention Kikyo.” The mention of her sister didn't quite have the effect he was looking for. Instead of sinking deeper into the horror and depression, she became combative, some color returning to her face.
“What is wrong with you?”
“Wrong with me?” Ryuu repeated, unexpectedly on the defense. Instantly, her defenses were back up and he found himself locked from her mind once more. The remaining lust that clouded her had been expunged, leaving her mind sharp.
“Yes! Wrong with you! This isn't like you at all! I know this past week has been stressful in ways no one could have expected, but this isn't you! Suddenly wanting a threesome, with Sango of all people!? The fact that you enjoyed it and have yet to touch me once! Now you're saying that you want them more often? And with my sister of all people! My sister Inuyasha!” She was furious, her words farther fueling her rage. “What kind of person do you think I am?”
Despite being caught off guard, Ryuu couldn't help but mentally smile. The sudden realization that he had underestimated her didn't cause him to despair. No, toying with something that didn't fight back was boring. I understand why my True Self hates you so much. You are truly worthy of our hate. It was the highest praise he could think to give. When the time came, it would make destroying her that much more satisfying. Ryuu focused back on the present. That would come later. Right now, he needed to start his counterattack. “I could ask you the same thing.” Before she could say anything, he continued in a mocking tone, “`Inuyasha, I know we are married, but I really need you to sleep with my sister. When you're done with that, can you also knock up one of our closest friends? Oh yeah, and remember that ritual that our daughter has to go through? I'm going to need you to come along if you don't want me to participate in the orgy afterwards.'” He returned to a normal voice. “It's like I've become nothing more than a tool so you can fix other people's problems!”
“It's not like that at all!”
“But it is! We're married, yet you have me sleep with other women? Then you tell me you're okay with me doing it?”
Once more, Kagome was back on the defensive. “These are extraordinary circumstances. You think I enjoy having you sleep with other women?”
“Maybe you do. You certainly weren't complaining when I was fucking Sango… over and over and over again.” Smack! Kagome's smack left Ryuu stunned, his head turned to the side. Despite her statue, she managed to pack a lot of power into her blow. Still, the pain was nothing compared to the elation he felt when he saw tears running down her face. He had won. There was little she could do now but weather the coming blows.
“It's not supposed to be like this!” she sobbed, trying in vain to wipe away the tears.
Now to really twist the knife. “You're right. This isn't a marriage. I was stupid to think this could work.”
Kagome stared at him in horror through tear-streaked eyes. “Are you—” Her words caught in her throat. As hard as she tried, she couldn't choke them out, only causing her to cry harder.
“Breaking up?” Ryuu finished coldly. “Yeah, I think I am.”
I am updating early due to the coming finals week. With this, I have depleted the buffer of finished chapters. I haven't been writing much lately so the next chapter could be awhile. As I've been working solely on this story for the past several months, I feel a little burnt out. I'm still going to work on it, but the updates will be more sporadic and less frequent.
Thanks to everyone who has stuck around this long and many thanks to those who take the time to review. I appreciate it.