InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Succubus Wife ❯ Chapter Fourteen ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated for a mature audience.

FYI: I wrote this chapter nearly three years after the previous one. While I still have my original notes, there will be some discrepancies – especially between this and the first story. More notes at the end.

Miroku and Sango were still talking when the door burst open, causing them to jump in surprise. He was shocked to see Kagome’s mother and sister appear.
“Where is Kagome?” her mother demanded, glancing around the kitchen as if she expected Kagome to materialize at her voice.
“In the bedroom,” Miroku said pointing towards the closed door. Her mother stormed off down the hall, leaving the sister standing there. She nodded at the two, giving them a small smile before looking around the living room. “Is something wrong?”
“Kagome was supposed to bring Yumi an hour ago so we could set up.” She paused, realizing something was missing. “Where’s Yumi?”
“Inuyasha took her to wherever you are doing the ritual.”
Kikyo frowned. “How would he know where it is?”
Miroku and Sango shared a look before he spoke up. Something was wrong. “I assumed Kagome told him.”
“Kikyo, come quick!” her mother called, urgency in her voice. Sango and Miroku were both on their feet, following her into the bedroom. The older woman was straddling an unconscious Kagome, the covers thrown to the side. Kikyo flew to her mother’s side. “She’s been poisoned.” There was an odd calm to her voice as her hands moved over her daughter’s body. “Luckily, it appears it wasn’t a strong dose.”
Kikyo’s head snapped over in their direction. Sango had her mouth covered, horrified by the news. “Who was the last person she slept with?” When the answer didn’t come fast enough, she nearly shouted. “WHO?”
“J-just myself and Inuyasha!” Sango cried, a tear running down her face. Kikyo and her mother shared a look. The inclusion of Sango in bed did not go unnoticed.
“ ;Were the three of you together or did you sleep with her alone?”
“Together,” Sango said, face slightly red.
“Tell me exactly what happened,” Kagome’s mother said, her attention still on her unconscious daughter. “And make sure to tell me everything.”
Miroku shifted uncomfortably as he listened to Sango recap her early afternoon experience. The two succubae listened intently as she explained why she was even here in the first place. Neither one interrupted as her story moved on to Inuyasha’s suggestion to fulfill both obligations at once. In the course of the story, Kagome’s mother only stopped her once, asking her to go into more detail with the actual act. Sango kept glancing over at him over the course of her story. It was a challenge to keep up his neutral expression. He discovered that, while he was fairly certain he was fine with Sango being with another man, he didn’t enjoy listening to the details. At least I know I’ve got a little normalcy in me. It didn’t help that Sango seemed to really enjoy her time with him.
Kikyo was frowning when Sango finished. “One time would be enough to fulfill the contract.”
“That’s what Kagome said,” Sango said, shifting uncomfortably. She glanced over at him from the corner of her eyes.
“Yet you continued three more times.”
Sango cleared her throat uneasily. “Correct. It was so incredible… I asked Kagome if we could do it again.”
“I find it hard that she would agree so readily,” Kikyo said, crossing her arms.
“Inuyasha wished it as well.” Both women shared a silent look.
Kagome’s mother paused to look back at Sango. “Inuyasha did?”
Sango nodded. “Yes, it was the main reason why Kagome allowed it. By the third time, she looked completely into it. The uh… fourth… she just watched. She seemed a little irritated by then.”
“What do you think?” Kikyo asked her mother, giving a worried look down at her sister.
“I think we’ve played right into our enemies hand.”
“Enemy?” Miroku asked, straightening. “Remnants of the Order?”
Sango was shaking her head. “Impossible. We tracked down nearly everyone in a leadership role. The entire powerbase has been shattered that even the few that managed to escape would never be able to recover.”
“No, this is something new. Whoever we are facing, they know a great many things about us.” She looked over at Kikyo. “I always thought it was suspicious someone with vampiric traits was targeting us.”
“But no one else has been killed.”
“Because we were never their intended targets, Inuyasha was.”
“What?” the three said in unison.
Kagome’s mother placed a hand to her forehead. “I can’t believe I didn’t see it before. They knew how desperate we would be to save one of our own, and only a few of us are strong enough to withstand the poison.”
It became apparent that Kikyo was slowly growing an understanding of the situation. “And we all have connections with Kagome.”
“Kagome herself might have been a target as well. Regardless, they knew we would be forced to use Inuyasha to save whoever was poisoned.”
“For what purpose?” Miroku said, trying to follow.
Kagome’s mother looked over at him. “To purge the poison from us, Inuyasha had to take it into himself. It nearly killed him from what I understand. That it didn’t makes me believe it was in large part by him breaking the seal.”
Sango gasped. “That means—”
“It is reasonable to assume the demon sealed within him took control – at least temporarily.”
Kikyo was nodding. “That would certainly explain why Inuyasha suggested a threesome.”
“And why Sango’s demon insisted Inuyasha help create his mortal shell, they are not separate demons at all, but rather parts of the same one.” Her eyes fell on Sango. “The first time completed the contract, but he took advantage of your lust. The following three times were the demon transferring as much of his power Naraku had summoned into this world into his new body.” Miroku could see the color had drained from Sango’s face. “The reason why Kagome appeared so dejected was because she could sense the amount of energy transferring between you two.”
“My god…” Sango sounded on the verge of tears. “This is all my fault. I made this… thing, even more powerful all because I couldn’t control myself.” Her hands were resting on her stomach. Miroku, not knowing what else he could do, wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. Her smile was sad, but he knew his support meant everything to her.
There was a brief moment where Kagome’s mother gave her a kind smile. “Do not feel guilty. Your desire for more saved my daughter’s life.”
“I-it did?” Miroku could tell she wasn’t sold on the subject.
She nodded. “Kagome only absorbed a small amount. Had you switched with her any time before your fourth and final coupling, she would have ingested a lethal dose.”
“But she did ingest some,” Miroku said, speaking up. “Is she going to be okay?”
Slowly, her mother lifted herself off Kagome’s nude body and stepped off the bed. “In time, her body will purge the corruption. We could speed up the process, but I fear that would cause more issues than it is worth.” Her eyes were on Kikyo. “What’s important now is finding Yumi.”
“And Inuyasha,” Miroku added.
There was a pause. Far too long a pause in Miroku’s mind before she corrected herself. “And Inuyasha,” she repeated. Miroku wasn’t fooled. Inuyasha was low on her list of concerns.
“Okay, so what do we do?”
“You are to watch over Sango during her pregnancy.”
“I fulfilled my contract, we could just… abort it, or something. There’s no way I want to bring something this evil into the world.”
“While I would normally agree with you, I feel that your… being… inside you is the only thing keeping Yumi alive. The demon knew the contract would be fulfilled at its conception, and took steps to ensure you would carry it to term, and turn it over to its allies upon its birth.”
“So this will be a hostage exchange,” Miroku said, looking over at Sango.
“One in which time is against us.”
Kikyo explained, seeing the confused look on their faces. “Yumi’s powers are starting to awaken. The ritual is not only her moving into adulthood, but also forming a body that can hold and harness her powers. If her full powers awaken in her current form…” Her anxious expression was all they needed to see to understand the full weight of the situation.
“And with Yumi, is the fate of our race.”
Miroku took a deep breath, looking over at Sango. “Well there is one thing going for us.” All three sets of eyes were on him as he continued. “Sooner or later, they are going to have to come to us.”

Inuyasha awoke to a splitting pain in his head. He went to hold his hands against his head, only to find them bound behind his back. Blinking against the bright lights shining down on him, he glanced around, trying to learn where he was.
“Ryuu?” he croaked. What the fuck happened to me? He remembered the bathroom, letting his mental defenses down to allow Ryuu to take control. But where am I now? It looked like some sort of warehouse, with brown crates stacked everywhere. Large piles of something were hidden under tarps.
“You will be happy to know Ryuu is gone,” a familiar voice said from beside him. Turning his head failed to reveal who it was. Slowly, a large man entered the corner of his vision. “He extinguished the last of his power getting here.”
“Small,” he rasped, throat dry.
The large man smiled, spreading his hands wide. “We meet again.”
“Where am I? What am I doing here?”
“You don’t remember? Give it a second, I’m sure the memories will surface – at least partially.” He stopped in front of him, clasping his hands behind his back. Inuyasha was just about to speak when his missing block of time slowly came back to him. Ryuu had subdued his consciousness, but failed to wipe his memories. A few seconds and he was recalling the events that led up to his current situation. It wasn’t complete, but enough was there.
A wave of nausea ran over him as he recalled the threesome. Breathing heavily, he was forced to relive the horror moment by moment. Kagome readily agreeing to ‘his’ suggestion; the displeasure in Kagome’s eyes not from her sharing him with another woman, but because she wanted her turn, and finally Kagome realizing too late that the man she was with was not her husband.
Mouth open, he gasped for breath as he watched Ryuu knock Yumi out, carrying her to this warehouse near the opposite side of the city. “Yumi,” he gasped, weakly looking up at Small. “Where is she?”
“Safe, for now,” he said maintaining his smile. “Though I am glad your memories are returning – though I venture to guess they are none too pleasant.” He sighed. “You know, I did try to warn you. My clients are not to be messed with.”
“Where the fuck is my daughter!” he yelled, summoning every bit of strength he had. His hands strained against his bindings, the chair he was strapped to moved forward slightly. Ultimately, it was useless. Even in his prime, he might not have broken free. In his weakened state, he was nothing. No, I’m even weaker than before. He tried to remember when the last time he felt so… frail.
Small clicked his tongue as he waggled his index finger back and forth. “Language dear Inuyasha.” His hand disappeared back behind him. “As for your daughter, she is safe, I give you my word.”
“Your word means nothing.”
“My word is everything. It is I who holds your daughter, and for the moment, your life, in my hands.”
“What do you want?” Inuyasha said, his body going slack. He was powerless, defeated. I can’t protect anyone. Not as a half-demon and certainly not as a human.
“It is not what I want, but what my clients want. You see, this is simply business to me, I hold no grudge against you or your family. In fact, I feel terrible about this entire nasty situation.”
“Spare me your lies.”
The large man sighed dramatically. “It is quite a simple thing really. Sango’s child for your child.”
“You mean the demon.”
Small smiled. “Yes.”
Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at him. “What is the purpose of all this? What do you get from this?”
“Yes, that is the question isn’t it? Inuyasha, the world is changing. You can’t stop change.” He began pacing. “The point is surviving the changes. That’s what I do, I survive.” Stopping, he bent down to match Inuyasha’s eye level. “For centuries, I have remained a neutral party in the squabbles of man, demon and god alike. But lately, things are quite boring. The lines are all drawn and everyone stays within their little boxes. I want to add a little spice to life, shake things up a little.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Nor do I expect you to. Regardless, it has nothing to do with you… Mostly.” He stood up. “You have your own problems after all. By my calculations, Sango should give birth in about three days. Coincidently, your wonderful Yumi’s powers should begin to awaken around the same time.” He took a step back so Inuyasha could see the entirety of him. “That doesn’t leave a lot of time for error.”
“So how does this work?”
He smiled. “I knew you would see reason. It is quite simple. The hospital here is the same that treated you oh so long ago. They are more than capable of handling the birth.”
“Then we make the trade there?”
His flabby head nodded once. “It’s neutral ground. Once the baby is safely delivered to me, Yumi will be returned to you, unharmed. Afterwards, you are all free to go to do whatever and I will go my own way.”
“What’s to keep you from taking the baby, then killing her?”
Small looked disgusted. “Kill her? Why would I do such a horrible thing to such a beautiful creature?”
“You say that, yet you take her regardless.”
“Only to ensure you keep your end of the bargain, nothing more, nothing less.”
Inuyasha tried shifting in his bindings again. “So what happens now?”
Small smiled. Inuyasha was vaguely aware of the other men coming up behind him. “I shall see you in three days.” A hand clamped over his nose and mouth. He struggled wildly as his air was cut off. Another man held his chair down as he fought against his bindings. Slowly, the blackness swirled in his vision and the last thing he saw were the lights fading.

“Yumi!” Kagome cried out, lurching up in bed. A second later, she was throwing up, her body clenching violently. Back on the bed, her body was shivering, both from the cold air against her nude body but also from the strain caused by her vomiting.
“It’s okay now,” her mother’s voice cooed, her hand running along her cheek.
“Yumi…” she groaned. Inuyasha. Her eyes widened, but was too weak to sit up again. “Inuyasha… the demon…”
“We know,” her mother said, still stroking her cheek. “The demon took over.”
How could this happen? Her mind was racing, trying to pinpoint exactly when it took over. It couldn’t have been for too long. The answer was fairly obvious. It was when we were discussing what to do with Sango. Was it before, or after though? It didn’t matter much now. Obviously, the threesome had been its idea. All the odd things Inuyasha had displayed… why didn’t she notice it sooner? Had she honestly believed he was capable of all that? That he was enjoying himself fully with Sango?
“Don’t blame yourself,” her mother said, sensing her thoughts. “We all played right into their hands.”
“I’m so glad you’re safe,” a tearful Sango said, nearly falling atop her as she pulled her into a hug.
Coughing, Kagome patted her friend on the back before she finally released her. “I guess I should thank you.”
“For what?” Sango said, wiping her eyes with a smile.
She forced a grin. “For tiring him out.” As much as she hated to admit, she was glad she hadn’t taken her turn before Sango was completely satisfied.
“I really don’t need to be thanked for that.” Her eyes fell towards the bed. “I… I’m really sorry. Seeing how I acted then, I really shouldn’t have enjoyed it – shouldn’t have asked for more.”
Kagome reached out, resting a hand on Sango’s. It took a considerable amount of effort to move her arm. “Sango, you might find it hard to believe, but I’m glad you enjoyed it regardless of my life being saved because of it.” She grinned, patting Sango’s hand. “But next time, maybe limit it to two before allowing me a turn.”
Sango’s eyes widened. “Next time?” Her voice was higher than normal.
“A joke,” she said with a weary smirk.
“Right, of course.” Sango was good at hiding her feelings. Most would have mistaken her disappointment for relief. Unfortunately for Sango, Kagome knew her very well and easily picked up on it. Another time, she thought. Right now, she had more important things to worry about.
“Here I thought you were finally going to start behaving like a proper succubus again,” Kikyo said, leaning against the doorframe, a smirk on her face. She walked over to the edge of the bed, taking their mothers place. “Glad to see you feeling better.”
“Better is a relative term.”
R 20;I figured. Sadly, we haven’t been able to locate Inuyasha yet.”
“And Yumi?” Kikyo shook her head sadly. “How long?”
“It will be twelve hours in a few minutes,” her mother said, arms crossed. “And if you are going to be fit to help look for them, you will need to feed.”
“Then we need to find Inuyasha.”
“Inuyasha just poisoned you and you are ready to hop right back on and feed from him?” her mother said, anger in her voice.
“He’s my husband.”
“Kagome, I think it’s time you ended this little fantasy you have been living and accept the reality of the situation. It is amazing things have lasted for this long, but it’s time you started acting like the succubus you are.”
“Mom, I’m not going to do it.”
Her mother’s patience broke. She moved towards the bed. The only thing that stopped her from physically grabbing her was Kikyo, who stood between them. “How can you be like that when Inuyasha has been with two separate women these last few days?”
“Those weren’t his choice!” Kagome cried weakly.
“Well this isn’t your choice either!” she bellowed. “You are a succubus! You feed off the energy of the men you sleep with. Wishing it wasn’t so isn’t going to change that fact!” She pointed her finger towards her angrily. “This was never an issue before you started traveling with him.”
“Don’t blame him. I make my own decisions.”
“And what of your influence on Yumi? Just because you have the luxury of being with one man doesn’t mean she will.” Kagome was silent as her mother continued. “In case you’ve forgotten, there are things you have to do as her mother when she comes of age – or are you planning to leave that for someone else as well?”
“No I—! I just figured I would cross that bridge when I came to it,” Kagome finished softly, not meeting her mother’s gaze. She really hadn’t forgotten about it, but with everything else going on, it wasn’t a priority. As her mother, Kagome’s job was to teach her how to use her powers, and how to seduce her food. She could still remember going out with her mother seemingly ages ago. It had been a few days after her ritual. Kagome’s mother brought her to an inn late at night. There, she taught her how to magically charm someone. Of course, Kagome had little control over her powers and ended up dominating her partner, rather than subtly suggesting he follow her like her mother had. Her mother told her charming was a last resort, and with time, she would be able to seduce without the need for magic.
They shared a room that night. Kagome watched as her mother mounted her partner, her lithe form grinding against the groaning man. After feeding, she cleared the bed for Kagome. It was then that Kagome learned the reason why charm magic was used as the last resort. Unlike her mother’s partner, who had been happily engaged in the act, her partner was like a mechanical doll. Even now, she could still remember the lifeless stare of his eyes as he entered her, stiffly thrusting in rhythm to a song less beat. Her mother kept careful watch as Kagome pulled the energy from his rigid body, slapping her out of the intoxicating rush of her orgasm before she completely drained the man. It happened to all young succubae. The pleasure was overwhelming and without an elder succubus to bring her back to her senses, it was doubtful the man would survive the feeding. Nearly all deaths resulting from feeding was from a young succubus getting too caught in the moment. Her mother was present for all her feedings the first few months, just to make sure she was fully in control.
Yumi was a special case. Unlike Kagome, she had yet to be fully introduced to sex. When it was time for Kagome’s ritual, she had watched her mother with countless men, including multiple at the same time. Yumi may have caught glimpses of her and Inuyasha, but nothing detailed, and from her experience explanations were only so good. Now that her mother had brought it to her attention, her current lifestyle made Yumi woefully unprepared for her new life as an adult. Inuyasha and her had sex behind closed doors, both out of sight and out of mind. She couldn’t completely blame Inuyasha’s influence for that. Avoiding conflict with the issue was easier than making a stand, explaining it was something she had to do to prepare her. In the end, she was not only sheltering Yumi, but Inuyasha as well.
“Mom, relax,” Kikyo said, resting her hands against her shoulders. Gently, she put some distance between the two. “I figured something like this was going to happen. While I was out telling others about the search, I gathered more energy I would be more than happy to share.” She looked over at Kagome, a playful glint in her eye. “That is, if that’s not taboo now too.”
Kagome narrowed her eyes at her sister. “You make it sound like I turned my back on everything.”
Kikyo shrugged. “I never know with you.” It was another culture difference Kagome knew Inuyasha wouldn’t approve of. Much like having dinner together was for humans, it was common for two succubae to share a man. Rarely was the purpose actual feeding, as one man couldn’t hope to satisfy two hungry succubae unless he shared Inuyasha’s gift. She wondered how Inuyasha would react on learning about it. It was something Kagome never thought about before now. Like she had done so with her mother and sister in the past, she naturally assumed it was something she would do with Yumi as well. Only now did she realize it would be impossible with their current lifestyle.
This actually worried Kagome. Succubae weren’t built like humans, and socializing was done differently. In humans, time and shared interests were building blocks of relationships. For the most part, you lived with your family when you were young and you spend time with friends. Closeness is based mostly on how much time you spend with someone and how much you enjoy being with them, the emotions building with time.
For succubae, things worked differently. It was detrimental for too many succubae to be in the same area. Cities were nowhere near the size they were now and most of your food had to come from wandering from village to village. Thus, they tended to spread out more, most moving in pairs or alone. What truly connected families and friends together was bonding through the link. Sharing energy with someone was a sign of trust and love, for linking between two succubae was even more potent than the link she shared with her partner. It was true that Yumi would always be her daughter, but it was heartbreaking to realize there would never be the connection between them as she had with her mother.
It would be something that couldn’t be helped now, so Kagome put her thoughts on hold, focusing back on the present. Her mother had crossed her arms, giving a faint ‘humph’ as she looked over at the two. “At least you haven’t completely gone crazy.”
Suddenly, Kagome was aware of a missing person. “Where is Miroku?” she asked, glancing over at Sango.
“Passed out on your couch,” Kikyo answered. “Took a little extra to make sure you would have enough.”
“You mean you fed off him?” Kagome exclaimed, giving Sango a wide-eyed look of exasperation, not quite believing she had allowed it.
Kikyo shrugged. “He volunteered and she didn’t protest.” She tapped her lips. “Actually quite tasty, but a little short on stamina. He reminds me of a firework, powerful punch but over in a flash.” She glanced over at Sango. “Sorry, I bet you don’t want to hear this sort of stuff.”
Sango shook her head. “It’s fine.”
“I see why Kagome likes you,” she said with a smile. Kikyo’s attention was suddenly back on Kagome. “Are you ready? We’ve been wasting time.” Kagome nodded, making an attempt to move into a more comfortable position.
(Warning: mini Kag/Kik pairing. Look for next bold to skip)
There were different ways to transfer energy to one another. Kikyo chose the least intimate and fastest method. Pressed together, they locked their lips together. Kagome’s legs spread slightly, allowing Kikyo’s hand access. Their mother shifted her stance impatiently as Sango watched, wide-eyed at the sight before her. Her moans were muffled by Kikyo’s soft lips as their tongues ran against each other. There was silence in the room minus their brief gasps for breath and Kagome’s soft moans.
Despite the skilled hand working between her legs, it still took several minutes before Kagome could feel her climax building. Kikyo felt it and increased her pace. Kagome’s muted moans grew as her body tensed. Kikyo clamped her mouth over hers as she came. She could feel her strength returning as energy flowed into her. Her orgasm grew even more powerful as her sisters emotions flowed into her. Anger, fear, worry, everything she was feeling, poured into her. At the same moment, Kikyo was receiving her own version based on Kagome.
When Kikyo pulled away, the link severed. Both lay gasping, Kagome slightly more disheveled than her sister. Rolling her head to the side, Kagome watched her pull her slick hand from between her legs.
(Resume here)
“It’s been too long,” Kikyo said, wiping her forehead with her other hand.
“It has,” Kagome agreed, suddenly seeing her sister in another light. They had shared what no human ever could. Even her link with Inuyasha was never as powerful or clear as the one she just experienced. Looking over, she found Kikyo staring at her, a look of understanding in her eyes.
With a smile, Kagome patted her sister on the leg before getting up. Seeing her mother standing there, she wondered if the reason they hadn’t been getting along lately was related to the length of time they had gone without connecting. If so, she hoped it was something she could avoid with Yumi.
“Better?” her mother asked, eyeing her judgingly.
“Much.” It wasn’t as powerful as Inuyasha’s but it would do in a pinch and hopefully last her long enough to find Inuyasha and Yumi.
“Good. Get dressed. We have work to do.”

Surprise update! Hopefully there are still some people out there that want this finished.
I do feel I need to say something about the direction of the story. Reading my notes on what is planned, I decided to not change course. As such, there will be some uncomfortable parts like in this chapter. Like I did in this chapter, I will mark the sections so you can skip if you choose to, though you may miss things.
Again, I am writing this after three years so there will be inconsistencies, especially since my notes are agonizingly sparse. Well, we will see how things go.