InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Succubus Wife ❯ Chapter Fifteen ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated for a mature audience.

This turned into a longer chapter than I thought, but couldn’t find a good place to split it. Just a warning: extreme content in this chapter. I have warnings in bold before the sections of where to stop/start reading if you wish to skip, as well as what type of content you are skipping.

*I have no idea why the formatting won’t stay when I upload it. Sorry.
“Any luck?” Sango asked. She stood as Kagome walked in, her hand automatically moving to her stomach. It had only been a day and already there was a noticeable swell to her. Her standing didn’t last long. The quick growth was throwing off her balance, not to mention draining her. Lightheaded, she settled back into her chair, Miroku quickly by her side.
“I told you no more quick movements.” He was worried, and for good reason. She looked terrible. Despite sleeping for most of the day, she looked ragged.
“Nothing yet,” Kagome said, biting her lower lip as she looked over her exhausted friend. She wished there was something she could do.
Miroku looked over to her. “We have to take her to the hospital.”
“Miroku, I want to help her as much as you do—”
“Then we have to go now!”
She shook her head. “It’s too soon. That location is too exposed. I’m sorry, but we have to have a little more information before we can do anything.” She moved over to rest a hand on his shoulder as he looked over to Sango. “If she gets any worse, I promise, we will take her there. Until then, please, trust us.”
“I’m fine,” she said, weakly waving her hand as if to dismiss her current condition. “Don’t worry about me. Do what you have to do.” She smiled. “Besides, if I die, this fucking thing goes with me.”
Miroku glared at her. “Don’t talk like that.”
Kagome was about to say something when the door bust open. One of the succubae working with her mother was at the entrance. She looked out of breath, no doubt she had ran here. Locking eyes with Kagome she took a breath. “We found him.”
“Inuyasha!” Her voice echoed through the tunnel as she broke out in a run. She nearly bowled him over, leaping at him, crushing him in her arms. After smothering him in kisses, she took a step back to realize that there was something different about him. He seemed like putty in her hands, not the stout man she had married. His stare was hollow.
“I lost her,” he whispered weakly. “I gave her right to them.”
“No Inuyasha, it wasn’t you,” she whispered, stroking his cheek. “It wasn’t you.”
“Foolish boy,” her mother said, stepping forward from the crowd of succubae. “You allowed the demon to take control. You allowed this to happen! You allowed them to take my granddaughter!” Several others rushed to hold her back, sensing violent intent. Inuyasha seemed to buckle from the words.
“Mother!” she cried, glaring over her shoulder at her. “It was the demon, not him!”
“And how do you suppose that happened? Even with the seal broken, there should have been more than enough residual power to prevent the demon from taking control on its own.”
“It’s true… I allowed it,” Inuyasha said weakly. Kagome looked at him in shock. “It is all my fault.” He wouldn’t make eye contact. “I’m sorry.”
“But why?” she gasped, feeling him grow heavier in her arms. He said nothing, instead choosing to stare at the ground.
“Whatever the reasons, none of that is important now,” Kikyo said as she crossed her arms. She was staring at Inuyasha. “I suppose you were the messenger for the trade?”
Looking up, Inuyasha made eye contact with her before nodding.
Kagome bit her lower lip, pressing a finger against them as she paced back and forth. Her mother had been against her being here, but there was nothing she could do or say that would stop her. For one, Sango was fighting for her life in the most dangerous child-birth she would ever face. Secondly, she had to know Yumi was safe. It had been three days and Yumi was running out of time. Kagome could feel the effects of the stress the past two days had been. Worrying about the growing stomach and decreasing health of her friend, the health and safety of her daughter, and the ever-growing distance between her and Inuyasha were all crushing her. The fact that she hadn’t properly fed wasn’t helping either, but Inuyasha was in no condition to feed from. That and she felt nervous whenever she thought about it, knowing what happened to her last time she was with him.
One thing at a time, she thought taking a deep breath, pausing when Sango screamed again. First Sango, then Yumi. Once Yumi was back, Inuyasha would get better. She had to believe that. Sango screamed again. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Inuyasha with his head sunk between his hands. Moving over to him, she slid into the seat next to him, running her arm around him to pull him closer.
“You need to stop blaming yourself,” she whispered.
“I know that Ryuu did this, I know that, but I have to live with the fact that I was weak. I allowed myself to lower my guard, to let him take over.”
Reaching in, she snaked her fingers through his causing him to look up. He looked ragged from lack of sleep. Sango was screaming again, making her grip tighten. “You never told me why,” she said, doing her best to keep her focus away from what was happening in the room across from them.
“Because I was afraid – and stupid – and mad – and…” For a second, she could see the old Inuyasha come out, fueled by the anger and emotions that swirled from his thoughts. But it never achieved critical mass and dwindled once more.
“We will get through this. Yumi will be fine, Sango will be fine, the ritual will go off without a hitch, everything will be fine.” He nodded and she squeezed his hand. He glanced over at her and to her surprise, leaned in to kiss her.
Blinking as they separated, she had to hold herself back from tackling him and striping him right in the hall. It brought focus to just how hungry she was. He even managed a smile, though it disappeared the second the door opened. Both were on their feet as an exhausted Miroku appeared.
“Sango!” Kagome said, feeling a knot forming in her throat.
His face was deathly pale as his eyes met hers. “Sango is fine.” Almost zombie like, he moved from the door, closing it behind him. It was then that Kagome noticed there was no crying noises.
“What’s wrong?” Inuyasha asked, moving towards his friend.
“That… that was no baby.” His eyes were wide. “I mean… it wasn’t even crying. What sort of baby doesn’t cry? It just… sat there, watching.”
The elevator chimed as the doors opened. Stepping out was none other than Edward Small. He wore a large grin as he sauntered down the hall. Kagome nearly fell to the floor as she watched a sickly Yumi being escorted behind him. She hadn’t even realized she was running towards them until his massive hand was brought up to stop her.
“Ah-ah-ah. We have a deal and I believe I am owed a certain someone in exchange.”
“Yumi! Yumi are you okay?” She said, looking around the man, completely ignoring him.
“I’m fine Mommy,” she said. It sounded like she did after staying up late. “Just tired is all.” She was sweating, not a good sign. She should have had her ritual a day ago at the latest. Now her body was struggling to contain the rapidly maturing magic within her. It wouldn’t be long until her body could no longer withstand it.
“Now then, how about I go check on things on my side?” Kagome stepped to the side, allowing him to pass. “And don’t get any ideas while I’m away,” he said in a low voice as he passed. “My men may not be able to defeat you, but do not think for a second they will not end your daughter’s life before you could kill them.” He paused. “Understood?” Quivering in rage, Kagome could only nod. He patted her on the shoulder. “Good girl.” He continued on his way, giving a slight nod to Inuyasha as he passed.
The two sides glared at one another, the two guards holding Yumi painstakingly out of reach. She is right there! Right there! Her eyes were tearing up. It was obvious Yumi was in pain. She was squirming between the two suited men. She kept scratching at her skin, pulling her sweat soaked clothes from her body and otherwise fidgeting uncomfortably.
“Mommy, I want to go home,” she whined.
“Soon, but we have to go somewhere else first, okay?”
She threw her lip out in a pout. “Fine.”
Edward appeared again, this time holding a bundle of cloth, a cloth that was squirming. Like Miroku had said before, it was eerily silent. “My Inuyasha, I must say you make beautiful children.” He paused next to him. “Would you like to see your handsome son before we go?”
“Get that fucking thing away from me,” he growled.
Suddenly, the baby started crying. It was unnatural, like something was trying to do something it should have known how to do, only didn’t. “Now, now, now Inuyasha, that is no way to talk to your son. Look, you’ve hurt his feelings.” He made cooing noises as he rocked the baby in his arms. “Come on now, let’s take you home. He smiled as he passed Kagome, the baby hidden from her view.
“Gentlemen, we are leaving,” he said as he approached his bodyguards. “You may take the daughter back to her mother.”
Kagome scooped up her daughter the moment before they could take her halfway across the distance between them. She was burning up as she squeezed her tightly. “You’re okay now,” she cooed, running her hand over the back of her head. She continued to run her hand over the back of her daughters head as she glared at the retreating men. The last thing she saw was Small’s smile as the elevator doors closed.
As much as Kagome wanted to be outside, smothering Yumi, there was work to be done. The clock was against them and she was ill prepared for what needed to happen next.
Sango gave her a smile, squeezing her hand. She looked a lot better. Color was already starting to return to her face. Her strength was returning too thanks to the multiple IV’s running from her arms. “I’m glad Yumi is safe.”
“For the time being,” Kagome said, giving her friend a strong smile.
“Is it bad?”
“It isn’t good, but… You focus on getting better.” She could feel Sango quiver.
“It was terrible, but I’m glad it’s over.” Kagome turned her head to focus on the other side of the room. There, Miroku was busily thrusting into Kikyo. Despite the dire situation, Kikyo seemed to be enjoying herself. Her legs were wrapped tightly around him as she grinded against him. “What about you?” Sango asked, bringing her attention back to the bedridden woman. “Don’t you need to regain strength?”
Kagome smiled, patting her hand. “Don’t worry, I’m fine.”
Sango narrowed her eyes. “Kagome…”
“Really, I’m fine.”
“Bullshit,” Kikyo gasped. “You haven’t ate—since we got—Inuyasha back.” She let out a moan as Miroku’s mouth clamped down over her only exposed breast. “Give me a moment and I’ll share some after this.”
“You’ll need it more than me.”
“Inuyasha will be there. I’ll eat when we finish.”
Kikyo growled in protest, but it was replaced by mewing noise as Miroku picked up the pace. Leaning over, Kagome kissed Sango’s forehead gently. “I have to go now.” She nodded, giving her one last squeeze.
“It’ll be fine.” Smiling, Kagome nodded. Moving to the door, she opened it to find Yumi snuggled up in Inuyasha’s arms, napping. Even sleep could not escape the pain, as her face contorted as quivers ran through her small body. She closed the door as both Miroku and her sister cried out in climax. Her body was tingling, hunger gnawing at her. Her mother would be pissed that she had been without feeding for this long, but she still had more than enough to finish the ritual. I hope…
She took a deep breath, meeting Inuyasha’s gaze. “Ready?”
Anna and Eiko were already there along with her mother. Her mother had set up the ritual in a temple. While the holy relics and shines meant nothing to the ritual, the actual location of the temple was on a place of power. The entrances to the grounds had been sealed off both with magic and patrols by her fellow succubae and the staff were charmed and sent home. If anyone were going to interrupt them, they would have a hell of a fight before them.
She could sense Inuyasha’s apprehension as they entered the main hall. Besides the ritual symbols painted on the floor, a dozen men sat cross-legged against the wall, six on each side. They all had a glassy look in their eyes, staring straight ahead and motionless. They were also completely nude.
“They have all been charmed,” she said as they entered. “They are for—”
“After, I know.”
She grabbed his arm, stopping him. “Inuyasha, I won’t—”
“Kagome, right now, Yumi needs you. Nothing else matters. You have to save our daughter.” There was a grave seriousness in his eyes. She could only nod before they continued into the room. Inuyasha gently laid the resting Yumi in the center. She moaned in pain as she came to rest on the hard floor.
Her mother looked over at Inuyasha as he backed away. “Understand that what we are about to do is extremely dangerous.” He nodded. “When this is finished, we will be on the brink. A succubae on the brink is extremely dangerous.”
Inuyasha nodded. “I understand.”
“We will lose control of our higher thought processes, and act only on instinct.” Another nod answered her. “I warn you in case Kagome… pairs… with someone else. You must not stop her. I have people here to ensure there are no deaths, but they, and they alone, are to handle us in that state. If you are uncomfortable with this, I will ask you to wait outside.”
“No, I understand.”
She paused. “And you understand that by staying here, you may not end up with Kagome, but one of us?”
He hesitated. Sliding next to him, she grabbed his hand, giving him a supporting smile. She would understand if he wanted to wait outside, even if it meant she would end up with one of the other men here. She hoped, prayed, that she would have some sense to seek him out. She wanted him here, to be here when their daughter turned into a woman. It was something of beauty.
Seeing her support, he nodded in agreement. “Good.” Her attention turned to Kagome. “Your sister will be here soon and we shall begin.”
The three moved back towards their places around Yumi, leaving Kagome alone with Inuyasha. “You okay?” she asked, facing him.
“After a speech like that? Terrified.”
A chuckle escaped her lips. It was more jitters than anything. Still, it felt good to laugh. “It’s been awhile since I heard that,” he said with a smile.
“Hasn’t really been a lot to laugh about.”
“Just… tell me things will get better.”
She smiled. “Things will be better.” Leaning down, they kissed briefly, Kagome pulling away when she realized any longer and she might never want to pull away. “I love you, always.”
“Always,” he repeated.
Slowly, she backed away. One of the watchers guided Inuyasha towards the far wall as Kikyo entered. She wore the happy glow of someone who had just fed recently. Heart thumping, Kagome took her place.
Their clothes had been removed and taken by their helpers. Yumi was at the center, her breathing labored. She too had her clothes removed. The Shikon Jewel glowed brightly, as if anticipating the coming ritual. Kagome glanced around her, the others staring at her, waiting for her to begin. Meeting eyes with her mother, she watched her mother give her a slow nod, a small smile creeping across her lips. Taking a deep breath, Kagome began.
The five sat cross legged at points around Yumi. The four locked arms with each other, leaving Kagome alone at the head. There was really nothing to memorize, all succubae knew the words instinctually. She knew how draining the ritual was, but actually going through it was completely different. With every word she spoke, she could feel her energy flow from her. It terrified her. She was burning through her energy reserves faster than she ever had yet stopping terrified her even more. The jewel was radiating light, slowly encircling Yumi. Kagome felt herself grow weaker and weaker. Even at full strength, she wouldn’t have nearly enough energy to complete it.
Suddenly, she was bursting with energy as Kikyo, Anna, Eiko and her mother started humming. The entire ritual was less chanting and more songlike, which Kagome always found the most beautiful about the entire thing. Every ‘song’ was as different as the person it was for. Her fellow sisters were the melody and she was the lyrics.
With the others energy flowing into her, Kagome’s voice became louder. The jewel grew brighter. Encompassed in light, Yumi’s body slowly drifted from the ground. The pink light grew into a bright white. Already changes were taking place. Her arms were longer, proportionate to her now larger torso. Long, shapely legs stretched towards the floor as her back arched. Her face had matured into that of a young woman. Her hair was jet black to match her mother as it grew in length. The burning light was fading, revealing more of her soft, subtle skin. Kagome could feel the groups energy was running out as her daughter slowly sank back to the floor, the ritual nearly ended. The others had fallen silent, leaving only Kagome’s crisp voice echoing through the hall. She watched as her daughters breasts swelled before the light completely returned to the jewel just as the last words left her lips.
Then a crushing weight slammed down on her and the world went black.
Inuyasha was awestruck by what he just witnessed. The hauntingly beautiful song, the dazzling lights, the mind-boggling sight of his daughter being replaced by a woman he had never seen before... He didn’t know quite where to begin, and didn’t have much time to process either. The instant the ritual ended, the helpers were already rushing forward. Four carefully gathered the unconscious Yumi and whisked her away. The others were ordering the men closer… and madness erupted.
(Warning: Group sex. Skip to next bold line)
Inuyasha was seeing something he never expected – the women were acting like animals. Ripping and fighting each other for the men, despite there being more than enough for each of them. The helpers were doing their best to separate them, but they viewed them as more competition, fighting at them too. Several of the helpers withdrew with nasty cuts and bites. Eiko had a nasty cut from Kagome’s mother across her left breast, but didn’t seem to notice or care.
Kikyo had already claimed her first man, breasts violently bouncing as she pinned him against the ground, slamming herself against him, howling in primal pleasure. Kagome’s mother seemed to be a little more cooperative with the helpers, allowing them to group her with two men who mindlessly pounded into her. Slowly, the others were grouped as well.
“Inuyasha,” he jumped at the soft voice beside him. He had been so engrossed in the sight, he hadn’t noticed her approach him. “We are trying to honor Kagome’s wishes… but she is making it difficult.”
Turning his attention to his wife, he found two helpers struggling to hold her back. Seeing her made him realize just how unprepared he was for the situation. While the two women holding her made it impossible to mount the man, she was still able to use her mouth. He watched as her head bobbed up and down on the man’s cock. There was a hunger in her eyes he had never seen before, and it was the most forceful he had ever seen her.
The helper’s eyes beside him lowered. “I’m afraid you need to get hard quickly. Time is of the essence.”
“R-right,” he said, forcing himself to look away. Reaching down, he began rubbing himself. After only a few seconds, he realized how difficult it was going to be. God, I can’t get that sight out of my head. Seeing his trouble, the woman chimed in.
“Would you like me to help?”
“No, no I can get it,” he said quickly. He looked up to find two more had joined. The third was forcing Kagome’s head away from the spent man as the fourth pulled him away. He found he had stopped trying to get hard as he stared at the struggling Kagome.
“We really must hurry…”
“I… I can’t.”
“I can help.” She saw his hesitation and continued. “Without actually doing anything. A simple suggestion will fix that.”
“I don’t know…” He didn’t like the idea of being charmed any more than actually being touched by her, as beautiful as she was.
Her hand pressed against his arm. “Just relax…” For the first time in days, he actually felt relaxed. Mountains he hadn’t realized he was carrying lifted from his shoulders. His back had ceased hurting. The pounding headache was gone. And the most beautiful angel filled his vision.
Through the fog lens, he realized Kagome was atop him. He could feel her hands against his chest, the warmth of her body as she took him inside her. It was as though everything was a dream. He could control it to some extent. His hands against her breasts caused her to cry out in joy. She was looking down at him, a smile on her face, though he couldn’t quite tell if she was smiling because it was him, or because he was there. He could see the remnants of the man before, the white around her lush, smiling lips.
Then a second man appeared beside them. Her head snapped over to him. Still in his trance-like state, he watched as the man erect cock disappeared into her mouth. Her riding slowed only slightly to accommodate her new partner. The beautiful brown eyes were staring up at another man as she came. It was like a vortex. His breath caught as his vision tunneled.
Suddenly, he was looking up at a few different faces.
“What happened?” he asked, sitting up.
“Kagome took too much energy too quickly. Your body just had trouble adapting.”
“How long?” he asked, afraid of the answer.
“Just a few seconds.” He sighed. Looking down, he found himself still hard, though that wasn’t going to last long at this rate. Looking over, Kagome had been pulled off him, but it was evident that the other man had finished too as white dribbled from her chin onto her breasts. “Can you continue?”
He forced himself up onto all fours. “Yeah. But what happened with the other guy?”
“I’m sorry Inuyasha,” one of the helpers said. “I wasn’t paying attention and she brought him over.”
“I thought she was low on energy.”
“Yes, but they are already charmed so it takes practically nothing… I won’t let it happen again.”
“No, it’s fine.” He said, eyes resting on Kagome. She was struggling against her holders, eyes locked on him. “Let her have what she wants.”
When they released her, she practically tackled him. Wasting no time, he found himself deep inside her once more, her moans joining the others as she rocked against him. For a long while, it seemed like everything was like normal. It was harder and more wild than what he was used to, but it was enjoyable minus the more food, less husband looks she was giving him.
Something caught her eye, causing her to look at something above him. It wasn’t long after that they were joined by a second man. She stopped, leaning in so her breasts pressed against his chest. Taking a deep breath, Inuyasha closed his eyes, listening to her content sigh as the other man entered her from behind. In this position, she would be unable to move herself. He could feel the other man’s movements press his wife against him. Opening his eyes, he found Kagome staring at him, her face mere inches away. She seemed confused, unable to figure out why only one man was doing any work. The look vanished once Inuyasha began moving, matching the others jerky thrusts. A satisfied look washed over her face, soft moans escaping her slightly parted lips.
Closing his eyes, he removed the other man from the situation. It was just him and Kagome, nothing more. The slickness of her breasts against his chest was sweat from their lovemaking, not the reminder of another man. She was pushing against their thrusts, building closer and closer before he erupted inside of her. With two people, there was less force against him, allowing him to stay conscious. He opened his eyes to find helpers monitoring them, making sure she didn’t take too much. They pulled the man away first, leaving her to feed a few more seconds off him before pulling her off.
(Safe zone starts here)
“Are you okay?” one of them asked as the others pulled Kagome away.
“I’m fine. I just… need a breather.” He was breathing heavily, sweat covering him as he struggle to catch his breath. He felt fatigued. Tonight was proving to be both a physical and emotional drain.
“We will keep her subdued for as long as possible, but…”
He looked over at the helper. She appeared to be no more than twenty. Black hair pulled back into a short ponytail. She gave him an understanding smile, as though she understood what he was going through. “That’s okay.” She seemed surprised. “I think I will need a lot longer than what she needs. Let her take what she needs.”
To his surprise, she jumped towards him, planting a kiss on his lips as she wrapped her hands around his neck. Feeling him tense, she quickly jumped back. “Sorry! I just… I don’t know what came over me.”
“Uh-no, okay, yeah…”
“I’m just… so happy.”
She nodded vigorously. “Today, a new sister joins our ranks.” He sensed there was an ‘and.’ “And the one our Mother has given her heart to, has finally accepted her, completely and without question.”
He stared at her, dumbfounded only to realize several other helpers were beaming at him. But I already have… Haven’t I? It was something he would have to think about, but not tonight, not now.
(Safe zone ended! Skip!)
Inuyasha had temporarily resigned to observer status. Though he had okayed it, he still avoided looking over at Kagome. Another man had taken his place below her and he couldn’t take watching her smiling face as she rode him, not now at least. Instead, he found himself watching the others. Despite the sexual actions taking place, he was watching with a curious eye rather than a lustful one. Despite the girls already draining most of the men, they still seemed to be in their primal mode though it was changing as their hunger was slowly sated. They were more at ease with each other now, realizing that there was more than enough to go around.
Anna was pinned between two men, both pounding away as she cried out in pleasure. Eiko only had one, which had her legs resting on his shoulders, bouncing to the rhythm of his thrusts. To his shock, he found Kikyo and her mother sharing the last man. Both were locked in an embrace, her mother slowly grinding against the man as his tongue ran along Kikyo’s wet slit. They were kissing like lovers, hands exploring each other’s body.
Forcing himself to look away, he closed his eyes, trying to keep himself awake yet keep himself from seeing anything more. It wasn’t possible to keep himself awake, not with how much he had been through. Eyes snapping open, he found a devastated field of bodies before him. Men were collapsed everywhere, the four women seemingly sleeping amongst them. Fluids covered the floor. He turned to find the last few helpers hovering around Kagome, the last to finish. Her back was to the ground, legs spread as the man pounded himself inside her. Judging from the man, she was close. She squealed as she climaxed, pulling energy from the man. It didn’t take long for the helpers to separate the two. Sliding out from her, the man shot the last of his load over Kagome’s stomach before collapsing backwards into the waiting arms of the helpers.
(Resume reading)
Exhausted from the feeding frenzy, Kagome curled up, smiling as she joined her fellow succubae in that sleep state. It was actually the first time he had seen one of them sleep – if it really was sleep.
“It happens when we over indulge ourselves,” one of the helpers answered, seeing his questioning eyes. “Don’t worry, in a few hours they will all be normal again.”
“Yeah,” he answered, pulling his eyes from Kagome.
“Come on, we have prepared somewhere for you to sleep.” Nodding, he accepted their help to his feet. Accepting an offered robe, he followed the woman out of the building.
Opening his eyes, he found Kagome snuggled against him. Her brown eyes stared down at him, a wide smile on her face. “Morning,” she whispered as he stirred.
He blinked a few times, eyes getting used to the light. “Morning,” he responded, fighting a yawn
She kissed his forehead. “How are you feeling?” He shrugged. Physically, he was in fairly good shape. Emotionally, he had a lot to process. “I must have taken a lot from you last night, huh?” This time she kissed his lips. “Sorry about that.”
He found his eyes on her lips, remembering where they had been last night… Still, something didn’t sound right about the nonchalant way she was speaking.
“Last night was… I don’t know how to explain it.”
Her smile grew. “Amazing isn’t it? I’ve only seen it a few times, but to actually be a part of the ritual?” She was giddy just talking about it.
“I didn’t know you could sing so well.” She blushed slightly, brushing her hair back.
“It wasn’t really singing so much as reciting a spell.” Her eyes lost focus, trailing down to his chest. “Um… About afterwards.” Inuyasha force himself to keep calm. The expression on her face had changed into one of worry, eyes pleading with him as they locked stares. “I… I didn’t do anything… I mean, you were there… right? With me?”
He smiled. “Of course I was.” Does she not remember?
Relief rushed through her as she let out a long breath. “Thank god, I was worried about nothing.”  It was clear to Inuyasha now that Kagome had no recollection about anything that happened after the ritual ended. She was grinning. “Must have been frightening seeing us like that.”
“A little,” Inuyasha said, forcing a grin. “It was certainly a wild night.”
“I wasn’t too rough was I? When we are like that… Well, you’ve seen it now.”
He shook his head. Leaning down, she kissed him again. “Good. I’m glad it was you.” Inuyasha briefly debated telling her the truth, but quickly decided against it. It was obviously something that bothered her, and after all they had been through, it would be one less thing for her to fret about. Besides, it’s not like I don’t deserve it. He had been with both Sango and Kikyo during their marriage. Yes, it had been because extraordinary circumstances, but hadn’t this been one too?
“How is Yumi?” he asked, wanting to get off the topic of last night. “Is she alright?”
Kagome giggled. “She’s fine. Still getting used to her new body.” She paused. “Have you seen her yet?” He shook his head. “Come on then!” Kagome said, pushing off him.
Still waking up, Inuyasha was half dragged, half pushed after Kagome. Stopping in front of a door, Kagome knocked. “Yumi? Mind if we come in?”
“Sure.” Inuyasha didn’t immediately recognize the voice. It was oddly familiar... As the door opened, Inuyasha found himself staring at a stunningly beautiful Yumi. The voice had thrown him off, but this was most definitely his Yumi, his grown and womanly Yumi. There was so much of her mother in her. Her smile was radiant, even striking a small pose as his eyes ran up and down her.
“I take it mother did a good job?” she asked, grinning at Kagome.
“I-I can’t believe it… Yumi…”
“I’m all grown up,” she said spreading her arms as if to show him her body.
“All grown up,” he repeated softly, holding his hand over his mouth. Her hair was so long now. The voice, her face, the movements she made, all had an air of maturity to them. Hard to believe he had been carrying her the night before.
Only when Kikyo moved did Inuyasha realize she had been in the room as well. Seeing the three together was eerie in its own sense. Kikyo and Kagome looked a lot alike, minus Kagome being more on the petite side. Yumi seemed to be the bridge that connected her mother to her sister. Yumi fell between the two in height, equaled both in the slender curves and long, toned legs, and had a slightly larger bust than her mother did.
Kikyo was smiling at him, amused by his shocked expression. “I was just telling her she should keep her hair long. I think it goes well.”
Yumi frowned, running a hand through her black hair. “Yeah, but I’m so used to it being short…” She flicked the tied tail around playfully. She gasped as he suddenly grabbed her, wrapping her into a tight hug. “D-dad?”
“I was so worried about you. I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” He couldn’t fight back the tears as he clutched her to him.
“R-relax Dad. I know it wasn’t your fault. Besides, I’m fine,” she said, wrapping her arms around him. “Nothing happened to me there. I just watched TV the entire time and ate candy. No one hurt me.”
“That still doesn’t—”
She pushed him away. She looked so much like Kagome when she was serious. “Dad, it wasn’t an easy situation for anyone, but we made it. Sango is finally free, Grandma says there is a real chance to undo the seal on the succubae soon, and,” she beamed at him, giving him a quick spin. “I’m all grown up now. I’d say we should stop focusing on the bad things that are already over, and just focus on the good things that are happening now.”
He wiped the water from his eyes, giving her a grin. “Yeah,” he said, drawing both her and her mother into a hug. “Yeah, we should do that.”
Sango felt terrible, but it was a step up from feeling like death itself was using your body as its punching bag. After the ordeal with the pregnancy, she just wanted to sleep for a month and forget the entire thing had happened. She saw how Miroku reacted to the baby, how she had reacted. It had been a being of pure evil, that was not in doubt.
But some good had come out of it. One of the succubae guarding her had informed her that the ritual had gone off without a hitch. Finely, it seemed at least some things were going in their favor. Knowing the Yumi was safe was the last thing keeping her from truly relaxing. It felt like she was finally able to truly relax and begin the healing process. If anything had happened to the poor girl because of her selfish desire to correct past mistakes…
But everything is okay now. The hardships of the past were behind them, and they would undoubtedly be fighting once more in the future. After all, they couldn’t allow that… thing… access to this world. But for right now and the immediate future, it was theirs to enjoy. That alone was a victory worth celebrating.
Looking over the bed, she found Miroku sleeping on the couch. He had been out ever since Kikyo fed off him. She hoped this wasn’t going to be a regular thing. Not because he was with another woman, but because the energy drain knocked him out for hours.
There was a knock at the door before it opened. Sango’s eyes widened as she recognized the woman who entered. “Avery? What? How?” As far as she knew, the succubae weren’t letting anyone near her.
She gave her a short bow before glancing over at Miroku. Seeing he was sleeping, she turned her attention back to Sango. “Mind if we talk?” she asked with a sheepish smile.
Sango crossed her arms. “About what?”
“First, I never got the chance to apologize to you.”
Sighing, Sango loosened her arms. We are supposed to be putting the past behind us, right? “Fine, apology accepted.”
“That… actually went a lot better than I expected.” She glanced over her shoulder at Miroku. She seemed surprised he hadn’t awaken yet.
“He won’t be up for at least another few hours in case you were wondering.”
She seemed surprised that Sango had read her so well. “What happened?”
“Ki—One of the succubae fed from him.”
Avery seemed surprised. “You let one of them feed off him?”
“I let him sleep with you, remember? Or at least, I thought I did.” She reddened. Sango waved it off. “But yeah, we are still working out the rules and how things are going to work out.”
Avery smiled. “I’m glad things are working out for you two.”
“But none of this is what you came here to talk about, is it?”
Her smile faded. “No, it’s not.” Sango waited for her to continue. “It is about him though. I take it you are here because you already had the baby?” It was Sango’s turn to be surprised. “I was afraid of that,” she continued, using Sango’s reaction as a confirmation. She took a few steps towards Sango’s bed. “Do you love Miroku?”
What kind of question is that? “Of course.”
“Then I want you to promise me something. When his powers start to awaken, you need to bring him to us.”
Avery smiled. “His fellow mages.” So he was telling the truth.
“Okay,” she said slowly, not quite sure what was being asked of her. “I don’t have any idea where you are, hell, I didn’t know human mages still existed until a few seconds ago.” Her eyes widened. “Wait, what do you mean ‘his fellow mages?’”
Avery’s smile widened. “He is a mage, a powerful one by what I have been able to gather, though he doesn’t know it yet.” Miroku? A mage? Impossible. “Your belief is irrelevant in this. The only thing you need to do is watch for his powers to start awakening. It should be relatively obvious when it does.”
“And… when it does?”
“Push him into finding us. Don’t worry about details. It’s completely within his power to find us, provided he started to look.” Avery’s smile vanished. There was a grave seriousness in the mood. “I cannot express how important it is you do this. There is more than just the lives of your loved ones at stake.”
“I… I understand.”
Avery smiled at her once more. “I’ll trust you will keep this visit a secret. And about Miroku’s hidden talent. The succubae may be your allies, but we have kept our existence a secret from them for a reason.” Sango could only nod. She watched as Avery moved over to the sleeping Miroku. Bending down, she gently kissed his lips. Giving a sheepish smile over at Sango, she moved towards the door and slipped through it. With the click of the door closing, Sango’s head hit the pillow, her eyes staring blankly towards the ceiling.
So much for relaxing.
Life was returning to normal, or at least as normal as having your daughter spontaneously aging sixteen years was going to get. He was still trying to get used to seeing Yumi like she was. The cute, wide-eyed innocent little girl was gone, replaced by a cool, confidant woman. A cool, confidant and extremely clumsy woman.
“Shit!” Yumi cried, nearly stumbling over her feet again. It wasn’t the first time she had tripped over her own feet. At least this time she managed to catch the counter instead of nearly face planting into the floor. “God damn body!”
Kagome chuckled, earning her an irritated glare from her daughter. Yumi was perfectly happy with her body, until it didn’t do what she wanted it to. Kagome kept assuring her it was a natural part of the process. Just because she had an adult body didn’t mean she was used to having one. It took time to relearn how long your legs were, how tall you were, and how far your arms could reach. Inuyasha was actually glad Yumi was having so many problems with her body. Seeing her learn her new body’s limits and the amusing mishaps because of it took his mind off other things. It had been two days since the ritual, and for those two days, it actually felt like a normal family. It was almost like he could forget things. Almost.
Regardless, he knew it was going to end soon. Kagome would have to feed soon. She hadn’t brought it up, but he could see her hopeful glances when it grew closer to his bedtime. To make matters worse, Yumi was an adult now, meaning her days of enjoying a home cooked meal was over. It was something he wanted to think of less than Kagome. He knew they had been talking about it, quietly, when he wasn’t around. They had to. Yumi was new to this and she needed to prepare. He could sense Kagome’s want to include him in their conversations, but he knew she was unsure of how to breach the sensitive subject. Which meant it was up to him.
“So, I’ve been thinking about dinner…” he started, moving over to the kitchen to join the other two.
Yumi perked up, a smile on her face. “Yeah? What were you thinking?”
“Well, I was thinking more of, uh, your dinner.” Her smile faded as she exchanged a look towards her mother. Yeah, they have definitely been talking about this. “I mean, you’re probably getting hungry now, right?”
She looked uncomfortable. “Yeah… a little.” She made it sound like he was scolding her for something.
Inuyasha looked over at Kagome, “So uh… How exactly does this work? I mean, does she just go out and…?” He wasn’t able to finish. There was no way he could.
Kagome stepped forward. “Well, I will be there with her – to make sure nothing bad happens,” she quickly added. “Strictly an observer… like the helpers after the ritual.” Her mention of it brought back memories.
“I see… That’s good.” He forced a smile.
“That doesn’t mean we can’t all eat as a family, like we used too, right?” Yumi said, chiming in happily as she glanced from her father to her mother.
Kagome smiled. “Of course we can.”
“Sorry… it took me so long to bring this up. I know you two both must be hungry.”
Moving over to him, Kagome rested her hand against his arm. “Are you okay?”
He nodded. He didn’t realize he had unconsciously taken a step back from her. It didn’t go unnoticed either. Kagome was eyeing him carefully. “It’s just… after all that’s happened…”
“No, I understand,” Kagome said closing the distance with him again. He made a conscious effort to not move back again. “It has been difficult.” Her smile lifted his spirits slightly. “But it’s all over now.” He nodded his agreement. “Now,” she said, backpedaling, hands behind her back as she bent forward playfully. “What would you like me to fix for dinner?”
It was a chilly night, forcing Kagome to snuggle her arms tighter to her body as they walked. I should have worn a heavier jacket. Who am I kidding? I should have worn more appropriate clothing. She had a wide assortment of sexier clothing that had sat forgotten since she married Inuyasha. They found new use with Yumi… the few she could fit into. It was one of the pet peeves she had about her daughter, an insecurity that she never had been able to get rid of: her small breasts. Long before she had been sealed away, she had actually been the better of her sister and mother. Now, well… now there was no competition. It seemed Yumi had inherited her more petite frame, but still managed to squeeze out a few numbers larger than her.
“Is everything okay between you and Dad?” Yumi asked, walking beside her. Like her, she was scantily dressed. They had both agreed earlier that they would wait for Inuyasha to go to bed before they went out. Wearing what they were, Kagome knew it was the right decision.
Kagome smiled over to her daughter, surprised by the question. “Yeah, why wouldn’t they be?”
She shrugged, “I don’t know. It just seems like Dad is distant now.”
Kagome knew all too well how distant he was. She knew he blamed himself for what happened, but it felt like there was something more. To make matters worse, it appeared like he had no interest in offering her a meal. She hated asking for it, but at this rate… She was still recovering from the ritual and burning through a lot of her energy. It seemed Inuyasha’s energy just wasn’t sticking around like it usually did.
Smiling, she patted her daughters arm. “He just has a lot on his mind. A lot has happened. Give it some time.”
“Yeah, okay.” Yumi didn’t sound too convinced. “So uh… When was the last time you ate?”
“After the ritual.”
“Is that a long time?”
“It can be, depending on the quality of the energy from the last meal.”
Kagome smiled. “It’s just like food from before. Some energy types stay with you longer. They also taste different too.”
“We can taste it?”
Kagome laughed. “Of course we can. You didn’t think it was just suddenly feeling full did you?”
She could see her daughter turn red before she turned away. “Well, maybe a little.”
“No need to be embarrassed. I… Haven’t really prepared you for this, and I’m sorry. When I did this my first time, I knew a lot more about what to expect.”
There was a brief moment of silence. “So… Which tastes the best?”
“Depends on the person, but a lot of us enjoy red energy. It is lighter than most, crisp, refreshing, stays with you… Unfortunately, it’s pretty rare.”
“That’s Dad’s energy, right?”
Kagome was grinning. “Yep. Kikyo’s given me a lot of crap for hogging it all to myself.”
“So what are some other energy types?”
“Well, there is a blue, which is pretty high up there with red. I actually like it a lot more, but it doesn’t stay with you at all. Then purple, which I can only describe as the spicy-food of the energy world. If you are like me, avoid that like the plague… ugh. Brown is probably the most common, and the most boring. Oh! Orange, which…”
Kagome continued listing them out, trying to give her best descriptions of each type as they walked. Yumi matched pace, listening intently. Kagome could tell she was getting anxious the closer they got to their destination. Honestly, she was every bit as anxious as her daughter. Like Yumi, Kagome found herself just as unprepared for her role as her daughter was for hers. Regardless, it needed to be done and there wasn’t any point putting it off.
Standing at the end of the street, Kagome turned to face her daughter. “Are you ready?”
Yumi straightened, giving her mother a firm nod. “Yes.”
Smiling, Kagome rested her hands atop her daughters shoulders. “Okay, I will start by showing you the basics you’ll be practicing over the next few weeks.” Yumi nodded. “First off, is the ability to charm. You use this to ensure you have a meal.” She grinned. “Eventually, you will learn to get that with just your looks, but that is another skill set entirely. So until then, we will practice the charm.”
“There is an art to this. Too much pressure and you’ll end up completely dominating your target.”
“Yeah, basically making them a puppet of sorts. They will do anything you tell them to do, so keep that in mind. It’s extremely dangerous and can easily be abused.”
“It’s also something you don’t want to do to your partner. Dominated partners make rather poor lovers.”
“Right,” Yumi said, face reddening slightly.
“Come on.” They started walking down the street. It was actually fairly busy for this time of night, not that surprising considering how many love hotels were located here. “Now, the trick is to put just enough pressure of suggestion that they want to be with you and still think they are making their own decision.”
They moved up behind a couple holding each other intimately near the entrance to one of the hotels. “Hey,” Kagome said in a sultry tone, causing both to look over at her in surprise. She locked eyes with the man, spinning her energy and pushing her will into his. “How about you drop the whore and spend some time with me?”
The man grinned. “Sure babe.”
The woman looked in horror between them. “The fuck!”
“Quiet,” Kagome said, pushing her will completely onto the woman. The glassy-eyed look immediately took effect as she stood there, dumbly waiting for orders. The man seemed confused. “As you can see,” she started, turning to face Yumi. “The difference is quite obvious.”
Turning back to the confused man, she smiled. “Thank you for the demonstration.”
It took her a few seconds to correct the situation and in less than a minute, Yumi and Kagome were walking away from the intimate couple.
“Wow, that was crazy!” Yumi said, unable to resist the urge to look over her shoulder back at the couple. “I can’t believe you can do that!”
“You can too, given the time to develop. And that is also an example at how you can abuse it. I could have easily had that man, but it would have destroyed that relationship. This is also something you must always be mindful of: your actions will have consequences. I cannot stress how important it is to remember that.”
“I understand.”
Kagome smiled, squeezing her daughters shoulder in loving support. “Now how about you give it a try?” Yumi seemed terrified at the prospect. “Relax, I’ll be right here with you.”
“Okay,” Yumi said, a look of determination on her face. They passed a few more buildings.
“Be sure to choose well, he will also be your first.” She nodded in understanding, her face slightly flushed.
Eventually, a pair of boys caught Yumi’s eye. Kagome smiled, knowing that look all too well. Yumi had found her target. She was also proud of her. She had an eye for a good catch. She could tell both held a deep reserve of energy and had a more uncommon green energy. They appeared to be in their low twenties, and decent looking as well.
“Found one you like?” Kagome asked, amused.
“T-the right one.”
Grinning, Kagome nudged her forward. “Go on then.”
“B-b-b-but his friend—”
“Don’t worry about his friend, just focus on your target for now.”
The closed the gap between them. Both seemed surprised such hot women would be approaching them, especially so close to a love hotel. “Remember, a gentle nudge,” Kagome whispered before they were in earshot.
“H-hi,” Yumi muttered, blushing wildly.
“Hey,” he said. He seemed just as awkward as she was.
“Would you like to visit the hotel with me?” she nearly blurted, closing her eyes mid-sentence.
Kagome winced. Far too much power. The man was completely ridged, eyes blankly staring forward.
“Oh no,” Yumi cried. “No, please be normal!” The boy remained in his ridged form, much to her dismay.
The guys friend stood there, jaw slack in complete surprise by her outburst. He was oblivious to his friends condition.
“Why don’t you keep me company?” Kagome said, making sure to apply the gentle nudge.
“Really?” He looked like he won the lottery.
Kagome smiled. “Of course. I wouldn’t want you to be left out.”
As they crossed the street to the hotel, Kagome could tell Yumi was depressed about her first attempt at charming. Behind her, the man followed her with zombie-like precision, oblivious to everything but keeping up with her.
“Everyone does that their first time,” Kagome said, comforting her dejected daughter. “Even I did.”
“Still,” Yumi looked over her shoulder at her follower. “He seemed like a nice boy…”
Inside the hotel, Kagome paid for a room and the four made their way to the elevator. A short ride and walk and they were there. Yumi chuckled lightly as Kagome opened the door for her. “I’m a little nervous…”
“Perfectly natural,” she answered, allowing her daughter and follower to walk inside.
“What if I hurt him?” she asked, turning to face her mother as Kagome closed the door behind them.
“I’m here. I won’t let that happen.” She nodded, but the tension in her body language didn’t fade.
“So uh… do I just start?”
“When you’re ready.”
“How about we start?” the second boy said, reaching around Kagome to grab her breasts. She had completely forgotten he was there.
“How about you go sit in the corner and be quiet?” she said, annoyed at the interruption.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” he said, moving to comply.
Slowly, Yumi began to undress. She was halfway done when she realized he was staring blankly at her, unmoving. Glancing over her shoulder, she looked to her mother for help.
“He’s completely under the charm, he can’t read the mood. You’re going to have to direct him.”
“O-oh… That’s… awkward.”
Kagome laughed. “That’s why we don’t normally do that.”
(Light sexual content mixed in with story)
“S-strip,” Yumi ordered. Like a robot, the boy responded. Even with the late start, he still beat Yumi undressed. “C-come to the bed,” she ordered. After some awkward movements and orders, she was finally in a position with him in-between her spread legs. Unable to hold it in any longer, Kagome snorted in laughter. Yumi’s face turned a bright red. “I’m trying my best!” she yelled, flustered.
“No, no, it’s not that!” Kagome managed to gasp out between laughs, waving her hand in front of her face.
“What then!?”
Kagome pointed towards the boy. “Please, I want to know how you plan on continuing with him still like that?” Yumi’s eyes widened when she realized what her mother was talking about. In all the moving around and positioning, the boy had yet to get hard.
“This is not how I imagined my first time would go!” she wailed, flopping around to hide her face from her mother. Kagome couldn’t help but laugh at her daughters awkwardness, yet deep down, she felt terrible. This was all because of her failure to prepare Yumi for this moment.
“I’m sorry Yumi, I didn’t mean it like that,” Kagome said, setting on the edge of the bed beside her sniffling daughter. “After all, it is my fault. You should have known about all this long before this moment.”
“It’s not that,” Yumi said, rolling back over. Her eyes were red, tears wetting her cheeks. “I picked him because he looked like a nice guy. Now look at him. He just stands there… waiting for me to order him around.”
“In time, you’ll get better and this won’t happen.”
“Will he remember me after?”
Kagome shook her head. “Neither of them will.” Suddenly, she realized what was happening. “Yumi, you have to understand, you need to do this to survive.”
“You don’t have to. You have Dad.”
“Yeah but… he’s special and we are a unique case.”
They were quiet for a long time. With a sniff, she wiped her eyes. “Will I ever find someone like that?”
Kagome bit her lower lip. She didn’t want to lie to her, but at the same time, she couldn’t just crush her hope. “I don’t know. I wish I did honey, I really do.”
She seemed to accept that answer. Reaching out, she squeezed her mother’s hand, giving her a nod to signal that she was ready. Ordering the boy to get himself hard, she repositioned herself so he was between her again.
Kagome hadn’t understood the impact her and Inuyasha’s relationship had been until now. She had raised Yumi in a household where she only had one source of energy. No wonder she had been completely crushed by reality. Stupid, so stupid, she said, cursing herself. She had no idea how hurt her daughter would be, and that was like a physical blow.
Yumi whimpered as the boy entered her, taking her virginity. He didn’t pause in consideration to her condition and immediately began a moderate pace. Luckily, succubae were not a fragile as human women and the mistake of not properly preparing was easily rectified. Her body reacted to the man inside her and she was wet in seconds. As much as Kagome wanted to step in and help, she knew this was for Yumi to learn. She had made blunders her first time as well and her mother hadn’t stepped in. The amount of blunders Yumi was making just made her realize how much she had failed as her mother.
But Yumi was learning fast. After a few painful minutes, she was beginning to enjoy herself. The tension in her body had faded. The gasps of pain had been replaced by soft moans. At the moderate pace he was moving and the lack of extra stimulation, her orgasm came slowly. The change in pitch alerted Kagome immediately it was coming. Holding her daughters hand, she could feel her grasp tighten as the boy instinctively slammed himself deep inside her as Yumi screamed in bliss. Energy flowed from the boy into Yumi, Kagome biting her lip in anticipation as she kept a close eye on just how much was being drawn.
“Yumi, you need to slow down. You’re taking it too fast.” She was gasping for breath, her expression one of uncontrollable bliss. “Yumi! Yumi, focus on my voice! You are taking it too fast!” She was completely lost in the moment. Kagome could sense the energy pouring out of the boy as Yumi struggled to collect even a fraction of it. Knowing the boy couldn’t give much more, Kagome forced the two apart, catching a load on the arm as the rest splattered against Yumi’s leg. The boys eyes rolled into the back of his head as he fell unconscious to the bed.
(End of light content)
“Yumi, Yumi snap out of it!” she said, giving her daughter a quick slap to the face.
“M-Mom?” she croaked, blinking rapidly as she gasped for air. “What happened?”
Kagome grinned. “You had your first orgasm.”
“T-that was insane,” she gasped. Pushing herself up, she looked over at the unconscious boy. “Is he…?”
“He’s fine. He’ll just have a killer headache tomorrow.”
Yumi pushed her hand through her hair, looking up at her mom. “I really messed up… didn’t I?”
Leaning over, she kissed her daughter on the forehead. “You did fine honey.”
Frowning, Yumi looked down at her leg. “I expected to feel full.”
Kagome ran her hand over her daughters hair, chuckling softly. “That’s because you didn’t actually collect the energy. Don’t worry though, that’s completely normal for the first time.”
“Yeah,” Yumi muttered, sounding dejected.
“Why don’t you go get cleaned up while I take care of these two? Then we can try again.”
“Okay,” she said, climbing off the bed. Kagome watched as she shuffled over to the bathroom. She sighed as her daughter disappeared behind the door, pushing her bangs up with her hand before letting it fall back into place. This was supposed to be a happy time. Considering how important this was in their life, Yumi needed to enjoy it, not view it as a necessary chore. Kagome softly gnawed at her lower lip, deep in thought. It was obvious she enjoyed the actual sex – after the initial few moments of course. It would become more pleasurable once she became more experienced and had an actual partner rather than one dominated by charm. The problem was her desire for an emotional connection beyond the simple bond that formed. She was stuck in the middle of two worlds. For a succubus, you found relationships between fellow succubae as they were family, not those you slept with. Human relations toward sexual partners were much greater, as many eventually became family. Yumi had extremely limited experience with either culture, leading to even greater confusion. If Kagome had to guess, Yumi was mistaking sex as the beginning of a relationship like the one she shared with Inuyasha.
With the shower running in the other room, Kagome moved to each of the boys, altering their memories slightly of tonight’s events. Normally, she would delete herself out of their memories, but she was conserving the energy she had remaining. It was odd how quickly her energy was burning for simple magic work like memory manipulation. Energy from Inuyasha was extremely efficient and required very little. Must still be suffering a side-effect from the ritual. She would have to ask her mother about it if it continued after her next feeding. Which should really be soon… she thought, running a hand across her stomach.
Unable to completely scrub her and her daughter from their memories, she altered their appearance so they wouldn’t be recognized in the unlikely case they crossed paths. She also was feeling generous and provided the second boy with a wonderful memory of lying with a beautiful mystery woman. Knowing women completely outside their league had picked them up should improve their self-esteem and confidence. She considered it a small ‘thank you’ for their service tonight. She also edited their conversation at the beginning so the altered Yumi was a little more suave. Satisfied with her work, she stretched her arms above her head, surprised at how much strain it put on her remaining reserves.
Yumi walked out of the bathroom, her hair damp from the shower. She held her right arm, her left arm covering her chest. She gave her mother a weak smile before moving over to the bed where Kagome had collected her clothes. Even though she was unhappy with this experience, there was still work Kagome had to do. There could be no more avoiding touchy subjects now, their current situation proved that.
“When you are finished, it is always best to alter their memories. It prevents them from recognizing you if you happen to meet them again, or worse, stop them from actively searching for you.” Yumi nodded as she dressed. “I usually wipe the memory completely. It takes a little more effort, but it’s always safe to cover your tracks. You don’t have to worry about any of that tonight though, I’ll do it,” she said, trying to smile. “Over the next couple of weeks, I’ll teach you.”
“Okay.” There was silence as Kagome watched Yumi finish dressing. A few more minutes fixing her hair and they were on their way out of the hotel. “What next?” Yumi asked, turning her head towards her mother. It had gotten noticeably chiller since the last time they were outside.
Looking at her daughter, Kagome felt her heart pound against her chest. Was my mother like this with Kikyo? When Kagome had done this with her mother, she had looked so confident, knowing exactly what to do and say. It made sense considering she had done it with Kikyo before, but she never really asked about how things went with Kikyo her first time out. Regardless, this was her responsibility. Yumi was her daughter and her job was to teach her how to survive.
Forcing a confident smile on her face, Kagome looked over at her daughter. She hoped Yumi missed the nervous quiver in her jaw. “Well, you still need to eat.”
“Yeah, I know,” Yumi said with a sigh.
Butterflies danced in her stomach as her heart thumped loudly. It was the hardest decision she ever needed to make, but she knew it was the correct one. This time, being a mother exceeded the need of being a wife. “But first, I’ll show you how.”
Yumi followed silently behind as Kagome moved up to a pair of men as they exited one of the small bars. From their attire, it was clear they were office workers who had stayed out a little too long partying. They were also quite drunk. They grinned drunkenly as she approached.
“Hey you two,” she said sweetly. “Do you think I could borrow the two of you for an hour or so? I promise I’ll make it worth your while.” Her body language screamed what that promise entailed. Even the two drunks could tell what she meant.
“Are yous fer real?” the first slurred. Kagome knew by his look that it was doubtful she would have to charm him, at least to get them to come with her. Getting them to perform on the other hand…
The other guy seemed a little more suspicious. His gaze moved towards Yumi behind her. “I guess, if she’s coming too.” He was definitely the more sober of the two.
“Why, am I not good enough?”
“Sorry lady, but even for a hot one like you, I don’t swing that way.” He looked to his friend. “No ‘fense friend.”
His buddy was nodding rapidly. “No, no, no, no, no, no, I get yous man. I ain’t wantin to share no chick neither, no matters how hot.”
Resisting the urge to sigh, Kagome held her smile. I suppose it’s okay. I’ll get it back anyways. “I think it’s time for you two to try new things.”
“You know what? You’re right,” the second man said, her charm going to work. The other man echoed his agreement. Squeezed between the two men, she half guided, half supported the men towards a nearby hotel.
“Mom,” Yumi whispered, following a few steps behind. “Mom, stop.”
“Mom?” the second man said, looking over his shoulder at Yumi. Blinking, he looked over at Kagome. “No way.”
“As true as it may be, it’s not important.” More energy gone. With an agreeing nod, the man looked forward again. She had applied a little more pressure to both of them. At least their drunken state allowed a little more openness to her charm. It felt like she was on autopilot. The luxuriously decorated lobby was lost on her. She paid for the room and headed towards the elevator. Yumi was close behind, calling her quietly as she moved forward purposefully. It wasn’t until they were in front of the door that Yumi made her move, stepping in front of her, blocking the door.
“Mom, stop, just… stop.” She seemed on the verge of tears. “I’m sorry, I messed up, I know, but I’ll do better this time, I promise.”
Reaching out, Kagome lifted her daughters chin, peering into her teary eyes. “Yumi, this is not your fault,” she said softly.
“I was stupid, expecting you to just know how things work. I have raised you in a world detached from reality, and for that I cannot apologize enough.”
“Mom, you don’t need to apologize. And you don’t need to do this! I understand now! Really!”
Pushing her bangs back, Kagome pressed her lips against the soft skin of her daughter’s forehead. Pulling back, she smiled warmly at her. “No honey, I do need to do this. Not just for you, but for me too.”
“I don’t understand!” she said, shaking her head.
“Yumi, I get hungry, just like you do.”
“But Dad—”
“Isn’t here now.” Yumi’s eyes went wide. “I have been living the same dream I raised you in. Make no mistake, I love your father so much, it hurts, but Yumi, this is who we are. This is what we need to do.”
There was a long pause as the two looked at each other. Finally, Yumi nodded, stepping aside to allow her mother and entourage to pass. Quietly, she slipped in behind them, the door clicking shut.
A shiver ran through her body as Kagome fought to control herself. I have to look strong, determined. Turning, she faced her daughter. “I need you to watch closely, understand?” Yumi nodded. “I especially want you to pay attention during the climax.” She had released the hold on the two men mid-sentence and she found herself pressed between them, their lips against the skin of her neck and exposed upper chest. “Focus on how I collect the energy.”
“R-right,” Yumi said, watching her intently.
(Begin skip, M/M/F pairing)
Her clothes didn’t last long, and neither did theirs as they guided her to the bed. On the bed, she found herself in a sitting position, the second man holding her up as the first crawled between her legs. Moaning, she leaned her head back against the second man as he reached around to massage her breasts, the first man’s tongue teasing her sensitive area. One eye open, she found Yumi staring, rooted in spot. Gasping as the man’s tongue entered her, she reached out and pointed towards a nearby chair before turning that hand to rest on the man’s head between her legs.
“While foreplay isn’t necessary,” she sighed, “It is a nice way to ease into things.” Yumi nodded as she pulled the chair closer, taking a seat next to the bed. Closing her eyes, Kagome forced her body to relax. She couldn’t deny the pleasure, but as much as she wished to, it was hard to imagine Inuyasha was the one with her with two pairs of hands tickling her skin.
She opened her eyes, signaling the end of foreplay. The two men did most of the work, silently moving around into position. With the help of the first man, the second lifted her up and scooted under her, the tip of his erect cock brushing the cheeks of her ass.
“Have her?” he asked, looking up at the first.
“Yeah, go ahead.” Releasing his hold on her, the second man grabbed the base of his cock, moving it into position.
“Now usually,” she gasped as the first lowered her down onto the waiting cock of his friend. Stopped mid-sentence, Kagome groaned as he pushed into her. Rolling her head back, she sighed, resting her head against the second man’s shoulder. Turning, she looked over at her daughter. “You only need one man,” she continued, as if nothing had interrupted her. “You just need to keep a regular feeding schedule and not stretch your energy supply.” Yumi nodded. Kagome gasped as the first man entered her.
He let out a sigh as she stretched to accommodate him. Once completely in, he stopped.
“Yous okay?” the first asked, giving her a concerned look.
“Yeah, just… been awhile since I had two at once.” There was a few seconds of awkward shuffling as the three got comfortable in the new position. Kagome moaned more than a few times as they bumped around inside her.
“Gods, I can’t wait anymore,” the second cried, hands clamping against her sides, he pulled himself halfway out before slamming himself against her. Kagome cried out in surprise. The first, not wanting to be left out, began moving as well. Her body swayed side-to-side as the second man struggled to keep her from sliding off his chest under their unrelenting thrusts. Kagome’s mind was in a different place, elated from the pleasure that enveloped her body. She was gasping for air, her moans filling the room. Through their connection, both men adjusted their pacing according to her unconscious needs. It wasn’t long before both were pounding into her with reckless abandon. The wet slaps of skin hitting skin could be heard between Kagome’s passionate cries and their low grunts of exertion. Words flowed freely, without the filter of reason. She cursed, urged them on, and begged them to ravish her.
With a hand pressed on the bed for balance, man in front of her took hold of one of her bouncing breasts, squeezing it forcefully. A playful squeal escaped her lips as he played with her erect nipple between his fingers. Both men labored for breath, their bodies struggling to keep up with the needs of their succubus lover. It had been so long since Kagome had been taken so forcefully, to feel such primal need and desire directed towards her. She found herself wanting it to continue, if only for just a few more minutes. Her enjoyment wasn’t the reason for this however.
“Pay attention now,” Kagome gasped, sparing a quick glance at the astonished Yumi. It was understandable considering she was seeing this whole new side of her mother. Through the bond, she willed the last bit of strength from them, urging them forward. Her cries grew louder as they gave the last bit of their strength to push her over the edge. With a lustful scream, Kagome felt her body quiver as overwhelming pleasure flowed over her. Almost unconsciously, their energy was drawn into her as she collapsed back against the second man. The first man had been howling as he came, his voice growing weaker as she rapidly absorbed his energy. Finally, he collapsed against her and the room was silent except the rapid gasps of air from the exhausted trio. Pinned between the two sweaty men, Kagome looked over at Yumi, smiling from the remaining tingle of her orgasm and satisfied hunger.
(End explicit content)
“Wow,” Yumi breathed, blinking rapidly. “That was… intense.”
Clearing her throat, Kagome regained her composure, the bliss fading away to reality. “D-did you pay attention at the end like I asked?”
She shifted in her seat, straightening. “Yes.”
“Then you saw how you have to guide their energy? Just leaving it alone will cause it to scatter.” Yumi nodded. Kagome relaxed her head. The weight of the man atop her was getting annoying, but she was still comfortable enough not to wiggle out from under them. Besides, neither had pulled out yet and it would be easier to escape the two once they finished softening. “Just give me a few minutes to catch my breath. Then I can clean up, clear their memories, and you can try again.”
Yumi was silent for a while, watching her curiously. “It looked like you enjoyed it,” she said softly.
There was a long pause. “I did.”
Another silence. “Better than Dad?”
“I can’t compare something like that. When I am with your father, it’s different and not in any way I can explain.”
“I’ll never tell,” she whispered. “I-in case… I don’t think he would… understand.” Smiling, Kagome reached out, squeezing Yumi’s hand as she took hold.
“For the moment,” Kagome said, “I won’t burden you with this secret for long, just… I need time to… to tell him.” Yumi nodded a few times.
Taking a deep breath, Kagome rolled the top man off her before hopping off the second. She could feel Yumi’s eyes on the cum that ran down her leg. “Give me a moment to take a shower,” she said, moving to the bathroom. With the water running, Kagome let her composure slip. She was shaking, struggling to keep her breath. She used the sink as an anchor to keep her balance as she blinked back tears. Her eyes rested on her ring. Closing her eyes, she dipped her head. “I’m sorry,” she whispered as she pulled the ring off her finger. The skin was noticeably whiter where the ring had been. Tonight, she needed to be a mother, not a wife. “I’m so sorry.”
Kagome gnawed against her index finger anxiously. Below her, Yumi was gasping for breath, sweat covering her lithe body. She had always been a quick learner, and after watching her mother’s example, had a far better experience her second time. Kagome could tell she had thoroughly enjoyed her second experience, only the ending didn’t produce the desired result.
“I’m sorry,” Yumi gasped, looking up at her. “I-I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.” She sounded on the verge of tears.
“No, no, you’re fine,” she said, pulling her against her stomach in a gentle hug. Kagome was at a loss. It was clear Yumi was having trouble absorbing energy. Her body was trying to pull far more energy than she was able to control. The speed at which she drained her partner had taken her by surprise. If she had been a few seconds slower separating the two…
“Why can’t I do it?” she asked, voice muffled as she talked into her clothes.
“I… I don’t know.” Bending down so she was face to face with Yumi, she brushed the sweat-clumped hair out of her daughter’s eyes. “But we’ll figure it out, I promise.” She waited for Yumi to nod. “Good, now go get cleaned up.”
“Do I have to do it again?”
Kagome smiled, standing up. “No, I think that’s enough for tonight.”
Yumi sighed. “Good, I’m,” she blushed, “a little sore.”
“Don’t worry. This time I’ll do the work.”
(Begin skip, F/F/M pairing/incest)
“You need to relax,” Kagome said softly, reaching over to rest a hand on Yumi’s shoulder.
“This is embarrassing,” Yumi said, looking down.
Kagome chuckled. “Nothing to be embarrassed about. When I was your age, I did this all the time with Kikyo and my mother.”
Her face reddened, eyes clenching shut as a sharp squeal leapt from her lips. Her breathing was ragged as the man she was sitting on ran his tongue along her slit. Kagome glided slowly along the man’s cock, rolling her hips slowly as she took him into her. As much as she wanted to pick up the pace, Yumi was having enough trouble keeping up with how little everyone was moving now. Leaning forward, Yumi was keeping balance by pressing her hands on the man’s stomach, her legs clenching the poor man’s head.
“You can hold onto me for balance,” Kagome said, watching her daughter struggle to suppress her pleasure. Yumi just shook her head, eyes still screwed shut. “Yumi,” she called softly. “Yumi look at me.” One eye opened to stare at her. Kagome smiled. “Come on.” Slowly, Yumi lifted her arms. “There you go, around my neck.” Complying with her orders, Kagome felt the extra weight of her daughter press down on her. Her face was even closer now, her gaze turned towards the floor as she stirred slightly from her mother’s steady up and down movements. Part of Yumi’s discomfort was the bond forming between them. While still weak, it was gradually growing in strength as they became more aroused. It was disconcerting to suddenly start feeling the emotions of another person, especially the first time. The other part was her embarrassment of participating in a threesome – especially when her second partner was Kagome.
Kagome’s voice was always soft, a soothing voice for Yumi to follow. “I’m going to go a little faster, okay?” Yumi nodded. She felt Yumi’s grip around her neck tighten as she picked up her pace. “Doing okay?” she whispered, her voice slightly higher than normal. The man was a little thicker than Inuyasha was. Gods I wish I could just… she stopped herself mid-thought catching Yumi’s wide eyes staring at her. With her own arousal increasing, it was pushing up Yumi’s as well. The bond was strong enough for powerful thoughts to cross between them, meaning Yumi just got that massive blast from her mother.
“Sorry,” Kagome said, reddening slightly. This time, it was her turn to be embarrassed.
“No, don’t hold back on my account.”
Leaning forward, Kagome gently pressed her lips against hers. After a second’s hesitation, Yumi opened her lips allowing their tongues to meet. Tilting her head to the side, Kagome pressed her lips harder against Yumi’s, their mouths locking together. Kagome could feel her daughters emotions flood through the bond. Confusion, pleasure, joy, pain, fear, sadness. They blurred together as they mixed with her own. Separating to catch their breath, Kagome was surprised to find Yumi crying.
“I had no idea…” Yumi whispered, sniffling softly. Kagome knew Yumi has just gotten a full dose of the guilt Kagome had been harboring. Wrapping her arms around Yumi, Kagome pulled her in for another kiss. The bond still connected the two. This was purely because it felt good and she wanted to. Kagome trusted Yumi understood why she was doing this. The bond ensured that. There was no need to explain any more. All that was left was enjoying the moment.
No succubae lasted long at the height of the bond, not overloaded with the other succubae’s pleasure too. Clutching each other, Kagome increased her pace, driving herself down atop the man’s cock. Yumi was screaming in pleasure as Kagome drove the three to orgasm. Pressing her open mouth against Yumi’s Kagome drew the man’s energy into herself before pushing it towards her daughter in a controlled manner. With the flow of energy carefully managed by her mother, Yumi easily began drawing it into her. It took a few seconds for Kagome to realize something was off. Though she was maintaining a smooth, manageable flow, it was becoming increasingly difficult to throttle it. Seconds passed before she was struggling to maintain a steady flow. Like a dam bursting, Kagome felt the stream turn into an out-of-control tsunami. It felt like Yumi had become a vortex, sucking everything within reach into its void.
(Continue reading here)
Kagome cut off the flow from the man as she felt her own energy being drawn into her daughter. Panic spread over her as she struggled to cap the flow. Shaking, she pressed her hands against her daughter’s chest and pushed. They separated, Kagome falling back onto the bed. Coughing, she wheezed and gasped for air, shaking hands clawing at her chest.
“Mom! Mom! I’m sorry! Mom!” Yumi was crying above her. She patted her arm, nodding, trying to show she was okay as she struggled to catch her breath.
“I’m fine,” she managed to croak out.
“I don’t know what happened,” Yumi said, tears streaming down her face.
Kagome’s mind was still wheeling over what had just happened. Everything had been going according to plan when suddenly, things weren’t. Finally catching her breath, Kagome felt exhausted. She actually had less energy now than when she started the night. It was clear that Yumi had just about cleaned her out, and in mere seconds. Mom needs to know about this… But first things first, she had to deal with the near hysterical Yumi.
“Yumi, calm down, I’m fine,” she said, forcing herself up to a sitting position. She didn’t like how hard it was to do. Sniffling, Yumi wiped her eyes. “That was… unexpected.”
“I don’t know what came over me. I was so happy to finally be able to feed and then… and then…” Kagome reached over and pulled her against her chest.
“Shhh. No need to be sorry,” she cooed, running her hand through her daughter’s hair. She chuckled softly. “The good news is that you won’t have to feed for a while.” Yumi laughed with her. “But we are definitely not telling Inuyasha about this.” She could feel her daughter nodding her head. Inuyasha was an understanding person considering the cultural norms that differed between human and succubae, but she doubted he would be quite as forgiving for this one, no matter how important it was to feed Yumi.
They were still for a long time, Kagome letting Yumi catch her breath and regain her composure as they clutched each other tightly. Finally, Yumi pulled away, her eyes still red and puffy from her tears. Kagome pulled her in for a quick kiss, before smiling down at her. “Better?”
“Yeah.” She patted at her bare stomach. “And I feel a lot better.”
“Good,” Kagome said, her daughter reminding her just how hungry she was now. “Now, do you think you can do me a favor and get me something to eat?” she asked sheepishly.
Yumi nodded, quickly getting up to dress. She wished Inuyasha were here… Just thinking of him made her hungrier. “Yumi!” she called as her daughter opened the door. She held up two fingers. Yumi nodded in understanding. “Ah!” Yumi turned back around. Blushing, Kagome added another finger. Face red, Yumi rushed out the door.
This chapter moved a little fast mostly because I wanted to move towards the final arc. As I mentioned in the previous chapter, the story is getting a little extreme in some scenes. Good news, that is about as taboo as it gets, so if you made it, yay! Bad news, it is going to be in other chapters too. In case you are worried, there will be NO Inu/Yumi.
Hopefully the next chapters come a little faster.