InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Thoughts Before You ❯ Pancakes ( Chapter 11 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Sorry everyone for the slight delay had to take a bit of a break to get the creative juices flowing once more.
My glasses are dirty from smudges but I don't feel the urge to clean them at the moment so I'm sitting here suffering as I wait for myself not to notice it any longer
So I want you all to know something, I love one tree hill, and Smallville, so if you ever want to talk to me about anything and you have Yahoo or MSN messenger to add me. or
My Thoughts Before You
Chapter 11 (I think who knows)
“Kagome get up!” Sango grabbed the sheets on Kagome's bed and with one great yank the bed was stripped and Kagome was on the floor.
“What is happening?” Kagome rolled out of the sheets with her hair frizzed on end. “Where's Ky? Is everything ok?”
Sango let go of Kagome's blankets and they fell on her hair, the girl had to climb free a second time but now when she made it out her hair was twice as frizzy. “What is happening!” Kagome rolled out of the sheets and followed Sango around her house, watching as she threw clothes and shoes into a giant duffle bag. “Sango if you don't tell me what you are doing right now I swear I'll be upset.”
Sango laughed at her, “Sorry, but you know what today is don't you?”
Kagome shook her head, putting her finger to her lips. “Ky is in New York with Inuyasha so nothing for him and it's Saturday so I don't have to work. Are you confused?”
“Nope, not at all. Now eat this.” Sango stuck a peanut butter and jelly sand which in Kagome's mouth. “All right, I packed all the necessary items for your trip and Miroku is going to take you to the Airport with him and you both are going to go to Inuyasha's wedding.”
Kagome choked down a clump of bread, “What? No I'm not going! I don't want-“
“To see him make a huge mistake, me either, so you need to go and stop the wedding.”
“Do you love him?”
“Do you want to make sure he never gets hurt?”
“Do you want to be a family?”
Kagome was feeling more and more depressed as the list went on. “Yes.”
“All right then, you need to get to New York. Getting through airports is hell now so Miroku will explain everything on the way.”
“Explain what?”
“How you are going to stop the wedding, now go!” Sango shoved Kagome out the door of her own apartment and locked it so she couldn't come back in.
“Sango!” Kagome beat on it hard. “I'm still in my pajamas!”
“No time, I'm afraid you'll just have to change in the car won't you?” Miroku put his arm around her shoulder and led her out with a happy smile.
Kikyou was sitting alone in her modern deco living room, warm cup of coffee pressed against her mouth, tomorrow was the day that she would be marring Inuyasha, then he would be seduced and she would get everything in the divorce, then being the brilliant journalist she was she'd write about the whole horrible experience it would sell hundreds of papers and she and Naraku could live happily.
But why were they doing this to Inuyasha? Why did Naraku have a personal vendetta against him? It was true that a person could be blinded by love because it was only now that she was realizing the pushing, the urgency, and the need for it to happen to Inuyasha.
“What is my clever girl thinking about?” Naraku sat beside Kikyou and stroked her pale cheek with his long finger.
“Wondering the same about you.” She pulled the cup away and set it on her coffee table. “What is going through your mind?”
Naraku smiled at her, “You were always the quick one. You want to know why I don't like Inuyasha very much.”
“Yes, that thought had crossed my mind.”
“Because of what his father left him.” Naraku's finger trailed town her neck and stroked her white color bone.
“That rusty sword? The one that he won't even allow to leave his site because he's determined to leave it to that child of his you wouldn't even be able to get the money that its worth.”
Naraku laughed harder that time standing up to his full height, “That's my point, I want what is embedded into the hilt of the sword and if he sells it to a museum I'm afraid even you couldn't beguile someone enough to give it to you.”
“What is in the hilt?”
“That my dear, is my secret.”
Kagome was sitting in the chair feeling like everyone was staring at her, she hadn't had time to change, brush her teeth, or even brush her hair. Miroku had driven like a mad man in his sleek black rental car, and then when she started to try and prepare herself he told her the news about Kikyou.
Kagome was sitting in the chair feeling like everyone was staring at her, she hadn't had time to change, brush her teeth, or even brush her hair. Miroku had driven like a mad man in his sleek black rental car, and then when she started to try and prepare herself he told her the news about Kikyou.
“The little… bit-“ Her exclamation has been cut short when he took a sharp turn and threw her around in the back seat.
Now sitting in the seat she was seething with anger about her intentions.
“But how am I going to stop it?” Kagome asked.
“Easy, you go in and you say stop it. Say Inuyasha please allow me to give myself to you.” Miroku focused his attention on the bag of peanuts before him. They were refusing to open so he as quite upset with the whole ordeal. “Why won't these open? Is there a reason?”
Kagome shook her head, “But I've all ready told him I would like to be with him.”
“Well, that is because Inuyasha is a fool, and only a fool refuses a woman who offers herself. (loved that line in the series I has to use it)” with a great tug he opened the bag and smiled at himself before a small bit of turbulence sent it onto the floor. With a mushroom cloud sigh he signed for the stewardess to bring him more. The lady was obviously attracted to him as evident in the haste she used to bring them to him. “I don't know; show some cleavage this time around.”
Kagome's smack sent his freshly opened second bag of peanuts to the ground as well, “You really are a pervert aren't you?”
“What is up with that friend of yours?” he turned to face Kagome, eyes reading her expression.
“What you mean Sango? She isn't your type.”
“What does that mean? Girl is my type..”
“And that is why you wouldn't do well with Sango.” Kagome tried to explain, “How did you find all this out about Kikyou?'
Miroku brought his hand to his mouth as thought about the situation, how was he going to woo such a girl who was un-wooable. “What? Kikyou? Oh I never trusted her so it just took me a bit of digging and I was right when the Inu is away, the girlfriend will play.”
“I thought it was just because she turned you down.”
“Why does everyone keep saying that? I'm really a good guy, do you wall doubt me?”
Inuyasha was sitting in a pink puffy chair while he watched his son get fitted for a little mini suite for the wedding. What was this? He found a little thread sticking out of the chair… hmm. He grabbed the thread and yanked hard splitting the side and allowing cotton to leak out.
“All right!” Inuyasha jumped out of the chair like it were made of fire. “That will do, let's go.” His abruptness startled both Ky and the sales lady, they looked up to see him standing there with cotton stuck to his suite.
As they were exiting the building when his phone rang caller ID reading Kikyou. “Hey what are you doing?” he asked upon answering.
“Sitting here, thinking about you, what are you doing?”
“I just got Ky his suite for the wedding, hey do you think a pink chair would look good in our house?”
“A pink chair?”
“Yeah… well… the lady said it's salmon but I thought it was pink.”
“Uh, sure, but when will you be back?”
Inuyasha looked at the watch on the hand he wasn't using to hold Ky's hand. “I'm going to get some dinner for me and Ky then we will be there. Why?”
“I want to talk to you about the wedding.”
“Decide to do away with the chastity thing?”
Kikyou's laugh echoed through the phone, “No, not that, I just wanted to discuss a few changes with you.”
“Changes? What the hell kind of changes? This is just a stupid wedding, you made it a big enough deal, I think half of New York is going and the only person I do in fact know is Miroku.”
“I always wanted a big wedding and you promised me one.”
“Yeah, yeah, your right. I'll be home soon.”
Inuyasha hung up the phone and looked down at his little boy. “Ky, how could your mother ask me to come back, just after all this?” It was easier to talk to Ky a little boy who didn't understand what he was saying and wouldn't respond too much. “How can she ask me to violate a promise a made to one woman for her? Kagome and I have you, and a history, but she could have called unlike me she always knew where I was and what I was doing. Now because I stumbled upon her secret, her not coming open with me I'll let you know, she comes out and just asks me to come back.”
Inuyasha got into a cab with Ky holding him tightly as they drove up town to his apartment. Now that the cab driver was listening he didn't want to talk about it any longer.
“Go back.”
“What?” Inuyasha looked down at the little boy, shocked at what he was saying. The boy hardly spoke to him unless he was telling him that he was mad at him.
“Why can't you go back?”
“Back where Ky?”
“Home!” Ky began to pinch his fathers hand with his sharp little finger nail.
“Ahh! We need to get you clipped.” Where did he take Ky to get that done? Inuyasha rubbed his hand but the words didn't leave him. Why couldn't he go back? He could, but would that be fair to Kikyou? Was it right to leave her because someone else came along? Wasn't that the same as adultery? Promise yourself to one woman but something comes along to tempt you and you go with it?
Or could Kikyou be seen as the adulterer because he had been with Kagome first? Of course Kagome had chosen not to be with him, she had said to leave, both times he had left Evanston she had said to go. Then when she should have told him to come back, she didn't, she waited until he was all ready promised to someone else.
This wasn't fair to him.
Kagome stepped out of the hotel room and met with Miroku, she felt much better she had showered and was wearing a beautiful forest green dress, her hair silky and beautiful, and she smelt of vanilla.
“Wow, I might even try and seduce you even if you are a mom. Just the right amount of cleavage.” Miroku smiled lazily at her.
“You're a real pig sometimes you know that right?” Kagome's wonderful feeling of being pretty and not thought of as the mother who got knocked up her senior year of high school all went away in a couple moments. “Come on, let's find Inuyasha, I need to get this done before we make a spectacle out of his life.”
The two walked out of the hotel together, Kagome felt a little foolish now that she was out with the beautiful people of New York City. This dress which she had gotten from the Salt Lake Nordstrom now felt slightly cheap.
“I'm going to go and get my car and I'll come back around, do you think that you can wait here that long?”
Kagome nodded, she couldn't speak because she was afraid she might throw up all over the pavement and while her dress was in fact green she didn't think throw up matched it very well.
Miroku turned around the corner to where the valet for his parking service was waiting when something blunt came in contact with his right temple sending him to the ground.
A light breeze chilled Kagome's bare arms raising goose bumps. She had never been this far away from home and something about the area sent her off edge. Where was Miroku, he was taking too long.
“I'm sorry but do you have the time?”
Kagome looked to the man next to her, he had long dark hair and shifty eyes. Creepy.
“Nope sorry.” She took a few steps away from him out of instinct.
“Oh. Well.” He said. “Could you come with me?”
“No I think I'll stay here. I'm waiting for a ride. Oh look there he is. K bye.”
“Miroku isn't coming.” He said as he put a cold hand on his shoulder. “And neither is Inuyasha, you probably should have called before you came. I'm not going to let ruin this marriage. Well before hand at least. I want that Shikon jewel.” Before Kagome could so much as flinch he had a piece of cloth saturated in chloroform pressed over her mouth and nose. “I wouldn't struggle so much if I were you, Ky's life just might depend on it.”
Well then.
I finally updated, I hope that you give me a review.
Because I enjoy them.