InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Tiny Kagome ❯ The Prologue, Tears ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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Welcome to `My Tiny Kagome'
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Summary: How did Kagome get so small? Who did it? Read and find out what happened and what happens next.
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own the characters of Inuyasha. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi. The story in this fiction and other characters are only MINE. Again. (I OWN NOTHING OF INUYASHA).
Warnings: Some violence, no curse words but close, sexual situations. If you are under age don't read if you're not aloud to.
Notes: I hope you like my fiction. Review and tell me what you think. If you forget anything, don't forget to come back to this page.
Pairings: Read and find out.
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My Tiny Kagome
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The Prologue, Tears
The sky was midnight blue in the dark green forest. In the forest sat a girl named Kagome. She was kneeling by a pond weeping while looking at her reflection. Tears were pouring down her cheeks and dropped into the water. Her hands rested upon her lap.
Ripple, ripple
“I- I can't believe that stupid dog.”
`He didn't have to do and say those things.'
“I at least thought he would do that with Kikyou.”
:' Flash back:'
Inuyasha was watching Kagome from a tree he was sitting in. She was sitting at the base of the same tree reading her geometry book, trying to understand how to work out the problem. “Hey wench!” Yelled an irritated voice up in the tree from above her. Kagome decides to ignore that voice. Since the owner of it has been calling her out of her name all morning.
“Stupid, I'm talking to you!”
“Inuyasha, tell me since you forgotten. What is my name?”
“I already know your name, b----” Said Inuyasha while he jumps out of the tree landing in front of Kagome as she stood up. “What's the matter? To weak to-”
“Sit.” Inuyasha went face down to kiss the dirt.
“What was that about being to weak? Huh? Huh?” Kagome was looking down at him on the ground, her face flushed with anger and hands on her hips.
“You b----! Wait until I get up! I am going to fu-----kill you, you little b----!”
Kagome looks annoyed. `And that was only one sit too.' Her small hands tightly balls up into fists. They were glowing a soft pink. “You-you . . . ooh! How many times do I have to tell you, my name is Kagome? You don't see or hear me walking around calling you a bunch of names. Do you? Why do you insist on calling me what I am not? Since, it seems like your `hanyou' abilities are not working correctly, for the last time my name is KAGOME!” She info-sized the last sentences then her name.
She was practically glowing now.
“You stupid wench. I can call you what ever I want.” He stood up saying.
“I'm n-” She begins but he cuts her short.
“You don't get any smarter reading that stuff! You still seems stupid to me! You're still a weak worthless human! The last time I checked, you're still my shard detector!” Inuyasha said crossing his arms over he chest, acting as if he proved a point. Then he turns around and leaves.
She watched his retreating form until it was out of sight. `That really hurt to hear you say that.' Her glow went unnoticed it seem. She went back to the camping area where the rest of her companions were. The glow had faded.
Later that night:'
Inuyasha had never came back ever since the fight they had that morning. The rest of the group was asleep. At least she thought so. `I might as well take a bath before I go to sleep.' Kagome thought as she grabbed her backpack and began walking in direction of the hot spring. Upon approaching the hot spring Kagome began hearing moaning and growling, plus other noises that were being made.
The sounds got louder with every step the teen took to the hot spring. Then Kagome halted in her tracks when she came upon the sight. There, before her lying by the hot spring was a female Inu youkai on her knees in her birthday suit. Inuyasha was behind and over her bare as well. Kagome couldn't believe her eyes, but she did. The teen miko held a tight grip on her backpack.
`I should say `sit'. No! That would probably make them happy compared to the position their in right now. I'm not letting him touch me after what I just witnessed.' She thought bitterly.
Her heart felt like it was torn into more than one way of pieces because of the display that morning and the sight before her now.
Tears didn't come yet. But Kagome eyes burned. `Betray me will you Inuyasha? Don't worry; I'll still forgive you. I won't treat you the same though.' Kagome then wrenches her eyes away from the `scene' and walks away.
Then she stumbled upon a pond that wasn't to far away from the campsite and begin shading tears.
:' End of Flash back:'
That's how Kagome ended up here, at the pond weeping. Something was sparkling little spackles and a glow of gold on the ground, but the woman-child didn't pay it any attention.
“Why do you cry young maiden?” Someone's small but clear and deep voice smoothing asked her. She looks around but doesn't see any one.
“W-who's there?”
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You like? Do review. (Thanks Katzztar for letting me know it wasn't `medain', but `maiden'.)
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Tangerine_Mikan   AKA Mala Valvah