InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Tiny Kagome ❯ Tiny ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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My Tiny Kagome
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Chapter One, Tiny
There is something sparkling beside the woman-child on her left. Kagome looks down on the ground to her left. What the teen saw, she thought was so CHARMING. Standing by her seems to be a fairy.
A `MALE' fairy at that!
The miko figured out that it had to be a he because of the voice and the way he stood. He is such a small mind-boggling being; he's the size of her hand.
Well, maybe bigger.
He is quite breathtaking as well. He has golden transparent wings that sparkle. His faintly red but violet-purple long hair is almost close to touching his ankles. His eyes are a red-violet color. His skin is a light creamy color. He's wearing white clothing with silver trimming. Light blue flowers are printed on the chest of his shoulders and at the ending part of his sleeves. The male `tie-up', obi around his waist is violet with light blue sway designs on it. His ears are slightly pointed. He bows after noticing Kagome staring at him.
“Hello, my lady. My name is Seisho. May I know yours?” His small body spoke out in a deep but smooth voice.
“Hi, I'm Kagome.” The teen answers bowing her head slightly.
“Yes, you are the one.”
Then, all of a sudden Seisho flew above the teen's head chanting something Kagome couldn't quit make out. Kagome heard a twig snap and she turns around to see Miroku. Then she hears the ending of Seisho chanting. “-Tiny, tiny, done from tall. Turn the princess into small.” Just when the fairy Seisho is finished, he looks up and notices a monk watching.
Then the monk advances closer to Kagome and himself. There were golden sprinkles around the teen while she was shrinking. Than the sprinkles faded.
“Lady Kagome, your- your-” The monk, Miroku started but was interrupted.
“Small? Into fairy size?” Seisho finished, though smiling at his effort.
“Yes, why did you make her as small as my hand? Well, lady Kagome is smaller than my hand,” Spoke Miroku.
“She! Fair monk, will be my bride.” Said Seisho in a joking tone.
“No. She will not.” Miroku says glaring at Seisho.
“It was only a joke.” He tells Miroku.
“M-Miroku?” Came a small feminine voice from on the ground.
“Yes Kagome?”
“What are you- Whoa! Everything is much bigger.” Kagome spoke, just now noticing what happened. “What happened to me?”
“You should ask that guy beside you.”
Looking by her side. There stood a young man. Which is now taller than She. “Why am I like this?” Kagome asked. Seisho came towards Kagome and takes her small hands into his larger ones. He was pleased that she has not overreacted, but taking things quite well.
“My lady. I, Seisho was order from my lord to make you small.” He replies softly. He must take care of his people.
“Who? May I ask, is this lord of yours?” Asked Miroku.
“I am forbidden to say. Take these kimonos for the lady. You will know whom my lord is when he comes within a week's time. Until than you must take care of her.” Then the guy zips off before any more questions could be asked of him.
“Wait.” Kagome says holding a hand stretched out for him but he is already gone. Kagome wanted to ask him, `why he was told to shrink her?'
“Here, Kagome.” Miroku speaks while lowering his hand to the ground in front of her.
The teen miko looks up at him skeptically at first but decides to take the monks offer. So Kagome climbs onto Miroku's hand and looks at some of the kimono's the fairy guy had left. They looked very expensive, made in fine silk and beautiful with nice colors and beautiful designs on them. Kagome sat down because she felt sleepy, all the day's activities taking their tow on her. Miroku picks up her backpack and the Shikon no Kakera (Shikon shards) that hadn't turned small.
`Why would someone want to turn Kagome into this size if it was not for the sacred jewel?'
“Kagome-sama, you'll be safe in my hands for now.” When Miroku looks down in his hand he finds that's she is already asleep. The monk begins walking back to the campsite. `We'll find out what to do. Inuyasha doesn't deserve her for what he did.'
Yeah, he had seen it all from start to finish.
Even though he was a pervert Miroku was degusted at what he had seen. Miroku don't think he would be as stupid as to do something like what Inuyasha had done to Kagome.
Miroku was deep in thought when sitting her backpack down by her sleeping bag.
Than he sat at the base of a tree with Kagome in his hand and put his staff to the side.
Covering her up with the small kimonos the male-fairy given her, the monk went to sleep as well.
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Sorry for making the chapters short. I'm just trying to make the next chapters likeable and hopefully they get longer.
Please review.
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Tangerine_Mikan   AKA Mala Valvah