InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Tiny Kagome ❯ Waking ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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My Tiny Kagome
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Chapter Two, Waking
In the woods or forest lays two figures barely clothed somewhat away from the shard hunters' campsite, away from the water, springs or even ponds. Inuyasha woke up from the warmth that was heating his face. Opening his eyes just to snap them shut tightly with a wince, because of the morning sun.
Letting the pain leave his eyes from the force of too much light. Inuyasha tried again but only this time much slower. Making sure his eyes adjust to the morning before him. He, Inuyasha the inu hanyou felt something cold and silky on his skin by his left side, and something wrapped around his waist.
Looking to his left he sees Kikyou with her slim arms wrapped around his torso. `What the - I didn't, did I? I could of promise she didn't smell like earth and bones the pervious night! This can't be happening! Kagome can't find out about this.' He thought franticly.
After doing some pondering on how to fix the mess, he starts to remove her arms from around his waist. Then he gets up and puts his clothes on. He looks down and sees Kikyou still asleep. (Although she probably doesn't need to sleep.) Then he turns on his heels and heads in the direction of the campsite.
:' Some where else:'
From a far stands a low dark castle with may rooms, dead plants around it that dried up and withered until they turned brown, purple, and black or to ashes. In side this castle in a dark room sat a figure in a chair with a little youkai girl that is mostly white, except her black eyes.
She stood out compared to the room being so dark. She is standing in front of the figure holding out a mirror that faced the being.
“I wonder what that stupid hanyou will do once he finds the happenings since his absents. He won't have a clue that the miko saw him in an illusion. Yes, instead of earth and bones it was another.”
The figure that sat in the dark room with its offspring gave a daunting laugh.
:' Back to Inuyasha:'
Walking toward the camp where the group lays Inuyasha smells or actually feels something strange in the air but ignores it. He continues his way to the campsite and once he got there he jumps into a tree. Looking down at his companions he notices that Kagome is not in her sleeping bag.
`Where could she be at a time like this?'Jumping down from the tree he wakes everyone up.
“Wake up! Kagome's missing!” He shouted.
That got everyone up and on his or her feet. Well, everyone except Miroku who was holding the person that was said to be missing. He just glance up and then gaze down at Kagome whom seems to be still sleepy. Rubbing her eyes Kagome sat up in Miroku's hand and looks up.
“Kyaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!” Which made her scream because she had forgotten about last night or she prefers to think it was all just a very horrible nightmare.
But it wasn't.
“Kagome, Have you forgotten last nights events?” Asked Miroku.
“Why the hack are you talking to yourself, Monk? What do you think yo- Kagome?” Spoke Inuyasha in astonishment. He was looking in the pervert's hands to see the source of him disturbing everyone out of their slumber. Sango, Shippou, and Kirara came over to see a companion of theirs in the hands of a perverted monk.
“H-how did this happen Houshi-sama?” Sango asked while still looking down at her friend.
“It was done by a male fairy.” Came the monks simple replied.
“Didn't I tell you before, not to touch her? Give her to me!” Demanded Inuyasha holding his hand out.
“No! Don't hand me to him. Hand me to Sango, please.” Said Kagome from her spot in the monk's hand.
“Oh no you don't. Give Kagome to me.” Inuyasha said about to take and snatch the tiny Kagome away from Miroku.
You could hear him trying to french kiss - Ahem- I mean, cursing in the dirt.
”Inuyasha, you are acting childish. I am not a toy. The way you was trying to grab me, you could have crushed me with all that rage if I was in your hands.” Spoke an angry miniature Kagome.
“Why you little-”
“Yes, I'm little, you got a problem with it?” Kagome yelled putting her tiny hands on her hips looking at Inuyasha on the ground from her spot in Miroku's hand. As soon as he was about to lift himself up, she spoke again.
“At least I don't get beat up by a tiny person that's smaller then my hand. It looks like you're the weak one to me.”
Then she continued to speak. “Inuyasha, where were you last night? And don't even think of lying.”
“Wench, that is none of your business.”
“Oh, so screwing some random youkai is none of my business?”
“Huh? What are you talking about? I was with Ki-“ He cut himself short of his reply.
“Oh, so you mean to tell me you did it to the living dead too?”
“No! Kagome, I was only with Kikyou. I don't-“
“Kagome. As much as I would love to see Inuyasha eat dirt, he's telling the truth. He only smells of earth, bones, and death. That's Kikyou's scent. I don't smell another on him.” Came the child kit Shippou's voice.
“Than how to explain the sight we seen?” Asked Miroku. Di he miss something?
Everything was quiet for a while. Crossing his arms over his chest Inuyasha replied. “Magic.”
“How would you know Inuyasha?” Asked Sango.
“On my way here I smelt - I mean felt it and thought nothing of it until now.”
“Well, who would want to do something like that?” Asked Shippou.
Everyone was quiet again.
“Naraku.” Sango answered.
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Tangerine_Mikan   AKA Mala Valvah