InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Tiny Kagome ❯ Hmm… ( Epilogue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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My Tiny Kagome
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Epilogue, Hmm…
They have been fighting youkai upon youkai and it seem like nothing was changing at all. Only that the ground is littered with their fallen body parts. Arrow after arrow went loose into the terribly gross looking enemy's group. Kouga and come to help but is now badly injured. Him and Ayame had decided to mate. Miroku seems to be wearing down, not able to use his wind tunnel and their foes swarming around them. Sango is still doing okay. However, she has slowed in her attacks. Inuyasha is knocked out cold being protected by Kirara, standing in front of his defenseless body.
Inuyasha twitches. His eyes open to see his friends still fighting. He pushes his body up to stand. “Thanks Kirara.” He went off hacking at the sea of youkai. Kagome maybe small but she is able to make deadly miko-powered arrows. Inuyasha thought it look quite funny.
Shippou is sent flying and Kagome's scream from him follows. A light blue bubble surrounds the kit's body known as Kagome's doing to protect him. He lies far on the ground unconscious and not too badly hurt. Sango's cry of pain is heard close by as Naraku takes hold of the jewel shard Kohaku's back.
She is holding her brother's body while bleeding. Any youkai came near Sango Kagome purified. Naraku tentacles shoot through Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha. Large gapping holes, one are left in each of their stomachs. “Kukukukuku,kukukayhhhhhhh!” Naraku gives a bloodcurdling scream as his body begins to melt. It is a horrifying sound that makes a lot of the youkai fighting along side him pause or flee. His body turns to ash and Kagome is standing in his place. Well actually she has fairy wings, and is where Naraku had been standing, laughing until he screamed his death.
She looks pained. “No! Sesshoumaru!” She sees more blood. “Inuyasha!”
Loud voices of Naraku and Kagome can be heard.
Mimi and her older brother finish killing off the surround not backing down youkai. Brother and sister sits on the ground where not much gore, blood, and other weird stuff are. “Please… p-please, don't leave me Sess-houmaru.” They could hear Kagome whimper as she stands to lay on his chest. She covers her face within her arms, weeping. Blood comes forth from his mouth.
His wound is bleeding heavily. Mimi is wrapping Inuyasha's wound while he is unconscious. Sesshoumaru is loosing blood fast and Kagome begins to panic.
“Sesshoumaru?” Kagome whispers. `Sesshoumaru.'
“Sess” `If you don't get awake and answer her right now I'll delightfully take full claim of her as my mate.'
Annoyance is felt at the familiar voice. `I'd be happy to Sesshoumaru.' His eyebrows twitched. `We'll have little lights together and come visit your grave out of respect for my
“Sesshoumaru?” Tears kept flowing. `I can hear her.'
He eyes filters open with annoyance clearing showing. “Don't die.” His expression softens as he takes in the sight of Kagome. He smiles faintly as he close his eyes. Her crying can be heard all over the battlefield. “Sessh-Sesshoumaru? Sesshou-maru!” Tears fell down onto his clothes where the once was before the battle. “Sesshoumaru!”
No responds.
“Sessh-please, I love you.” Her eyes close as she scream in sadness.
A sigh is heard. “And… I… love you.”
Her face is on his chest as is in her normal size glowing gold around her body.
“Oh, Kagome.” Sang a familiar male voice beside her right ear. She lifts her head to look at Seisho. He smiles at her. “No need to cry. He will be alright.” He says pointing to Mimi as she tries to start taking care of Sesshoumaru's wounds. “He'll be well.” Seisho says again, slowly gently pulling her away from Sessoumaru so Mimi can dress his wounds. “Right now, young Shippou needs some help.” She hastily went to dress Shippou's wounds, not notice the difference about Seisho.
He is an elf as he watches sadly before leaving.
The next day everyone is at Kaede's because they weren't too far to begin with. “Kagome-child, Did ye complete the shikon no tama?” The girl question nods. “Yes, Lady Kaede.”
Everyone is getting ready for the celebration. One thing though, since the battle was a day before not everyone had much strength of going. They chose to still go because they said they would. Miroku's wind tunnel being gone is proof that Naraku is gone… right?
Kagome is standing in a violate fading to pale purple Kimono with butterflies on the fore sleeves and at the bottom. Silver specks that look like diamonds or glitter fans dance on her Kimono. Some of her hair pulled up into a bun. Sango has a red kimono on with some parts adored with black figures looking like Kirara. Her large form takes a dangle bottom half of the kimono in a darker red color. What look like red sparkling gems covered some of her kimono? Her hair is done like Kagome's except her hair is longer. She has a matching red fan in her hand.
So, everyone is dressed in different clothes than they would normally wear. And the writer wants you to image what you think the rest should wear… now continuing…
So, everyone is dressed in his and her different choice of clothes for the Celebration of the fairies births. They are also more frequent of take mates during the new lights celebration. The stands in what appears to be the mystical part of the forest. Every greenery and water pots has an extra glow to it. All seems to gentle they twinkle and sparkle. The magic can be seen brushing softly anything in the area, describing it friend or foe. Only friends.
Seisho stood in the middle his people in Elf form. His outfit is half white and half gold. He smiles with his eyes close as fairy lights and little lights began to fly up, surrounding him. They look beautiful, sort of resembling fireflies, only little people with wings. Not all have pointed ears. Rin gasps in delight at the sight. Seisho begins speaking in a language only his kind knows. After he is finished, all fairy lights and little lights around him are in their elf form. Yeah, they still have their wings, those that wanted them to be seen while others didn't.
Taro in his elf form rushes over to Sango and hugs her gently so as not to hug her if she has injures. A soft music begins to play and everyone spreads out as more than a thousand little lights come out from the greenery where they were hiding. Dancing around are new little lights, fairies, and elves. The group had joined in.
“May I?” Seisho softly says to Seshoumaru and Kagome. He let's go of her and stares at them. It's not like Seisho will do anything crazy.
“I am happy for you Kagome. Do enjoy your time here.” He makes sure has her attention. “I will make sure of it.”
He dips her; leaning down forward he catches her eyes, than kisses her… on the right cheek.
Sesshoumaru can be heard in the back ground as he growls, regretting that he let Seisho dance with Kagome. Seisho smiles a joyful smile.
“Take care of Kagome.”
While everyone is dancing laughing and enjoying him or her selves, far away the figure of a boy child sits in a tree eating an apple. His hair is abnormally white that lay on his shoulders. He has pale magenta pearl color eyes. He is wearing a blue a brown outfit. The boy is none other than the other half of Hakudoshi. Which means he is the boy that harbors Naraku's or should I say Onigumo's heart.
He sighs peaceably while lightly kicking up one of his legs.
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Done get angry at me. This is THE END of the story.
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Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah