InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Tiny Kagome ❯ Wrangle ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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My Tiny Kagome
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Chapter Seventeen, Wrangle
The new day approaches as everyone -excluding Sesshoumaru- is asleep. `Why did I react to his words?' Why was he still in denial? He watches the stars in the sky twinkle. They began to fade away long with the night. Kagome is again mini and sleeping peacefully within his fur. They decided to start moving toward her home. `The other piece of her soul is with the undead-miko.' The sun slowly rose. Everyone should be waking up soon. Sesshoumaru didn't care for that right now. The clay-miko has now made her way onto his `get-rid-of' list, or to be more reflective, `To die' List. Well, she can't die because she's already dead. So, `get-rid-of' list sounds better.
Standing by the dried-up bone eaters well, Sesshoumaru almost visibly frowned looking down at it. He can feel the unexplained coming off of it. “This will take us to your world?”
“I don't know if it'll you, but we can at least try.”
Inuyasha is standing by. “I'm coming too, Kagome” Sesshoumaru leaps in the well with Inuyasha follow behind. A blue light baths all three making their body float until they reaches modern day Tokyo. Their feet touch soft dirt at the bottom of the ancient well. Looking upward, Seshoumaru notices that the well is concealed inside a structure. Strong smells attacks his nose. He jumps out of the well after Inuyasha. Inuyasha runs into Souta. “Hey Inuyasha, where's Kagome?” Inuyasha points back at his older half brother. Souta looks and still doesn't see Kagome. “Not funny. That's not Kagome.”
Before his face could look sad, a voice is heard. “Hey! Souta! I'm right here!” His eyes widen when he sees her. There is silence. Then, “Cool!” She fell over in Sesshoumaru's hand. “Can I hold you?” She looks nervous, wondering he'll squash her or not. She decided to change the subject. “Ah… Souta. This is Inuyasha's elder half brother, Sesshoumaru.” He eyes got even wider.
“Kagome here?” They hear Ms. Higurashi's voice and everyone ventures inside the house.
Kagome waits for her grandpa to pop out of nowhere and shout `Youkai Begone!', then watch him in action as he throws fake sticky sutras on the Inu youkai half brothers foreheads.
But he did not come into the room. “Mom?” Ms. Higurashi looks for her baby but doesn't see her until she notices a small movement on Sesshoumaru, which the mini thing that looks like her daughter. It stares at her.
“Where's grandpa?” Ms. Higurashi places a hand over her heart while staring at Kagome. “My baby.” She has a look of worry. Then before anyone could blink she has Kagome in her hands and smiles like she got what she wanted for her birthday gift or Christmas present. “Kagome? How did you get like this? Oh! Dad's is at one of his friends right now. He's helping him out with something or other.” Kagome told her mom the basics of what happened as Ms. Higurashi walks into the living room. She greeted the two pearl color haired males before her.
“Which one of you will change my daughter back to normal?” She asks them bluntly, partially scaring them with her serious expression. Not that they would admit it out loud.
Back in the Feudal Era they're looking for the terracotta-miko.
Mimi is getting ticked and tired of her brother complaining about not wanting to smell decay, dirt-bones, and soil all in one. He keep saying that that woman gives out the aura of death and so he didn't want to be near her. “Shut up!” They still couldn't find her, even though the smell is in the air around them. The smell is bothering his nose, making his eyes water. Mimi glances at him. “Are you crying?” Yani shot his younger sibling a very annoyed expression. `Me? Cry?'
Focusing forward, he shot out hot energy from his mouth. The smell is burning away.
Yani sighs. `Better.' Mimi can't believe he just ruined their search, which they'll have to start all over again. His eyes weren't watering any more. `Now to search for the undead miko.' Mimi hits him on the head angrily. He yelps touching the top of his head. With her hands balled into tight fists she stumps off in silent anger. `Uh oh.' And so they continue the search.
A white light crinkling with electrical energy wavering line comes toward her with vast speed. She notices it too late. The beautiful woman made out of her own ashes and soil, clad in white and red didn't have time to move. “What?”
It came right at her, vaporizing her clay death body that entrapped unwilling souls. She is no more. Only the stolen souls float up and go where they belong. The soul stealers vanish away.
Inuyasha comes out of the well, followed Sesshoumaru who has Kagome on him. `That should be me carrying Kagome.' He glares at Sesshoumaru. A clean light blue light comes into the clearing swirls around, than sinks into Kagome. She falls unconscious. Everyone met around Keade's hut. “We couldn't find the undead-miko.” Yani says. Inuyasha expression looks angry. “The undead-miko was taken care of.” Sesshoumaru supplies.
“How was she supposed to smell again?” Mimi's fingers twitched to do harm to brother. He knew how that miko smelled. “Your stupid! You blasted her away to get rid of the stench that you complained was clogging your nose. Remember!” Yani made what he consider good distance from his sister's reach. “Oh, that was she? How awful.” He shook a little. “Eww…”
He continues. “I feel dirty just for smelling the stench.” Inuyasha looks as if he is going to crack and attack the guy. Yani didn't notice.
“That undead miko was a stinker I HAD to get rid of. With that stench around we youkai would become extinct… just by smelling that alone.”
“Kick you? You're not making any sense. Are you challenging me?” Mimi hits her brother over the hit and he falls to the floor with a growing bump. Inuyasha leaves the area quit ticked off.
Sango went to get some different clothes because what she wore reminded her of Naraku.
Afterward she ventures to her village for weapons. Sango sat making weapons with Kirara and Miroku for company. Miroku watches Sango. “My lovely Sango, accept my humble apology for not being there when you needed me the most.” Sango is startled by his closeness and words. It was like him… but… he just seems… honestly sincere. `Is he serious?'
His head is bowed while it looks as if he wanted to hold her hands in his. She was going to it him the sound of his voice stopped her. Her expression softens. Kirara mewls. Miroku peeks up at Sango and does a double take at the gentle smile given to him. His heart swells with warmth. Miroku returns the favor. Her breath is caught for a moment as she decides that she likes his gentle much more than hs perverted looking one.
“You don't have to apologize.” Kirara mewls.
Taro saw everything and flies away happily, giggling.
Seisho appears beside Kagome. “May I speak with you alone?”
Not waiting for an answer, he wraps his arms around Kagome. They both vanish from view only leaving golden sparkling dust in their departure, unnoticed by the others.
They appear into what look like a library where the fairies live. He releases Kagome and takes a couple of steps away. “What is it?” He watches for a moment. His expression is worried until it turns sad. Kagome watch him as he sighs. “I'm going to tell you this because I… care for you.” `I love you.'
“Don't hate me.” `I didn't mean to.'
“It would hurt me to see you sad.” `I rather you to be happy.'
“There is one more thing you must do before, or when it's the new moon.” `If this might stop us from being together.'
“It's important that…” `I mustn't tell her.'
“… you decipher what it is.” `Gome. You must realize what to do before it's too late.' He couldn't tell her or he would be deciding for her.
“What? Decipher what? Seisho? What do you mean?” Instead of bowing, he tilts his head slightly to the right. “I'm sorry, Kagome-chan. I believe you will know when the time comes.”
`Solve your situation.' He smiles. `Even if it's not me, I will be happy for you… Kagome.'
Kagome is sent back to her companions.
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Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah