InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Tiny Kagome ❯ Bonds2 ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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My Tiny Kagome
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Chapter Sixteen, Bonds2
Appearing near a stream with great deal of trees he sees a female lying face down on the green grass. “Seisho-sama!” A turquoise ball lunges itself at him, latching on to his midsection.
“I knew you'd come.” It seems that Taro was crying but appear to be now in joy to see him.
“Who is this woman?”
Teddy looks at the lying figure of the female on the ground. Now he looks like he is about to cry again. “That's… that's Sango-chan!” the flying boy-light says, pointing at her.
“So, this is Sango.” Seisho says in a deep smooth voice while pronouncing her name. He turns as if to leave.
“Help Sango, please Seisho-sama!” Taro desperately cries out.
“Oh?” Seisho watches Taro, then flies over to Sango. He moves over to her neck, listening for a pulse. `How shall I move her?' He flies over her thinking.
`Make her small enough for me to carry her? That will consist of the spell similar to what I put on Kagome. Turn to my elf form so that I may carry her? I don't think that would be wise. It might disturb the coming Celebration.'
He looks Sango over again. `If I try transporting her, Taro and myself without any of the adjustments it might hurt her.' He looks at Taro. There's only one thing he needs to know before doing anything.
“Does she have a love?”
The little light frowns in thought, probably wondering why Seisho ask but decided to answer anyways. “Umm, I think she's in love with the monk. Why?”
Not answering him, Seisho turns black to the woman. `That will have to do. Hopefully the monk loves her back.' He didn't want to transport Sango in a larger form. It might signal to other males that he's courting her. He couldn't believe he thought of doing such a thing to begin with. He began to chant those familiar words than paused. Sighing, Seisho decides to take a chance in his larger form to take her to her friends.
Besides either way it's done, she is in love with the monk, right?
“Seisho-sama? What are you about to do?”
“You don't have to shrink her!”
Seisho's left eyebrow twitched.
“Are you trying to get potential mates?!”
`That little fairy light better shut up. Does he not want me to help his friend?'
As if sensing the building tension, Taro stops talking and sits by Sango looking innocent, watching Seisho. `Oh, of course, having Taro with us while transporting wouldn't be seen too much as courting.' Seisho's face relaxes as if in a peaceful sleep.
Taro watches Seisho's body grew larger until he stood almost as tall as the youkai Sesshuomaru, about an inch or two shorter. “You ready Taro?”
Teddy flew in the air as Seisho lifts Sango up gently carry her bridle-style. He didn't want to be the cause of her injures getting worse. Taro sat down on Seisho's right shoulder. “Yes, Seisho-sama!”
Sesshoumaruhad released her a while ago. She waited for a minute before choosing to move. Once she made distance, Kagome tripped over her own feet and fell full force forward toward Sesshoumaru. Arms stretched out, her hands supporting her as she successfully avoid colliding harshly into him. Instead, she only touches him gently, landing between his legs. Kagome's face almost touched the armor while the rest of her body is lightly pressed against him. `O-kay. Why does this keep happening to me?'
She is almost as red as a rose. Looking up at Sesshoumaru, his sun-like orbs bore intently into her baby brown. Something dangerous passes through his eyes. Her eyes widen, but she is confused. His eyes advert on something behind her.
A loud fiery howl in heard in the distance. Which is an understatement. No need for birds flying from the noise because there are none in that area. It is from the same dark castle a certain someone disappeared from. Now an obsess rage boiled inside that dark being, for his so-called toy got away.
He had stopped himself from switching their positions and kisses her senseless. He watches her wondering why she changed in height. He was going tell to get off him but instead found himself pulling her closer. Kagome felt him wrap his arms around her drawing her intimately closer, making her blush more. “S-Sesshoumaru-sama?”
Kagome jumps slightly at the sound. Looking to the middle of camp where the sound came from, she sees Seisho holding someone. She quickly somehow detangle herself from Sesshoumaru when she realizes whom he holding. She stops and stares at him, just now noticing rather importantly different about him. `His height… He's an Elf?' Seisho doesn't pay Kagome much attention while gently lying Sango on the ground. Then Kagome remembers what Taro said about Seisho. Inuyasha involuntary shiver at the venomous glare Sesshoumaru is shooting the ignoring Seisho.
When Seisho catches sight of a momentarily- normal- altitude Kagome he sharply intake of breath but wince inwardly. He wonders who is the cause of her change, as he stares. Taro flew over and attached himself to Kagome. “Sango.”
“Kagome, have you fallen in love with me?” For a moment she was sort of reminded of Miroku. There are growls heard in the background. “Ah.” She didn't get to answer. “Or are you in love with the tai youkai?” Tai youkai wasn't said pleasantly either. The sound of a growl is heard for a second time and is ignored once more. Seisho places a finger on his lower lip in thought. “You are drawing from me.” He says softly. “Because I cast the spell… and for you to change when I do… that would mean…” He smiles vaguely.
`She must be missing a vital part of her, making her be mine without a say.' Seisho's expression turns blank as he feels sadden. `And yet I rather she be with whomever she chooses to love.' He wasn't an idiot. Sesshoumaru interrupts his thoughts. “Well?” He glares at Sesshoumaru for a moment, wanting to purify him. He chose not because of his chosen loyalty the youkai's cousin.
“She is missing an essential part that makes her, her Kagome. She must get it before the new moon or she'll be bound me as a mate.” He sighs boringly at fuming looks, gapping faces, and an impassive concealed infuriated one. “Not that I would mind being tied to you, Kagome.” He says softly as his eyes stare intently into hers from where he stood. He disappears form where he was standing and reappears beside Kagome's left. Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha are standing where Seisho was.
“Tell me Kagome, what are you missing?” Seisho is being glared at and he could feel it. It's not like he knew this would happen. “I do not mind having an intimate bond with you.” He takes hold of her hands into his. “I rather it be you… however you want to choose who you'll be with for he rest of your life.” Seisho touches the right side of Kagome face gently and then places his forehead against hers. Kagome is somewhat overwhelmed. The sound of a body bouncing off of something is heard, followed by cursing.
“I should have noticed it before.” He stares into her eyes. Magic sparkles around them.
“Seisho-?” He gathers her into his arms, holding her for a while. “Part of your soul is absent.
Do you know w…” She nods her head before he could finish. She hugs him back. “I don't want to force you into loving me. Do want you must.”
He and the shield he had up disappear. Inuyasha falls onto the ground for trying to break through. Taro is at Sango's side amazed at his leader. `He's letting her choose.'
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Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah