InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Tiny Kagome ❯ Bonds ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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My Tiny Kagome
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Chapter Fifteen, Bonds
The group made camp after traveling for seven days. Sesshoumaru is displeased to be near Inuyasha for so long. He irritates him to no end. He figures yet again that this is the stupidest way of getting her to trust him. Right now, Mimi is making something for the group to eat. A ghost of a frown appears on his stoic façade. Not only is his hanyou of a half brother an annoyance, so is the youkai female.
She would cling, or try to, on his person whenever she got the chance. “Hey! Sesshoumaru! Give me Kagome!”
Speaking of the half-breed.
“I said, Hand Kagome over!”
Sesshoumaru is sitting under a tree some ways away from the group. Kagome is sleeping in his fur; part of it is draped over his shoulder. The other part of his fur is on the forest floor; that is where Kagome lies.
Inuyasha is looking at Sesshoumaru like he stole his Tetsusaiga. Fuming. “Ah! Didn't you hear me? Give me Kagome!” His hands are balled into fists at his sides. Inuyasha shook with impatience. “That's it!” He lunged.
“Inuyasha… sit.” He lands into the ground face first. He twitches.
Kagome stir slightly but doesn't wakeup.
Naraku stood in front of a futon staring at something lying down. The dark red almost black sheets are barely covering Sango. She is unconscious. Her hair is spread out over the bed. His bottom lip is spilt and bloody but is healing.
That woman had a nerve to hit him! He'd use her brother again to hurt her. Then he'll make her his pawn like Kohaku.
“Huff, uh, huff, uh …” This is crazy! She was actually able to get out of there. Escape. By the help of Kagura she was able to escape. Naraku didn't have his bearer up for only a minute. She had been close enough to pull it off unnoticed by her enemy. He was going to place a tainted shikon shard in her so he could control her, like Kohaku.
Sango wondered how Kagura knew he would have his bearer down, but she didn't ask. He probably does it often enough for her to know. So now Sango's running, hoping he does notice any time soon that his prey had gone missing. She still has a long way to go. The only problem with escaping is to know where you're going.
A fairy male sneaks into the camp, eyes only on a certain pair. Well, actually his eyes are mostly on a fairy-size female. He zips in, grads Kagome in his arms and went flying away. Uh, he's being held in the air. Seisho looks up at the one holding him, which turns out to be Sessoumaru. Seisho smiles.
“Hello Sesshoumaru-san, Kagome-chan.”
They talk for a while. Kagome hugs Seisho making him blush. Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru glare at him. He invites Kagome and whoever else would like to come to his kinds `New Life Lights' Celebration. They wanted to know (except Sesshoumaru because he already knew) how Seisho knew where to find Kagome.
“Kagome-chan is like a fairy now. Since I'm leader of the fairies I can sense where anyone of my people are.” That's too bad that he can't find Sango the same way.
“Hey, if I return to normal would you still be able to the same thing?” Seisho nods his head.
“We made a bond of sorts. Friendship with a fairy is strong enough to create a bond.”
Taro flew through the air passing trees. Something wasn't right. It was a nagging dread that would make a person wants to run and hide from it. Or you'd have an urge to find what's causing the feeling to get rid of it. Well, as you can see-ah- read, young light Teddy decided to not be afraid. Nobody knew, and probably not even him that he and a certain person had form a special bond. It is how some, and I mean some siblings, friends, and parent(s) to a child, or even other family members can have a bond.
`Sango!' He just knew it has to do with her and that wherever he was going he immediately had to get there soon. That's one of the things about being a light; the beings with whomever they make a bond with, his kind are able to know if something is wrong. Right now Seisho is calling him and he couldn't think to clearly. Taro didn't want to pause or even stop. He was afraid if he took any brake he'd lose the pull to his friend Sango.
He knew it had to be Sango because she wasn't at camp and her companions had mentioned her being kidnapped to Seisho. So, Taro decided to follow the dread pull. Almost flying into a tree when he felt Seisho calling him again. Taro pulls back and maneuvers around the large wood and proceeds onward.
Seisho's expression is blank and Kagome wonders why. She can tell he's troubled and asks him. “Taro refuses to respond.”
Kagome knows that Taro was in the camp a moment ago. `Where is he?' “Go to him.” He nods slightly. He was going to do that anyway. His expression, well his eyes seem to reflect his worry. Seisho disappears leaving his sparkling dust in his departure.
Some time has pass. Kagome is watching Miroku and the children sleep. She wishes she could have wings too like the fairy lights. She looks at Sesshoumaru. Kagome couldn't see him very well standing on the ground from her view and height. She misses being her normal height.
Inuyasha is sitting in a tree close to camp. The youkai siblings are speaking quietly to each other sitting close by the fire. She notices that even though she is not near the campfire she is warm. Kagome figures that it is Sesshoumaru's fur that is keeping her warm.
For the pass days she unknowingly enjoyed being near him. Kagome likes the way he can make her feel safe, even though she prefers not to say that out loud. She hardly thinks about Inuyasha any more or anyone else for that matter. Kagome couldn't seem to get him out of her mind and wonder what is wrong with her.
`What is this feeling?'
There's no way she's going to say that it is similar to how she felt for Inuyasha… but only stronger.
`Why?' She bent over slightly staring at his silent figure. `Why do I feel this way?'
Never noticing that she in actually able to see him at a different view, corresponding to her change of height. Kneeling, she presses closer to him, and stretches her left hand to touch his face. Sesshoumaru seems asleep, why not?
Some dark hair spills over her right shoulder as she lens forward. Is she caught in a trance?
Kagome didn't know, only that she wanted to know if he is really as peaceful as he looks in this area right now. Not only that, but she wants to touch him. She wants him to look at her softly. Her fingertips lightly brush over the magenta markings on his cheekbones.
She inhales slightly at feeling a giddy ripple flow through her body. She looks from his closed soft pink looking lips to his gentlemanly elegant nose. Her hand finds its way to his forehead, tracing the rather dark blue crest moon.
Kagome stiffens then practically jumps to get away when she sees his ever ember golden eyes staring intently at her. She doesn't get away however; he has an arm already around her. Then Kagome takes note that she is her actual height right now.
“Do you intend to only touch me when I'm asleep, Kagome?” He says with amusement in his voice. Kagome couldn't stop the blush for covering her whole face.
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Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah