InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Tiny Kagome ❯ Enlighten ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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My Tiny Kagome
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Chapter Fourteen, Enlighten
Warmth. She moves, but something's holding onto her. Not fully awake yet, she tries to moves again and something strong and warm is around her waist stopping her. It feels like an arm. `Is it Houshi-sama? No. He thinks I'm interested in Yani.' That thought didn't last long when her memory came back of what happened. Kagura. Fight. Blackness.
Sango's eyes widen with comprehension, flummox, and horror. Oh, and let's not forget resentment. She lost to Kagura. Why is she still alive, unless…
“Hello, my dear taijiya.” Says a creepy, dark, smooth voice breathing along her left ear. A shiver runs up and down her body. She knows that voice anywhere. How could she not? She feels him breathing warmly on her ear and neck. Sango struggles, freeing an arm, and rams her free elbow into his chest. He let's go in surprise, but not in pain. He should have expected her to do that. She scrambles off the bed and turns to glare dangerously mad at him.
She slightly filters at actually seeing him. Sango composes herself on the outside and scowls herself on the inside. `What? He's not attractive his skin is borrowed. He made Kohaku kill our people.'
Naraku lays on his side, looking relaxed holding himself up watching Sango.
Sango narrows her eyes at him as he rests on his right elbow staring at her. He smiles. Her eyes darken in suspicion.
A chill ran down her spine.
Rin peeks from behind Sesshoumaru at the people Kagome addressed. She spots a fox child youkai, and steps fully to reveal herself. Now let's go to how Rin was able to come.
After they were done eating Kagome asked Sesshoumaru what she's wanted to ask him during lunch. “o, um, Sesshoumaru-sama.” He looked at her and she felt smaller than she already felt.
She continues though. “Is Rin joining us?” She wrung her fingers together waiting for his answer.
Silence, then, “no.”
Kagome snapped.
“Hey! Shippou? You want to play with Rin?” Kagome asks. Shippou cautiously comes forward toward her, Sesshoumaru, and Rin. He looks shy with his head down standing in front of them with his hands behind his back. A small hand is placed on his left shoulder gently. Looking up with startled green-blue eyes he is meet with brown soft child eyes.
He stutters. “Y-yes!” Blushes at having too much attention focused on him.
“Okay! Let's go Shippou!” Grabbing one of his hands, she took off with him, but not to far from everyone. Sesshoumaru frowns visibly. Nobody seems to notice, besides Kagome of course. Well, she didn't actually see him but knew somehow that he was displeased about something. Seeing a certain detail out of place, Kagome voiced it.
“Ah, where's Sango?”
After asking, she watched as Inuyasha's white triangular ears drooped. That can't be good.
Looking at Miroku, he wasn't looking at her and the hand not holding the staff is balled into a fist. Yani has his arms crossed firmly over his chest looking to his left. His jaw held tightly shut.
Mimi was the only one that spoke, looking upset. She came out from around her brother and addressed Kagome.
“S… She's been taken, Kidnapped! By who? We don't know… yet.”
“The wind witch has been here.” Sesshoumaru states as if talking about the weather.
“How do you know that? It doesn't smell like her at all.” Inuyasha says in irritation that Sesshoumaru was able to tell and he wasn't. Or that Sesshoumaru was lying to them. That's not funny having Sango kidnapped by their worse enemy.
Sesshoumaru would have rolled his eyes if he were the type too. Arching an eyebrow he spoke smoothly and calmly. “Do you not know her of work?” He's talking about her attacks after math. And for he see he could tell it was exactly who he said it was.
“Let's go save Sango.”
A soft sound of feet moving reaches her ears. Sango reaches a hand in her kimono only to retrieve nothing. She decided to attack him bare handed. She knew it to be a stupid move, but still chose to do it anyway. Before her right foot could connect with his head, his left hand grabs her ankle.
“Temper, my Taijiya.”
Sango tries again but he pushes her away from him. She falls to the floor ungracefully. Naraku watches as she stares at the floor. Her hair is unbound and hides her face. Not liking this, he gets up and pulls her up by her hair before she had time to react. She glares murderously at him as he brings her face close to his.
“Yes master.” The voice of the child he called makes Sango's expression falter. At that moment she looks pained. Naraku smiles. The male child's shadow can be seen through the shoji doors.
“Kohaku.” Sango says sadly. The boy doesn't move. A hand touches her face gently. She would have flinched if she were paying more attention to him. “Now, for fighting me you will be punished.” She couldn't read his eyes. Her brows furrowed toward each other. Naraku let's go of her, stands and than backs away. Her eyes widens at the familiar sound of a certain weapon that has a chain.
Sango pushes herself up, diving to her left. Kohaku is standing some distance away with the weapon's sharp point in the floor where Sango once had been. His weapon creates a hole in the floor. Pulling his body up straight, he faces Sango.
She watches as he bring the arched sharp bone into the air then throws it at her. “No, Kohaku!” Sango cries out as she moves away from the attack.
The weapon grabs her from behind. It pulls at her clothes. She falls down when he yanks it. Sango yelps in surprise. The sharp curve of the weapon is on her neck forcing her head up.
She can feel him behind her. Her eyes locks with Naraku's as he sits watching them.
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Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah