InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Tiny Kagome ❯ Weaklings ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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My Tiny Kagome
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Chapter Thirteen, Weaklings
Sesshoumaru is walking in the forest with a miko on his shoulder that sports the fur. Rin is with them, walking near Sesshoumaru, after Kagome told Sesshoumaru that Rin could play with Shippou. He agreed after more persuading from her. She sat there being quiet, wanting to really burst with excitement. Sesshoumaru is only doing what he's doing to gain her trust.
Kagome is smiling and it just wouldn't go away. `It's nice to feel her happy.' Sesshoumaru didn't modify the thought as he continues to walk.
Besides, for her being in his possession a shield is around them with her power. At the moment Kagome is humming a soft lovely tone. He is surprise of not feeling annoyed but at ease. She didn't squeak and his ears didn't hurt, but wanted more. Sesshoumaru couldn't tell want he is feeling, so he didn't stop her.
So, here they are going to see her friends and let them know that she is okay. He really didn't want to see his half-brother at the moment. Still, he chose to do this.
It was around noon, lunch, when he had a servant go bring the miko. The food was arranged nicely on the table; Rin and Sesshoumaru are sitting down. The servant came in and placed the miko where she was told, then left.
Kagome slid off of the pillow, almost falling, and walked on the wooden table with bare feet.
“Wow! The food is huge! I wouldn't able to eat much!” Did she or did she not forget Sesshoumaru? What a question. He watched her, slightly getting irritated. Kagome ran down the table passing rolls of food. “What should I try first?” She reaches out to touch a pie of some sort.
Kagome pauses, left hand out toward the pie in mid air. Her body tensed.
“You will not be eating this food.”
She turned toward him about to say something after pouting. Kagome glares at him.
“Your food is here.” He pointed to where her pillow was at and she blushed from embarrassment.
She would be sitting near Sesshoumaru. Rin didn't know what to say, she was just enjoying the show. Kagome sat down to eat. “You will be accompanying me to see your… friends.”
Kagome face broke into a smile and she would have run and hugged sesshoumaru but she didn't.
That is how he and Kagome started out in the woods. And not yet the story on how Rin came a long with them, until next time.
She road in the sky wondering how she was going to capture the youkai huntress from the group she is in. `Did he want her dead?' Maybe not now, and Kagura didn't know and didn't want to know what his sick mind was planning. Moving through the air she could see the person she was looking for. Nobody but the woman was down there sitting under a tree, and her demon cat wasn't even around.
This was her chance; the huntress looked deep in thought and hadn't noticed her yet.
Kagura looked her over. No weapons or so it doesn't seem that way. She cautiously moved her hand. Sango looked up and made to dodge but it was too late and her head hit the tree. Sango's eyes closed and her body lay defenseless against the tree. The wind pick up and Sango is now lying unconscious on the feather as Kagura sped off before any interference might occur.
He watched as Kagura lands with his prize, his hostage, his Sango. Naraku laughs, that's his Kagura. To do what she is told to do to, with no disobedience, just obeying. She came in the room and Lays the woman on the floor in front of him. His blood red eyes roams over Sango's body. He glares at Kagura. “Good Kagura, now leave.”
For a moment she seem to hesitate and glanced at the lying figure on the floor. Kagura left without saying anything.
Once Kagura had left, Naraku came closer to Sango's body. His face hovered over hers then he gilds his hand into her sleeves pulling out weapons or anything that would cause damage.
“You have smooth skin Sango.”
He breathes on her. His hands going where they had no business, except each time, he pulls out a weapon of sorts. He moves his body practically on her but not touching her. He sniffs the skin on her neck. He uses a hand to open her mouth, having fingers placed on each inside of her jaw. `No more weapons.'
He has completely disarmed her. Sango's kimono partly open not placed back properly.
Naraku places her weapons by a wall in the room and melts them with his miasma.
Afterward he goes over to Sango and lifts her up and brings her to a futon in the room. He pulls her into his arms and lies down with her. He just wants someone to hold on too. He thought as he unexpectedly drifted off to with Sango in his arms.
“Sango!” Mimi could hear Miroku shout. It wasn't funny either because she couldn't since Sango anywhere. It's as if she had disappeared off the face of the earth. Now everyone is looking for Sango and Miroku sound heart broke calling for her, plus that idiot brother of hers. She thinks that Miroku deserves Sango more than her brother anyways.
Besides, Sango loves Miroku and Miroku loves Sango. Her brother loves Sango whiles Sango doesn't love him in that way. She stops once she finds Sango's and another youkai's sent. It doesn't seem that like much of a struggle has happened, but something wasn't quit right. That's not the only reason why she stopped.
Here, up ahead is a figure in white approaching her.
Her brother comes behind her.
“What is he doing here?” Growls Inuyasha. He took off toward the direction Mimi and her brother are. Miroku came by and followed with Shippou and Kirara closely behind.
“That stench. I can't place where I smelled it before.”
Inuyasha doesn't know he smells Naraku, which is Kagura's sent altered. She didn't want them to know, well, Naraku didn't want them to know he took Sango… yet.
He notices a scent and figure up ahead. Inuyasha growls, glaring at the very being he didn't want to see. “What are you doing here, Sesshoumaru?” He questioned loudly as he pulls out Tetsusaiga (Iron Pulverizing Fang) watching it transform. Mimi rushes over to Sesshoumaru with a delightful admiration expression on her face.
Yani looks at his younger sister with worry and concern. `She could get herself killed!' “Mimi!”
He moved from where he was standing within a blink of an eye, just to appear in front of his sister's path. Instead of facing her, he is watching Sesshoumaru as he spoke. “What do think your doing? To run toward him with no thought for your life… ARE YOU CRAZY?” The thing is, he didn't even shout it but hiss and growled it.
Silver eyes narrows at Sesshoumaru. `I doubt he came because we didn't attained his party.'
There is a strong aura of miko energy coming off him. `What is he doing here?' His eyes widen slightly when he realizes a sent.
Inuyasha chokes at hearing Yani's words, and balls a fist, growling more at Sesshoumaru.
“What have you done to Kagome?”
Sesshoumaru stops some distances in front of them. His head slightly inclines to the side as if studying them mildly. “Miko.” A movement on Sesshoumaru's shoulder shows Kagome unharmed. She stands up on his right shoulder. Sesshoumaru's lift's his arm, palm facing upward. Kagome moves down his arm and stands in his hand. She stands in his palm smiling broadly at them. “Hi guys!”
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Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah