InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My True self ❯ Chapter 8

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
~alone with Katsu and Ari.~
Katsu: Ari I love you I want to do what is right I give my permission for you to go with K and her sister, why do I give up so easily? Why do I want you to leave with her to learn about your powers and such?
Ari: I love you to Katsu I respect your decision I will go. Will you come to get me?
Katsu: I will come for you at the right moment in time, Konye told me I can see you off but I cant get through because while Konye has talked to us now that spell she worked to open time will judge when one is worthy to pass through. I know Konye, Inuyasha and kagome are going back at the end of this week and I expect you to go and not look back, you will carry with you my love for you and this ring on a certain finger as I have on mine this will bind us together through time and space.
Ari: ok I except, I love you and I am going to get a brother, finally I will have a family. A family that loves me and wont judge me on the things I say or do. Then I get another family when we get married and start our own. * Ari breaks down and cries at the revelation of getting a family a rather large one at that*

~with the others.~
Inu: Hey Konye do you think she will accept to being part of my family pack?
Konye: I think she will and it will give her some time to think is this the right thing to do. So inu can you go into detail about the adoption ceremony please I think I will also adopt katsu as my brother.
Kazuko: no you wont I planned on asking him when we get back or when he comes for her.
Oops got alittle ahead of my self, Inuyasha I would like your permission to come to the Edo era with you. I have no life here, I was in a hard depression until I met you Konye, you lifted me up from my depression I love life now and if you leave I just might kill my self if you never came back.
Konye: oh my I did that for you of coarse you can come with us I just have to check the time line for a cause and effect to your being in the past im pretty sure though it wont matter * gives an enthusiastic hug to Kazuko and a kiss on the cheek*
Kazuko: What was that for. * why did that show of affection wrack my heart~realization hits like lighting!~ I love her she just don’t know it yet my asking to come to the past and my taking Katsu in to my house I think she wont mind to be the future lady of the East. Ok maybe it wont be so easy to get her love it might take a while cause from what I under stand just by looking at her she is destined to do great things with her magic, her and her friends make up a trinity that can be more powerful than the strongest miko. Her with her sight magic, Ari with her light and wind magic, and Katsu with his metal and fire magic.
Konye: Hello Earth to Kazu can you hear me. I said that was a show of affection between friends. We are friends right.
Kazuko: Yes we are friends. Do you think it is safe to go back now?
Konye: yeah they should have discussed it by now and im pretty sure im gonna have to repaint the wall and repair the door tomorrow. Even though inu was controlling his strength they still left imprints.
Inuyasha: Hey Konye why don’t kagome and I go home to the shrine and you will meet us in 4 days at my tree.
Konye: ok will do. Bye sis.
As inuyasha and kagome went one way me and Kazuko went the other way.
We were walking quietly when this derelict person confronted me, It was a homeless demon of the middle class. Of coarse Kazuko was off in his own little world again and did not hear me scream.
~hey the demon suprized her by pulling a knife, saying if you scream again I see that pretty face of yours messed up. As he said that he dragged the knife point across my left cheek drawing my blood. That got Kazuko’s Attention.~
Kazuko: Let the Woman go!!
Person: NO!! I wanna take her home and play with her a little and I want all your money and jewelry! Now!!
Kazuko: Like Hell you will. You let her go this instant and I wont hurt you.
~ Truth be told he already called the Demon police Task force and they sent 3 demon officers to my position.*speed dial.*~
Person: Like you will hurt me when I have the knife. ~ he dragged the knife down my neck leaving a trail of blood, I stood there calmly waiting.~
Kazuko: ~that action only served to get him more enraged.~ LET HER GO YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!! ~with out knowingly accessing his ki, it reached out and surrounded Konye’s body, her ki battled it for a minute then let it wash over her offering her a little comfort, while it was burning the attacker.~
Konye: ~I saw my chance and battled him to disarm only, and accidently knocked the mugger unconscious then Kazuko came forward and hugged me for dear life.~ Kazuko cant breath.
~Kazuko lets go but reluctantly wont totally let go. He lead her over to a bench sat her down, put his jacket over my shoulder and went over to the mugger, and used a bit of spell rope to tie him up. He came back over to me and said we had to wait for the police to show so I could file a police report.
Kazuko: I’m sorry about that I was in my own little world again, I promise to protect you I wont let anything happen to you.
Konye: Apology accepted but you don’t have do protect me I’m a fighter I just froze back there I don’t know what came over me I normally have that SOB on the ground as soon as he laid his dirty hands on me. And it is a good thing I heal slowly or I would have no evidence of the attack.
~oh look here come the police.~
Officer Aarron: Hello ma’am I’m officer Aarron I am here to take your statement and pictures of your wounds.
Konye: ok officer, I was walking home with my friend Kazuko Himura back to my apartment, this person confronted me told me to give him my money and jewelry I said no and he pulled a knife on me grabbed me by the neck and cut my face first, that got Kazuko’s attention. Then he and kazuko got in to an argument and... you are with the Other police are you the D police?
Officer Aarron: yes ma’am I am
Konye: ok Kazuko used his ki to wash over me and protect me and it burned him and I saw my opportunity to disarm him and I did, Kazuko created the spell rope and tied him up and here we are.
Officer Aarron: thank you ma’am, would you like to press charges ma’am
Konye: your welcome officer, yes I think I will, have the DA call me if he tries to bail I will have and offer for him.
Officer: and what would that be ma’am?
Konye: I would have him under house arrest working and living at my restaurant, as you will, around the clock security, with a few additions like no stealing and such.
Officer: pardon me for asking ma’am how are you gonna stop him from stealing from you?
Konye: it is a rather simple spell he will get a shock every time he tries to take some thing out of the room it is assigned, I only will craft the spell, my xo at the restaurant will have the primary. And if it does not work he will be back in jail.
Officer: ok an odd bit of logic there but I see your point. You can go home now, do you need an police escort ma’am?
Kazuko: No she does not sir I will take the lady home.
Officer: Yes sir. ~ oh I could have got in trouble with that man, whew I should of known that he would after all he did protect her with ki. And hers accepted. ~

me and Kazuko walked away from the sene to go home (my apartment) 4 block later he was quiet as ever, so deep in thought he did not see the step down to get in to my apartment building, he landed face forward on the cold hard tile of the first floor.
Konye: Here Kazu let me help you up.
It is best when the mind is roaming that the feet stay still~
Kazu: haha very funny K, I know I have been quiet since the attack but I cant help I could not move fast enough and you got hurt and when I threw my ki out to burn him it settled over you and you did not fight it, I’m wondering why didn’t you fight it you just let it wash over you.
Konye: ok for starters lets get in to my apartment before we have that conversation I know it is late at night but you never know what could be listing.
Kazu: ok do you think you can help me I think I wrenched my ankle.
K: Ok, you big baby.

I went to the elevator and slapped the up button, I lived on the 8th floor of the building. Then went back over and helped Kazu to his feet and over to the door, it opened and we got inside. I slapped the 8th floor button to go up, we got to the floor Katsu was just coming out, I asked him to help me in to the apartment with Katsu.

Konye: thank you Katsu for helping me with my big baby man friend.
Kazuko: I’m not a big man baby, I’m a inu youkai man who just happens to be in pain!!
Katsu: want me to get him to the couch?
Konye: yes please, how did it go with Ari?
Katsu: actually when I was leaving I was going to find you and bring you back, because we want you to spell our promise rings so we can have a link with each other until it is time, I mean that I have a major job to do that will take at least 4 years out of my life with her. Please don’t tell her that I am going in to the army, she does not need to worry about me so I ask you that you grant me this I go to boot camp tomorrow she just knows im going on a trip.
Konye: yes I will spell those rings for you what kind are they if you don’t mind me asking?
Katsu: they are pure silver claddagh ring mine will be worn on the left hand ring finger with the heart toward the hand, hers will be the same. To symbolize that our hearts are given to our true loves. If it is at all possible to engrave our initials in to the hearts.
Konye: I can do that do you have the rings now?
Katsu: yes I do, do you want them now?
Konye: yes please you will have yours on your finger when you wake up, it will feel alittle strange you will feel the presence of hikari but she will not be there, are you ok with this?
Katsu: yeah thanks a million K, do you need me for any thing else, Ari is in the shower I stayed because she asked me too she heard the sirens and panicked alittle.
Konye: thank you Katsu be well bye.

Kazuko: Hey K do you think I can get some ice for my ankle please.
Konye: sure, * does a nifty little ice spell around his ankle and sets a hover charm on a pillow and guides it over to him and elevates his foot* That better, you can sleep here tonight on the couch I think you should not walk on it until tomorrow.
Kazuko: yeah thank you, I think you are right. I can go to the bath room right?
Konye: yes of coarse you can go to the restroom but I recommend waiting for Ari to come out first.
Kazuko: yeah your right I should wait. If you don’t mind me asking why did you not react more strongly when I asked that I could go with you to the warring states era?
Konye: well to tell you the truth I really expected it after the way you behaved towards me. Asking me out on dinner dates that we never seem to make when we do we get caught up in some thing or something happens to us like the mugger. And to tell you the truth I think im gradually falling in love with you Kazuko.
Kazuko: you need not be afraid Konye, for I have fallen in love with you but you have the mate mark of another on your body don’t you K.
Konye: When I think about it I think the other will give up his claim on me because I have it on good authority that another potential mate, but that wont be for a while yet she will fall through on her own.
Kazuko: Yes I love that I wont have to share you now and I be loyal to you and I will love you the rest of my days.

Ari came out of the bath room just as Kazu says
I will love you the rest of my days.~.

Ari: Wow! Konye you finally snagged a man dident you and one that is injured no less, and what happened to you, your neck and face are bleeding?
Konye: oh these they are just scratches they will be healed in a day or two. Me and Kazu were walking back when a mugger attacked me and Kazu protected me. Then in the end Kazuko’s Ki, his energy signature manifested its self and protected me and burned the attacker, after I let the KI wash over me I accepted his protection. So my life and love is good as his, I am definitely falling in love with him and thank you Ari for setting us up.
Ari: your welcome it is about time that you hook up with a man, what don’t look at me like that I have known you 7 years now, you stay holed up in this apartment when not at work and some times you bring your work home with you and it gets tiring when I see my friend sitting at the table writing menus or recipes on a Friday night come on sister it is about time you got a life.
Kazu: yeah K you should get a life so I really am the first male she has taken interest in huh Ari.
Ari: yes and no in high school she had this major crush on a boy named Cameron, he was in the band with me and by boyfriend, she had a succession of classes with him and he never took notice of her in that way so she finally moved on and lookie here there is a man in her apartment hurt and she does not know what to do with you to keep her in your life.
Konye: HEY!! I’m still in the room here I can talk for my self and I guess it is all true I would never be up to his standards of a woman, so I given him up as a lost cause, but then I met you Kazuko, and as I changed your outlook on life you gave me reason to love again.*rummages around in a drawer for a list she created when she finally gave up on Cameron*
Ahh here is a list of the reasons I liked Cameron.
©he is very smart
©he is very introspective
©he is playful * pulled my hair in the hall and got an elbow for it*
©he is cautious to every one
©he is respectful
©did I mention cute * note I said cute not Hot as in Kazuko Hot*

A day later my wounds were healed and Kazu’s ankle was better he went home to pack a pack for the journey to the past. I packed another pack of things I would add to my stuff in the other realm. The workings for a means to earn money in that time, my job would be main Jeweler for lord Sesshoumaru making jewelry for his people when he holds court. The ladies would like my designs, a few weapons to have made by the castle farrier, such as weapons for Kazu.
Days passed I worked at the restaurant assuring people I was still alive and well and preparing food to take with us like my trail soup, consists of salted cured meat and seasonings and rice, only water added. And a mix of spices only I would use no one else. The next day I took Ari out shopping for gear and clothes for the trip. We went to the place where I had my rough out clothing made so we went there and got her measured and got her shoes and things. Next we went to Cabelas a fine hunters paradise, we got her hooked up with a traditional Indian bow and quiver, and arrows plenty of them. Then we went to lunch and met up with Katsu and Kazu *note: Kazuko quit his teaching job* we went our separate ways with their respective men.
~with Ari and Katsu~
Ari: So are you nervous about tomorrow I mean I will leave and not see you for awhile and I have enough butterflies for the both of us if you arnt nervous.
Katsu: Oh yes baby im very nervous, I had hoped that you would accept this ring as a promise to one day be together eternally.
Ari: Yes!! I will accept and by the way you already asked if I would marry you and if I remember correctly I Said yes.
Katsu: I am aware you Said Yes already this is another kind of promise a promise that I will come for you and protect you. * Katsu opened the black box he was carrying in side was a silver platinum ring with a empty gem hole.* ~ I thought I told her to put a ruby there, I will talk to her later about that.~ * and by its side was a gold and silver twist ring that also had and empty gem hole.* ~I will defiantly talk to her about this.~
Ari: they are beautiful, here let me put yours on your finger*lifts the solid silver band with the empty gem hole, slides it on Katsu’s left ring finger* I want this ring to stand for my undying love for you, through time and space our love will be recognized.
Katsu: and I want this ring to stand for my undying love for you, through time and space our love will be recognized. *lifts the twist ring and slides it on her left ring finger.*

~with Kazuko and Konye~
they had been walking around the mall in silence for a while now so I had decided to break the silence.
Konye: this week has been wonderful but why me, I am a little nobody only good at fighting and magic and cooking. I really don’t have any other talents and when I talk to men that I don’t know real well I tend to stick my foot in it and from then on I just dig myself deeper and deeper.
Kazuko: why you. I will tell you I think you are an amazing woman, you are some one who listens and you are in love with what you do. And I have you know the day that my former student called me and said she had some one I had to meet I was afraid, but seeing you there pouring over the menus I just stood and stared at you having that intensity about you took my breath away the next day I had a local Jeweler make this beauty for you I hope you like it.* he takes a Black box from inside his coat pocket and opens it to reveal a bracelet sporting diamonds and emeralds, but curiously there were 6 holes where some gems were supposed to be.*
~hmm I saw Barnard put the gems in the bracelet. I wonder what could have happened to them.~
Konye: hey I don’t care about some measly gems I care greatly that you gave it to me. I have never received a present from a man. Thank you I will treasure it greatly. * he gingerly fit the bracelet on my wrist as soon as the clasp closed the bracelet molded it self to my flesh forming a ring that was malleable as my own flesh*
Kazuko: how did it do that?
Konye: you see it is a metal and I being a elemental miko have the power over metals and fire I can heat up my body temperature to suit me and as for the bracelet I had nothing to do with the shifting. Hey are you ready for tomorrow do you have every thing you need?
Kazuko: yeah K I have every thing I need except a weapon which I am sure you have something planned for me.
Konye: yeah I do I will make it there though It will be the finest weapon I will ever make. Do you not mind that I can turn things to rust with a single glance and heat metal with merely a thought and I can heal, protect, savage in a single moment or that my mood can swing greater than a pendulum from one thing to the next.
Kazu: we will deal with the moods as they come and don’t you think we better be heading home it is getting late, meet you at your apartment in the morning.
Konye: Yep, we will be leaving after lunch tomorrow so show up for a special lunch will you.
Kazu: you can bet on it I will be there.

~with Inuyasha and kagome and her mom~
Kagome: Hey momma me and inu are going shopping for ramen and things I will need do you want to come with we will make an outing of it.
Amaya: Sure sweetie I will go with you I will drive, it would be easier than making dozens of trips back and forth, also Kagome we need to get you new clothes and cloth for making your own kimonos and things like that, and a sturdy pair of boots.
Kagome: ok mom can we go to the mall first then stop and the grocery store on our way back.
Amaya: sure.
Amaya got her keys and went out the front door and around to the side of the house and under an tarp lied a beauty of a car a Black mustang with Fire on the hood, soft top. So they all piled in to the car and off they went, about twenty minutes later they got to the mall and all unloaded inu activated his spell and went in. They went from store to store looking in windows and not really going in to the stores until they came to the pet store with the puppies in the window inu literally drug kagome in to the store.
Inu: aw kags look at the little puppies. *he needn’t say any thing because kags had fixated on the cats in the store one particular a black cat with yellow eyes. She was a beauty*
Kags: I want to get this cat for Konye she has always wanted one. I will get a leash and harness for her to take the kitty to our
house~. What do you think about it inu?
Inu: I think she will like the cat after all it is just a kitten and it needs a mommy.
Kags: aw inu that is so sweet.
Kagome walks up to the counter to pay for her kitten and kitty things and asks if they can come back for the cat later. The man said yes you can.
Inu and kags made their way out of the pet store and went a few shops down to a jewelry store and went in. They browsed for a few and kagome went for the necklaces and inu went to the other side of the store to ask about a special ring for a special lady, the lady directed him to the rings with simi-precsious gems and chose a sapphire set with stormy blue diamonds offset the sapphire set in gold. He said I will take that one and handed the lady a credit card in his name. * Earler that week he went to a granite quarry and set off his diamond spear blast and created some fine flawless white diamonds, he had sold them to various jewelers in town and because of that he was quite rich, I would say his net worth now rests more than Donald Trump.*
The lady said do you know her ring size, he said no I don’t. No well how bout I throw in a emerald ring for free under the pretence that I am giving it away. That would work.
Ikari: ma’am can I take your ring size you have won a hourly prize of this emerald offset by topaz set in gold ring.
Kagome: Sure you can.*holds out her right hand* can I get it sized for my middle finger if it is possable or why not just take both my ring finger and middle finger.
Ikari: sure the ring will be ready in about an hour.

The end for now next chapter inu gives kags the ring and the fateful journey to the other Realm.
*Disclaimer– I own no part of the inuyasha characters this Is not being made for money but for my muses benifet. The characters Konye, Ari, Katsu, Amaya, Kazuko and all other blatney non inuyasha characters are mine.