InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My True self ❯ Chapter 9

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome got her fingers sized she and Inuyasha went to get some lunch at the food court, then they went clothes shopping, lets just say a ton of money was spent and leave it at that. They went back to the pet store to pick up the kitten and cat stuff. And made their way back to the car where Amaya was waiting with the cloth that she had chosen for Kags to make her own clothes.
Amaya: ok kids next stop the grocery store then home.
Kags: yeah let’s go get the food and sweets for Rin and Shippo, and I want to get some of those learning letters cards and math and reading books. It is about time that I teach Shippo his letters and how to write.
Inu: Yeah your right it is about time the brat learned something you will teach him his letters and I will give him lessons on how to fight and hunt. If that is ok with you Kagome.
Kags: that would be great Inuyasha. Oh I forgot my ring I have to go get it!!
Inu: don’t worry I picked it up already. I picked it up when you were in the restroom.
Kags: thank you Inuyasha you are so kind can I have it please I want to show mom.
Inu: sure *reaches in to a bag attached to his belt loop, he had the store clerk put a ribbon on his box and the plain box held the free ring.* Here you go Kagome.
Kags: *opens the box and she gasps it was the most beautiful ring she ever saw it was an pure green emerald offset by stormy blue diamonds that matched her eyes.* Wow how could the store afford to give away something this pure? Well I won it I guess for being the hundredth costumer that day or something like that huh Inuyasha im sure you had nothing to do with this hmm.
Inu: no I did not have any thing to do with that ring I~ leans in so only she can hear him~ I have another ring for you when we are alone. That one is just to say I love you and I cant live with out you.
Kagome: you do? After all these years this is the first time you gave me something precious and told me you love me. I wonder where my gruff hanyou went did I leave him in the old past hmm. I think I would die to see you both together again cause this sweet act is about to drive me up the wall oh and I love you to Inuyasha.
Amaya: Kids we are at the store are ya’ll going to get out or stay in there and play kissie face? * That was said as a joke*
Kagome: coming mom.

Amaya: ok Kagome you know what you need better than I do so you lead.
Kagome: ok I brought a check list, top spot Ramen about 13 cases of instant and 13 cases of regular packages, camping gear, camp pots and pans and a tea kettle, sweets and coloring, learning books for the kids and dried food mainly I cant survive just on Ramen like someone I know, oh and fishing gear need that, and a pack a good sturdy camping pack and new bed rolls for everyone. That is about it.
They spent the next 3 hours getting every thing at the local Wall-mart, and another hour and a half getting it all to the truck that they rented to carry it all home in. When that was done they went out to dinner and met up with Ari and Konye and went over what everyone had to make sure no duplicates were made.
Konye: I got Ari outfitted with every thing from a pack and things to go with it and a weapon, and I picked up some things for myself while we were at it.
Kagome: so that is that we leave tomorrow after lunch, now I have a question how are we going to get every thing to the past?
Konye: that is easy I will vanish everything until we need it, it is a nifty little spell I learned years ago, I vanish our things and when we need them I will call the item in and boom less stuff to carry and all it takes is a little exertion on my end.
They ate dinner and went our separate ways to go home, little did they know over the coarse of the week the people that were left in the past were under attack from an unknown dark source and Sesshoumaru was passing thru and seen the destruction of Kaede’s village, all the villagers were dead or dying the only ones In relative good condition were the slayer and the fox kit, Kaede and Miroku were using their spiritual power to keep the evil out of the hut, but they were weakening fast so sesshoumaru used the tokigen to get the things attention and then Tensaiga pulsed, saying it wanted to be used, so what is one to do when their sword commands them. Sess drew tensaiga and sliced at the dark power, it finally dissipated leaving a note behind in English not some thing the inhabitants knew so Sess took that message and encased it in his power to leave it intact and told the monk to let the barrier down and to come with him to his castle in the western lands.
Sess: I will leave a message for my brother telling him to come to the palace of his brother we have a truce.
Sango: lord, can we bury the dead before we leave?
Sess: no we will bury them in poison you can leave little mounds with their names on the mounds.
Sango: ok we will do that it will maintain that there is no taint in the ground.
Kaede: lord, I will come with you to be an assistant healer in the palace I will swear allegiance to you.
Sess: no Obaa-san you will live out your days in peace you will be called upon to help if needed. Is that a fair trade?
Kaede: yes it would be.
Sango: ok Sesshoumaru we are done we can head out now, me and Miroku will ride Kirara and would you take Kaede and Shippo on your cloud?
Sess: yes that seems fine. * Gives orders to Jake the toad retainer that followed him every where, the orders were to tell his brother Lord Inuyasha and the pack that comes back with him that there was a fight and that I his older brother took the rest of his pack to the western lands grand palace.*
Jake: Yes milord I will tell lord Inuyasha and pack. Where do you want me to wait while you tell them?
Sango: to the gokushn tree in Inuyasha’s forest. The portal is there. They should be back some time tomorrow.
(Present time lunch)
Kagome opened the door to find Ari, Konye, Kazuko, and Katsu, at the door.
Kagome: wow Ya’ll are actually on time we have already packed and hauled most of the stuff to the god tree since it wont activate for me we just have to have you K Vanish it and we will be on our way.
Inuyasha: yeah about time we got going I miss my time
Konye: I will go inside with you Kags and talk to mom one last time before we head out and to give Ari and Katsu the last bit of time before she leaves. Hey momma do you still have my favorite tea?
Amaya: Yes hon. it is where you left it, still fresh.
Konye: Cool, hey Sis do you want a cup?
Kagome: Sure, what kind is it?
Konye: it is crushed mint and honey green tea, it was one of the first spells I learned from Shippo, it was a freshness spell with a capsule that dissolves in hot water.
Kagome: cool.
Inu: hey Kagome can you come up here for a minute I want to talk to you.
Kazu: Hey Konye did you forget about me.
Konye: Sadly I did when I get in a sisterly mood I go into oblivious mode, so do you want a cup of my tea?
Kazu: Sure do you have one with out the honey im allergic?
K: Sure I can do one real quick, just green tea and mint or would you like a different blend I can make any you would like.
Kazu: Green tea and mint will do fine thank you.
K: cool. * gets her tea making kit from under the fridge(last drawers in the fridge keeps the tea cool), she goes about adding powders to the bowl and adding a drop of her cooking magic made about a dozen of that kind of tea all with purple casings to tell them apart her tea has red casings. Then she drops a single pill in to an empty mug and pours hot water over it and viola green tea and mint.*
Kazu: *Reaches from behind her to get his mug brushing against her arm, he takes a swallow and proclaims.* Hey that is good you did very well on the tea.

~ with Inuyasha and Kagome~
Kagome: so Inuyasha what did you want me for?
Inuyasha: well I wanted to give your sister and that Kazu dude some time alone before he takes the plunge and I wanted to get you alone to tell you how much I adore you and don’t worry once we are back I will assume the gruffism back and you can it’ me any time just go easy ok. And I want to give you this. *opens the box with the ribbon and watched her eyes light up at the sight of the stormy blue diamond offset by onyx, set in gold.*
Kagome: Oh Inuyasha its beautiful do I get to put it on or will you?
Inu: I can do that. * He picked up the ring and she lifted her right hand.* No, No Kagome it goes on the other hand. * He drops down on one knee* Kagome my time traveling miko from the future will you marry me?
Kagome: Yes, Yes I will my gruff hanyou. *he got up and hugged her like never before then he kissed her oh he kissed her so sweet and tenderly.*
Inu: Oh Kagome I love you I have always loved you since I saved you that day we fought sess in my fathers grave.
Kagome: We really should go tell my mom and the others don’t you think.
Inu: Yeah we should and after that we need to get back I have a bad feeling some horrible thing happened to our pack.

They went down stairs and went to find her mom, Inu went to collect Konye, Kazu, Ari, and Katsu, so they could all hear the news to. After they were all gathered in the living room Kagome said.
Kagome: Mom, Everybody I have an announcement to make. Inuyasha just asked me to marry him and I said yes!!
Amaya: congratulations Kids you have my blessing. * She was crying so hard because her baby girl is getting married
Kagome: Mom we are doing this in both times ok so I will be about a year or two before we officially tie the knot so do you want to help me plan my wedding mom?
Amaya: of coarse I will. Oh how I love you my baby girl.
Ari, Konye, Kazuko, Katsu: Congratulations!!!
Kagome: Thank you, on a side note Konye, Onee-san I picked this up at the mall just to say thank you for bringing me home. Here is your present I hope you like it.
* Kagome hands her a bag*
Konye: *she reaches in and pulls out the harness and leash* Thank you, but I don’t have a pet.
Kagome: well you do now, Inu go get her other present.
Inuyasha went in to the kitchen and got the kitten,
Inu: I hope you like her; I don’t know how a dog youkai could get along with a common house cat.
Konye: Oh how cute is she I think I will name her Cheeto, thank you Kagome I will treasure her and I think I will take her with us to the past, speaking of which we should get going.
Inu:* gruff mannerism back in place* Yeah we are burning daylight here lets go.
Konye: ok all our stuff is by your stuff out side so if the youkai in the room will kindly leave and put on their rough out clothes, that means you Inuyasha and you Kazu I had your fire rat clothes mended and cleaned, don’t worry I had them cleaned by a demon a fire rat clothes cleaner.
Ladies I suggest we make use of the facilities then get moving. Oh Inuyasha here is Tetsusaiga; remember I put that spell on it so you could have it by you when you go out. Just say bigger it should grow to be its old size.
Inuyasha: ok K lets go guys we got to give the ladies some privacy.
As they left the room Cheeto decides to crawl up my back and make a nest in my hair, I soon found out that if I try to dislodge her she would bite me so I left her alone. when mom came back she had a letter in her hand.

Amaya: Konye this came for you yesterday by way of magic.

Konye: ok mom I will take the letter and go out side.

you could almost feel the uneasiness radiating off of her. slowly and timidly she opened the letter addressed to her from her loving mother.

Dear Daughter,

I hope this letter found you well. you see me and your father are dead I wrote this before you were born, if you are reading this now that means the goddess needs you and that she will come to you, and inform you of what you are, I can tell you half, about the part of you that is the Warrior, the Warrior is brave and cautious and can throw caution to the wind to protect those they love, I am a Warrior miko, the first of its kind, you my darling daughter will continue the legacy by also inheriting the powers of the world, earth, air, fire, and water, and you will have the one power to defeat evil, the Void magic along with the elements you will save the human race 500 years in the past. I had better warn you now my reincarnation holds part of my sprit she will also aid in the fight against evil, the person known as Naraku lives still but is in a sort of stasis becoming more evil than he already was the powers of Darkness have took over people of the Warring states era, I warn you also that you will be visited by the Goddess and she will teach and train you in the things to come.

With love, your mother, Midoriko