InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My True self ❯ Chapter 10
Konye: Ok guys its time to go
Ari: I’m ready lets get to it, Hey Kazu you ready to leave behind your career and your students and go to the past with your girlfriend?
Kazu: Yes I am prepared to leave behind my life as a teacher and no worries we will come back from time to time to check on things here, because now that kagome has gotten back here she wont let Inuyasha bug her about going back.
Inu: Come on people we are burning daylight here.
Kagome: Ok already we are moving as fast as we can puppy. Hey Konye do you think you will have a problem with all of our gear holding it in the void while we go through?
Konye: No I don’t think I will but there is a chance I might pass out on the other side, but I think it is safe I will get every thing through, although I could give you some of the voids power and you can take half of the gear, it is a simple spell I picked up some where.
Kagome: Ok I think I can learn the spell in 3 minutes, what kind of spell is it is it a spoken spell or a hand sign spell or a combination of the two?
Konye: it is a sung spell I will sing the spell over you and give the spell rope to you so all you have to do any thing I will teach you what I know when we are on the other side. Now I will go through first followed by kagome, Ari, Kazu, then Inuyasha.
They made their way out to the tree, I sung the spell to vanish the gear and the addition to the spell that split it in two I gave the reins of the second half to kagome, she confirmed her idea that she is susceptible to others spells, she thought to her self I need to create a shield for her. * I had unsheathed one of my swords and shouldered my pack and walked through the light. There was a vague sense of nothingness and bitter cold; it was over in the time it took to cough thrice. Upon arriving on the other side she cast out her senses for demons finding none she gave her link to Kagome. Her trip seemed like lighting, next she tugged Ari’s link, then Kazuko’s, last came Inuyasha. As soon as Inuyasha appeared a stunted toad came out of hiding.
Jaken: Lord Inuyasha I have news about the village and a request from your brother, my Lord Sesshoumaru. I will start with the news about the village, it has been completely destroyed aside from the members of your pack, the Obaa-san, the slayer, the monk, the cat, and the Kit, the rest of the village perished when the Darkness overtook the people, the monk and the old miko kept the darkness at bay until my master arrived and slew the THING.
Inu: ok where are my pack friends now Jaken?
Jaken: that is the other part of my message I am to tell you that your pack is at the castle of the western lands and that you are to be escorted there by me, and that you need not fear for your life or sword, your friends are Honored Guests so will you be when you arrive Sir.
Inu: Keh like that bastard ever gave a damn about my pack why should I go to him now.
Jaken: Sir he told me that you two had a truce and you agreed to it he has kept his end of the bargain so I suggest you keep yours, and return with me to the western lands.
Kagome: I think he is right Inuyasha if he took Miroku and Sango in to his house then he is sincere about the truce.
Inu: Ok we will go but if I think one thing will harm any of you we are gathering up our pack and leaving is that clear.
Konye: Clear Here Ari: same here
Kazu: Crystal
Kagome: Clear as mud ok no drawing of your sword on your brother or you will find your self in a hole so deep you can call it a grave.
Inu: ha ha very funny Kagome, but you do mean it. Jaken I will need you to lead the way.
Jaken: Yes Sir. It is at least a weeks walk from here.
Inu: Ok Kagome on my back, Kazu do you think you can carry Ari on your back?
Konye: I have a solution for this why don’t I and Kazu turn in to our Dog forms and carry you it will knock days off our journey and Inuyasha can translate to us what jaken says and we will do the grunt work.
Kagome: that sounds like a plan doesn’t it Inuyasha.
Inuyasha: sounds good to me lets get to it.
Kagome watched as her sister transformed in to a beautiful gold dog with a silver shimmer to her hair, she grew in size until about the size of Kirara, and bent down for Ari to get on.
Konye: Inuyasha can you tell her that it is ok to pull I would rather have pain than her falling off.
Inuyasha: Hey Ari it is ok to get a good grip on her hair she would rather have that then you falling off.
Kazuko: the same goes for you Kagome, Inuyasha I know you wont fall.
the girls watched as Kazuko transformed, Kagome was spellbound by this magnificent gilded creature before her. then so was Konye she walked up to him and nuzzled him under the neck.* Kazu being from the family of the east, he is a Great Golden Inu, just like Sesshoumaru is from the West, he is a Great Silver Inu. Kazu is a pure Golden Inu the strangest thing about it were his eyes they were a stunning silver to contrast his fur.* with Kagome and Ari , and the stunted toad mounted. Inuyasha led them as far as the border to the western lands, the toad would lead the rest of the way, 5 hours later the group came upon a charming chateau on a hill over looking four villages spread out in maybe a area roughly the size of modern day Alaska.
After an hour of going through the rural towns and up the mountain they came to some immense ornately carved teak doors. the image on the doors is of the Great Silver Inu, Toga Inutashio and his son Sesshoumaru shown in a lesser stature with a large blank section. Jaken went up to the doors and knocked in series of threes. then much smaller doors opened to reveal a short line of servants, Rin was part of that line up, she was in front.
Rin: Lord Inuyasha, my lord Sesshoumaru has asked for your rooms to be cleaned and restored to you the rest of your pack will be and is installed in your wing of the castle. If you could ask your friends to return to their human bodies we will see to their things.
Kagome and Ari dismounted from their beasts and landed firmly next to Inuyasha.
Rin: Lady Kagome, Silvia and Sandra will see to you. Lady Hikari, Simone and Shona will see to you, Sir Kazuko Timone and Stark will see you to the baths and to your room, and Lady Konye Sonja and Deirdre will see you to the baths and to your room.
Konye: Small Lady Rin, will you see to our gear I will leave in the main room, every thing with the blue tags go to my room, the fuchsia tags goes to Ari’s room, the Red and Gold tags go to Inuyasha’s suits and what ever is left goes to Kagome’s room.
with that said she stood there and sung the cords to bring the gear out of the void.
Rin: That was beautiful was that a sung spell? I know ones that take the dust off of things and ones to tidy up. How many do you know?
Konye: Yes Small Lady it was a sung spell, and I know thousands for all elements of life. the fire as maiden, with the air as bride, and water as the mother and earth as crone. I sing the four elements of life I will teach what I can, to you Small Lady. Thank you.
After the Baths and settling in sesshoumaru called for a meeting in his office with all of us, his office was a reverse L shape with a gigantic fire place and a Blackwood desk and several plush chairs.
Sesshoumaru: I take it you found your rooms to your liking.
All: Yes we did thank you.
Inuyasha: Brother why all of a sudden you are being nice to your Half Breed Stain on the line?
Sess: You Are Not A Stain on our line! I recently Found some scrolls that belonged to our father and my mother and yours, it seems that our mothers were friends before they became Fathers mates, I also found there Journals, they each had a letter to their Honored Sons. I will tell you more about them later alone. Now on to more important things, Lady Konye I trust that you had a pleasant journey back to your time, now you have a choice you can swear allegiance to me and become part of this fine pack and I will give you a job, how does Head Chef sound.
Konye: Lord Sesshoumaru, I Konye swear allegiance to the Lord of the Western Lands, by Pledging my life, my sword, and my magic to forever protect and serve My Lord.
Sess: I accept your allegiance Lady Konye. Now Lady Ari
Inu: May I interrupt brother?
Sess: ok
Inu: Lady Hikari I lord Inuyasha ask that you come in to my house as my blood sister and have all the rights and privileges accorded to the position of third Heir. In Becoming part of my house as Blood Sister you will gain all the physical and mental attributes of my mothers and fathers line, so in truth you will become a Princess of Dejima my mothers homeland. Do you have any objections Brother?
Sess: No I Have no objections.
Inu: Then Lady Hikari do you accept?
Ari: Well I have no family, my parents died a very long time ago. So Yes I accept your offer to become your sister. Ok now that, the formalities are out of the way may I ask what this ritual involves?
Inu: well to tell you the truth I wont be performing the task, Konye is.
Ari: then Konye will you tell me about it later?
Konye: Yeah, Because in about a week I will be teaching all of you to sing, and to weave spells in the use of sung magic, and the use of your special weapon. Hey Inu don't you have something for your new sister?
Inu: she is not my sister yet, when can you do the ritual?
Konye: The Ritual must be done at the chime of last by my clock.
Sess: Ok now that that is out of the way now Sir Kazuko you are from the East right? well the golden dog clan will not be established for another hundred years or so and your coming here will not affect that balance. So will you also swear allegiance to me?
Kazuko: I Swear Allegiance to the Lord of the western lands, I Pledge my life, my Honor, and my sword to be your will in battle.
Sess: I accept your allegiance. now Jaken please show the ladies back to their rooms I will have dinner sent shortly.
Jaken: Yes milord, if you ladies would follow me I will have maps drawn up for you since you probably do not want an escort all the time. Now I am not sure you noticed earlier that all of your rooms are in the same wing, they have a communal hot spring, kitchen and indoor facilities now there are female guards stationed in the wing a single scream will send them running, Lady Sango and Small lady Rin also reside in this wing too. I will leave you here. Rin please take them the rest of the way please show them every thing and be good Youngling.
This part of the castle is beautiful, mostly white marble and wood floors, beautiful carvings. some of the rooms in the wing had beautiful wall hangings. they had a central work room for every body, an inside walled garden in need of some TLC. The Kitchen seemed to be in working order, I see Rin can read she found her bag with her cooking supplies, on the counter. while Ari made her way down to the Bathing area, I had set about making fires in our rooms because the time of year it was, got chilly at night and the walls seemed to hold the chill. also I made a fire in the central hearth, for the remainder of the evening Konye and Kagome spent it in the Garden pulling weeds, and giving a new life to the plants, as soon as the sun went down Konye Created Light Crystals that illuminated most of the garden. when the clock by the archway chimed the hour of Late.
Konye: Time to prepare for the adoption ceremony to write the oath and gather my supplies.
Kagome: Exactly what does the Ceremony entail?
Konye: well the original spell is to bind hunters to the Hunt, but I figured I could work it as an adoption ritual. here is the basics they will clasp forearms then I will slide a tiny dagger between their clasped hands and use my magic to lay the spell then if all goes well, I will have a Hanyou Friend by the chime of low.
Kagome: Sounds simple enough so how exactly is the blood exchanged?
K: when I sing the closing of the spell the blood in the bowl will rush up between their hands and some will be absorbed in to both of them and the rest will dye two diamonds red the color of blood and one will be given to each, as a symbol of Family and Honor. half of Inuyasha’s DNA will be absorbed into Ari almost over taking her human blood instead they will merge. Now if you will excuse me I need to gather my stuff for the ceremony.
~off in another part of the castle~
Inu: Sess am I doing the right thing by adopting Ari into My family? I mean I hardly know her and when her boyfriend in the future proposed to her, when I already imprinted her sent as Sister, I got mad and kinda Roughed up the man. Brother What do you think?
Sess: What I think does not matter it is what is in your heart that matters, now when I love some one as much as I do my Rin, you want to protect them from everything but you cant so I think you can make your own decision about Ari.
Inu: Thank you Brother, why don't you adopt Rin as your daughter.
Sess: I was thinking about it.
three hours later it chimed Last when in that next three hours can the ritual for adoption can happen. The Court Gathered in the main Hall at the far end stood Inuyasha in his more Formal silk clothes that sess made him wear, Next to him stood Kagome Also in a blue formal kimono, on the other side stood Sesshoumaru in his court clothes, and next to him was Small Lady Rin. the others were in the front of the crowd blended in with the other courtiers. Sesshoumaru came to the center of the platform to make the announcement.
Sesshoumaru: We are Gathered here tonight to witness the Adoption of Lady Hikari Sunbird into the royal family of Izyoi in Becoming the second lord of the Western Lands Sister.
Will You Come Forward, Witch and Adoptee.
In a clear in concise voice she stated her name and why she was in front of the Brothers, while she was doing that The Witch was setting up the high table the shallow silver bowls and the four diamonds.
Konye: Will Lord Inuyasha step forward, will the adoptee also step forward. your non fighting hands please, clasp them in a warriors clasp please.
she slipped the dagger in between their forearms. She turned the dagger so the cutting edges were against there skins drawing the dagger up she chanted the oath : You are now bonded together for all eternality only the will of the goddess can take your families apart, Lord Inuyasha Do you Accept Lady Hikari in to your family for all time as your sister.
Inu: Yes I Do
Konye: It is the will of the Goddess that these two will exchange blood and the human will take on attributes of the brother.
She sung three sharp notes in the voice of magic, the combined blood rushed back up through the cuts and dyeing the two clear diamonds in to rubies.
Konye: The Goddess smiles they are Family, I give you the ruby diamonds your blood dyed, as a symbol that you are family. Now does any one have any other magic they want me to perform?
Sess: I do Lady Witch. I wish to take Rin as my Daughter and Heir.
Konye: As you wish my lord. Lord Sesshoumaru, Small Lady Rin would you approach the table and this time I need you to have your hands palm side up.
she replaced the silver bowl with a reflective gold bowl, she drew a small cut in both their palms and had them turn their palms slightly to have their blood combine in the bowl then placed their palms together and chanted, Lord Sesshoumaru take Human Rin to be your Daughter now and Forever in Blood, mind, and sprit. The Goddess Smiles. The Changes in Rin took effect quicker than Ari’s did, in about five minutes you could see her hair elongate and lighten from black to light brown to blonde then finally to silver and black puppy ears appeared on her head, she also grew taller, her canines elongated, finger nails grew in to sharp claws.
Rin: Rin has a daddy now and a Home. Rin is Happy.
Sess: And I have a Daughter that I love Dearly.
In that one moment you could see the Stoic lord of the western lands laugh, cry, and be happy all in the space of a few minutes. Rin ran to her daddy and gave him the biggest hug known to man, she nearly bowled them both over. After that little scene the courtiers laughed a little and started to disperse, they all have been given rooms in the castle and for the coming week, they had a tournament scheduled for that week, Lord Sesshoumaru had this event planned way before the coming of The Witch. The tournament includes the Sword, Exhibition karate, Sword Exhibition, and Artistic Karate.
The Witch: Ladies and Gentleman tomorrow will be the opening ceremony for The now traditional Tournament To Remember this historic occasion of the New Princess of Dejima and the new Daughter and Heir Apparent to the western lands.
Konye: now lets retire to the ladies wing, you boys come to please I have some thing to explain to every one.
When they all made it back to the living area the ladies went to change, Inuyasha put water on to boil for tea, set out seven cups and a glass for Rin’s milk. along with cream and sugar for the tea. When the girls were through changing they all gathered around the hearth facing Konye.
Konye: Ok here goes, I’m a Witch and a powerful one at that the magic i did tonight would normally drain and ordinary witch but i am a witch blessed by the Goddess, the Goddess who is Maiden, Bride, Mother, Crone, and Warrior. She bestowed on me the ability to use all the areas of the spectrum, Water, Fire, Earth, Air, and most importantly I am a Warrior. Each of you ladies has this potential to become specialists, in any ray of the path you choose.