InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My True self ❯ Chapter 1
Twenty years ago a baby was left at the Higurashi shrine, that baby grew up to become a woman and a serious chef having three restaurants, a culinary arts degree and friends. little did she know that when she were to turn 20 that she would be catapulted in to an amazing adventure filled with friends new and old. they would come together to fight an evil darkness none of this world has ever known. From the first moment she was sent through time and space 1000 years ago her mother put a spell on her that let her sleep for those years until the prophesy came true that a Miko named Kikyo and Inuyasha a hanyou have a fight and he ends up pinned to a tree for fifty years and when a mysterious future girl child comes through the Well of Time and unpins the Hanyou. When that day comes the sleep/time spell would wear off and she would grow up unknowing of her past or her future. The day that Kagome fell through the well was her 15th birthday from that day on she has sought out evil with a companion to defeat a vile creature called Naraku. One day after Kagome went through the well Amaya went out to the well house and found me, I am now twenty years old and today is the day I found out I am adopted in to the Higurashi family, I harbor no ill feelings towards them, when my mamma told me that I was adopted I said no I am not I am just an extension of this family. then she brought out a letter that was written in a neat palace like script, (learned this in college).
Amaya: Konye this was found with you all those years ago, I just knew to give it to you today.
Konye: Ok mamma, do you mind if I go out side and read this.
Dear Daughter,
I hope this finds you well on your twentieth birth day, I love you daughter. this is hard for me to write for I have seen my own death and I know I will never be able to see you in person, but I can tell you this I will be reincarnated in to a Jewel. Your Father is fighting in a War siding with the Taiyoukai of the western lands, for now I don't expect him to return. also my daughter, you might find this hard to accept but you are not human as you seem to be you are a youkai, an Inu youkai to be exact. the reason for you not knowing when you were found is because I thought it would be easier on you and your new family to know you were human, rather that deal with your heightened senses as a Inu would have, a heightened sense of smell, touch, taste, and hearing. I figure if I tell you about them now, so in about five minutes the changes wont overwhelm you, the first changes to come over you will be your fangs, claws, and ears. I put two spells on you one that lets your outward appearance out first then one that is controlled by you on this letter, the Senses will over whelm you so do not say the words until you are sure you can handle them I don't want my little girl suffering because of me, and I will tell you that you are more powerful than you realize, as you are a combination of Miko powers and Inu youkai. By all rights you should be a hanyou or half-demon, but for some reason when you were conceived you became a full youkai. so you are full youkai with miko powers, you will get visited by a supernatural being called the Goddess, listen to her she will reveal some of your destiny, if word gets back that you did not listen to her I will come and tan your hide in ghost form. you will have 5 elemental powers each associated with a certain facet of the goddess. maiden/fire, Bride/Air, Mother/water, crone/earth, Warrior/void. these five elemental powers are yours to control use them well for I will be watching you.
I Love you Daughter,