InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My True self ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

After reading that letter she looked around in confusion, she was confused on who she is and what she is, * So I am a demon now I think I will like being a demon that means I will have a greater understanding of things, I think I will do as my mother said I will wait a few days to access the other things.*

she went back to the house, up to her room, hers was the next smallest room her moms and Kagome’s being the biggest. mom had simply refused to redecorate Kags room saying she does come back once in a while. she gathered a few things, well the things she brought with her from her apartment she shared with a childhood friend. she told her mom that she was going home to think things out and to check on the restaurant( she had been gone for 2 years) getting a degree in English Lit. and opening 2 more restaurants. on her way out she stopped by the god tree, to look up at the branches and envision her lost sister and the Hanyou of legend sitting up in the branches. the next thing you know a blinding white light erupted from the god tree revealing a silhouette of a young man with Cat ears? Needless to say I jumped out of my skin when he called me by name. I stepped back a few feet to put some distance between myself and the stranger that came from the tree.


Kato: Be not afraid Konye I was sent by the Goddess to teach you of your powers and to help you through the next few days till it comes time for you to go back in time. My name is Kato, I am a guardian for the chosen. I am here to help you, not to attack. oh I see you were about to go some where don't let me stop you, I will just turn in to a cat and ride on your shoulder. that is if you will let me?

Konye: Sure I mean I am just going home, and going to my restaurant. I mean you will have to change back to a human to go in with me but I think your ears might be a problem unless I hide them for you as in one of the spells I have thought up over the coarse of my life, they are just little ditties I came up with to pass the time. hey there is no need for you to change just yet I cant carry you on my motorcycle in cat form, so if you will kindly stay in that form we can get on our way.

The man followed her around the house to where she stored her bike a week ago. it was a work of art her bike, being a startling shade of blue and silver it was her pride and joy aside from the restaurant and her friends.

Kado: What is this contraption Konye?

Konye: It is called a motorcycle, it is my baby. Oh an you can call me K only my mom calls me by my full name.

Kado: ok I will remember that.

they mounted the bike Konye first then Kado behind her she gave him her only helmet, for being a guardian, he knows about this time. She started her bike and they were off it took about ten minutes from the shrine to get to the restaurant, and another 2 minutes to get to the apartment I shared with Hikari, my best friend. *~*I wonder how she will react when she sees my crests?*~*, * she wont be able to see them because when we stop I will teach you a spell to hide them, and yes I am talking to you in your head don't freak out ok it is an ability of cat Guardians, and cat hanyou’s.*

Konye: Ok I talk to my self in my head all the time so don't go poking around in there it kinda messy in there, and I have not said the spell to gain my youkai powers so I don't have my crests yet in fact I don't know what my crests even look like.

Kado: when we get where we are going you can say the spell on the bottom of the letter from your mom, if you want to that is I wont force you to. Because after you say the spell your crests should appear and I will try to make sure you are not overwhelmed by the smells, hearing increases.

Konye: thank you and we are here, my pride and joy the Tiger bowl. ok before we go in I will say the spell and get my powers then you will teach me the spell to hide my crests, then we will go in and I will take care of my business while you go up to my private dining area and hang up there till I get finished in the kitchen. then we will talk about training ok.

Kado: Ok I will wait for you.

she dug the letter out of her back pocket and read the words as a song, he did not tell her how that was the spell was supposed to be read she just knew, and the changes were almost immediate, her hair lengthened and lightened about two shades, some weird crests appeared on her hands and teal V shape from her collar bones to the cleft of her breasts, human finger nails became claws and on her face was the planetoid symbol of Pluto on her left temple.

it took her awhile to get used to her new features so her friend put the spell on her for her until she could learn it her self, and the funniest part of all were her ears, she all of a sudden heard from the top of her head cute little dog ears appeared on the top of her head they were deep gold with blue tips.

Konye: Ok you wait up here and then we will go back to the shrine and you can teach me all you want I just need to get this finished.

Kado: ok I will wait for you up here.

she made her way over to the stairs that lead back to the kitchen from the private room. going to the kitchen she surprised her sous chef by tapping him on the shoulder.

Zakk: Hey boss lady where have you been nice to see you.

Konye: I have been at school getting another useless degree for my self. I see you have not burned the place down around my ears while I was away, every thing going good?

Zakk: Yes boss lady every things fine, I heard you were back in town sorry for not stopping by and checking up with you, we have been really busy here I mean I hope I can keep my job I like working for you and soon I will make me and you famous.

Konye: Yeah wishful thinking but you never know what kinds of cards fate will deal you.

Zakk: I don't like the sound of that cryptic, can, do you want to talk about it. I have been told I am a good listener.

Konye: yeah your my friend and employee so yeah lets talk.

Konye launched in to her story, about how today was her twentieth birth day and she found out she was adopted, leaving out certain things like, blatantly saying im a demon and there is a cat demon in my private dining area. the only things Zakk noticed is that her hair was quite long and that it was lighter. thinking she always liked it short to keep it from messing with her cooking when ever she cooked, and he knew she was allergic to most dyes, she always wore plain unbleached cotton any thing.

Konye: thank you for listening I had better get home grandpa was feeling under the weather so I need to close up the shrine tonight. oh and I wont be coming in for another long stretch so get comfortable in my seat again you get the reigns for good this way.

Zakk: Ok I will take care of “her” for you, I will see you boss lady.

she trotted up the back stairs to get Kado and go home she had thought enough and she decided it was time to go home and do something about this I mean, I really could not go out like this but hey I need to talk to my mom, and the letter. She got on the bike and revved it up and went home. she parked in her normal spot.

Konye: Now Kado my mom does not know about you so do you mind being a cat for now.

Kado: Sure I will be a cat, it will give me a chance to explore the woods and around your home.

Konye: thank you Kado, I hope you under stand.

Kado: oh I do the last person I helped was a warrior in training for her shield.

Konye: you mean you are “Faithful” Lady Alanna’s guardian.

Kado: Yep that was me, after I died in that time I became a constellations for a time then my goddess called me up and told me I had some one new to teach and here I am in human shape, the old world equivalent of a Full youkai. *Konye stood and watched him transform and shrink to a normal house cat size, he was black as night with purple eyes, correction they changed color to match his new pupil’s eyes a honey gold with silver shadows.*

She went into the house, her mom was in the kitchen making dinner for herself and Sputa and grandpa. she noticed me coming in to the kitchen and turned around. My mom had tears in her eyes. all the emotion she was feeling was written all over her face. She clearly thought I would not come back, but I did and in my heart I knew I could not leave this place no matter what I might end up bringing her daughter back and saving the world, but I would always come back.

Amaya: Konye dear, I have something else to tell you?

Konye: What is it.

Amaya: Just after you left another person showed up looking for you he said he knew kagome your sister who is trapped in another era, he is a kid he looks 7 but I think it is more like 15-16 maybe he is with souta now playing. I remember Kagome telling me of her family over on the other side of the well, saying she had an older sister and brother and a son she said his name was Shippo, a kitsune I think he got pulled away from her to bring you to her. what do you think dear.

Konye: that is a real possibility that the goddess took him from kagome to bring me to her and to finally meet every one but how did the kit seem when he arrived?

Amaya: He was Very frightened I found him in the well house, I calmed him and bung him in to the house he got scared more so I took him to Kagome’s room. it seemed like being around her sent calmed him enough so I could talk to him he told me what a voice told him to come and find the Mikos sister and unite them. So I talked him in to playing with Souta and that is where he is now.

Konye: Here mom lets get dinner on the table knowing boys like I do they get hungry pretty fast.

Amaya: Aint that right. oh Konye, since you are going to be joining your sister I thought I would supply you with some things you will need, all the stuff is in the living room along with the fighting knives with their back sheaths, 2 flash lights and extra batteries, your MP3 player with your latest songs, a sleeping bag, water proof matches and kindling, flint if you run out of matches two changes of clothes, a blanket. and a food box with collapsible pots, a tea pot, that is about it there is more but since you know more than me about camping I will let you pack it.

Konye: thank you mom, I also was thinking about taking the mithreal bow and arrows, I learned how to fletch in class so I can make more if I need to. I will pack some rice and spices, dried stew mixes. just basic travelers fare. I can hunt if I need to so after I am packed we will see what else I need but dinner comes first.

Amaya: Souta, Shippo Dinner!! Konye would you be a dear and take this to grandpa he is in the shrine.

Konye: Sure mom no problem.

while she was gone Shippo came to the table and asked about Konye, like what did she say when mom told her that she would be leaving in a week to go see her sister.

Konye: Jii-chan, Grandpa are you in here I bung your dinner.

Grandpa Hiroshi: I’m here child. Child did you know you have been chosen to go on a mission for the great mother goddess 500 years in the past to help save the world with my other granddaughter the Great Miko Kagome and her Mate Inuyasha and his family pack. This cat came and told me this he said he knew you so I listened to him he told me that The Kitsune Shippo has come to take you to Kagome I need you to do this don't refuse please I have seen the future if you don't defeat the Ing the world as we know it will never exist.

Konye: Don't worry grandpa I intend to do this I know it is part of my destiny to do this and to finally meet my lost sister and defeat evil is what I am made for.

Amaya: Konye! Your dinner is getting cold, if you would be so kind to tell grandpa not to stay in the shrine after the sun goes down it will get cold fast.

Konye: OK Momma I will be there in a sec.

went back to the house. Shippo was the first to stand and greet her by running and jumping in to my arms.

Shippo: You smell like my mother but different you smell like that Jewel we were hunting for the longest time. If you smell like the jewel that means you are either a creation of the jewel or you are the Daughter of the jewel.

Konye: Yes Shippo I am the daughter of the jewel my mother is Midoriko the warrior miko of your era.

Shippo: now that you know about the past you wouldn't mind if you came back with me to meet your sister and bring her home to see her family again?

Konye: I would love to meet my sister and her family on the other side, although I think the well is impassable I could use the tree as the breaking point. ok can you give me two days to pack then we will go?

Shippo: sure two days it is.

~~Two days later~~

Konye finished packing, her last and smallest pack her herbs and powders Kado gave her before she stitched on a belt the leather packets to hold the powders and things that were her trade she has learned much in two days. she learned about the goddess’s elements her five aspects that she as a woman could control, Fire, Water, Air and, Earth. With air and Water being her two most prominate traits.

she and her mom spent most of the evening talking about things that might happen in the stead of her absence, and in bringing kagome back would it have and adverse effect on time. I don't think it will after all she was meant to be in the two eras as long as they needed her.

The Next day, it was time for her to open the gate in the tree, Kado had been visiting her at night to teach her the spell opened and kept the time slip open, it is the spot where kikyo pinned Inuyasha to the tree 50 years ago. she sang the spell and a bright teal light jumped from her to the tree and created the time slip. she said good by to every one and went through with Shippo leading.