InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My True self ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

when she popped out on the other side in the Warring states era, she looked back at the tree and saw the focus point for the slip to open, convinced if she touched the spot the slip would reopen. meanwhile she did not notice the person up in the tree watching silently thinking of what to make of this person who came out of the tree with his son.

~ i wonder who she is she smells like kagome’s mom, but of all the times i have been to that time with kagome the only siblings she had was that brother of hers, i wonder if since the well has been closed has kagome’s mom moved on or what i do not know. but for now she looks harmless enough, then again she sorta smells like that jewel?~

Shippo: Konye hurry up we need to get to the village before dark and I want to see my
mom and dad .
Konye: Ok Shippo I’m coming just let me close the spell.
About two hours later they arrived at Kaede’s village where Inuyasha and Kagome were in residence( Kagome has not been home in 4 years since the defeat of Naraku and the closing of the well. So Kagome has not been to her time that long so she doesn’t know her mom took her in although Konye knew about the sister she has never seen Kagome does not know a thing.)
Shippo: Mom! Dad! I’m back and I brought a friend for you to meet. Konye this is my mom and dad, Kagome Higurashi and Inuyasha Takashi. Mom dad this is Konye she is a dog demon like Sesshoumaru and you.
Inuyasha: Yeah she smell like Inu but she don’t look like one
Konye: Oh! is that a problem I can solve that one.
*She said a few ancient words and her form shimmered and realigned itself to hold the new demon Konye marks and all.* I have a spell on my self that hides my form from view oh and Higurashi-san I have news from your time is there somewhere private we can talk with out prying ears?
Kagome: yeah we can go bathe the boys would not dare follow us for fear of a certain word. Can Sango come with us, she has become a sort of sister to me.
Konye: yeah Sango can come with us lets go one question is it a hot spring or a body of water?
Kagome: It is a hot spring. Why?
Konye: I don’t use soap in body’s of water because animals drink from ponds and lakes and things like that.
The girls took the five minute walk to the hot spring in Inuyasha’s forest and readied themselves for a bath. Konye slipped in the water first and sighed.

Konye: yes i know i look like a hanyou but i am most defiantly not one, my mom is or was Midoriko, and a warrior for the Inu no tashio.
Sango: I know a little about youkai marks lets see yours. ok the crests on your hands are inter locking crescents and the markings from your collarbone to your sternum are traditional, the odd one out is the purple right facing crescent representing that you are a poison bearing youkai.

Konye: what i really need to tell you Kagome is that i’m your adopted sister. I knew about you cause mamma talked about you often and the closing of the well was hard on her but it was counterbalanced by me arriving when the well closed. Your mom went out to throw a letter in the well and found me at the bottom. I know not who my parents are only that I did not belong in your time, Shippo some how got to me in your time and taught me about me. I have opened up a time slip in the tree of life in Inuyasha’s forest. For you it has only been four years since the well closed for me and your mom it has been almost twenty years. You can react you know kagome it would be nice to get to know your sister a little so how about tomorrow we go home what do you say kagome?

Kagome: I have a sister make that two sisters wow I can go home.*kagome promptly faints* Konye caught her before she hit the water.

A few minutes later she woke up and did the most amazing thing she gave me a hug and wow. I’ve only been hugged my momma and brother souta and jii-san. This girl I’ve barely met is giving me a hug. They wrapped up the bath and made their way back to the village In good time kagome carrying that yellow bag of hers and I carrying my bag and weapons that were still hidden. Kagome was dressed in the garb of a Shinto priestess the red pants and white top. I was dressed in trousers and a tunic the green of the forest, Sango was dressed in her slayers garb with a traditional kimono overtop it.
We arrived back in the village just in time for dinner in Kaede hut, it was crowded in the hut so I thanked Kaede and went outside to eat.
It was quiet outside so quiet I did not hear Inuyasha come up behind me almost scaring the living daylights out of me.

Inuyasha: be easy Konye im not gonna attack you I just want to talk to you. Ok
Konye: Ok. Ask those questions you are dying to ask me.
Inuyasha: ok do you know who your parents are? How old are you, you know how to fight?
Konye: ok first things first im nineteen yes I know how to fight and no I don’t know who my parents are just that im a Inu youkai and I have miko powers not like Kagome’s though mine are for the elements I can use all the elements im pretty sure im not part of your family cause from what my sister told me the symbol of your house is the crescent moon mine is the jagged cross. Does that answer all your questions?
Inuyasha: It does thank you, so what are your weapons?

Konye: my weapons are twin kantanas im pretty sure they were made by a fang of some sort but I have not had the opportunity to test them but fighting hand to hand or sword to sword was ingrained in me since before I could walk like it was programmed in me before mamma higurashi found me.

Inuyasha: what do you say wanna try them out? The swords I mean.