InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My True self ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Konye: Ok we will spar tomorrow in the daylight ok.

Inuyasha: Tomorrow it is then, you had better get a good nights sleep then. Good night Konye

Konye: Good night Inuyasha and tell the others good night for me will you I think I will sleep outside tonight near Kaede’s hut.

I watch Inuyasha heading toward the hut and enter I sighed with relive that he had not challenged me that he only wanted to talk and that talk spiraled down to a sparring match tomorrow.
*I had better get ready for bed, I think I will listen to a little music before I hit the hay*

Digging in my bag I found the electronics bag my mom put my music player in. Putting the ear

buds in my ears I turned the player on the first song was courtesy of the red white and blue by

Toby Keith, next was rhythm emotion from gundam wing. After three or more songs I settled

my bedroll on the west side of the hut and went to a half sleep mode any loud or suspicious

noise would wake me. I woke a little before dawn maybe an hour before, I went through my

morning exercises, which consists of 3 Japanese katras beginning with a low level then

progressing to a medium level then to the hardest level all in all it took me about an hour to do

them. Then I took the spell off of my swords and did 2 weapons dances with them, unknown to

me that the sleepers in the hut were awake and gathered outside watching me do my dances un

till inuyasha said how about that match now that you are all warmed up?

Konye: Ok Inuyasha since you proposed this match I can state the rules. ok.

Inuyasha: Ok you set the rules I will follow.

Konye: Ok here are the rules I will not use magic and you will not use your learned attacks like your Kaze no Kizu and such attacks. Just your sword fighting skills and your brain, I will also set a perimeter so the others wont get hurt and they cant get in and we cant get out till the match is over ok.

Inuyasha: Sounds good to me lets get started.

I got in to my pack and got my herbs for the perimeter bubble. I walked a circle about 30 ft in diameter clock wise and counter clock wise walked with water calling on the protective properties of the herbs.
Inuyasha drew Tetsuigia and I drew my fighting knives Kin and Cho. We started out formally by bowing and crossing weapons then Kaede gave the signal to start. We met with a clash and blue sparks exploded when my crossed knives and his blade met, I deflected him and sent him flying in to the barrier he landed lightly and launched another attack at me in which I dodged and launched a counter attack that wounded him on the cheek the match was called I was the victor I was the first to draw blood.

Inuyasha: wow I did not even feel your blade when you cut my cheek, I also admit you are a decent fighter and a fast woman.

Konye: It is one of my fighting traits when my blade cuts a person the recipient cant feel what happened because my blade kissed you don’t you like it.

Sesshoumaru: Amazing little brother you let yourself get beat by a female human none the less
I bet that hurt little brother.

Konye: Excuse me but who are you? And why would you call me a human when I’m so clearly not.

Sesshoumaru: This Sesshoumaru does not have to answer you human.

Inuyasha: Oi Sesshoumaru is your nose failing you in your old age that is no human she is a inu youkai her name is Konye so I think you should apologize to her before she gets mad.

Sesshoumaru: This Sesshoumaru apologies for maligning you.

Konye: Apology accepted so you are the great Sesshoumaru the lord of the western lands. I thought you would be taller. So Kagome want to go Home now and have a real bath and go shopping?

Kagome: Home? You bet just let me grab my pack and we will get going, and inuyasha no coming after me this time. I want to spend at least a week seeing my mom and don’t pull we have to go shard hunting there are only two shards left and they can wait another week it has already been 4 years what is another week.

Inuyasha: Ok Kagome I wont come fetch you but I will come see you if I get lonely ok.

Kagome: Ok, lets go Konye after all u know where the slip is. I motioned for her to get on my back and off we took for the tree. * jeeze if Inuyasha can do this almost every day so can I, I did not do all that track just to blow it off*I slowed down when we got closer to the tree then finally to a stop.

Konye: Ok Kagome I will show how to access the slip cause I won’t be with you all the time. So watch and listen carefully to what I do. Ok Kagome just watch me *touches where Inuyasha’s arrow penetrated the tree,~ a blinding white light erupted from the point of contact, then dulled down to a pink, blue ,and red hues warring for dominance within the time slip.~*
Kagome: So that is all I touch that point and whoosh I can go home?

Konye: You see those colors warring for dominance, those are mine yours and Inuyasha’s mind colors, it will recognize me you or inu when you touch that point, by our energies. So what do you say sis want to go home?

Kagome: Yeah lets go home!!

They passed through the time slip and ended up in front of the tree in the shrine. ~ I motioned Kagome up to the door saying go in and surprise your mom.

Kagome: will you go in with me konye im afraid they will hate me for not coming back :( sooner.

Konye: they wont hate you and every one looks just the same as you left them when your mom adopted me the whole house hold took on my aging cycle so don’t be so surprised and yes I will go in with you but after a few im gonna leave and go visit some friends ok.

Kagome: ok thank you lets go.

*ding dong *
oops I forgot my key so why not ring the door bell oh here comes mom

Amaya: hello dear how may I help you
Kagome: hi you don’t remember me do you mom

Amaya: Kagome is that you dear, come in come in

Kagome’s mom shrieked and threw her arms around her and began to cry hot tears of happiness Konye went unnoticed as she went to the kitchen put some water on for tea for the two of them maybe the whistle of the tea kettle will alert them, going to the refrigerator wrote her note on the pad there saying she will be back by sundown~ gone to visit friends.~

On her way out the door she did her don’t see me spell and appeared as a normal teenager, she went around to the other side of the house where her bike was stored she revved it up an went to gas it up if she remembered correctly her friend has a Archery competion today.

Ok if you don’t do something about that boy following you I will take over cause he is cute
and unattached and a Youkai a inu Youkai to be exact..

Shut up you I don’t need you in my head while im driving.
She pulled in to the Gallaway shooting range just as the competion started, she saw her friend Katsu over by the 4th range watching Kumiko practicing for her match against Nori the schools all around champ.