InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My True self ❯ Chapter 12

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~~~~~~~~~~Konye POV~~~~~~~~~~~

She gathered up her Visor and her cleaning supplies and made her way back down the hall to her room. As soon as she crossed the threshold a cold shiver went down her spine, she brushed it off seeing it as the room was chilly and the fire died down long ago, so she stoked it to a roaring flame with her fire magic she also put warming spells in the dressing room taking the chill off the room. She crossed the room to the closet to gather her night things, she then went in to the dressing room to brush her teeth and comb her hair. Suddenly she felt another shiver down her spine this time going further than her spine it continued down her legs. Again, she dismissed it; she finished with her nightly routine and crawled in to bed. This time she felt a caress on her cheek so still she dismissed it, thinking it was a freak of nature the castle being airy and all. The next caress this time had her up and out of bed in a matter of seconds. Holding fire in her hand to illuminate the bed she found nothing. * ok this is starting to freak me out just a little.* Then she felt it a caress of her arm both arms and she let out a blood curdling scream; that woke just about every body in the wing. It took them just about that long to pile into the room. The only people not in my room were Ari and Inuyasha who both were in a deep a sleep that the big bang wouldn’t even wake them

~~~~~~~~~~~~Normal POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kazu: What happened, are you hurt?

Konye: No, it is just some annoying ghost freaking me out because I let down my guard and after all, it is a day for spooks it just got the better of me when I was serene

Sess: Good what a scream you have I bet if you were in a graveyard you could have woke the dead.

Konye: Hey, look around Sess is Inuyasha or Ari here then I couldn’t wake the dead. Thank you for coming at my scream but really I am fine, why don't you all go back to bed sunrise is almost here.

Kagome: Your right everyone lets give my sister some air.

Konye: Good night, everyone I will see you in the morning.

~~~~~~~~Konye POV~~~~~~~~

What was I thinking I knew today was all hallows how could I have let my guard down, damn I'm getting rusty, come out ghost come out and play with me.

~~~~~~~Normal POV~~~~~~~~

Ghost: Really, you will let me play with you.

Konye: No that was a ploy to get you out in the open where I could see and tell you to go haunt someone else.

Ghost: Oh, I can’t leave this room I am some how tied to this room, I think I died here but I don't remember. Trust me I would gladly leave you alone but I just can’t leave this room.

Konye: Ok, then what is your name?

Ghost: I think it was Grand master Karl; I was an inu-youkai who lived in this room with my mate.

Konye: ok do you think you were murdered Karl.

Karl: I don't really remember but what I do remember is that I was protecting my mate from another male, he carried a sword that pulsed with evil, and it struck me down before I could get to mine.

Konye: it is not much to go on but I think I can get what really happened in this room

It was a good thing that I made them all leave because the magic she was about to perform was dangerous to her as it is to others. * My people have a saying the walls remember* she begun to sing the opening of the song to draw the picture out of the furniture and the walls. * My people have another saying ~ people lie, blood doesn't* then she sang the next lines to give the show solidity, then sang the closing words to keep the middle part going until it all played out.

~~~~~~~Karl’s Memory~~~~~~~~~

~ the scene before her was peaceful, Karl sleeping next to his new mate, then a berserker Inu warrior busted in the door yelling, YOU STOLE MY MATE YOU SOB, I AM GONNA HAVE HER IN THE END! then Karl yelled, KEEP YOUR FILTHY PAWS OFF MY MATE I DID NOT STEAL HER SHE CHOSE ME IF YOU TOUCH HER IN ANY WAY OR EVEN LOOK AT HER THE WRONG WAY IT IS GONNA BE YOUR HEAD IN FRONT OF THE TAIYOUKAI. then the berserker drew a weapon, Karl was not fast enough to dodge and get to his weapon so he used his claws scratching the berserker across the eye, then in a blink of an eye the berserker shoved the sword home in Karl’s body killing him instantly. Then the Berserker made his way to the cowering female in the corner, dragging her to the bed her took her and made her his mate forcibly. That is when the elite guard came in and took the Berserker prisoner and the girl down to the healer. Then as an addendum to the spell it showed the girl in front of Karl’s tomb and she ritual suicide her self to redeem her in gods eyes and in her mates to restore honor to his family. The spell ended, and Karl the Ghost knew what happened and I promised to send his soul to the after life to be with his mate.

~~~~~~~~~End of Memory; Konye POV~~~~~~~~

I told him that I will make inquires about that berserker and see what happened to him

~~~~~~~~~Normal POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ghost: Thank you, My Lady; I don't know if this would help you, any but my family is the golden Inu clan of the East.

Konye: oh Karl you just helped me a lot, you see I brought a friend here from the future that is part of the Golden Inu clan.

Ghost: what is his name please?

Konye: Kazuko Chasumi.

Karl: He is part of my clan my last name is Chasumi.

Konye: I will talk to Sesshoumaru tomorrow about your murder, now if you don't mind Karl I have been up most of the night and I would like to get some sleep tonight, lets see did the ritual at late she transformed at last, now it is dark, I have about 6 hours till sunrise.

~~~~~~~~~~~Konye POV~~~~~~~~~~

~ Way later in to the morning~

Kagome came knocking on my door about three hours after sunrise, asking if she wanted to come to breakfast. She opened my door and I hefted a pillow at the offending person.

~~~~~~~~~Normal POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Konye: Kagome please, do you wanna dodge more pillows. If you don't just tell everybody, I will be up later.

Kagome: Sorry Konye but you have to get up there has been another attack of that inky goop stuff in a village just south of here and we need your help.

Konye: Ok im up be ready to go in five minutes. Tell the brothers to bring their swords, and tell Inuyasha to bring that other sword he got from Jii-san.

Kagome: ok just hurry up ok; Sango, Miroku and kilala are already in the field.

~~~~~~~~~Third POV~~~~~~~

Konye got up and got dressed in her armor strapped her Knives to her back. Put on her utility belt with all her seeds for earth, her healing powders for water, her focuses for fire, and her powders for air. Guess I should wake up Ari and get her moving as well, even though she needs to get used to her new body and powers as Hanyou But now is not the time let her learn her body in a fight. Konye ran down the hall to Ari’s room only to find her up and stumbling about trying to get her stuff together for the fight.

~~~~~~~~Normal POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Konye: Ari stop I have your armor and half of your weapons, I have crippling powders and things for you to use, because from what I gathered that the darkness took over a warlord and had its army attack a southern village. So hurry up so we can get out of here and in to battle.

Ari: I am moving as fast as I can. Hey, do you think I will shred the armor when I put it on?

Konye: No, you wont I made it shred proof to youkai so it should repel poison and some lower level youkai attacks.

Ari: ok let’s go im ready to go.