InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My True self ❯ Chapter 13

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

We had rendezvoused with Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Kazuko, and Kagome. Ok first things first Kazuko you need a weapon. Here I thought you might like this weapon. It is called a Bat’leth it is a close combat weapon. It is also from the future it is a weapon of honor so use it well.

Kazuko: Thank you Konye I will.

Inuyasha: Here Ari I think this was meant for you.

Inuyasha handed Ari the sword, again a blinding white light erupted between sword and person, when it died down there was an unnatural wind blowing in the room, I looked through my magic and deciphered that it was coming from Ari.

Ari: I hear voices in my head, two of them one is saying its name is Ai and it’s a female voice, and one saying its name is Ken, and is a male. Ok we had better get going.

As one they went out in to the courtyard the three youkai gathered their ki and formed a gigantic cloud where Inuyasha, Ari, Kagome were in the middle surrounded by me Sesshoumaru and Kazuko. We traveled like that until we got to the outskirts of the village; from there we dispersed to a half moon circle. I drew my knives, Ari drew her sword, Kagome notched an arrow, Inuyasha drew Tetsusaiga, Kazuko readied his Bat’leth, and Sesshoumaru drew Tokijin. They stealthily entered the village it seemed that all the violence had already been done, the warlord’s army left stragglers to scout and raid along the tail of the main army, they were on foot, they also left some other friends behind, and three inky swells surrounded a hut with a shield, a holy shield.

Kagome: Sango, Miroku are you in there.

With that sound the inky swells turned in to creatures, ugly black and red, you could feel the evilness radiating off them. I Yelled

Konye: Stay back all of you, can you hear me guys how many people do you have in that hut?

Sango: There are seven. Including all of the children, Miroku, Kilala, and me.

Konye: Ok I will take care of the creatures. Miroku how much energy do you got left.

Miroku: Not much, I’m running on empty.

Konye: ok I am going to have Kagome surround your shield with one of hers when I tell you withdraw your magic ok.

Miroku: Ok.

Konye: ok Kagome I need you to do exactly what I tell you to do.

Kagome: ok I will

Konye: Ok I need you to look deep within yourself and see if you can find that wellspring of power within you. When you find the power, push it out with you mind. Your magic has a certain feel. Look for it once you find it and think of something protective Your magic will bend to your shape. Once it does that send, it out to the hut and you will feel your friend’s magic surround it making it even safer. Good girl, your doing good. Just concentrate on my voice and that of your magic. Good that is a strong one nice, now keep it there.

Ok now it is your turn Inuyasha I want you to use your wind scar, but I need you to control it. Can you do that?

Inu: I can try.

Konye: you will try and if you fail, your friends might die along with children!

Inu: I will try damn it, if my Kagome can find her magic I can surely find a rift to unleash the wind scar.

Konye: good that is just the sprit we need. Ok Inuyasha I want you to aim a wind scar at the left most thing and see what happens, *Wind Scar* *Boom* see it reflected the blast. Ok now it is my time to shine, ~ I took out a vine seed ball filled with plants that can hold up to almost every thing, it was filled with vines meant to constrict and choke a person along with vines with thorns to rip a person to shreds. Right now, they just seeds but when my earth magic is added and with a drop of water. They will spring in to growth, holding those Inky things in place While Inuyasha uses wind scar, I will put a surge of magic in to the seed balls I carefully rolled in to place at each thing.

Konye: when I say now you release the wind scar ok

Inu: ok

Konye: wait for it, just a little bit longer there done Inuyasha now.

As Inuyasha released the Wind Scar, an enemy scout came up behind Ari and kicked (talk in engilsh not ur own world) her feet out from under her. She did the classic flip and engaged the man in combat with her sword. While Kagome was concentrating on the barrier when a scout knifed her behind the knee. Sess beheaded the attacker and engaged another in combat. Inuyasha released the wind scar four more times before an enemy scout-demon got his attention, but there were six Things. One scout got caught by a rogue Seed ball and was trapped along with two others.

Konye: OK IM THROUGH PLAYING THE GOOD GIRL, * may the wind be at my side and give me flight, may the earth be at my call to grant me power, may the fire grant me courage, and the water give me hope. With that prayer, she unleashed the power that made her what she is a Demon. All evil-human creatures froze in place. Those things froze and exploded. Without knowing it her battle garb melted away, to form a glorious gown that shone with the colors of the goddess. With the colors of the elements she summoned, depending on how the light hit it just right you could see nothingness.*

while all eyes where on the vision above, meanwhile the demon-scouts resisted the spell of destruction., and got in a few lucky shots, before I killed them, left one alive but spell chained.

I floated back down, and took a look at the more serious wounds received by Kagome and Ari, neither were life threatening but I sealed them up any way temporarily, then I took over Kagome’s hold on the barrier made it dissipate and release the people inside, I checked them over and deemed them ok for now. Right now, our focus should be to get back to the castle. Then in which we could question our prisoner and begin the training for every one else, and healing.

Konye: Sesshoumaru and Kazuko can you get the kids and the adults who don’t have power in the center so I can get us out of here.

Sess: ok Konye what do we have to do.

Konye make sure the kids are safe when you get there they might be a little disoriented but clear them away soon as you can, because I am coming with our wounded ok.

Sess: Ok Come on Kazu lets get the children in a circle. Ok pups lets all hold hands. Ok I think we are ready Witch.

Konye: ok * She pictured the courtyard where they left from. Picturing clearly ten servant girls waiting to help the men get the children out of the way. That was relatively easy concerning that the head servant was a telepath. I told her what and who was coming and she snapped into action.*~she sung the words for transport, touching Sess’s head to connect the spell with every one through the combined hands. ~ When they were gone, she linked up with the servant.

Nana: the children and the men arrived safely and were out of the way except the lords and sir Kazuko.

Konye: I will be sending the wounded in a minute get Kaede to the healers building.

Nana: yes ma’am

Ok lets get you lot into the center of the clearing, she went to Kagome first and helped her limp over and lie on the grass, then I ran back to help Ari who had a bad cut running across her face and from her back left shoulder to her butt, the to help the plainly drained Miroku and Sango. She put all of their hands together and sent them into a sleep spell, all to make it easier on them. Then she sent them. Then Tran located her self to the healers building.

Konye: How are they doing healer?

Kaede: Sango and Miroku will be fine. I am worried about Kagome and Ari.

Konye: Here let me… * She crouched to touch the silvery scar on the back of Kagome’s knee it opened up and began to bleed. I reached in to my blue healer’s powders to draw out a clear vial with a blue powder in it. Konye put a little in the wound. Then went into the wound itself with my Water healer magic to make sure the powder did its job and to help it along.* Ok Kaede, I need you to come on the other side of Kagome’s leg and hold it still for me because I have to bend this one leg to reknit the tendon that the knife severed She might buck cause it will hurt like hell and even though I put her in a healing sleep that don’t mean she wont feel pain ok.

Kaede: Aye.

Konye: ok here goes. * her blue healer energy pooled in her hands, she placed her blue hands on the sides of the wound.( on her calf and upper outer thigh) then she went in to the wound to see how it was coming along, ~good it is almost healed just a little bit more there good as new.~

She released Kagome into a natural sleep now that she was healed.

Rising from her position, her clenched muscles screamed and tumpted on her ass. Ouch, that hurt, ok can’t walk right now guess I will crawl over and heal Ari

Kaede: Child why are you crawling?

Konye: After you left to check on the children, I tried to get up with out assistance and my legs dumped me on my ass. So I crawled over to Ari and I was going to tend to her face wound before it festers and leaves a scar, looks like a claw did it, im not that experienced with claw wounds.

Kaede would you help me dress her wounds with me?

Kaede: Yes Child I will help you.

Konye: ok I need you to get someone to hold her down then I will bring you in with me to look at the marks from the inside.

Kaede: got a male servant that serves as a heavy lifter in to her room.

Konye: ok sir if you have an aversion to blood I suggest you look away, ok Kaede hold my hand and we will get started. * This is the first time she has took somebody in to a healing with her, it was a little disoriented at first but my healer side kicked in assessing the damage caused from unclean claws, after she and Kaede had a good look at what was going on in her cuts she withdrew from the spell and gathered the things she would need to make poultice of garlic, yarrow, and worthart, to cleanse, seal and prevent swelling.* Kaede we have hot water?

Kaede: Yes, we do how much do you need?

Konye: here can you fill this up with the water.

When Kaede came back with the hot water, she poured a small bit of three powders in to a dry bowl then slowly added enough water so that the powders became a soft paste, and applied to the cuts. She then pooled her magic in her hand, laid it on the wound in the back, and started healing it. The one on her back was much cleaner than the scratches, as if a sword made it. fifteen minutes later the back wound fully healed with blue shimmery scar, hey facial wound would take longer to heal, a month at most because of the toxins released into her system. When the poultice hardened, she put a layer of spelled gauze and magically kept it in place, the magic gauze disappeared when touched to look like human skin, and she released her into a normal sleep.

Konye: there done now she should sleep for about a day maybe more, guess I should tell Inuyasha that she will live but might limp from time to time when it gets cold.

Kaede: Aye you should go tell the men and check on the children.

Konye: that sounds like a good idea.