InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My twisted life with a perverted monk ❯ Introduction ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Kagome can i come over to your house today.My mom is working late today
and she told me to ask you if i could sleep over at your place.PLEASE you
know how i get when im alone"
I passed Kagome the note and she took it.It took a couple of seconds for
her to reply.She gave me a smile and i took that as a yes.
Let me take this time to tell you a little bit about me.My name is Shina
wich means virtue and good.It fits me just right because im a good and
smart girl.Im 5'4,light skin,light green eyes,and long black hair.I am very
stubborn but im friendly too.I treat people like they treat me no matter
who they are.My mom is a lawyer and most of the time is working late.Her
name is Midori wich means green and that describes her eyes amd thats her
favorite color.Kagome's mom and her are real good friends so she lets me
stay with Kagome when my mom is working too late,like today.Well later
on you will find out more about me.
The bell rang and i packed my things.Kagome who always finishes first came
to me."So are you coming to my house later or right now?"she asked
"Well i have to go pick up something up so i'll meet you late"I answerd
"You alredy have a toothbrush in my house and a pair of pj's.What else do you
"Oh its nothing.Just my mp3.I want to listen to some music while i do home work.
That calms me down"
Both of us walked out of the classroom and then out of the school.We headed our
different ways to each of our houses.
When i got to mine i went straight to my room.I took my cell phone that i had stupidly
forgotten and my mp3.I went downstairs and left the house.As i was walking to Kagomes
house i suddenly stopped.I closed my eyes and stood there for a couple of seconds.
"Must this always happen when am heading to her haouse"i said in a low voice
(I'll tell you later wats happenin).When i got there Kagomes mom greeted me and so did
her little brother.I went upstairs and found Kagome sittin in her desk doing homework.
When i came in she looked up at me and smiled."You made it"she said.
I placed my book bag on her bed."Yeah"i told her.She returned to her work while i took
out my own.I took my mp3 and started listening to music while i did work.After Kagome and me
where done we decided to talk about a lot of things we had missed because Kagome had been
out of school for so long.
"Why havent you been in school for soo long?"i asked her
'I've been sick"she lied
"so your sick mostly every day?"i kept asking
"Yeah im kinda very weak"she said nervously
"You should see a doctor about that" i told her
"Yeah i probably should"she said
We kept talking untill night came.Kagome all of the sudden stopped.She got up and told me she
had to go.
"Where?"i asked her
"Somewhere you dont know"She responded as she grabbed a couple of things and placed them in
her bookbag.
"You can tell me i wont tell"i said excited
"No i cant"she told me throwing more things in to her bookbag
"Come on" i pleaded
"Its a secret"she said stubbornly
"I wont tell"
"NO"she said
"What if i tell you a secret of mine?"i asked
She looked up from her bookbag
"What secret" she asked
"My most deepest and darkest secret"i told her
"If its about a crush,you alredy told me"she kept on throwing things inside the bag
"I dont think that bag will take more things"i stated
"But look i can tell you my secret if you tell me yours"i said
~She wont belive me anyways.Shes too smart to belive that i can travel back in time~Kagome thought
"Ok i'll tell you"i told her
Kagome sat next to me on the bed
"I go to the feudal era every time i get,to fight demons and collect jwel shards with a group of friends i have"
she told me.I could see in her face she was wating for me to star laughing.
I didnt laugh because i belive her.
" belive you" i told her
she looked at me with a schocked expression
"what!"she screamed
"I belive you.I'm not a demon but i have powers that only my mom knows about"
she looked at me like i was crazy.
"You dont belive"i told her "Just as you thought i wouldnt belive you about your secret"
She just stayed there.I see she still doesnt belive me.
"alright let me give an example"i told her
i closed my eyes for like 10 seconds and then opened them again.
"You travel with a half demon,a monk,a baby fox,a demon slayer and her pet,am i right?"i asked her.
She only nodded her head yes.
"The half demon is called Inuyasha,the monk is Miroku,the baby fox is shippou,the demon slayer is Sango,and her
pet Kilala"i continued
" did you know that"she asked me amazed
"I have ESP and that does not mean i only can read minds i have every power related to ESP"I told her
"Soyou do have powers"she said baffled
"Yeah"i told her
"You have to come with me and help me and my friends find the jwel shards"she said picking up her bag
"I have nothing better to do"i said
"Great "she said "But dont you want to take anything?"
"just one thing"
i went through my bag and pulled out a tarot deck."this will help me see the future brighter and entertain me"
I placed the deck on my pants(I had changed when i in Kagomes house with some pants i had left there the week
before)and we both headed in to a place that would change my life forever.

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