InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My twisted life with a perverted monk ❯ Chapter1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
When Kagome and me got to our destination there was no one there.It was night
and the only ligh source was the moon and the twinklin stars.We both sat on the
edge of the well.
"So you are a demon"Kagome said braking the silence
"No im human.I just have a very advanced mind.Too advanced for my own good"I said
the last part quietly to myself.
"So if you have a child will he or she get your powers?"she asked me
I started playing with some little marbles i found next to me.
"Well maybe.I dont know because my mom nor my dad have these abillities so i'll have
to wait untill i have a child to tell you"
We both stayed quiet for a couple of more minutes.
"Do you know when are the guys coming?"she asked me.
I closed my eyes for some seconds.
"your friends are busy eating in an old ladys house.Inuyasha wont notice your here for
like an hour"i told her.
"Doesnt he know im here?"
"Hes too busy eating and thinking about this guy named Naraku"
"So were..."
I cut her off in mid sentence
"No we dont have to wait here.I can take you there"i said standing up.
"That was creepy"she said
"Sorry i just do it sometimes"
"Its ok"she said.
We both started walking in to the forest.Kagome followed me while i followed my instincts.
We got there in about 15 minutes.
"Is this the hut of the old lady?"i asked to make sure i got the right vision
"Yeah this is Kaedes hut"she said walking in.I walked in after her.
Everyone looked at me.
"Whos the..."Inuyasha started but i cut him off
"Shina.My name is Shina"i said
He gave me a hpn and looked at Kagome.He was about to tell her something but i knew what
it was and i alredy liked getting him mad.
"Because im a psychic and i can help you get those precious jwels you want.And no i dont want
anything in exchange.And you cant sense any demon aura in me bacuse i am not a demon so
therefore there is no demonic aura in me"i said
He just looked at me baffled and annoyed at the same time.
"Ok imma stop now"I told him
He looked away not saying anything.The other 4 people in the hut kept staring at me.
"Hi"i said to them.
They snapped out of their trance and smiled at me.
"Have a seat Shina'Kagome offered
I sat next to Miroku who kept staring at me.I knew what he asked to every women he met but i knew
he was to busy looking at me to remember he needed a child.Even if he did ask me i wouldnt do it.Yes
i am a virgin and im staying that way untill i find the perfect guy.It sounds old fashioned but thats just me.
I think i will fall for him eventually because i cant resist a guy with piercings or perverted.And Miroku
had both of of those things.
Kagome started talking to Sango about something.Inuyasha decided to go outside.I was playing with Shippou
and Kaede was just drinking some tea in a corner.Shippou fell asleep on my lap and i started playing with his
hair.He was such a curious thing.He asked me question about mostly everything.
"You dont talk much"i told Miroku who had been quiet ever since i got here.
"huh...oh no i was just thinking"he told me
~I am amazed he hasnt done anyhting perverted to me.Were my psychic abilities slipping or was he just acting that way
because he was turning shy?~i wondered to myself
He wasnt in the mood to talk and because of my bad habit to learn everything about people before i met them i didnt have
any questions.I decided to sharpen my skills and took ot my deck.I placed them in the table and started reading my moms future.
I wanted to know how would she react when she noticed i was missing.I saw no harm in her way but not to worry her about my
whereabouts i sended her a telepathic message.She recieved it well and wasnt worried.She knew i was only 15 but i could still take
care of myself.Miroku was now staring at me.
"You want me to read your future"i asked him
"Can you do that?"he asked back
"Im a psychic"I told him
"Theres no harm so go ahead"
I placed some cards on the table.Nothing bad.
"You want me to tell you past,present,future,or just future?"i asked him
"The first choice"he responded
I cut the deck in 3 and told him to choose one.He picked the left one.I took the other parts of the deck and placed them toguether.
I picked 3 card from the deck he chose.In his past i saw death and sarrow.For his present i saw a new beggining and for his future
i saw love.I told him and he felt kin of happy about his future.
"So someone will bare my child"he stated happily
"Probably Sago"I told him
"Do you think?"he asked
"Well she has the highest probability"i told him
"Are you sure its not anyone else"he asked
"Want me to check?"i asked
"Please do"he told me pleadigly
Once again i had to close my eyes to see the future clear.What i saw amazed me.I opened my eyes
and looked at him.
"Whos going to have my child?" he asked

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