InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My twisted life with a perverted monk ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
I looked over at the sleeping Sango and Kagome.Then at Inuyasha who was also sleeping.
I looked around the room and no one was awake but Miroku and me.
"Who is going to have my child?"he asked me one more time.
"Sango"i said simply"shes having your baby"
"Are you positive?"he questioned
"Yes i saw her giving birth to a baby.Im sure is yours"
"How can you tell it was mine"He asked
"I was looking in to your future and no one elses"i told him
"Do all your visions come true"he kept asking
"Yes.You know its going to happen and unless you get another women to do it before she
does,or unless you decide not to ask her,than its happening."I told him a little irritated now.
He leaned back and stayed quiet.

Mirokus POV:When she told me Sango was having my child i didnt belive it.I was happy that
i knew i was getting my child to keep my generation going but Sango.When i first saw her thats
all i wanted.For her to have my child but not today.Shina was the one i wanted.She looked so
gorgeus.The cloth she was wearing made her look so sexy.I asked her what was she wearing.
She told me that her top was a jsut a tanktop and her pants were just jeans.Then i asked her
about her shoes and she told me they were sneakers.She looked amazig.Her top was black with
a red dragon and her pants were black also.What she called "sneakers" were black and red.Her whole
outfit was tight on her.And then her hair was in a high ponytail wich made her look even better.
I dont know why i hadnt done any of my perverted moves on her.
"The moon and the stars must look so pretty here.I havent seen stars since i was about 7"she
said to no one in particular."care to join me"she asked me.
She didnt wait for an answer from me,she just stood up and brushed her rear(Butt).That move made
me want to touch it.It was round and not to big or to small.It was just perfect,at least for me.The i saw
her whole body before she stood up.I only had one word to describe it.PERFECT.She had a fully developed
body and that made me wonder if she was a virgin.She stepped outside and i followed her.There we stood
next to each other.The ligh of the moon and the stars shining down on us.She looked at the night sky
"Havent you seen stars before?"i asked her.
"I have but when i was young.I was born in the Dominican Republic.There you could see the stars clearly.
Then i moved to the United States when i was 7.After things werent going so well there Midori decided to come
to Japan to make her dreams come true and to help me with my powers.She got a doctor who she payed a lot
of money to help me control my powers and to keep his mouth shut"She gave me a small resume of her life.
"You couldt always control your powers?"he asked
"No.My telekinesis has to do a lot with my emotions.So when i use to get mad,wich i did pretty easily,i use
to brake machines and and phones or anything that could brake.So my mother had to replace too many things
during my childhood.She had to come here and get help"
I listen to her talk and out of nowhere i grabbed her butt.

My POV:I kept telling him about my childhood and my abilities.He looked interested so i kept on.All of a sudden
he used his perverted signature move.He touched my ass.I didnt do anything to stop him.I wasnt a slut or anything
but i have known Mirku for a long time.See when i moved to Japan i was 12.I started getting visions of Miroku.Thats
how i know so musch about him.I liked hom ever since i started getting visions of him.Why did i get these visions?
I dont know.I just did and i couldnt control it.They just popped up in my mind.I started to control them and began
learning everything i could about him.I finally decided i wanted to meet him so i when i went to high school i went to
a high school where Kagome was going to go.I had learned she was going to help them with their quest and that she
was going to meet him.So when she finally came i became fast friends with her.I got her mother and my mother to
become real good friends.They did and then i started making my moms boss give her more work so she would let me
stay over at Kagomes when she worked late.Then today i decided i wanted to sleep over at Kagomes hose and i did.
The conversation was planned.I knew what i had to do to make her take me.And as you can see it worked.
Miroku kept touching my butt and i left him.This is something i wanted for so long and it was happening.I knew this was
as serious as it was going to get because i saw my vision clearly.After a while of silence he started asking me about my ability
to read tarot.I told him the story of the tarot cards and their meanings.Yeah that butt massage he was giving me was great and
working because i had a long time sitting and i needed this.I stopped talking after some minutes and l leaned closerto his neck
and started kissing him soflty.Why i did it,because i felt like it.If he liked it he would let me and if he didnt he would pull away.His
breathing got heavy but he didnt pull away.I made my way to his mouth trailing butterfly kisses along the way.When i got to his
mouth we started kissing passionatly.I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed both hands on my ass.I felt his toungue
on my lower lip and i opened my mouth to let him in.He explored my mouth with his toungue and i tried doing the some to him with
mine but we started toungue wresteling.I finally gave up and he smirked between my lips.After a while of kissing i pulled away.
"Thanks for the butt massage"i told him"it felt nice.Oh and you are a great kisser".I said and headed inside.

Mirokus POV:Did she just kiss me i asked myself over and over again.I traced a finger
over my lip.Yes she had defently kissed me.And did she just tell me she liked when i
touched her rear.This women has known me for a couple of hours and is alredy kissing
me.But i should know,i've done it before.But "me" i have done it.Not a single women has
done this to me.Was she as perverted as me or did she just want to torture me.Heh if this
was her way of torturing me then she could torture me all she wanted.I thought to myself.
I smirked and then went inside.

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