InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My twisted life with a perverted monk ❯ Chapter 3

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
As days passed by i helped them fight demons.Inuyasha sometimes got pissed
at me for helping but i had to it was in my nature.The fighting really helped my telekanetic
powers.I had to lift really heavy demons up or stop them so Inuyasha could kill them.
Sometimes that didnt make him soo mad.
When it came to Miroku and me.We have become pretty close.Not boyfriend girlfriend
close but close.He rubbed my butt every time he could and that was a lot.I could feel
Sango gets jelous every time he flirts with me or when he rubs my behind i can feel it.
When Miroku and me are alone sometimes she sends Shippou to spy on us.She makes
him hide real good and i give her props because if i didnt have the gift of ESP honestly
i dont think i would find him.I keep talking like nothing is going on.Other times she comes
asking me for help.Telling me she wants me to read he hand or predict the future for her.
I go with her cus i dont want trouble but when i am reading i could tell she doesnt care.
What she did care was about Miroku.That i knew and the problem was i did too.I knew
she was having his child in the future and unless i decided to throw myself to him and
tell him i was willing to do it things werent changing.I would do it but im 15.I know all he
feels for me is just a phisical attraction and i want it to go deeper.He still flirts with every pretty
women he finds and that bugs me and Sango.Also i dont think i would stand it if he died
and thats the basic reason why i dont want to fall in love with him.
Today was like any normal day.We would wake up early thanks to Inuyasha who was the
worst alatm clock i have ever gotten.Sometime i wish he had a plug or an off botton so i
could turn him off and get some extra sleep.But no unfurtunatly he didnt.We didnt even have
something to eat because all he wanted was those jwel shards.He asked Kagome if she sensed
any shards and she said no.The he asked me to see if we would get any shards today.I closed
my eyes and saw a demon with 3 shards in it.I opened my eyes and told him yes.
"Where and when are we getting them"he asked
"In the next village and at night oh and from a demon"i said
"Lets go"he said and started walking and the rest of us followed.
Miroku,Sango,and me walked next to each other with Miroku in the middle.Mirku knew touching Sangos
butt was off limits so he settled for mines.I didnt do anything about it.I really didnt care.Sago came next to
me and pulled me behind the rest of the gang.Miroku looked at her and she just gave him a look that send
him lookig somewhere else.
"Dont you have decency for others.Shippou is right there and you let him touch you like that.Wait untill the kid
is out of view."she told me in a low yet threatning voice
"Get a grip Sango,the kids not even watching.Hes walking in the front and Mirokus hand was on my back.He couldnt
notice"I told her (we were both talking low)
"Dont you get disgusted by Miroku?"she asked me acting surprised
"No.Why should i?"i asked
"Well he has kissed a lot of women before.And his hands have been in many womens behind before."
"So.I dont put his hands on my mouth or anything.And as far as the kissing,well i have had boyfriends before
so hes not my first"i told her
She looked at me angrily
"Chill Sango.If you worried that im going to take Miroku away from you than you are soo wrong.We kiss because we just
do.Nothing serious.Now if you would go on and take him i would leave him alone.As long as he is free,still sexy and willing
to kiss me then im going to kiss him"I told her and left to be with the rest.
We walked and walked.I knew we would get to the village at night because it was really really far away.Inuyasha was the only
one who could walk this far and not get tired.I was beat and so were the rest of us.Inuyasha wanted to get there so badly he
didnt give us a brake.It wouldt be night for a couple of hours but he didnt care.I decided to use my telekanetic powers for
something helful.I lifted myself up and the rest got on top of the transformed Kilala.We went faster now.I needed a lot of
consentration to keep myself up because i was a bit heavy.(Im not fat but im not too use to carying humans and that includes
me).I told the rest not to talk to me because with my eyes closed i could still see where i was going so i didnt need any
directions.I was very good at consentrating when people were talking but when they screamed at me,yeah i would loose it and
When im using telekanesis i told people not to talk to me for a reason,its my most powerful power and i dont have full
control of it.When you scare me and im using it i will use the force i was using on the object on you.Sometimes more
and you can get hurt badly.If im lifting a person up (wich i dont do often) i use a great amount of energy and if i blow you
with it i might just brake something.
I fell to the ground but not before i threw a giant amount of energy to him.I sent him flyin.He was about to hit a tree but i stopped
him.I brought him over to the group.
"Dint i tell you not to disturb me!"i screamed at him
"Why did you have to send me flying!"he barked at me
i calmed down.Getting angry just meant i was going to brake something.I took a deep breath.
"Because Inuyasha telekanesis is my strongest power and i dont have control over my actions when i am lifting something and someone
brakes my consentration.My body react automatically and i need more training with my ccouch to control that.Thank God i stopped you
before you hit the tree or you would have been badly injured"I told him
"Ha that wouldnt have broken a single bone of my body"he said and started walking again.
"You wanna bet"i said getting angry again
"Is that a challenge"He turned around
"Yeah is a challenge"
"I dont want to waste my time with you"he smirked and turned to walk again
"I thought so."i said
"You thought what?"he stopped
"you werent man enough to fight me.And dont come with the excuse that you dont fight with women because i know you fight em"
"Thats it"launched at me but before he got to me Kagome said "SIT" and he instantly fell.Before he hit the ground i used my powers
to lift him up and smacked him hard against a tree.I hit him hard but not hard enough to brake anything.I didnt have the strenght to.
He got up and was about to launch again but Kagome warned him that if he tiuched me she was going to say the word over and over
again.He grumbled some words and kept going.
When we finally reached the village it was being destroid by a monster that was at least10 feet tall.I looked like a green and balck lizard and
it was spitting out fire.The people in the village looked like they didnt have time to leave and were now awating their doomed.
"There are four jwel shard here"Kagome told Inuyasha"All three are insiede his mouth"
Sango,Miroku,Kagome and Shippou went to help the villagers out.I stayed with Inuyasha to help him.I dont give it a danm if he liked it or not.
"Make yourself useful and hold him down so i can get those shards and we can get out of here"He barked at me
I was about to give him one of my smart remarks but decided not to pick a fight now.
I did as i was told.It was a bit hard because i had used a lot of power earlier a this stupid monster didnt stop strugglin.Inuyasha tried to get to him
but he kept getting blasts of fire.
"Hurry up!"i yelled"I cant hold him for much long"
"Hold on a bit longer"he yelled back
I couldnt hold it,i had to let go.I tried my best to hold it a little longer but i was too weak now.I fell back and te monster fell right near me.Inuyasha took
this time to sent out his wind scar.The attack did hit his target perfectly and something else.

Well this is where i leave ya.C ya

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