InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My twisted life with a perverted monk ❯ Chapter 4

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
I felt the attack cut my skin harshly .The pain and the exaustion made me black out.
Before i blacked out i heard voices of people calling me telling me to wake up but i
couldnt make up who each voice belonged to.It just sounded as if they were worried.Then
i fainted.
"wake up Shina come on wake up"a voice would tell me
"i am awake"i would respond
Is her fever down?Check her wound.Is she bleeding again?Does she still have a pulse?Get some
more herbs and change the bandages.Kagome get some more medicine form your book bag.
Is she going to make it?How long has she been out.I dont think shes going to make it past
tonight.Come on people dont give up keep helping me and she might just make it.
And then everything went quiet again.Everything around me was pitch black.I couldnt see
anything but then a white light appeard and as soon as it came it left.
~Im dead~i thought to myself
Something touched me from behind and i quickly turned around.There i saw a middle aged
women.She had snow white hair and wrinkles al over her face.She wore what looked like
a night gown wich was white with some roses.I reconize her as my nana.A women who helped
my busy mother raise and also helped me control my anger.This women has been dead for 7
years now.
~What i fear is true.I AM DEAD~i screamed in my head.
"Yes you are dead in a way my dear but not completly"she told me smiling.
"Nana i didnt.."i trailed off
"No"i said
"Yes sweet heart i also have the gift of telepathy.Where do you think you get it from.Your other
powers you get them from your other ancestors"she said answering all the questions in my head.
I stayed there amazed that my sweet nana was also a telepath.
"Ok lets cut to the chase.You are here because you are dying but i can give you some strenght wich
will be enough for you to stay alive for a little while longer.If you want to stay alive then you have to
belive you will survive."
i opened my mouth to say something to my grandma but she puts a finger to her mouth telling me
to hush and let her continue.
"Another thing i wanted to tell you.That boy you have fallen for does love you and he isnt showing it
because he belives the other girl will bare his child and that is incorrect"
I open my mouth to say something else but she hushes me again
"Girl i am going to answer all your questions so let me finish.Your vision was correct she was going to
bare his child but when you came along he stopped loving her.He tells himself he loves her when he really
loves you.Since you told him that Sango girls was having his child he belived you,and he thinks no one else
will.If you would have checked the vision a second time you would have seen it change into you having his
child.Now i am going to warn you that Sango is very jelous of you being with that boy Miroku so wach out for
her.Right now while you are laying in that bed she is happy in the inside wishing you would die even though
she does not show it.She has always loved that boy and shes not willing to loose him.Now if Miroku tells her
your vision she will instantly tell him she will do it right there.So get some will power in to your mind unless
you want to let him go."she said everything seriously
"But if he really loves me wont he ask me when i wake up?"i asked
"He is to worried about getting sucked in to that hole in his hand to search his own feelings."she responded
"oh"i said lowly
"By the way you have been sleeping for a month.That attack was strong on you.You might wake up in 2 weeks
with my help.But take that sleeping time to think about what i said and search yourself to find your own feelings."
Nana took my hand and kissed it lightly "Now take care linda(beautiful.Nana speaks spanish and english)i hope you
make the right choice about who keeps the boy.Both of you have dreamt of him for a long time but he can only choose
one.Make him choose the right one.Yo se que eres inteligente(I know you are inteligent).Dont let me down."She said and
with that dissapeard in to the world of the dead leaving me in a world between the living and the dead.

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