InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My twisted life with a perverted monk ❯ Chapter 5

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
I just couldnt wake up.I keep hearing voices in beggin me to wake up but i cant
tell if im dreaming or if i am actually hearing the voices of the gang.As much as
i wanted to wake up my body was just shut down and i couldnt get it to move.
Well i guess my grandma was right it was going to take a few more weeks.
As those few weeks passed i started to think about My life if i were to stay
with Miroku.I have always wanted a man like him.Perverted,friendly,cute and that
knows when to get serious.He has all of that.The only problem is hes a skirt chaser.
He flirts with every pretty women that crosses his path and that gets me soooooo
pissed.Then when he gets tired of her he comes to me like nothing.Looking for some
kisses,some hugs and a little bit of playing around.And i stupidly give him what he
asks for.God im stupid.But thast all about to change because hes just using me as
a little toy that he can use and and use over and over untill he gets tired and goes away
like nothing.Oh but no one uses me as a toy oh no.I will get him but in my own way.
But can i relly make him change,i mean he has been a skirt chaser for a long time.Can i
really manage to make him a man that will stick to one women and one women only,or
will he forever be the same guy?I guess i'll have to wait till i wake up to find out.
I stayed there quiet for a long time.How will my life with that monk.Let me see,i will have
a child,live in a small house without technology or any of the things i like,Miroku might only
get too see his child untill hes about 4 or 5.Then he might just be dead and will leave me
here crying over him and over the fact that i gave my life away for one guy who i tried helping
in vain because he ended up dead anyway.AT the age of 19 with a 4 year old kid who i will
have to take to also loose if he does not defeat Naraku.Is this really the life i want?
I thought i wanted to have a kid at the age of at least 25.After i had traveled the world with a man
that truly loved me and only me.Then we would get a good job become rich and buy a house for us
and for the kids.That has been my dream ever since i was in the 5th grade.Is it worth giving all that
up for one man who might just want me because i can give him a child and nothing else.Even if nana
told me he loved me deep down how could i be sure.Can he really love me and only me.Right now he
might be sleeping with Sango for all i know.She might even be pregnant alredy and im here laying on
a bed half dead.Is it worth it to give my long life dream for one man who wont give me half of what i want.
Do i truly love him or is it just a phisical attraction.
While those two weeks passed i wonder that.When i finally got the strenght to move i did.I woke up in
the middle of the night to find everyone sleeping.Then i saw Sango and Miroku snuggled up toguether.Yeah
that was it.I was out of there as soon as morning came.No i wasnt going to wait for the morning to come.With
a lot of trouble i got up and reached Kagome.I shook her lightly.I was surprised that i could actually move my muscles
when i hadnt for soo long.I didnt care how that managed to happen though.When she woke up she was about to scream
but i placed my hand over her mouth.I told her to follow me outside and she did.When we got out there she hugged me tightly.
"Im soo happy you are ok"she told me"we almost thought you were going to die"
"well im alive now"I told her
"When did you wake up and hoow do you feel?"she asked
"I woke up just now and i feel great but thats not the point"
she looked at me with a questioning face
"I want to get out of here."i told her
"What!" she creamed
"Shhhhhhh.Dont scream i dont want to wake anyone up.But yes i want out of here.I almost got killed for nothing and i want to go back to school"
"But you have helped us sooo much.You cant just leave like that.Inuyasha is really sorry about the accident.He didnt do it on purpose it was a
mistake.Plus the Jwel is almost complete thanks to you and your gift and if you stay for a little longer we can complete it.Please dont go"she begged
"I know what Inuyasha did was a mistake but i want to leave.I have missed too much school and if i keep this up i will never get to college"I told her
"You are in advanced classes.You are in the 12 grade at age 15 you get a diploma if you just ask for one"
(Kagome was in one of Shinas classes because Shina was just there to help the teacher with some students.She does that because she really doesnt need
to go to school and the teachers dont bother teching her so they send her to other classes to help the students in need)
"Kagome i want to leave"
"Well your not"came a familiar voice
"Inuyasha i dont want to stay.Kagome can still see the shards so there really no need for me"
"With Kagome alone we have to travel around and around visiting too many places.With you we go exactly where the shards are so we get them faster and therefore
there is no way in hell you are getting out of here before that shard is you understand"he said
"Well you see i want ot get out of here.I will get out of here either you like it or not.And if you manage to make me stay here i will not tell you my visions,i will not use my
power and that will just make me useless"I told him
"I WANT TO SEE YOU TRY!"i yelled back
"Keep it down out there"came the voices of Miroku and Sango
"Look Kagome just tell me how to leave."
"Im sorry Shina but no.We need you here too badly"
What if i tell you where the rest of the shards are.Will you let me go then?"i asked
"Ofcourse"said inuyasha
I told him where the rest of the shards where located.After i was done they both took me to the well.Kagome tried to persuade me to stay but i was as stubborn as hell
and said no.At first she didnt want to tell me but then she told me she was coming with me to get some things.Inuysha just said w/ever and we both jumped in.
When we both got to our destination she kept trying to persuade me to go back with her but i kept sying no.I headed to my house to find my mom doing some paper
wok on the living room.When she saw me she hugged me tightly.
"Oh sweety i have missed you soo much"she told me
"Same here mom"
"But why are you back?"
"I thought you missed me and now you want me out.What kind of mother are you"i said playfully
"Oh Shina.But really do you need anything?"she asked
"Nope.I'm here to stay and im not going back to that time"i told her
"I just dont.Im tired im going to take a bath and then go to sleep"i told her changing the subject
"Ok.Will you like some dinner.I ordered some pizza for me and a friend who helped me with some work.There is still some in the kitchen if you want me to heat it up"
she offered
"Now that you mention it i am hungry so yeah heat some up for me"i told her as i headed up to my room.
Time came and went.4 months have passed ever sinnce i came back from the feudal era.As much as i have tried to forget about those people i swear i couldnt.I tried dating this guy named Duke.He was soo sweet and everything.I thought he was the one i needed because well he had all the qualities of the man i have always wanted.
But i couldnt get Miroku off my mind and that was affecting our relationship.God sometimes i even saw Miroku in him but when i shook my head there was Duke again.
This was killing me i mean i thought i wanted this.Duke told me i was the women of his life and that toguether we would make all of our dreams come true.The guy was rich and he tld me traveling was on him.My life sucked after i came back from that place and i wanted to fix it.
After Duke had dropped me of at my i went inside.I picked up the phone and dialed at Kagomes house.Her mother picked up and when i asked for Kagome she put me on hold.
"Hello"came the voice of Kagome
"Hi"i said
"Shina is that you?"
"Yeah its me.What you cant belive i actually called?"
"Of course i thought you had forgotten about us.We havent talked since i you came back.Why call now?"
"I need to know somethig"
"What happened to Miroku and Sango after i left?"i asked
"Well they got toguether and Sango is trying to give him a child but so far no luck.You know he cried when you left.He wanted to ask you something and i think you know what it is.Is he the reason you left Shina?"
"Y...y...yeah"i sttutered
I really cant belive he cried over me.No man has ever done that.I was,no still am surprised.
"He told me he loved you.He realized that we thought you were going to die.After you left he thought you didnt want him anymore.That is the main reason he is with her because in his mind you dont love him"she told me.
I felt the tears running freely down my face.
"Do you want to go back?"she asked
"I said if you want to go back?"
"You want to go yes or no"

Well this is where i leave you.If you dont want the next want to have a password then rate high.I hope you liked it and thanks for taking this one.Message me with ideas.Bye

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