InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My twisted life with a perverted monk ❯ Chapter 6

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"I dont know if i should go"i told her"do you really think he will want me?"i asked letting the tears
run freely down my face.
"There is only one way to know and thats to go and see for yourself"she told me
"But if hes with Sango he must have forgotten me by now"
"Look he doesnt want Sango it is shown clearly that he wants you.Listen time is runing out for for him and
if you decide to be stupid and not go and do what your heart tells you then i'll leave you with the pain
to rest in you counsions(i dont know if its spelled right)for the rest of your life.Now if you decide to act like the
women you are then meet me by the well in 15 mnutes wich is the time that i need to get ready to go back."she
said angrily and hung up not letting me even respond.
~It takes me about 7 minutes to get to Kagomes house.I looked at the clock and saw it was 4:23.At 4:38 she
was going to leave and i still dont know if i should go.I wanted to know if it was worth it.Leaving all i had and my relationship
with Duke for a man who i still love.
KAGOME POV:I packed up my things and headed downstairs.I said my goodbyes to my mom and headed for the well.
When i got there i saw no one.The 15 minutes were almost up and shes still not here.
~I guess she didnt want to come after all~i thought
If i was going back was because i wanted to see inuyasha.I mean since the jwel was completed all we needed now was to
finish off naraku and find a wish to use on the jwel.I told inuyasha to wish Naraku was dead but he said he wanted to finish
him off with his own hands.Typical of him.We have gotten closer but he doesn like to show it.He finally forgot about Kykyo and
moved on to me.I feel soo happy.
~well she really isnt coming~i thought as i threw my bookbag inside.I looked back to see if she was coming but still nothing.
*sigh* ~At least i tried~i said and went in.
SHINA'S POV:I sat on my couch deciding how i was going to brake up with Duke.I thought for soo long that i dint notice my time ran out
Midori came in and looked at me.(Sometimes i call her mom sometimes i just call he by her name).
"something wrong sweetheart?"she asked.
She knew the whole Miroku problem,i had to tell her i mean she was like my best friend.
I told her about the conversation i had with Kagome and i also told her that i needed a way to brake up with Duke.
"Ok Shina go meet up with Miroku.If he loves you he will recive you with open arms.Have his child my daughter if that makes
you happy.You know my time here is limited and before i go i want to see my grand child..The problem with Duke i will take
care of it"she told me with a smile.
I hugged her tightly and ran out of the house.I ran down the street to Kagomes house not noticing my time had been up.I ran and ran
as fast as i could to her house.When i finally go there i went to and i asked her mother if Kagome was there and she told me that
i had just missed her.I went outside of the house.I was about to go home when an idea struck her.
"When i was coming back for the first time Kagome told me how to come back and i didnt need her.I just have to jump and i will instantly
be there"I said to myself and for the first time all day i smiled.
I threw myself inside and saw a white light take me inside.
I opened my eyes and stood up.I climbed up and sat on the edge of the well.
~i made it.I'm back~i thought with a smile spread on my face.I was soo in to my happy moment i didnt notice Kagome sittin next to me.
She poked me on the shoulder and that grabbed my attention.It took me by surprise and i almost fell back inside the well.
"What are you still doing here?"i asked her
She smiled."You decided to listen to me and come back to find your true love"she told me
"Yeah.My mom convinced me.You know her problem and she told me her wish is to see me happy and with a child that would call her grandma"i
told her a bit sadly.
"Well lets go find them"she said taking my hand and we both started walking
"Do you guys still travel toguether?"i asked her
"Yeah.We have the jwel completed but we still need to kill Naraku"she responded
"Oh"i said
We both kept walking and walking untill we finally were near Kaedes hut.
I stopped all of a sudden.Kagome noticed this and looked at me with a worried face.
"Is something the matter Shina?"she asked stepping closer to me.
"I dont think i can do this.What will they say.I left you guys such a long time ago and then to just come back out of nowhere like that.I dont think
is a good idea"i told her
"You came this far,dont back down now"she told me as she grabbed my hand and dragged me inside.
Everyone looked at me like if they were looking at a ghost.
"Hey guys"Kagome said "I brought an old friend with me"she continued
"So you decided to come back"Inuyasha told me
"Yeah.I was bored at home and decided to come and see what was going on around here"i told him
"Well as you can see nothing"he said bitterly
Sango was giving me a death glare.I just shrugged it off and sat down next to Kagome.
~I told you they didnt want me here~i told her mentally
"calm down"she whispered
Shippou started to play with me again and he kept telling me how much he missed me and all.
Inuyasha went outside to see the stars because he complainded about this place being to noisy.
Sango took Kagome outside and started talking to her about why did she bring me back.
I looked at me Miroku who was lookinng at me.He came closer to me untill he was righ next to me.Shippou left outside to tell Kagome he wanted some fruits.
"Why did you leave?"he asked me
I looked down at my hands.
"I didnt want to fall in love with a person who i thought woulnt change and just wanted to use me"I said in a low voice
"Who didnt you want to fall for?"he asked me knowing the answer to the question alredy
"You"i said simply
"You didnt want to fall for me because you thought i was going to use you?"he asked me surprised
"If i act perverted its because i need a child soon.My time is limited and i dont have time to search my feelings for the right women.But for you
i knew i loved you since i first saw you even though you told me i loved someone else.I knew my heart didnt belong to anyone but you.But since you
told me someone else was having my child i tried to get my heart to fall in love with that person.It didnt work.When you left the only thing that came to my
mind was that you didnt love me and thats why i asked Sango to have my child.We have slept toguether i wont hide that but every time i did i though of you.
I wished it was i you i was entering not her.But i needed a child and if you werent here i had to take what was there,and that was Sango.So far no baby and im
wondering if your vision was wrong?"he said all of that while holding my hand
I felt horrible about all this.
"While i was out after Inuyasha had sliced me,i talked to my dead grandma,she told me that i had seen my vision wrong and that someone else was going to have your child."i told him wiping the tears that were about to come out.
He was surprised to hear this."Who"he asked
I looked in to his eyes "Me"i responded
This took him by surprise "You?"he asked"are you sure this time?"
"Yes.I checked a lot of times"I told him
He smiled and i did too.
"Would you like to make that vision come true?"he asked me holding my hand tighter
"Lets give it a try"I answered

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