InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My twisted life with a perverted monk ❯ Chapter 8

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Maybe he will maybe he wont.I just want to enjoy as much time as he has left with me.I want
to think of the positive things that we are going to go through.If i can do anything to help him
i swear to God i will.We both held hand but neither said anything to eachother.It was silent
between both of us but the songs of the birds reminded us that we were not alone.
I was lost in my my own thoughts thinking of the child that later on might be forming
in my stomach.Just thinking about it got me very excited.
"Was your first time everything you wanted it to be?"Miroku asked me braking the silence
between us.He had a small smile planted on his lips.
"It was a bit painful at the begining but besides that is was grate"I reasponded with a small
blush covering my cheeks.
He let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.I placed my head on his
shoulder and we were back to the silent walking once again.

With The Others:Everyone was awake now and wating for the couple to return.Sango was the
only one sitting in a corner with a look that just said "Stay away from me".Every now and then
she would say some things that were not pleasent about Shina,and that certain vocabulary
made Kagome take young Shippou out of the room so the youg demon would not hear them.
Inuyasha actually thought this was very enterteining though he did not show it.
~Who would have thought that hentai would have two girls fighting over him~Inuyasha thought.
He gave faint smile and as soon as it came it left.
Kagome was busy outside trying to keep Shippou busy.She decided to leave him playing
with Kilala while she went inside and tried to calm Sango who in return just told her to stay
away from her.
"Whats taking them so long?"Inuyasha asked Kagome who gave up on trying to calm her
friend and was now sitting next to him.
"Shina told me they would be back in the morning but i dont now whats taking them so long"
she responded
"They are wasting time.The longer it takes for them to come the less time i have to find Naraku"
Inuyasha said bitterly
"Calm down Inuyasha their going to be here any moment now"
"They better be"
Kagome stood up and went outside to check on Shippou.He was still playing with Kilala.She
stood there smiling and looking at them.Kagome saw two figures aprochig her.She couldnt
see who they were but as the figures got closer she saw Miroku and Shina toguether.Shina
waved hello to her and Kagome's smiled wider now and waved hello back to her.Shina let
go of her love and ran the little space there was left to Kagome.Kagome hugged her friend
like if they hadnt seen eachother in years instead of just one day.
"Good morning Kagome"Miroku said and went inside
"Good morning Miroku"She said happily
As soon as he had stepped inside the two girls started chatting
"So how do you feel?"asked Kagome
"Well to tell you the truth,like a grown women"Shina said.
Both girls broke in to laughter but stopped as soon as they heard yelling inside the small hut.

"Im sorry Sango i know i should not have left you without a proper brake up"Miroku
said trying to calm her down.
Kagome and Shina rushed inside fearing that Sango would loose control and throw her weapon
at Miroku.
"YOU!"Sango yelled as soon as she saw Shina
She was going to attack her but found herself held by Miroku
"LET ME GO!"She screamed histerically"IM GOING TO KILL HER"
"It's not her fault Sango"Miroku tried to calm her onec again"Its mine.I left with her and didnt tell
you anything.I Should have told you that i didnt love you in the first place.I shouldnt have used
you in such a way.It was wrong of me."Miroku whispered to her.That apology seemed to calm
her down.Not long after Sango stopped yealling and Miroku stopped talking she broke down
crying slipping out of MIroku's arms.
She sat on the floor crying but no one dared confort her.Her hands covered her face.
Shina looked at her sadly.She never hated Sango even though Sango hated her.
LIttle by little everyone started leaving the hut.
They all settled outside wating for Sango to come to her senses so they could leave.

SANGO'S POV:I just sat ther crying like a pathatic little girl.I was afraid of falling in love
because i was afraid this would happen.But no i wanted this man so badly i didnt
care he didnt love me.I thought that with time he would learn to love me but no.All he
did was think about her.I ignored it when he called her in his sleep pretending i didnt
hear him when the truth was i did hear him and i hated it.If it wasnt for her i would be
holding a child made by him and me.A little baby boy or girl who would bring us closer.
We would be happy.But no.She had to come in between us.She had to use those
futuaristic cloths to make him drool over her.She let him touch her like nothing.I have
dignity and i give myslef value.Thats why i didnt let him touch me when he felt like
touching.But i guess thats what he wanted because in the end he chose her over me.
Why couldnt she have stayed in her own time?Why did Kagome have to bring her?
Why did she have to come between Miroku and me?Maybe if i had made my move
a little bit earlier i would have had a chance with him.I cant blame him though.She is
better looking then me.She dresses better and has a better body even though she is
youger.Maybe i should move on and forget about him.I should leave so they can do
thei lives.I should get another man who would treat better than Miroku.I will get another
man.I just wonder if it would be as easy as it sounds to get a man that would make me
feel the same way i feel about Miroku?

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