InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My twisted life with a perverted monk ❯ Chapter 10

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

“Get her out of there already! I want to get that damn Naraku already and she is wasting my time!" InuYasha yelled in frustration.
"InuYasha, this is a very delicate problem. She needs time to think over some things,” Kagome delicately told him.
I held on to Miroku's arm while I rested my head on his shoulder. It had been almost an hour since Sango had kicked everyone out of the hut. InuYasha was sitting on a nearby rock; Kagome was standing next to it with Shippou on her shoulder, and was waiting. Miroku and me were just standing in front of the hut.
Everyone finally the time came and Sango came out. To everyone's surprise she wasn't sad. She was actually smiling.
"Come on lets go. Naraku is waiting,” she said as she walked.
InuYasha was the first one to go and then the rest followed down the green path of grass. Kagome, Sango, and I were at the back talking about anything that came to mind.
"So do you feel pregnant yet Shina?” Kagome asked.
"I don't know really. I have never been pregnant before. Plus, I don't think I can get pregnant this fast,” I responded.
"What would you like the sex of the baby to be?" Sango asked next.
I truly was surprised to see her smiling so quickly. I thought these problems took longer to solve.
"I really don't care. A boy or a girl would make me happy,” I replied.
The girls kept asking me questions and giving me advice. They asked me what would I name the baby, where I would raise it and things like that. I saw through Sango's fake smiling mask and saw a shattered heart. I tried to change the topic numerous of times, but the newfound conversation always led to the old topic.
As we walked, we passed by some demons that hopefully had information on Naraku, but none of them had information on the half demon.
We walked miles none stop. Everyone but InuYasha and Shippou was tired. We all complained to him for a while until he had to give up and let us rest on a clearing next to the river. The guys went to look for firewood while we girls plus Shippou went to take a bath.
"Finally some rest,” Kagome announced as she sank deeper in the water. Sango and me just nodded in agreement.
For a while, Shippou played with Kagome and Sango. I stayed in a corner just thinking of the future was ahead of me.
The changes that will come, it's not only the baby but also the fact that I had to adjust to this time. I guess it was all worth it though.
That night we were out of food from my time so we had fried fish and some fruits we all found. During the meal everyone ate in silence. No one said a word to no one and the silence was way uncomfortable.
After the meal InuYasha was the first one to leave. He went to a nearby tree, climbed up to the highest branch and just stared at the star painted sky. Miroku followed next but he went near the river. Shippou and Kilala played around while us girls kept an eye on them.
"Aren't you going to go after him?" Sango asked.
"No, why should I?” I responded.
"As a psychic, I thought you would know when a person was feeling lonely or sad.”
"Fine, fine. I'll go and check him out.”
I stood up and took the direction he took a couple of minutes ago. I found him sitting down staring at his cursed hand.
"Is anything bothering you? Do you want to tell me anything?” I asked as I took a seat next to him
I grabbed the hand he was looking at a couple of minutes ago and gave it a light squeeze.
"Listen everything will be OK. We are going to defeat Naraku and live a happy life the three of us. I'm going to make sure of that.”
He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer.
"I know everything will be alright.”
We shared a small kiss. It was short but full of passion. I wanted it to last longer but Sango was watching. I didn't have much of a problem when people saw me kissing, but when the person watching is in love with my boyfriend then it's a whole new deal.
Miroku and I just stared at the stars reflected on the crystal clear water. The night breeze was cool but I was warm. We were warm since we had each other.
Miroku then placed his hand on my stomach and I placed my hand on his. I could feel that he was excited to be a father. I could feel that he would risk anything for us and would want us to be happy. I looked at his face. The moon's light was shining on it. He looked so handsome and so at peace with the way the situation was now, me in his arms and his unborn child. But, I didn't make any moves since Sango was still there. I could feel jealousy radiating off of her.
At the moment, everything was way it should be. I squeezed his hand and leaned my head on his shoulder and continued looking at the star, which was twinkling down at us.