InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My twisted life with a perverted monk ❯ Chapter 11

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I heard on a show that after having sex you needed to wait at least three days
before checking to see if you are pregnant. So far, three days have passed and I just
can't wait to check. Kagome agreed to come with me to the doctor as soon as
the rain went down.
Ever since the talk with Miroku it had been raining cats and dogs. Since
the next village was sooo far, heading back to Kaede's was our only
choice. When we arrived Kaede was not there so we all guessed she had gone
out to do something. But with this rain, who would be crazy enough to go out?
Kagome, Sango and I sat together with Shippou and Kilala.
"Do you feel pregnant yet?” asked Kagome for the one-hundredth time. This was a
question that was getting me tired.
"Listen sweetie, I think you want to be pregnant more than me. If that's
the case, InuYasha is right there and he runs pretty fast so you guys can get
to a more private place in no time," I responded.
Her whole face turned red and as I looked at InuYasha from across the room
all I saw was a stared that read, "You are soo dead!"
Sango and I laughed it out, but while Kagome jut blushed furiously.
The thunder came down hard, illuminating the entire hut. Little Shippou got
scared and ran to me. I held him close to me and rocked him until he stopped
whimpering. I guess the thunder really scared him because he stayed with
me even after the incident. The girls and I chatted along with Miroku who
came later on to put his perverted flavor in the conversation. Shippou fell
asleep in my lap and soon I fell to sleep leaning on Miroku's shoulder.
For some reason, I was the first one to wake up. Must have been because of
all the excitement. Today, just like I predicted, the rain would go away and
Kagome would come with me to the doctor. I didn't look further to the results
just because I didn't want to spoil the surprise.
It was very early. The sun was not completely out. InuYasha, who is the first one to always wake up, was still sleeping. The sleep didn't come back to me. The only option was to stay alert, looking at everyone. InuYasha woke up a little after I had.
"What the heck are you doing up so early?” he asked.

~Why couldn't he say good morning like a normal person?~I wondered. My answer
came just after I looked at him ~because he is InuYasha~was my answer.
"Good morning to you too InuYasha. I guess I just woke up because I am
"`Bout what?” he asked after he came closer to where I was sitting.
"Well, you know test results. My life is changing, and well Naraku of course."
"Oh. You really like that skirt chaser huh?" he asked.
"Umm, well, yeah. I mean he's like the guy who I love and want to spend my
life with."
InuYasha was going to give me an answer when out of nowhere, Miroku popped
out behind me with a kiss on the cheek.
"Oh that's soo sweet. I love you too,” he said with a childish smile.
"You make me sick," InuYasha snorted.

(Later that Day):
"Don't take too damn long doing stupid girl stuff," InuYasha warned after we had arrived at the well.
"Don't worry InuYasha, we will be back in about four days," Kagome responded.

 "WHAT?!?!?!” he screamed, "How long does it take for a woman to find out if
she has a kid in her stomach?"
"Not more that a day really, but Shina here told me that my cousin is visiting and I want to spend some time with her."

"Fine, but don't waste any more time on stupid things."

I gave Miroku a quick goodbye kiss before Kagome and I jumped inside. We
arrived in no time like always. Kagome went to drop off her bag before we
left over to go to my house. After sending my mother a telepathic message telling
her to be ready, Kagome came out and we were on our way.
"Ready to make me a grandma sweetie?" my mother asked me as we arrived at the
front door.
"Sure am!" I responded.

"Well, hello there Kagome. How have you been?" she greeted Kagome.

"Hello, Mrs. Kalin. I am fine and you?"

"Good to hear, same here."

I was more nervous than ever before. As the doctor did the tests, Kagome
and my mother waited outside.
"Wait out in the waiting room. The test results will be given to you shortly," the nurse told me as I made my way out.
I really didn't know for how long we all wait outside. I just wanted the doctor to tell me, "Congratulations Ms. Kalin, in nine months you will have your child!"

 The doors of the waiting room slid open and I came in the same nurse that had dismissed me a while ago. I held my breath while walking in. All sorts of things were going though my mind.
Such as: Am I really pregnant? Will it be a girl? Boy? Will it just be one baby, or will it be twins, triplets, or more?
All of these questions were going through my mind as I was walking into the room. I wasn't paying attention, until I heard a voice.
"Ms. Kalin," she began,” the results are in…"