InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My White Lord ❯ Just a Sense, Just a Glimpse ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
do not own Inuyasha or any other recognizable characters from any series*

My White Lord: Chapter 1: Just a Glimpse, Just a Glace

The curtains softly fluttered as a cool breeze came through the window. Sunlight shone through, shining on the face of a pale beauty. A pale beauty who hated mornings.

Kagome rolled over in her bed and buried herself under the covers, “Five more minutes, please?” she groaned to herself. She was supposed to go back through the well today. She didn’t want to, not just yet. Her bed was just so.. comfortable. She let herself sink into her bed a little more, feeling the cool breeze across her skin. It felt nice, especially considering how hot the summer days had been lately.

Her brother than ran into her room, throwing the door open with a bang. “Wake up sis! If you don’t you’ll have Inuyasha in here yelling! He’s already down stairs!”

‘Already down stairs? This early? That damned dog.’ she thought to herself.

She sat up in her bed to tell her brother to scram, forgetting about the little lingerie number she wore to bed that night, a little pink, sheer teddy.

“Gah! Sis! I really don’t need to see that!”

“You don’t need to see what?” Kagome heard Inuyasha say from behind Souta. He entered the room, seeing what Kagome was wearing, he turned beet red, but couldn’t help but staring.

Kagome in turn, turned beet red “You guys don’t need to stare!” she exclaimed, pulling her blanket around her, blocking their view of her goodies “Just get out of my room already! I’ll be down soon!” The two boys turned quickly out of the room, Inuyasha hesitating only a moment. Kagome noticed, “Leave!” throwing a pillow at him.

Kagome sighed, having silence once more. Why did Inuyasha have to come so early? Ruining her morning already. She groaned and got out of bed and shuffled to her dresser.

‘He’ll pay for having that look at me… ‘ she thought while choosing her clothes. She grew tired of wearing her school uniform day in and out in the feudal era. It didn’t make sense, she wasn’t in school there, was she? No, she wasn’t, time for a change of clothes.

She opted for a simple outfit, so she could move easy while running around. A dark green tank top, dark blue jeans, and her normal white sneakers. They were good for running around in, why should she mess up her other shoes when these worked just fine? She filled her backpack with similar clothes, and headed down to the living room, where she heard her brother beating Inuyasha at some game.

“Ha! I won again!” Her brother shouted in victory, “I am the winner!”

“Yeah, well, if this was a real battle I woulda had you beat.” Inuyasha grumbled. Kagome giggled, it was funny when Inuyasha lost at anything, he got so angry.

“Come on Inuyasha, you wanted to leave, lets leave.”

“Keh, fine with me.”

Kagome kissed her mom good bye and they headed to the well.


On the other side of the well, the weather was just as nice. It would be a good day, right? How could it not be with such nice weather?

They met up with the rest of the group. While the others prepared to leave Shippou showed Kagome his new drawings. He had quite a few, to show, Kagome had been gone for two weeks, much to Inuyasha’s displeasure. She had finally caught up in school, and it was now spring break. Which meant Kagome would be starting high school soon. She had just barely scrapped the test scores she needed to get into the same school as all her friends. She just hoped she would manage to keep up in middle school. She sighed at the thought.

As soon as everyone was ready, they set off again on their search for the jewel shards. This time they headed west, for they had heard some rumors concerning overly powerful demon. They suspected Shikon shard involvement.

The road went fairly smoothly. All in all, the west lands were quieter in demon activity. The local demons were rather afraid of their White Lord. That’s what they all called him anyway, they were too afraid to speak his name. To our group, his is known as Sesshomaru.

The demon attacks were rather far west, at the very edge at Sesshomaru’s lands, which is probably why it carried on so long. It was going to take at least a week for them to reach the village. Kagome just hoped not too many people died.


Kagome sighed, the sun was now high in the sky and it was getting rather hot. They had barely been able to get Inuyasha to let them stop and rest. She crawled under a tree and pulled out a small battery fan from her pack. She was so glad she remembered it, and extras. The others got fans too. She made sure she had gotten soft fans, she had a feeling they would keep poking them, and she was right. Shippou was rather entertained by poking it.. Kagome sighed. Oh well, they didn’t know better, it was strange technology for them.

Kagome laid out on the grass, enjoying it’s coolness under her. She closed her eyes and just tried to suck it all in. It was just so hot today. She could barely stand it. She listened to the people chatter around her… about nonsense really. But nonsense is good sometimes, especially when there is all this sadness around them. But still, she didn’t feel like listening to it much. So she pulled out her mp3 player and started listening to it. She tried to not listen to it too much, since she could carry only so many batteries with her.

Right now she just didn’t really care. She’d just gotten a new Utada cd, and she hadn’t gotten to listen to it yet. Inuyasha pulled her away too fast. So, she relaxed into the grass and listened to the songs. Then, she sensed something..

No, someone. She concentrated on the aura, music fading slowly into the back of her head. She mustn’t let it distract her, but she didn’t want to alarm the others, so she the headphones in her ears, and she concentrated.

She recognized the aura.

It was him.

She slowly stood, and walked toward the aura. She didn’t care if the others noticed her going. She’d been sensing him near them for a while now, but never this close. But still, Inuyasha never noticed.

She broke into a run.

She had to catch up with him.
Why has he been near them so much?

It couldn’t be coincidence.

She had to know.

She heard the others calling after her.

She tripped over a tree root.

Damn her clumsiness.

She caught a glimpse of silver hair.

He was gone.

*CH. 1 FIN*

Authors note: Well, this is my first fan fiction in a very long time! I wonder if I can actually finish this one. ^^; *has issues with finishing things* Wish me luck?