InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My White Lord ❯ Just a Dream ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
do not own Inuyasha*

My White Lord: Chapter 2: Just a Dream


Kagome stared, he was gone. He was gone! Why was he following them!? It couldn’t be just a coincidence! Her breathing was heavy. She felt dizzy. She was not a quiet or particularly quick creature. Which means he obviously had to know she was running toward him. He must have heard her. He was after all, the great dog demon.

She looked down at the ground, regaining her breath. Sango and Miroku had followed her. And were now asking if she was alright. Kagome abruptly stood up and brushed herself off and looked at them.

“Yeah, I’m fine guys. I just thought… I sensed a demon. But the feeling is gone now. Shall we get going?”

They gave her funny looks. She felt kind of guilty. Should she tell them that she knew who she sensed? Or that she’d been sensing him around them for a while? Naw, everything would work it’s self out, she knew it. No sense in making them worried. And it’s not she was actually lying to them, he was a demon, and she sensed him.

“Okay Kagome-chan, if you’re sure, lets go.” Sango told her, still with the funny look.

“I swear! Everything is fine! Let’s go.”

Inuyasha was surprisingly quiet about the whole thing. Oh well, he was probably thinking about Kikyou or something, Kagome thought with a sigh.

They continued the rest the day without much incident. Just a small bear demon that tried to get in their way. Inuyasha took care of that easily enough. As it was nearing sunset, they found a clearing to sleep for the night. And there was a hot spring nearby. Kagome was overjoyed. It wasn’t every day that they camped near one.

Sango had opted out of the bath, and just promised she’d keep an eye on the boys for Kagome.

Kagome headed for the hot spring, bath amenities in tow. She undressed and got in the spring. It was so hot, and it felt so good. Hotter than Kagome could make her tub be at home. She rested her head and arms on the side and just spaced out for a while, enjoying the heat.

She should make her way back to camp soon…

Inuyasha would be angry…

But it felt nice…

It was so warm.

And she was sleepy…


Kagome jumped with a start and looked around. She had fallen asleep in the spring! “Gah, Kagome! You’re so stupid!” she scolded herself.

“Yes, foolish indeed.”

Kagome’s eyes widened and she whirled around. Sesshomaru was standing there, with a seemingly amused expression on his face.


“That is my name.”

Kagome huffed. “Hey! Peeping Tom! I’m in the bath you pervert!” She scrambled out of the spring and quickly covered her self with a towel.

Sesshomaru didn’t say a word. Instead, he closed the distance between the two of them. Kagome’s breath caught. The only thing she could hear was her heat beating madly, and his breath in her ear.

“What do you want?” she whispered hoarsely. He leaned in even closer, lips brushing her cheek to her ear.

“You interest this Sesshomaru.”

Kagome’s eyes widened in surprise of him being so close, and fell back into the hot spring.


Kagome woke with a start to Sango shaking and calling out to her.

“Kagome-chan! Wake up! This isn’t healthy!” Sango called out to her friend, shaking her gently. Kagome woke with a start.

“Wah? Sango-chan? Where.. where is Sesshomaru?”

“Sesshomaru? Kagome-chan, he isn’t here. We haven’t seen him in a while.”

Kagome looked around. She really had just fallen asleep… it was a dream. It had felt so real though. But no, there was no evidence of him, for once. Her towel was still off to the side, and she was stark naked in the hot spring… damn, not only did she sense him everywhere now, but now she was dreaming about him? Things were really starting to get weird..

“I’m okay Sango-chan, thank you for waking me. I’ll just finish bathing and I’ll be back to camp soon.”

“If you’re sure..”

“Go ahead Sango-chan, no need to worry about me..”

“See you later then.. “ Sango left.

Was he really never here?

‘Am I going crazy?’

Kagome quickly washed her hair and headed back to camp.

She took a look back to the spring..

“Just a dream… I guess.”


Author’s Note: I would make the chapters longer, but, I dunno, they kinda end this way. ^^;; I’m gonna make sure I update every few days. I should be able to keep that up unless work kicks my ass. So I’ll probably miss one here or there.

Remember, what I said first chapter, I haven’t seriously sat and written a story in a long time! I’d love for your feedback. ^_^ And while I’m not one of those authors who demands reviews to continue with the story, I’m just saying, they are nice. Help keep one positive/willing to work on the story. <3